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Mikey's journal

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:29 am
by Mikey42
I had my first WD when I was 12 years old. I had it the same night I discovered MB. I remember the general plot of the dream but that's it. No pleasure at all, I just woke up with a puddle of semen. Since then, I had 2 more WDs in my teenage years. Same deal with the other two, vague recollections of a sexual dream and no pleasure.

I've known about the WDF since it started in 2003. I would read it on and off, lurking, but never posting and did some half-hearted tries a handful of times to get a WD with no success.

At the beginning of 2023, I finally decided to give AB to get a WD a real try. Starting January 8th, I stopped MBing and created an account on WDF. About a month later, I posted and started my own log. The community on here was greatly supportive and encouraging. I had a couple slip ups along the way. The last being on June 18th. After MBing, I decided that I was done with MB. In the time I had been without MB, I had changed. I felt more confident and had more energy. I was less content to just sit around and watch TV or play video games all day. I cared more about my health and getting exercise. Even something as simple as a bag of chips looked more appealing when I was MBing than when I wasn't. I had zero desire to go back to the way I was, so going back to MB was now off the table.

On July 8th, I had my first WD as an adult. It was a weird dream but I remember it very vividly. I was in my room and I had an erection. I started to leak massive amounts of precum that felt amazing. For some reason, I wanted to collect all the precum, so a grabbed a giant syringe. It must have been a 3-4 inch diameter and 12 inches long. It had a tube connected to the end of it. I inserted the tube just slightly into my urethra and began collecting the precum. Very quickly, the syringe had been filled and the pleasure from pumping out the precum made it feel like I was about to cum. I had wanted to collect the cum separately from the precum but it quickly became too late. The orgasm and contractions started and I could feel the cum being pushed out. There must have been 20 or so intensely pleasurable contractions. I saw cloudy fluid enter the syringe but it was already full, so it just kind of diffused into the clear liquid. Shortly after that I woke up to find that I had a WD. It had likely been 15-30 minutes since I came as the semen was mostly liquified.

The next day, I was extremely horny. It was the exact opposite of MB. I wasn't low energy and uninterested in sex. I had very high energy and wanted sex or another WD as soon as possible.

On July 19th, the old WDF site went down. I've been continuing to write in my log since then, I just haven't been able to post it, so here we go!

July 19th 7pm
This afternoon, the odd tightness I had in my semen producing glands in the week prior to my last WD has come back, along with a pleasant tingling sensation right around my perineum. I've also started to get a pulsating sensation around the prostate. It's not like the contractions of the muscles around the prostate that I've felt before. This is almost like my prostate has its own heartbeat for a few beats. Odd but exciting at the same time. Its like it's begging me to let it cum. I just tell it to do it on its own while I'm asleep. My penis has also been super sensitive today. The slightest little bump or brush against it sends a tiny burst of pleasure through my nether regions. Even wearing my foreskin restoration device is keeping me at a near constant 0.5 or 1 out of 10 level of arousal. All this showing up gives me hope that I may not have to wait 6 more months for my next WD :)

July 19th 10pm
The past few hours, I've gone from maybe a 6/10 horniness to "14 year old boy finding his dad's Playboys" levels of horny. All my glands are, for lack of a better term, churning almost constantly. In between churning, they're pulsating again. I've had the hard contraction like sensation from what I think are my seminal vesicles twice. The closest description for the contraction is a cramp. It feels like my seminal vesicles are contracting, trying to push out fluid but the valves are shut, so the internal pressure just rises and doesn't go anywhere. It's pleasurable but almost painful at the same time. My brain is running around like it's bouncing off the walls of a padded room, screaming about sex. Now I'm about to head to bed, where, if I can sleep, hopefully I'll get relief from this.

July 20th 9am
I slept terrible last night. HORNY all night long. I woke up several times rock hard, involuntary contractions, prostate pulsating constantly. If I had wanted to go down the HFO route, I'm 100% certain I would have been able to cum. My body even tried going down that path on its own a bunch of times. I'd feel the build of pre-ejaculatory tingles and my heart would start racing. I'd refocus my body away from that and calm back down. Then a few minutes later, it would be back off to the races again and I'd need to rein in the horses all over. About 3/4 through the night, things finally started to settle down enough to be able to get some real sleep instead of broken sleep.

So far today, I'm still very horny but it's a more manageable 8/10 instead of really wanting to just hump anything that has a hole.

