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New chat system!

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:21 pm
by Mikey42
A new chat system has been added to the forum. The chat system is fully integrated with the forum. Your username in chat is the same as your user in the forum.

To access the new chat room, simply click on the "CHAT ROOM" link, just like always. This will open the chat in a new tab for you.
2023-09-24 18_00_42-Wet Dream Forum - Index page - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge.png
The link to the old chatzy chat room has been moved under the archive section as a backup.

The chat itself is easy to use, just enter your text, and press enter or click/tap the arrow to send your message.
2023-09-24 18_02_33-Chats - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge.png
If you want to send a direct message in chat, you can click on the arrow in the upper left corner to open the side panel where the list of currently online users is shown.
2023-09-24 18_10_22-Chats - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge.png
Then click on the user to open a chat window with them.
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All of your active DM tabs and the general chat tab will appear below the chat, allowing you to switch between them.
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The chat function also appears as an icon in the lower right corner of your screen when you're browsing the forum.
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You can click on this icon to access your chat DMs and the "General" chat room while you're browsing the forum.
2023-09-24 18_16_47-Wet Dream Forum - Index page - Personal - Microsoft​ Edge.png

Click on the "General chat" room to join us in chat.

If you want to pop the chat window out so you can move it around, click the arrow next to the chat room name and then click Pop Out Chat Room to open it in a new browser window.
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Re: New chat system!

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 9:27 pm
by Mikey42
I just updated a couple of things with the chat functionality. Hopefully it won't cause any problems.
  • When you connect to the chat, the past 24 hours of chat history will now be loaded for you.
  • When people join the chat room, they should now be announced in the room

Re: New chat system!

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 9:38 pm
by Mikey42
And the announcements aren't working. Back to the drawing board on that one. Soon™

Re: New chat system!

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 12:26 am
by Mikey42
Announcements when people join chat I believe to now be working!

Re: New chat system!

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2023 2:59 pm
by Mikey42
We're going to see how this goes. I've just enabled chat functionality for people who are not logged into the forum as well. Guests can now join the chat with a name they select.

Re: New chat system!

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2023 6:06 pm
by Mikey42
We're going to try something a little different. The new chat seems to work well for PMs. Less well for group chat. I'm going to keep it around for PMs. For group chat, I've found a new phpBB plugin that has a chat that seems decent enough. It's less pretty but hopefully will be more functional. Group chat via the popup has been disabled.

The new new group chat is available from the Chat Room entry in the forums list
Chat Room.png
You can also get at it from the Chat option in the top menu
Chat Menu.png

Re: New chat system!

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 4:23 pm
by goodlife
This is a good tool. Thanks!

Re: New chat system!

Posted: Fri Dec 15, 2023 5:09 pm
by Mikey42
The new chatroom has been removed and the "CHAT ROOM" link now goes to chatzy once again. I've left the popup chat enabled as it seems to get use for quick private messages.

Re: New chat system!

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 2:28 am
by Michael1985
It's just as well. The new chat didn't seem to get a lot of traffic, and there's really no point in having two competing rooms. Thank you for continuing to allow private chatting.

Re: New chat system!

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2023 3:10 am
by W-Guy
That's really great. Thanks, Mikey!