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Re: Ant's Journal

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 2:45 pm
by marbles428
Looks like your body has gotten into WD mode now, congrats on the almost near WD!

Re: Ant's Journal

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 1:21 am
by Anthemic
Alright 119 days of ABing, havent posted in a while. Cheers to everyone for their congratulations and whatnot, but I guess I jinxed me having a wet dream. Or... kinda?

I've since played around with prostate stimulation. Though I haven't cum from it (trust me, I could have), I have definitely leaked prostatic fluid that maybe offset the buildup. I have also noticed small bits of cum in my urine (twice, but I assume it happens more often than I think.

All that said, I haven't... not had a WD (I think). There was one confusing night about a month ago where I woke up with my underwear soaked, but the consistency was so liquidy. I almost have to think it was just urine, but I haven't wet the bed since I was younger. I don't recall the dream, nor any pleasure if there was any. It was just waking up to wet underwear and a large spot on the bed. I don't classify it as a wet dream since it just didn't seem like it was cum. I could be wrong, but meh.

Also, last night, I was on the verge of a wet dream yet again. I woke up to feel cum leaking from my dick, but there was no more pleasure/contractions after I woke up. Just a small wet spot on my underwear/pants, but not a full WD at all. I've been really horny as of late. This week has picked up, and it's a nice change of pace because I'd been on a flatline for a few weeks before that. Really hoping a WD comes soon, manifesting it as hard as I can haha.

Really though, I just want to be able to do this way more often. So, it'd be nice for there to be some semblance of consistency. And once I get it, I need to not throw it away. Alas, I'll keep trying.

As for life stuff, been good. Diet has been lacking, but picked back up this past week (along with my horniness). Work is going well, can't complain about anything really. The only thing is I want to start incorporating some daily walks again, especially now that the weather is getting better. Plus, I can probably bust out my recording setup again too with the weather being warm. Gotta see if I can adjust things, so I can always be recording under a blanket anyway. Will keep y'all updated on that.

Re: Ant's Journal

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 6:38 pm
by Seqiro
Amazing progress so far! 119 days, damn :P Thats a great achievement. You're on your way to becoming a full time ABer :D Keep us posted with your progress, good to see you again.

Re: Ant's Journal

Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 4:55 pm
by Anthemic
Late update since I was really busy this week but on Day 126 of ABing (Sunday night), I had a WD an hour into my sleep! No dream recall, but I woke up to the last spurt yet again and knew I had released. Though it felt like a decent sized load, it ended up closer to my waistband, so the picture doesn't really do it justice haha.

I felt extremely horny the few days leading up to it. I had been spending more time just randomly rubbing my nipples throughout the day, and that night, I just had a feeling I would release. I went to sleep aroused with my dick already bobbing up and down, ready to go. Somehow, I managed to fall asleep, and then woke up to the WD.

Pretty happy, my body is working the way it should. I haven't been nearly as horny since then (today is Day 130). I've had an extremely busy week with work, so perhaps that's been affecting it. But I'm hopeful that the next one comes quicker, and then quicker, and quicker. We'll have to see.

Re: Ant's Journal

Posted: Fri May 24, 2024 11:20 pm
by Peel
Congrats Ant! This your patience - unbelievable! Little slip-ups don't count. :P And yes, now more frequent sticky surprises. :mrgreen: