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Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 10:49 pm
by Seqiro
hairyandbeary wrote: Fri Mar 29, 2024 9:52 am Hi. I feel like there's not a lot to say about myself. I might have had a wet dream once, but set my number to 0 because I'm not very certain. I was on the old site with the same username, but I don't remember posting.
Welcome aboard! :D Hopefully we see some posts from you in the future!

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2024 10:15 pm
by Scott
Welcome to the forum! Thanks to all the new and returning WDF members.

Just wanted to share that there's also a helpful, friendly WDF chat room that is open 24/7 but tends to be busiest approximately 9pm to midnight Eastern USA time. Questions can be asked about wet dreams, as well as a wide range of topics. If the room happens to be momentarily empty when you join, try keeping it open in a tab. Usually a fellow WDF member will join the chat before too long. Or, try again in a little later.

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2024 10:24 am
by faping1234
Hi guys, as many of us here, I'm also from old WDF :) good to see everyone once again back here. Looking forward for WDs adventure.

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:04 pm
by tacticaldreamer
Hello, late migrating member from old forum. I joined the forum i think in late 2018 under the nickname mslvr. I didn't post very often but i did lots of research through this site since then and enjoyed many WDs after. I might have counted them then, but i lost track. My first WD was in late 2017 in a high school dorm, where i tried sleeping naked and i woke up with a sticky wet spot on the sheets. I must've slept through it, because i didn't remember it and i was very confused as to what happened when i woke up. From then on i went on the internet and later opened an account here. I even had a photo of it but i deleted it because i felt shame then. I never opened a journal, but every year since, my AB streak started with NNN as a tradition for me, starting earlier than november and extending it out until march once, between the years 2017-2018 i think. Last year i didn't even make it until the end of november.
I have many WDs documented with photos over the years free to share, but for the past two years i MBd often, didn't have as many WDs as before and the ones that happened rarely got documented.

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2024 2:41 pm
by sharky248
Hello Folks! I was a member of the previous forum 😃 so, good to find my way back. I’ve had lots of WD in the past and look forward to sharing my experiences and reading about other members journey’s 👍🏻

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2024 4:26 am
by josephjoseph
greetings, I am age 19, never had a WD. Looking to hopefully change that soon!

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2024 4:45 am
by Scott
josephjoseph wrote: Sun Apr 07, 2024 4:26 am greetings, I am age 19, never had a WD. Looking to hopefully change that soon!
Welcome to WDF! With any luck you'll soon be posting here about some phenomenal wet dreams.

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:29 pm
by jet
hey 20 (almost 21) yr old. im an aspiring bodybuilder (family does it) and while on this journey i have been enhancing my progress which has yielded interesting wet dream results that i have begun to enjoy/and vaguely write down and catalog. so i guess i can share them here. unsure about talking about PEDs/gear but i believe some i am on is causing them to happen frequently, twice last week lol, im guessing age, im on the ends of puberty and extra test, also incredibly vivid. i have a few write ups. i dont recall having any when i was a teenager, im unsure. but now they are awesome and i am riding this out. its only been recent within the past few months with coach/friends saying its no problem just happens but i kind of get exited going to bed wondering if it will. it still has been moderately 'random' i guess.
i searched around and found here so hopefully i can devise a method of cataloging or talking about it properly. and i hope i didnt break any rules. do i just post a journal type thing and keep posting?

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2024 12:37 am
by Texanguy
Welcome. Yes, you can start your own journal and keep posting in it.

I think something all of us would be interested in is what you are doing and the supplements you are taking that you think started causing your WDs (Wet Dreams). One factor might be a change your MB (Masturbation) habits, such as quitting MB, since less or no MB can help cause WDs.

So what are you doing or taking to 'enhance your progress'? Let us know.

As far as enjoying the WDs and wanting more, that's perfectly natural and normal. Enjoy!

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Fri Apr 26, 2024 7:48 am
by Irigidy
Hey! Im 35 now, and would like again to to AB challenges! Severals years ago when ive been single did it for 49days. This was my record! Now, Im again single, so can do this (we had seperate with my gf).
I hope can break my record.