July 21st 8am
Well, this morning I'm back to feeling like I want to hump ANYTHING, with good reason. It isn't my preferred content but last night I dreamed that I MBd in front of a toilet. I don't remember anything in the dream prior to this. The first thing I remember is cumming with cock in hand. I remember the orgasm, it was mind meltingly good. The contractions were so strong my entire body convulsed and I was half moaning, half grunting the entire time. It felt like my glands had emptied themselves and then kept trying to push more out. Other than the dream content, the entire experience was just *chef's kiss*. I woke up with the last contraction, hard as rock. I reached down and the tip of my dick was slick with precum. Everything else was dry though, so not a WD but a very intense dry dream. My penis was sooo sensitive and pleasure was still radiating through it. I immediately felt the pleasure building in the direction of an HFO and reigned that in, telling my dick that it should have cum when I came in the dream. Try harder next time!

July 22nd 1pm
All day yesterday, I felt a lighter version of the chaser effect from my dry dream, which I find quite interesting. It suggests that the chaser effect may have nothing to do with the ejaculation at all but may have something more to do with the brain's response to an orgasm that wasn't brought about by any kind of self manipulation. I went and played Warhammer 40k with a friend all evening and into the wee hours of the morning, so that was a good distraction from dwelling on the horniness. I took a shower when I got home, before bed, and either I'm still experiencing some increased sensitivity from the dry dream or I've regained more sensitivity in my penis from not MB. I was in the shower, relaxing and letting the warm water hit my back. Every so often, a rivulet of water would find its way down the front of my body and start running down the top of my penis, circle around it about half way down and continue running down the underside before dripping off. Every time that would happen, I could feel the small stream of water run along, giving the barest of stimulation to my penis. Each time I felt it, my hips would involuntarily push forward just a bit as though that bit of water caressing my penis were something I could thrust into to increase the sensations. I don't think I've ever felt a sensation on my penis so subtle and gentle before and it was amazing!

Overnight I had a non-sexual dream that almost turned into a wet dream. I was playing the newest Zelda game except I was actually in the game. I was trying to solve a puzzle and I could feel an orgasm building as I got closer to solving the puzzle. Unfortunately I woke up before I finished the puzzle, hard and a bit of precum leaking. So that was new.

July 23rd 2pm
Still horny, still dry, and want to cum sooo bad. Had a dream last night that I was back in high school and was sitting on a couch with my girlfriend at the time. We started making out. She reached down and rubbed my crotch. I reciprocated. I felt some wetness through her pants and said "You're really wet." She gave my crotch a squeeze and replied "You're really hard." I said "Sounds like a good combination." She asked if I wanted to, I very emphatically said yes. I pulled a condom out of my pocket and she took it then started taking my pants off. After my dick was free, she put the condom on me. We went back to sucking face while I tugged her pants off. As I got into position, I felt like I was going to cum at any second. I stopped, took a few deep breaths and tried to relax. The urge subsided, so I slowly slid inside her. After probably 10 thrusts, the excitement woke me up, super hard with precum smeared all over my stomach.

I also remember having like 4 or 5 other non-sexual dreams last night, all very vivid. I won't bore you with the details of those though.

July 24th 8am
A couple of non-sexual dreams last night. Every time I woke up, I was hard and my prostate was throbbing. Not much else to report.

July 26th 8am
OMG I was SOOOO close to a WD last night. I know I've said I almost had a WD before but I think this is the closest you can get without waking up with cum flying everywhere.

In the dream, I was in a fancy hotel room and was getting ready to take a shower. I was on the floor of the bathroom edging and decided to finish. I came buckets. There must have been a half cup of cum all over me and dripping onto the floor. As I was sitting there completely empty, satisfied, and thoroughly disappointed in myself, I suddenly was wearing a pair of briefs and they were tented with a throbbing erection. I felt a second orgasm building, completely hands free this time. I got to maybe a second away from filling those briefs with cum and I woke up. I was right on the edge of cumming. I was so close that about 10 seconds after I woke up, I felt the PoNR just barely hit and was able to hold back but ended up leaking a bit of prostate fluid. If I had stayed asleep another second, I probably would have woken up just past the PoNR and been able to experience a full WD orgasm while being completely aware of what was going on.

There's NO WAY I'll even consider going back to MB now. I WANT what I almost had so bad now. In other news, I'm also now SUPER horny.

