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★★★★★★★★★ WET DREAMS - WHAT ARE THEY? ★★★★★★★★★

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2023 2:24 pm
by Mikey42
Wet Dreams

What is a wet dream?

Simply stated, a nocturnal emission or "wet dream" is an ejaculation of semen during sleep.

Ejaculation, from a nervous system standpoint, can happen in two ways. The first is purely from the central nervous system. An example would be a nocturnal emission, or wet dream. Nocturnal emissions are common in adolescence and in men who are not sexually active. They are the result of erotic stimuli in the absence of either masturbation or sexual intercourse.

The second type is a combination of friction associated with input from the central nervous system. This is the typical ejaculation that men are most familiar with, namely through masturbation, sexual intercourse, or other physical stimulation.

Who we are?

We are a group of men who wish to have and enjoy wet dreams on a regular basis. It is an informal group that is primarily research oriented investigating how wet dreams work, why men get or do not get wet dreams, what causes wet dreams, and the impact of abstinence on wet dreams. We range in age from 18 to over 50, and come from various wet dream and masturbation pasts. Some of us have never masturbated and are already experience frequent wet dreams. Some have masturbated frequently during their lives and have never experienced a wet dream before. Others have had at least one wet dream in the past, or several, and are attempting to have another wet dream. The common thread amongst us all though, is we all are either fascinated by and/or enjoy experiencing wet dreams.

The group supports a program of complete abstinence of any form of orgasm or ejaculation while awake, either through masturbation or sex, in an effort to force the mind to recreate erotic stimuli while we sleep, and thus generate a wet dream. While this program is not a proven method to guarantee a wet dream, this group has experienced significant success with achieving wet dreams by following the abstinence program, even among those who rarely experienced wet dreams in the past.

Why we are here?

There has never been any medical or scientific research ever conducted on nocturnal emissions. This group exists because we all want to learn more about wet dreams. Wet dreams remain largely a mystery, primarily due to the lack of research on the topic. It is somewhat baffling that humankind had the technology over 30 years ago to put a man on the moon, yet humans know hardly anything about how our own brains function, and of course how wet dreams function.

By discussing our experiences, feelings, actions, and thoughts on wet dreams, we hope to learn more about them, and perhaps someday identify methods to achieve wet dreams at will. In addition to research, the group serves as a support group for its members when managing the sometimes difficult period of abstinence, particularly those who were long-time frequent masturbators and are now trying to completely give up masturbation in an attempt to have a wet dream.

Why we want to have wet dreams?

Most of us have experienced at least one wet dream in our past, usually when we were teens. Most of us enjoyed that wet dream experience, and have fond memories of it. For some, the wet dream was a better overall sensation than masturbation, and some even report the wet dream was better than sex. Others find the experience of a fully mind-controlled, autonomous orgasm and ejaculation in a dream state with no physical stimulation, very fulfilling.

Others, especially those who have never experienced a wet dream before, are curious and fascinated by wet dreams, and desire to experience them. These men may have heard wet dreams described by their friends or family, or read stories about them, and are curious as to what they are really like. Some feel they are missing out on a part of their manhood having never experienced a wet dream. It is estimated that approximately 40- 50% of all men have never experienced a wet dream.

Note: The above was not originally composed by me, Mikey42. It was posted long ago by AGT on the original forum and he copied it from elsewhere in the forum. It has been posted here so that it can be viewed more easily by all, especially new members.