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Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 1:36 am
by Scott
Welcome to the forum! Thanks for joining. Here's hoping that lots of exciting wet dreams are heading your way. And happy birthday too!

WDF and its chat room are open 24/7, but the chat room generally gets busiest from about 9pm to midnight US Eastern Time. Feel free to stop by the chat anytime.

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 3:06 am
by Kyle
Hey, I found this site after poking around for info on wet dreams. I was afraid I was a freak because I’ve had wet dreams at really regular intervals for like three years now, and it doesn’t really matter what else I do. It kinda stressed me out because of the mess it made in my underwear until my dad told me it’s very normal and to be expected. After that I just kinda relaxed into them.

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 7:58 pm
by Seqiro
They happen ;) Welcome to the site, hope you find the answers you are seeking.

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 11:19 am
by JoeShmoe3
Hi! I was a member of the old site. So re-introducing myself here. Nice to meet y'all!

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:13 pm
by bluegardenia
Hey everyone! I’m new here but I’ve had wet dreams since I was like 13. I at one point, I had them probably once a week at least, and I used to be really ashamed and disgusted by them, but thankfully not anymore.

Throughout my 20s, they decreased in frequency, and for a few years, I didn’t have any at all. Now I’m 33 and for whatever reason I recently started experiencing them again, and now that my interest in them has been rekindled, I’d love to hear about other people’s experiences!

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 6:47 pm
by charlythemoose
welcome bluegardenia

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 6:02 am
by Undies-rich
Hi everyone. User of the old site. I love having a wet dream when I can, but they are tough to come by, but when they happen they are the best. Got them when I was younger, but now they are few and far between. I used to AB, but I stopped that and just hope I get one, and once I awhile it happens, and it’s epic, Send a chat if you would like! It’s great the site it still around.

Thanks, Rich.

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 6:44 pm
by neeths
Hi everyone, Im. Neeth, I had my first wet dream at 13 yrs and the experience was quite nice as i can feel the pulsation and ran to the bathroom to change it. I experienced wet dream each month until the age of 19 and then reduced after that. Im 24 btw but as of now ABing is quite hard as i have used to during my teenage years.

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2024 7:42 pm
by Seqiro
Nice to see old members returning, and welcome to our newest members! :D Hope to see more of you, and good luck with your goals!

Re: Meet our newest members

Posted: Fri Mar 29, 2024 9:52 am
by hairyandbeary
Hi. I feel like there's not a lot to say about myself. I might have had a wet dream once, but set my number to 0 because I'm not very certain. I was on the old site with the same username, but I don't remember posting.