July 27th 9am
So last night I wanted the WD so bad, so of course my brain goes "Haha! F*** you! You can't have what you want!" Woke up hard a few times during the night but it was just normal middle of the night erections. Had some light MW when I woke up. That's it. Super boring night after the super exciting night before. Horniness is way down today too, maybe 3/10.

July 28th 10am
Hard and horny all night long with no sexual dreams that I remember. An interesting yet completely boring night. At least I was waking up hard and horny so I know things are still alive downstairs. :)

I seem to have gained some sensitivity in my nipples, which is an unexpected surprise. I used to be able to rub and tweak my nipples to get some pleasure that seemed to go straight to my prostate. Now, it's almost like they're over-sensitive. I've had stuff brush up against my nipples the past few days and it's an uncomfortable, almost painful sensation. I haven't tried purposefully stimulating them to see how sensitive they are to gentle touch because I don't want to head down that road.

July 29th 3pm
A mostly uneventful night again. Today though, the uncomfortable pressure in my glands is back but that's OK. I know it'll either subside on its own or the pressure will release during the night.

July 30th 3pm
I had a strange "naked" dream last night. This wasn't like most dreams where you end up naked and embarrassed though. I was working in a warehouse and I was naked. No one else was but most everyone was OK with me being naked. There were also some people that were carrying sweatpants and a sweatshirt and chasing me, trying to get me to take them and put them on. I did a lot of running and hiding, getting found, hide again. Eventually I woke up, still naked!

I also almost had a lucid WD. Unfortunately, I don't remember what made me go lucid. The first thing I remember is being on the roof of a house with the knowledge that I was in a dream. I changed the time to sunset and summoned up a hot brunette. As we started to have sex, I again became aware of my sleeping body laying in bed. I knew from experience that if I kept this "split" sensation that it would wake me up, so I tried to "merge" the two separate sets of sensations and it seemed to work. I was aware of my real body but it was like my real body was feeling the sensations from the dream instead of reality. It was a bit trippy but absolutely amazing. As we kept going at it, I could feel an orgasm building. It felt different than any other orgasm I have experienced. The build up was far more subtle but at the same time much more powerful, if that makes any sense at all. I couldn't stay lucid though and woke up before I could finish, not disappointed at all. That was an out of this world experience that I hope I get to finish some day.

August 1st 12pm
So today I'm only mildly horny. I want to cum sooo bad though. It's interesting, I always thought those two things would be the same thing. With this experience though, I've come to realize that they are not. For me, horniness is more of a mental thing that creates a full body feeling. It's like an extreme desire for sex. The "want to cum" feeling though is entirely centered in the groin and is entirely physical. It's like I can feel the built up cum down there just knocking at the door begging to be let out. I'm not going to let it out though. It needs to patiently wait until the guards are asleep, then break down the door and escape.

August 3rd 12pm
Today is a weird one. Seems my body has switched tactics. The super strong urge to cum is gone. It's been replaced by a serious case of blue balls, mild on the left side and really bad on the right side. My body is trying to make me think there's something wrong so I'll relieve the pressure but I'm not going to fall for it. I know that this too shall pass. I don't feel very horny at all but in spite of that, my thoughts seem to be preoccupied with anything and everything related to sex. Overall just a strange day of mixed signals from my body and brain.

August 9th 11am
Yesterday, a WDF member shared some insights they had gained from a long since vanished WDF member. These insights made me realize that in the past couple of weeks, my mindset towards AB had changed. I was back to really wanting a WD, craving it. I let the goal of a WD become my focus again. I don't think he knew it, but that was exactly what I needed at that time. Since that conversation, I've noticed my mindset shifting back to where it should be, that it's OK to be horny and I don't need to cum.

Last night, the sensations in bed trying to lead me to an HFO returned, perhaps fighting against my "I don't need to cum" change in mindset. I was able to fend them off though.

Earlier this morning, however, I did have an HFO. In a moment of weakness, I watched a bit of a porn video. After watching it for only about a minute with zero touching, I felt some STRONG excitement surrounding the prostate and quickly felt that I was about to cum. I had just enough time to get in a position to catch the cum before the ejaculation started. A full load was definitely released. It felt more like a ruined orgasm, very little pleasure and very much just the mechanical process of ejaculation. That was an entirely new experience for me. I've never been so horny that watching porn made me cum without touching. Immediately after, I felt like I could have cum again if I decided to provide some physical stimulation. My horniness hasn't decreased at all, in fact, I think I'm even hornier than I was before the HFO. Right now, I feel like I could HFO again if I were to start focusing on it. Instead, I'm finding distractions to let the horniness go into the background. I am counting this as resetting my date of last orgasm because this is a release I could have prevented.

