No Masturbation - Alternative Timelines

Post your wet dream experiences and questions here.
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WDF Veteran
WDF Veteran
Posts: 143
Joined: Fri May 17, 2024 7:02 pm
Location: Wickford, Essex, UK
Number of wet dreams youʹve experienced: 5
Foreskin status: Intact
Underwear worn when going to sleep: Nude
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 4-6 hours
Date of last voluntary orgasm/ejaculation: 01 May 1924
Age: 41

No Masturbation - Alternative Timelines

Post by Airrad »

Random question for you all

Had anyone wondered what your timeline would be like (like ages dates times events through their puberty and adulthood) if they never learnt to masturbate at all?

When would I get my first wet dream in this timeline?
What would I dream about in each one?
How often would I have a wet dream and ejaculate?
How would my personality be different?
Would this change my perception of my sexuality?
Would I have more friends and a social life?
Would I have a girlfriend?

Wondered what other people would think my timeline would be like from my posts or what do they think their timeline would be like?
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