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Wet Dream Experiences

The following is a collection of stories and essays of what some of our member's wet dreams were like, and what they experienced. 

Story 1   by Ronald WDM, posted 8/19/03

As for my wet dream, as I recall, I was dreaming about this good looking lady that I worked closely with when she was in her 20's. In my dream, she asked me if I wanted I ride with her in her car, since she sometimes did give me a ride home from work. So I got in the front seat with her in her car. Then after a while , I guess she stopped, since she put her head on my shoulders and had me put my arm around her. Then I got all excited. My heart started beating faster, I got all erect, then I started shooting several times. I didn't want to wake up from it, but I woke up, so I knew what was happening. I think it's involuntary, which is fine with me. I hope you liked reading about my wet dream.


Story 2  by brahms28, posted 8/20/03

About my wet dream, I recall it perfectly. It was a weird dream... I was in a unknown place with a friend. This woman suddenlycame and she was completely naked.
We grabbed her and with the movements, we started to loose our clothes as well.
I never saw the woman's face, but her body was amazing. My friend was also very handsome. Then I know that all our legs were tied together, and I was going harder and harder, until the tension was unbearable. Then I shooted. I immediately woke up, a little bit embarrased, as I was still thinking it really happened...
Then I saw the big stain in my underwear.


Story 3  by brahms28, posted 8/27/03

Last night, after 45 days of total abstinence, I’ve had a wet dream!!!

The dream:
It was very simple. In my dream I was a humongous fountain with a vertical tower (which was my penis). I saw the liquid coming out from the fountain, rhythmically.

The facts:
I woke up, sweating, with a huge stain in my t-shirt!  I did not understand.  I also had two more (smaller) spots: one in my underwear and one at the back of my t-shirt.  I guess what happened was, that I was so hard, that my penis escaped from my boxers, ejaculated beneath my t-shirt. The big stain, about 5 inches in diameter, was very watery, with no odor. The two smaller spots, about two inches in diameter were very thick, with the particular semen smell.  Maybe, the first part of the ejaculation was very watery, and the rest, when my penis was going flaccid, was more consistent.

When awake, I experienced one of the biggest erections I have ever seen.

The dream felt tremendous. Much better than masturbation, ‘cause the feeling is generalized, in all the body. I see masturbation more localized (perhaps, because you can not caress yourself…)

Definitely the orgasm is more prolonged. And now I’m sure, that the watery part came before, and I was dreaming something else. So I actually had two wet dreams, one after the other.

I saw my own tool. What it’s interesting is that if I lay down with an erection, my penis also lays horizontally over my belly. But in the dream, it made a 90 degrees angle with my body. Like a tower.
Anyway, I was very excited, and that made the fountain do its job!

Interestingly, the semen that I usually get from masturbation is stickier, but the one I got in my wet dream, was very thick. But in any case, they are very different.  when I had my wet dream, there were three stains: The big one, about 8 inches wide, with the watery stuff, and two smaller ones, near my foreskin, with the very thick semen.

Wow… The feeling in all my body… How can I explain that?. The thing is, that when you masturbate, you feel the orgasm: The spasms, the delicious and relieving feeling of the semen coming out, your body shaking, etc. Whereas in a wet dream, there are more feelings involved. It’s like having additional happiness, and the prolonged orgasm reaches the tip of the toes, the axils, the mouth becomes watery with so much saliva, your head… All this happens, and the penis keeps on making contractions…

Story 4  by focus, posted 9/1/03

On a cold winter day in January when I was 19, I was sleeping soundly in my dorm room. I had this incredibly vivid and fun sexual dream about a girl I liked at the time giving me oral sex. It felt so real that it was incredible - the sensations were amazing. The type of dream that you're not sure if your dreaming or not, because its so realistic. In my dream, I could feel like I was about to cum, and then bam, I started cumming, just like in real life. Then I suddenly woke up in the middle of this, and my penis was spurting semen all over my belly. I had no idea what was going on for the first few seconds. When I looked down into my underpants and saw my penis still ejaculating and the pools of cum on my belly, I suddenly put it all together and realized I just had my first wet dream! I was SO happy. So my initial confusion and fear as to what was going on quickly changed to pure joy once I realized I just had a wet dream. It felt really good. I remember the ejaculation was very different feeling than my normal awake ejaculations. This was all automatic for one - I had no control over anything, which I really liked. It felt wonderful during each spurt, but it wasn't quite an orgasm. I remember walking around that day feeling like a real man that I had a wet dream. This was 10 years ago, and I remember my wet dream as if it were yesterday.