August 12th 2pm
Last night was a banner night for dream recall. I remembered and wrote down 7 dreams overnight one of which was of a sexual nature, and all of them were extremely vivid. I also had another dream where I dreamt that I journaled a dream that I just had but then there was nothing there when I actually woke up. Then this morning, I had MW but this was MW like I was 16 again. Usually, when I wake up with MW, it'll subside within a few minutes of getting up. Not this morning. I woke up HARD and just laid in bed for a while, not having anything I needed to get done, after about 10 minutes, I got up, still HARD, went to the bathroom, various morning rituals, still hard. It was about 15 minutes for my erection to go from rock to wood, then another 15 minutes before it finally went down. If I had someplace to be this morning, I might have been tucking my MW into my pants like I can remember needing to do back in high school.

So far today, the horniness is off the charts. It's as strong or stronger than the horniness I had the day after my WD. These are different types of horny though. The post-WD horniness was kind of a full body horniness. Maybe the best way to describe it would be a desire for intimacy and everything that comes with it. Today though is almost entirely centered downstairs and in the brain and is completely a raw primal drive to fuck, to cum, to orgasm, and boy is it strong! That drive isn't going to be sated though. It's OK to feel like this. There's no need to do anything about it. I don't need to cum.

August 13th 5pm
Well, last night wasn't quite as good as the night before. I only remembered 6 dreams this time, though I remember having at least two more dreams that I completely forgot. One of the forgotten ones I'm pretty sure was a sex dream. One of the remembered dreams was also a sex dream.

The dream was something like a lucid dream. As I was starting to drift back to sleep, it’s like my brain dropped into a REM state without be being fully asleep yet. I was aware I was dreaming but couldn’t control anything. I was also aware of my body lying in my bed, but I couldn’t move. In the dream a friend and I were going through a trailer park trying to find someone, not entirely sure why. We found them though, a woman living in the trailer park. She invited us inside. The mobile home was bigger on the inside by a lot. She took us to an area with old wooden floors, about the size of a school gymnasium. She had drawn ritual circles on the floor, and she directed us both where to lie down. She then placed her hand on our chests. I immediately felt energy entering my body and that energy caused arousal throughout my body. Then I dropped through the floor, fell a decent way down and landed on a trampoline. I bounced on the trampoline for a bit and with each jump, the arousal in my body grew. Before it reached a peak, the woman showed up and took me off the trampoline. At this point, my friend vanished from the dream. We were then walking through an old western style bar/hotel. We walked across the upper area, through some hallways, down some stairs and she lead me to a room in the back. We started to kiss and make out and eventually started to have sex, slow and sensual. I woke up before I could finish however.

Today the horniness isn't bad, which is surprising considering the one or maybe two aborted WDs. The horniness is there but is manageable and easily just pushed into the background.

August 22nd 10am
Been a while since I last wrote. Not much has been happening though. Just continuing to not MB and waiting patiently for the next WD. I think the next one may be on the horizon. I had a super vivid and detailed dream last night that ended with a situation that would have likely lead to sex. I remember feeling a rush of arousal just before I woke up.

August 24th 10am
A friend and I had arranged to get a new garage door installed for me yesterday. Well, it turned out to be one of the hottest days of the summer. We had a heat advisory. It was 98 in the shade and the "feels like" temp was 108. Of course, we decide to go for it anyway. Once we got the new door at least secured in place, we gave up for the day. I was covered in sweat, face was red, and drinking some water made me a bit nauseous. Yay for mild heat stroke! Sipped some Gatorade until I started feeling better, took a cool shower, and then drank lots of water.

Overnight, I had a dream where I was in the bathroom and had to pee. When I pulled out my penis, my glans was completely covered by the foreskin. As I started to try to pee, I started getting erect and my glans poked out of the foreskin. Just as I started to pee, I woke up. I was dry (in both ways) but rock hard and throbbing. Possibly a near miss on a WD.

August 27th 1pm
I had two aborted WDs last night. I don't remember much of either of the dreams but I do remember a feeling of a building orgasm in my dream right before I woke up both times.

August 28th 10am
Another aborted WD last night. I have vague recollections of my penis being inside something in the dream, as the orgasm built up, the dream faded away. I was aware of what was happening but still asleep. I felt my body involuntarily move with the approaching orgasm and that woke me up completely, stopping the build up.

