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  1. How do I get a wet dream... ?
  2. Why can't I masturbate and get a wet dream...  ?
  3. I've never had a wet dream.  Why not ... ?
  4. How long does it take to get a wet dream if I don't masturbate?
  5. Can I get wet dreams often?
  6. Is a wet dream better than masturbation ?

How do I get a wet dream ... ?

The best way to get a wet dream is to stop ejaculating while awake.  In other words, abstain from all masturbation and sex leading to orgasm.  There are no guarantees that you will have a wet dream if you abstain from masturbation, however it is very likely that you will at some point.  One of our group members put together this list of 'statistics' of various men who experience wet dreams:

Of all the people who explicitly have MORE THAN 2 WET DREAMS PER MONTH, or 'lots, frequent, etc':
10 Never masturbate
1 Has to go a "long time without masturbating"

People who explicitly have MORE THAN ONE WET DREAM PER WEEK or otherwise very often:
6 Never masturbate
1 Long time (same guy)

People who have wet dreams in general, but frequency not stated:
21 Never masturbate
2 "Long time" without masturbating
1 "Week or so" without masturbating


These statistics overwhelmingly show that abstinence of sex and masturbation significantly increases the likelihood of getting a wet dream.  The longer you go abstaining from masturbation and sex, the greater your chances of getting a wet dream.  The reason for this appears to be due to two reasons:  1) the body continuously produces sperm and semen, and without ejaculation for a long period of time, there will be an accumulation of excess sperm and semen that needs to be released.  Although the body has the ability to reabsorb excess semen and sperm, the rate at which it does so may not be fast enough to keep up with the production of new sperm and semen.   2) the brain needs erotic stimuli for an ejaculation, and this is probably driven mostly by hormonal factors, namely testosterone.  If you deny the brain erotic stimuli in the form of physical stimulation while awake in the form of masturbation or sex, the brain will eventually learn to perform its own erotic stimuli during REM sleep in the form of an erotic dream leading to ejaculation. 

These two reasons may be inter-related.  In other words, the various glands that produce semen may give a 'full' signal to the brain, and the brain marks this signal as a need to ejaculate.  If you don't ejaculate intentionally through masturbation or sex, the brain will take over and force an ejaculation through a wet dream while you sleep. 

So far, this is all theory, supported by anecdotal evidence.  The members of this group are attempting to prove or disprove these theories based on our experiences, and possibly create new theories as to why wet dreams happen, and how to get them. 

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Why can't I masturbate and get a wet dream ... ?

It appears that the more you ejaculate while awake through masturbation or sex, the less chance you have of getting a wet dream.  This is because semen and sperm are being released, and the brain is getting erotic stimuli.  So there is no physical or mental need to ejaculate any more than you already are, and thus, a wet dream is unlikely, since the brain and the body have no need to create a wet dream. 

A rare few individuals can get frequent wet dreams (2-3 times per week) AND frequently masturbate at the same time.  It is unknown why such individuals can achieve frequent wet dreams while ejaculating through masturbation frequently as well.  The only loose explanation is that these individuals have a certain subconscious brain activity while sleeping that triggers wet dreams easily.  In other words, their brains are 'wired' for wet dreams. 

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I've never had a wet dream.  Why not ... ?

In almost every case, men who have never had a wet dream have masturbated regularly since puberty or before.  Masturbation provides the needed release of semen and sperm, and provides the brain with needed erotic stimuli.  Masturbation and sex take away the physical and mental need for wet dreams. 

However, wet dreams can occur in guys who do regularly masturbate.  It seems some men are more predisposed to getting wet dreams than others.  Guys who are predisposed to getting wet dreams, often get several per month while they masturbate regularly as well.  If they slow their masturbation frequency, their wet dream frequency typically increases in response. 

So some guys may be able to get a wet dream if they reduce their masturbation and/or sex frequency, but not quit completely.  For example some guys may be able to get a wet dream by reducing their masturbation frequency from once a day to once every two weeks.  But if you really want a wet dream, the best chance to get one is to quit masturbation completely.  Each time you masturbate, you reduce your chance of a wet dream. 

There are a rare few individuals who never masturbate or ejaculate through sex, and never get wet dreams.  Its not clear why this is the case for these individuals.  But the vast majority of individuals who practice such abstinence experience frequent wet dreams. 

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How long does it take to get a wet dream if I don't masturbate ... ?

This varies considerably from person to person.  In some cases it could be within one week.  Other cases could be over 6 months.  There is no definitive answer.  The longer you go without masturbating, the better your chances of getting a wet dream.  Except for a very rare group of individuals, all guys who abstain from  masturbation and sex completely will eventually get a wet dream. 

This group is attempting to find an average time to get a wet dream through its research efforts, and correlate such time with age and a variety of other factors.  So far, there are two members of the group who gave up regular masturbation to get a wet dream and were successful.  It took one guy 45 days to get a wet dream, and the other took 60 days to get a wet dream, for an average of 52 days.  Given the small sample size of only 2 people, this average has no statistical significance though.  We hope additional members will join our group so we can have a statistically large enough sample (approx. 20 people). 

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Can I get wet dreams often ... ?

Yes!  Almost all guys who never masturbated or have given up masturbation for long periods of time experience frequent wet dreams.  Two of our group members fall under this category.  One achieves wet dreams 2-3 times per week (never masturbated), the other experiences them approximately once every three weeks (gave up masturbation 10 years ago). 

For those who masturbated regularly and quit completely, we believe they will begin a frequent wet dream cycle after their initial wet dream.  One of our member who had masturbated regularly for many years, and had only experienced one wet dream in his life during his teen years, got his initial wet dream after 45 days of not masturbating, and was followed by another wet dream only 15 days after the initial one. 

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Is a wet dream better than masturbation ... ?

Most report that wet dreams can feel better than masturbation.  Some even feel that wet dreams are better than sex.  Relative to masturbation, wet dreams are often said to have:

- More intense orgasms that involve the entire body

- Orgasm and ejaculation contractions that last much longer, and each contraction feels more pleasurable

- Increased ejaculation amount

- No refractory period afterwards (i.e. no weak, tired,  or 'drained' feeling after). 

- Dreams that can offer sexual experiences that you can't possibly experience while awake.   Some realistic, some complete fantasy

- An erotic sense of no control over the penis and ejaculation. 


It should be noted though that not all wet dreams are memorable, and some aren't as intensely pleasurable as others.  Sometimes guys report that they woke up to a mess of semen all over their underwear or bed, and had no recollection of any dream whatsoever.  This can happen from time to time.  This is often a source of frustration and inconvenience for some men, and thus they don't like wet dreams.  However, at the opposite end of the spectrum are those wonderful, intensely pleasurable dreams that we remember, giving us full body orgasms of long duration, and a wonderful dream to go with it.  It is believed that if you wake up during or shortly after your ejaculation in a wet dream, you will likely remember everything, whereas if you sleep right through it, you may not remember the dream in the morning. 

See the wet dream experience page for real life experiences some of our members have had with wet dreams.
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Created by focus e-mail:  focus880@hotmail.com
Copyright © 2003  Wet Dream Organization. All rights reserved.
Revised: 05/09/04.