Story 5  by Hoban, posted 9/3/03

First, (I’m laughing now) I’m soooo happy today. It’s like a dream come true-- maybe even happier than I got all the money in the world! :D

I was in a very big hotel room near an ocean. The dream basically began with this fantastic looking lady walking into my room in the hotel. She was a young waitress actually (I saw her mini skirt, lacy blouse: that looks a lot like a uniform). She greeted me and served me something (I dunno what’s that; something bluish). Then all of a sudden, her tone began to attain a teasing voice, making me grow hard. She glanced at my obvious tented boxers and smiled. I guess I got her intention and kissed her. Just as I got up above her with my hands planting on the soft mattress, she said ‘Ah, ah, my show, remember?’ (I tell ya, my heart’s thumping like hell, all the while sweating profusely! That’s so real!). :lol  And since my erection’s so hard, I gotta follow her instructions and closed my eyes. She flipped me over and lied on me and her naked thighs pressed against my waist even as her soft rear rubbed me, teasing my oh-sooo-hard erection. (I was like, what the heck?? Was that a love potion or what? I’m so hard that my penis is going to snap!) :eek

Suddenly, she moved away! I tried to complain about her delay or whatever (I can’t talk, dunno why), but I was being tongue-tied as she close my lips with her soft finger, and suddenly I felt that she’d sheathed my whole length as well (at this moment, my mind spanned sooo fast, I was like having a headache. All my blood suddenly rushed towards the south, leaving me light-headed!). And then, her slick, wet heat enveloped me (I can’t see her face now. Pity!). :(

I shot my sperm at the moment I speared her. That’s a total of about 12-15 powerful spurts!! We rocked together as the planet settled on its own axis. You guys won’t believe me this time, I know. But that’s sooooo fantastic!! You’re having the real experience, but you’re still a virgin!! :D

Too bad, I woke up just after finishing the last spurt. It contains 2 major ‘category’: 1st (near my foreskin) the whitish stuff, 2nd (all over my briefs and shirt) the clear stuff.

Comparing to masturbation, wet dreams are extraordinary! They’re more ‘real life’ and it’s the best orgasms you can get (apart from sex? May be? I don’t know.) In terms of feelings, intensity, I think wet dreams provide the BEST ejaculations for me, personally.

Story 6  by anonymous, posted 9/7/03

"I had a VERY intense wet dream as a teenager. I was sleeping nude on my back and I suppose in my sleep my erection was throbbing greatly against the soft sheet covering me, thus providing some gentle physical stimulus. I had some kind of weird dream experience like I was floating about 4 or 5 feet above this beach in the south Pacific and there were hundreds of beautiful naked Polynesians all smiling and walking around happy. All of a sudden it was like an ocean wave of intense pleasure and dreaminess washed over me and I had this visual image of a long line shooting hundreds of feet away from my body down the beach. I guess this was my mind's way of imagining my ejaculation. It wound up splooged ALL over my belly and sheets, I mean buckets worth.

Based on my adult experience I'm guessing that the entire orgasm and afterglow cooldown probably lasted a good 2 or 3 minutes, no kidding, but bruddah it was intense and all over my entire body. I felt the throbbing or pulsating sensation of ejaculation for what seemed like minutes and minutes and the volume of sticky evidence bore this out."

Story 7  by brahms28, posted 9/11/03 (second wet dream in 15 days)

Last night I woke up several times with an erection. Then I started dreaming of being in the office doing all my duties... One of them was to have an ejaculation. In the dream that was something very normal, like writing a report.  I was waiting for someone to come from the south of the country. In the mean time, I decided to have the ejaculation.  I stand up, and started concentrating to have an orgasm (in the middle of the office!)...

I woke up, right before the orgasm. I found my hand making pressure to my penis… just pressure. I couldn’t stop. I felt my heart beating very rapidly, a sensation of fear of not being able to handle such a strong explosion. Next I felt the liquid traveling across my penis, then reaching the top, and after those uncountable spasms, my penis had thrown out lots of a watery liquid, and at the end the whitish stuff. Just like my first wet dream.

The stain, 12 inches long by 12 inches wide, covered the right side of by boxer and the back left side as well. Mostly with no odor, and some parts of it with the typical semen smell.



"Before starting all these, I was doing what most teenage guys enjoyed: jacking off using the ‘hand’ method. I finally realized that getting a wet dream (or perhaps several of them) is possible, so, I started the quest. Also, after recalling those wet dreams myself, I found that they’re actually more intense and more enjoyable. Like most guys here agreed, wet dreams beat everything else!! " - Dickenson 8/19/03


"Q: Was it worth the wait?
A: Very much! " - Hoban 9/3/03


"I was 15 when I had my first wet dream. The first one was unbelievable, I had heard of wet dreams before, but actually having one was unlike anything I had expected before....

I have found that the feeling of a wet dream is much more intense than the feeling of release that you get with masturbation, it is unlike any orgasm I have ever had from masturbation before...

I think the frequency of my dreams depends on how I feel in life at the time.  i.e. - when I am more sexually frustrated I tend to have more wet-dreams."    - Kris 9/15/03 (has frequent wet dreams and masturbates 2-3 times per week)



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Revised: 05/09/04.