September 3rd 1pm
Aborted WD last night. I was a general contractor on a job where my crew had done a shower installation. I inspected their work, and yelled at them for the shoddy job. The shower curtain was closed and I turned on the water. Suddenly I was naked. I looked down and I had an erection. I started stroking it and very quickly felt the edge. I let go because I didn't want to cum and woke up. When I woke up I still felt the feeling of the PoNR approaching but it started to fade almost immediately.

September 6th 10am
Last night, I almost succeeded in lucid dreaming again. While in the dream, I started to question whether I was dreaming or not. I started to examine reality. At first, everything seemed fine but then I started to feel funny, realized I was dreaming and woke up shortly after.

September 10th 3pm
I don't remember any dream but I woke up in the middle of the night very aroused. It felt like a stiff breeze could have made me cum.

As for today, I slept REALLY good last night. No sexual dreams that I remember but I've been very horny so far today.

Re: Mikey's journal

Posted: Sun Sep 17, 2023 3:02 am
by Texanguy
Seems like your dream life is much more vivid and memorable than mine is. You getting another full WD soon seems inevitable. Good luck!

Re: Mikey's journal

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 2:35 am
by Mikey42
This morning, I woke up with epic MW again. It lasted nearly half an hour after I got up. Later in the day, I watched like 10 seconds of a porn gif and nearly had an HFO. Had to close it and take some deep breaths to save myself (and my underwear). I was shocked how little it took to nearly cause HFO. Really need to just stop watching porn but my brain is really good at convincing me that "just a little" won't be a problem. I've been insanely horny since then.

Re: Mikey's journal

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 4:08 am
by icandoitoo
Sounds intense today. To ME I'd say you're close but then again the body can trick us sometimes.

Re: Mikey's journal

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 11:15 pm
by Mikey42
I had a small SE about an hour ago. I was working with my laser cutter and stood up from the stool I was sitting on. As soon as I stood up, I felt my prostate clench HARD. A few seconds later, I started leaking about half a teaspoon of semen.

Re: Mikey's journal

Posted: Tue Sep 19, 2023 11:39 pm
by icandoitoo
Mikey42 wrote: Tue Sep 19, 2023 11:15 pm As soon as I stood up, I felt my prostate clench HARD. A few seconds later, I started leaking about half a teaspoon of semen.
I have had a similar thing a few times when sitting on a really hard seat. Super scary when in public. Thankfully it's usually a couple drips or in your case teaspoon.

Re: Mikey's journal

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 1:20 pm
by Mikey42
I had a dream last night where I needed to pee. I was in the bathroom but the shower curtain next to the toilet kept clinging to me and wrapping around me. Finally I just opened the shower curtain all the way so it wasn't anywhere near me and was able to pee. Woke up shortly after. It felt like things were building towards a WD but hadn't gotten there yet when I woke up :doh:. I was HARD and there was pleasant tingles all over that faded soon after waking.

Re: Mikey's journal

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2023 1:39 pm
by liittlefiish
I hope you're doing well! I couldn't help but be intrigued by the dream you shared with me. It sounds like quite the adventure, even if it did involve a clingy shower curtain! It's fascinating how our dreams can create such bizarre scenarios, and I'm sure there's some hidden symbolism or meaning behind it. Anyway, I'm glad you were able to conquer that clingy curtain in your dream and make it to the toilet in time! LOL

Re: Mikey's journal

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 8:03 pm
by Mikey42
I had another aborted WD last night. I don't remember the dream but when I woke up, things were definitely happening downstairs. This time, though, my body decided to stage a protest against aborted WDs. After a couple minutes of trying to fall back asleep, I felt my glands start to contract. I'm guessing seminal vesicles since the sensation was slightly off towards either side. The contraction slowly grew harder and then just held. At that point, I felt arousal growing in my prostate. The arousal increased until I was certain I was about to orgasm, then it just held me right at the edge. It felt like I was on the edge for 5 minutes, erect, throbbing, and slowly leaking precum. Then everything just stopped. The arousal faded and the contraction released. Everything relaxed and I was finally able to go back to sleep. I may not have gotten a WD last night, but it certainly was still enjoyable. I look forward to whatever my mind and body have in store for me next.

Re: Mikey's journal

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2023 8:45 pm
by icandoitoo
Wow. What an experience Mikey! I've had similar only I usually cave and start at day 0. 🙈