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Sex, MB, WD and Religion

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:31 pm
by Scott
How did your religion view masturbation and sex, if you grew up with any sort of religious affiliation? My parents' church ran a parochial school which I attended and graduated from. Masturbation was portrayed as sinful and especially discouraged. The school handed out booklets on the "evils" of MB which said never to MB, and if you do sin and MB, stop immediately and never MB again. One booklet had a drawing of a sickly-looking fellow in purple ink who had evidently succumbed to the temptations of MB. (The school also conducted Powerpoint type presentations on these topics.) Wet dreams weren't mentioned much, but were acceptable and encouraged, but perhaps embarrassing if your mom did your laundry. Sex was portrayed as a rare, limited occurrence. Premarital sex was particularly frowned upon. Sex was to be reserved for marriage only. Even then, sex was only to occur when the married couple specifically wanted to get pregnant that particular day. It was not to be for pleasure. Thus, if a couple had 4 children, I was taught that meant they'd had sex a total of 4 times during their marriage, for example. I was age 12 to 14 when this sex ed curriculum was taught. They also had us listen to anti-MB anti-sex recordings made by Dr. James Dobson, who is now age 87. It seemed MB and sex were quite evil, to be avoided at all costs, after listening to Dobson's recordings. I remember my 7th grade teacher stopping one of Dobson's recordings that was getting a bit detailed about the evils of MB and sex, and skipping to Dobson's next recording.

Despite this school's extreme views on MB and sex, they weren't entirely wrong in that MB does indeed have drawbacks and WD indeed have advantages.
What did your church and/or school teach about masturbation, sex, and wet dreams?

Re: Sex, MB, WD and Religion

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:49 pm
by Scott

Re: Sex, MB, WD and Religion

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:54 pm
by Scott
Disclaimer: I've never tried nor even seen any of the Handz-Off line of products, and don't know if they are even real products.

Re: Sex, MB, WD and Religion

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 12:13 am
by Hardwood
Interesting topic. I think most Christian’s are not always open about the birds and bees stuff with their kids when the time comes! I know mine were not. And yes I’m sure there would be some out there that got the full talk! Which I think would be great to have happen even if a little awkward.

I guess we put the sex stuff aside and it should not be know till ur married and can have sex. As a teen I never had any council on mb, so like any teenage guy it happened! Was not to later that sometimes you question the fact. The post nut feeling does not help the situation as well.

To me it just happened and it’s a guys way of getting realise apart from a wd. To this day I still do it and don’t always regret it.

Re: Sex, MB, WD and Religion

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2023 12:55 am
by Mikey42
I went to public school, so all the sex education there was about the biology of it and about safe sex and abstinence. I think wet dreams may have been mentioned in passing as something that may happen. Masturbation just wasn't discussed.

I was raised Catholic and my church, as far as I can tell, just pretended that sexuality didn't exist.

Before sex ed in public school though, I did receive a pretty thorough birds and bees talk from my parents. They covered sex, safe sex, and abstinence. I was told about wet dreams. I remember masturbation being defined but no specifics on mechanics or anything. They also nailed home that premarital sex and masturbation were both mortal sins that would send you straight to hell if you died with that sin on your soul. I ended up with quite a bit of guilt after I developed my MB addiction. Figuring out I was bisexual didn't help with the guilt either. Eventually, I did move past the guilt (and denial in the case of the bisexuality). Now, I can happily say that I don't MB because I don't want to instead of because I think it's wrong.

Re: Sex, MB, WD and Religion

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 11:36 am
by goodlife
Dobson changed his view: ... turbation/

Scott wrote: Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:31 pm How did your religion view masturbation and sex, if you grew up with any sort of religious affiliation? My parents' church ran a parochial school which I attended and graduated from. Masturbation was portrayed as sinful and especially discouraged. The school handed out booklets on the "evils" of MB which said never to MB, and if you do sin and MB, stop immediately and never MB again. One booklet had a drawing of a sickly-looking fellow in purple ink who had evidently succumbed to the temptations of MB. (The school also conducted Powerpoint type presentations on these topics.) Wet dreams weren't mentioned much, but were acceptable and encouraged, but perhaps embarrassing if your mom did your laundry. Sex was portrayed as a rare, limited occurrence. Premarital sex was particularly frowned upon. Sex was to be reserved for marriage only. Even then, sex was only to occur when the married couple specifically wanted to get pregnant that particular day. It was not to be for pleasure. Thus, if a couple had 4 children, I was taught that meant they'd had sex a total of 4 times during their marriage, for example. I was age 12 to 14 when this sex ed curriculum was taught. They also had us listen to anti-MB anti-sex recordings made by Dr. James Dobson, who is now age 87. It seemed MB and sex were quite evil, to be avoided at all costs, after listening to Dobson's recordings. I remember my 7th grade teacher stopping one of Dobson's recordings that was getting a bit detailed about the evils of MB and sex, and skipping to Dobson's next recording.

Despite this school's extreme views on MB and sex, they weren't entirely wrong in that MB does indeed have drawbacks and WD indeed have advantages.
What did your church and/or school teach about masturbation, sex, and wet dreams?

Re: Sex, MB, WD and Religion

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2023 11:44 am
by goodlife
I think in the christian personal views there is quite some freedom. Porn however is discouraged as addictive and sinful. MB or WD is a personal choice. The married couples are encouraged to have intimacy as much as possible in the ideal circumstances.

Re: Sex, MB, WD and Religion

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 6:56 pm
by DryGuy
My school was religious, but masturbation was never spoken of. As far as the teachers were concerned, it was the parents job. I might have been a generation too late for the fire & brimstone stuff.

Re: Sex, MB, WD and Religion

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2023 11:01 pm
by eric_andrew
We never spoke of it in my evangelical house. I discovered it on my own, my parents never told me not to since they didn't discuss it at all, and school generally stayed away from sex-related topics, other than telling us never to have sex and scaring us with STD descriptions.

I do remember my mom being very upset about Jocelyn Elders making some mild comment about possibly teaching about masturbation in schools, so it was obvious she didn't approve of talking/teaching about it. But generally I was left to explore on my own.

Re: Sex, MB, WD and Religion

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 9:45 pm
by Squeeze2
Scott wrote: Mon Oct 02, 2023 7:49 pm HandzOff_4bd32e6ede488e104a4d808a85656039--columns-form.jpgHandzOff_gum.jpgHandzoff_tumblr_m5708zoIdQ1rxn0z2o1_500.jpg51HISyqtffL._SS500_.jpg
These aren't real products... or if they are, they are intended as a joke