Ant's Journal

If you wish to post your diaries, logs, or journal of your wet dream quest or experiences, please post them here.
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Number of wet dreams youʹve experienced: 6
Foreskin status: Circumcised
Underwear worn when going to sleep: Boxer-briefs
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 0-2 hours
Date of last voluntary orgasm/ejaculation: 15 Jan 2024
Age: 23

Re: Ant's Journal

Post by Anthemic »

Day 165 - No WD

Still nothing, but definitely an enjoyable level of horny recently. I actually hung out with a friend a day ago. We somehow ended up cuddling, and my boxer briefs were soaked in pre after. Definitely a good time, haha. As for my dreams, I've noticed they've been kinda stressful but about things in the back of my mind and definitely not sexual at all. Thought I'd be able to influence the dreams I'd have by surrounding myself with more WD content, but my brain will do what it wants haha (you might mention lucid dreaming, but I've never been able to and don't feel motivated enough to learn right now lol).

Also re-noticing that going to the gym makes me extremely horny. While I'm working out, I feel a rise in energy which teeters along the lines of sexual energy. And after, I'm just feeling good. I'm already keeping up with my routine, but I honestly feel the urge to get more physical activity in so I can feel like this more. So yeah, day's feeling good right now, and I hope I can keep this mood up for a while.
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Number of wet dreams youʹve experienced: 6
Foreskin status: Circumcised
Underwear worn when going to sleep: Boxer-briefs
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 0-2 hours
Date of last voluntary orgasm/ejaculation: 15 Jan 2024
Age: 23

Re: Ant's Journal

Post by Anthemic »

Day 167 - No WD

It's officially been 100 days since my last WD! Unfortunate :/ Nothing to do but to keep going, though.

Idk why it's taking so long to get another one. I might be one of the poor souls who don't need to WD often, but I would like to have them anyway, universe! Not much to update really except for the fact that I had a great workout today. When I came back, I was spending some time naked in my room and played with my nipples a bit. There was quite a bit of precum for such a short time, so I at least enjoyed that. Hoping for something more soon.

I also have been looking into foreskin restoration recently. I haven't been strict with the regimen, but I am interested in getting some sensitivity back. I definitely know my head has been desensitized, and maybe it being more sensitive would help when it brushes against stuff at night (might be reaching here). Regardless, I know restoration is going to be a very long process, and I might not do it with all my heart, so it'll likely be a maaany-years-long undertaking. But, we'll see how it goes from here.
Posts: 187
Joined: Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:05 am
Location: Malaysia
Number of wet dreams youʹve experienced: 30
Foreskin status: Circumcised
Underwear worn when going to sleep: Nude
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 2-4 hours
Date of last voluntary orgasm/ejaculation: 15 Aug 2020

Re: Ant's Journal

Post by Texanguy »

Back to feeling horny will hopefully lead to a WD soon. Good luck!
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Number of wet dreams youʹve experienced: 6
Foreskin status: Circumcised
Underwear worn when going to sleep: Boxer-briefs
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 0-2 hours
Date of last voluntary orgasm/ejaculation: 15 Jan 2024
Age: 23

Re: Ant's Journal

Post by Anthemic »

Day 176 - No WD

Closest I've been in a long time last night. I had a dream where I woke up (in dream) and checked below my pants. Everything felt sticky and half-wet, so I took off my pants to check more thoroughly. Sure enough, I knew I had a WD and was so excited. I didn't feel any pleasure or recount anything, but just the fact that I had released made me so happy.

Anyway, that all happened in a dream. I woke up soon after and everything was completely dry haha. It was at least a fun dream though and hopefully indicative of good things to come.
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Location: Wisconsin
Number of wet dreams youʹve experienced: 4
Foreskin status: Restoring
Underwear worn when going to sleep: Nude
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 6+ hours
Date of last voluntary orgasm/ejaculation: 10 Dec 2023
Age: 44

Re: Ant's Journal

Post by Mikey42 »

I've had a couple of dreams like that in the past. Definitely fun but can be a but frustrating. Keep at it. It can't be long now.
Last WD: March 5th, 2024
My sleep and horniness data log: Mikey's Data Log
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Number of wet dreams youʹve experienced: 6
Foreskin status: Circumcised
Underwear worn when going to sleep: Boxer-briefs
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 0-2 hours
Date of last voluntary orgasm/ejaculation: 15 Jan 2024
Age: 23

Re: Ant's Journal

Post by Anthemic »

Well it might be a bit longer because I think I'm going to reset my streak. At least the days, anyway. I ended up releasing today but not through MB. An interaction with a friend led to me releasing, and I honestly did not expect it to have gone that far, but it did. I didn't stop in time, and ended up cumming in my pants. Yep, that happened :/

But since it happened, might as well report on how it was. It didn't exactly feel the best. Probably because I was focused on the fact that I technically lost my streak. There was some pain in my prostate area (I mean it's been a while since it last pumped like that I guess lol), and it kinda felt like it was just leaking out with every pump. There was definitely a lot of cum. My underwear and pants were soaked when I checked them at when I got home.

