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Jannahdesires Diary

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 10:59 pm
by Jannahdesires

Hey All!

I am a heterosexual man attracted to women approaching my mid 20's. I am looking to become an active member of the forum and become increasingly committed to being an active sexual dreamer and fulfil/explore my desires in a state of sleep during the dreaming REM phase.

My personal experiments have led me to conclude that I only experience wet dreams when in a state of abstaining entirely from porn, masturbation and orgasm in their entirety. I would go one step further and state that I only also experience wet dreams if also abstaining entirely from gazing or looking at attractive women and checking them out whether that be online on irl. The penis in essence should be starved from stimulation that would cause it to get excited entirely during the waking state to facilitate/force the wet dream experience to occur.

I look forward to those of you that join me on my journey to having awesome sex dreams in the future God willing!

Many thanks,


Re: Jannahdesires Diary

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:28 pm
by Seqiro
Welcome to the forum, and good luck in your goals! :D

Re: Jannahdesires Diary

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 10:17 pm
by Jannahdesires
Seqiro wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2024 11:28 pm Welcome to the forum, and good luck in your goals! :D
Thanks man - appreciate the kind words and yes let us hope I can reach my goals God willing!

DAY 1 - 5th March 2024

Entirely abstinent from PMO. Entirely abstinent from gazing, looking or checking any woman out online and irl.

I was binging PMO in the past few days so withdrawal symptoms hit hard. Headache was so bad and intense (wanted to sleep the feelings away but couldn't get to sleep had insomnia lowkey). Masturbating to women online was appealing to deal with the feelings of pain in my brain but competitive online gaming in bed sporadically throughout the day was a super important factor in keeping me away. Super proud of not giving in today and I am sure God is too (all praise is due to him).

I did get some thoughts of woman from my memory and this ventured into fantasising about sexual activity with them. Although this lasts for less than a minute at max really, I wonder if I should cut the thought as soon a woman pops into my thoughts from memory. I think my penis did grow ever so slightly at these thoughts so may be best to avoid. I will keep an eye on this moving forward and monitor. If I do not get wet dreams within a two week frame whilst performing the above I will entirely and absolutely abstain from this as well.

Re: Jannahdesires Diary

Posted: Wed Mar 06, 2024 3:47 pm
by Seqiro
When we engage in lustful thoughts about people, we objectify them, and that reinforces the negative effects of porn, hindering in our ability to rewire our brain for wetdreams. I would suggest stopping those kind of thoughts as soon as they turn up. AB is about training your brain to turn to more healthy, natural and positive outlets for sexual frustration, in your sleep.

Good luck on your goal! :)

Re: Jannahdesires Diary

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2024 11:49 am
by Jannahdesires
Seqiro wrote: Wed Mar 06, 2024 3:47 pm When we engage in lustful thoughts about people, we objectify them, and that reinforces the negative effects of porn, hindering in our ability to rewire our brain for wetdreams. I would suggest stopping those kind of thoughts as soon as they turn up. AB is about training your brain to turn to more healthy, natural and positive outlets for sexual frustration, in your sleep.

Good luck on your goal! :)
Thanks for the insight Seqiro and point most certainly noted. In fact, when I did have my wet dreams in the past I was totally abstinent from thoughts of a lustful nature of all sorts! I will avoid this moving forward shutting them down even if the slight prospect arises in my mind. This should help in allowing me to reach my goal of the wet dream asap.

DAY 2 - 6th March 2024

Entirely abstinent from PMO. Entirely abstinent from gazing, looking or checking any woman out online.

I did check out one woman for around 10 seconds irl though. This resulted in my penis growing ever so slightly and I felt the urge to use the toilet as soon as the interaction was over. There was no pre-cum emitted but semen must have travelled out of the balls through the tubes during this period. This will extend the time for me to reach my goal of wet dream. I must shut this down moving forward. No excuses!

Other than that I took a lot more dumps (number 2's) lol which is positive. I also took a nap during the day.

Getting through the day was huge I almost thought for certain I would relapse at some point with the headache and discontentment/boredom/frustration I was experiencing but I got through!

I did have a dream yesterday night. Not sexual in any nature.

Re: Jannahdesires Diary

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2024 10:17 am
by Jannahdesires
DAY 3 - 7th March 2024

Entirely abstinent from PMO. Entirely abstinent from gazing, looking or checking any woman out online and irl.

note: excessive dumps (number 2's) followed by heavy urination. There may be high quantity of semen discharged with these excessive visits.

No dreams recalled during sleep.

Re: Jannahdesires Diary

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 2:59 pm
by Jannahdesires
DAY 4 - 8th March 2024

Entirely abstinent from PMO. Entirely abstinent from gazing, looking or checking any woman out online.

I did get some thoughts of women from my memory and this ventured into fantasising about sexual activity with them. I am almost 99% certain this will set back my ability to get a wet dream. I am making a firm decision to shut this down as soon as the thought of a woman arises and I am very confident at this moment in time with the tools at my disposal I will be successful.

Re: Jannahdesires Diary

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:34 pm
by goodlife

Re: Jannahdesires Diary

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:09 pm
by Jannahdesires
DAY 5 - 9th March 2024

Entirely abstinent from PMO. Entirely abstinent from gazing, looking or checking any woman out online and irl.

No daytime sexual thoughts/fantasizing whatsoever.

Re: Jannahdesires Diary

Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2024 10:53 am
by Jannahdesires
DAY 6 - 10th March 2024 / DAY 7 - 11 March 2024

I had a wet dream (orgasm) this morning at 7.30am. Foreplay dream resulting in orgasm.

Six completed days being entirely abstinent from PMO and entirely abstinent from getting hard to womrn online or irl. My penis was never once erect during this period.

I read we all dream 2 hours a night. Sex dreams occur in REM sleep which is concentrated right before you wake up. You only recall dreams if you wake up during/soon after having the dream. I have had massive AB streaks in the past and never had a wet dream. I think the problem was not that I was not having wet dreams but the problem may have been I was just not recalling or noticing the wet dreams or much dreams of any sorts in general. Dream recall may have be the issue.

I think there is two layers to this all that we must look to improve to reach our goals. The two being abstinence and dream recall.

I will be setting alarms for every 20/30 mins 6 hours after sleep to increase my chances of waking up in a dream and hence recall it.

Feeling more motivated than ever to wire to wet dreams and practicing AB in the month of Ramadan!