It feels weird. Like I'm not drained per se. Though I will re-check in tomorrow on how I'm feeling. I think that I shouldn't feel horrible about it though. I didn't end my streak by MBing. In any case, I have kept my streak in that regard, though now I have to reevaluate if sex and other forms of release with others should count. If I am that strict, then perhaps I'm missing the whole point of ABing. I have definitely changed into someone who doesn't want to pursue MBing. I don't think I want to be someone who avoids release completely, especially when it's with someone else. That being said, I do think this will impede my WD goal, which is also fine. I will start again on my streak and just start counting from Day 0 again. This will just be a number for tracking conscious releases. I'm keeping up the non-MBing, and I don't think I'll have to track that anymore. I made it 184 days without a conscious release, though! Looking forward to seeing what the next streak is (and the one after that). Hopefully, I'll get a WD again eventually. I will also say that this encounter today was a one-off, so unless a WD comes, I don't think I'll be seeking release again anytime soon until I decide to pursue that kind of relationship.

The only unfortunate thing I should also mention is that last night I had felt a WD coming. Or I at least felt like I was about to release and then I unintentionally clenched as I was starting to gain consciousness. Perhaps a WD was coming soon, but today's release might delay that a bit. If anything, kind of excited to see if the initial week 1-2 horniness will come back. It's been a while since I've felt that haha.
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Location: Malaysia
Number of wet dreams youʹve experienced: 30
Foreskin status: Circumcised
Underwear worn when going to sleep: Nude
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 2-4 hours
Date of last voluntary orgasm/ejaculation: 15 Aug 2020

Re: Ant's Journal

Post by Texanguy »

It's difficult to say what the effects will be, especially if it was unintended and you had no desire to MB before, during, or after. Are you still retaining the non-MBer horniness? It's still possible that you could get a WD soon.
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Number of wet dreams youʹve experienced: 6
Foreskin status: Circumcised
Underwear worn when going to sleep: Boxer-briefs
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 0-2 hours
Date of last voluntary orgasm/ejaculation: 15 Jan 2024
Age: 23

Re: Ant's Journal

Post by Anthemic »

Day 3 - No WD

I'm noticeably less horny, but I definitely still am horny. I mean, I'd love to still get a WD, so I'm hoping for the best. Though, given my track record, I doubt I'll get one soon. Still, not going to say this release was anything bad! It wasn't MBing. I reset the number of days just to keep track of non-WD releases, but the non-MB streak continues (day 187).
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Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2023 5:26 pm
Number of wet dreams youʹve experienced: 6
Foreskin status: Circumcised
Underwear worn when going to sleep: Boxer-briefs
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 0-2 hours
Date of last voluntary orgasm/ejaculation: 15 Jan 2024
Age: 23

Re: Ant's Journal

Post by Anthemic »

Day 14 - WD!

You don't know how happy I am to finally be able to share a post and pics about a successful WD. I'm not gonna lie, I haven't been feeling horny at all lately. It might be due to the release I had two weeks ago, or perhaps I've gotten too used to my baseline energy levels. Whatever it was, all I know is that I did not expect a WD at all last night. In fact, I had actually gone to bed a bit gloomy and super tired. Perhaps my emotional state played a role? Ah, I won't theorize too much more. Anyways, I slept at about 12:30am, and it happened about two hours later.

I woke up from a dream I can't recall, and I remember thinking I needed to pee. As I walked to the bathroom, I felt a little wet spot in my pants, and I thought I had accidentally began to wet myself. When I pulled my pants down to check, I squeezed my hard dick a bit and some cum came out. I then looked at my underwear and saw there was a decently sized dark patch. I just had a WD without realizing it. I didn't feel anything while it was happening, but man did the realization after the fact feel good at least.

*also idk how everyone else is adding in their photos without the link, but if anyone can teach me the way, I'd love to know lol
[edit: thanks Peel!]
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Location: California
Number of wet dreams youʹve experienced: 21
Foreskin status: Restoring
Underwear worn when going to sleep: Nude
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 4-6 hours
Date of last voluntary orgasm/ejaculation: 06 Jul 2024

Re: Ant's Journal

Post by marbles428 »

Congrats on the WD ant!

I know that feeling too well. Even if I don’t remember the dream, I still feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when I see what my body was able to do while unconscious.

It seems that WDs come when you least expect them to. That’s certainly been the case for me.
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