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Re: Blue Journal

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:26 pm
by i89rt5
Congrats on this well deserved WD.

A couple of observations:
  • Work stress seemed to play a factor in inducing this WD.
  • Based on what I read on WD reports all the years, it's seemingly uncommon that a guy gets a WD shortly after it's aborted. So this rare occurrence is pretty amazing in terms of that twist. I guess your brain is determined to finish the business!
Since it's like 50+ days built-up, I imagine it'd be a big release. Did you happen to take any pictures to share with us? :-)

My gut punch is you might get another one soon.
TrueBlue wrote: Tue Oct 31, 2023 10:05 pm I had a wet dream last night!

The stress I mentioned in my last post was still there the past couple days. Along that, I didn't catch up on a lot of sleep over the weekend, and so I crashed out abnormally early last night. Finally taking that extra time to sleep might have been the difference maker, since what ended up happening was I actually woke up from a "near-miss" dream, that then did finish off as a wet dream after going back to sleep. Not too common for me.

What I remember: in my dream, I was at work and swamped. I guess all that stress has stayed on my mind. I was getting an erection and wanted to go somewhere private so no one would see me, but people kept giving me more things to do. Getting frustrated in the dream, I unzipped my fly and tried to go to a corner, right around then I started feeling things build up. But around then was when I woke up as well, hard but not there yet. I was annoyed that it didn't happen - after a drink of water it took me a few minutes to fall back asleep, so I had written off any chance of being able to fall back into the dream quick enough.

I guess it was a few hours after that when it happened. I can't remember if there was a second dream, just a vague sensation of building up again and a half-asleep recognizing of what was going to happen. After waking up I thought it had been part of another dream, I actually didn't feel the wetness at first until I checked. Things had soaked in a fair bit by then, so my best guess is that I had slept through it for some time in all.

By my guess this has been about 50 days - longer than what I've usually noted during past AB runs for my body to finally get with the program. Could mean a lot of different things, but I'm not going to try and read too much into it. Luck of the draw, just wouldn't mind a faster turnaround next time? ;)

All in all, a nice surprise before November starts. Onward!

Re: Blue Journal

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2023 10:44 pm
by TrueBlue
Thanks to all!
i89rt5 wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:26 pm A couple of observations:
  • Work stress seemed to play a factor in inducing this WD.
Stress may definitely have been the double-edged sword, both in messing up my sleep schedule in the past couple weeks and leading me to an early night when it did finally happen (I was in bed around 9:30). The fact that my dream wasn't really sexual, only frustration about that situation might show that too. Just another example that wet dreams don't necessarily have to be erotic.
i89rt5 wrote: Wed Nov 01, 2023 4:26 pm
  • Based on what I read on WD reports all the years, it's seemingly uncommon that a guy gets a WD shortly after it's aborted. So this rare occurrence is pretty amazing in terms of that twist. I guess your brain is determined to finish the business!
Since it's like 50+ days built-up, I imagine it'd be a big release. Did you happen to take any pictures to share with us? :-)
I definitely don't remember many instances like this personally - part of my annoyed waking was the thought that I had "missed my chance" so to speak. But there was enough time between that first aborted dream and the actual WD that, after thinking about it, it might be more reasonable to consider it two separate instances. After waking up around midnight the first time, it was after 6 am when I woke up to the success.

Unfortunately, no pic this time. It always slips my mind in the heat of the moment.

Re: Blue Journal

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2023 3:16 am
by TrueBlue
Not much to report since the WD. Expected chaser effect has faded back to more baseline levels the past couple days.

Work stress has been a lot easier on me this week too, so things have been more routine. I've been sleeping a bit better, some vivid dreams but nothing worth reporting. Hopefully it holds true going into this week.


Re: Blue Journal

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 3:26 am
by TrueBlue
Checking in again, if my count is correct then this should be the 60 day mark. I definitely owe the forum coming back online for keeping me motivated through October.

Arousal has been pretty high the past couple days. I don't want to get my hopes up, but hopefully another wet dream is brewing.

Re: Blue Journal

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 2:45 am
by Scott
Congratulations on the 60-day milestone! It sounds likely that a powerful WD is impending...

Re: Blue Journal

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2023 3:06 am
by TrueBlue
Thanks Scott, here's hoping. Feeling of fullness is definitely there the past couple days. Even if it's not building to something, I'm feeling in a good spot to just enjoy the sensations.

Did have a dream last night where I was out shopping for groceries, but realized I was in my underwear. One of those dreams, I guess. I started noticing others in the store similarly dressed, and a woman told me not to be afraid. Woke up shortly after. Can't say I have the feeling that it might have been leading to anything WD-wise, but an interesting dream to remember nonetheless.

Re: Blue Journal

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 2:24 am
by TrueBlue
A big update after a couple days of status quo: I had a wet dream last night! Been about four weeks since the last one, at the end of October.

Notably, yesterday I was extremely tired even though I had slept pretty well the night before. I caught myself starting to doze off on the couch several times through the course of the evening and ended up going to bed pretty early, which looking at my log seems to be the same case as the last one.

Pretty good recollection of what I was dreaming. Some details are hazy, but the gist is that after some things I had gotten locked out of my house and was stressing out. There was something about trying to get a key from someone I knew but I was walking there in some woods and getting cold in only a pair of shorts. I decided I would jerk off to warm up, and even though in the dream I was really upset over breaking AB I started doing it. That went on for what felt like a while in the dream: masturbating while feeling worse and worse about doing it. I felt the release coming, but in the dream I just kept going with nothing happening. That disconnect might have been what started waking me up. When I had that feeling, I was relieved that I hadn't broken AB after all and started moving away from the spot where I had jerked off. That's about the last thing I remember.

Unusually for me, I was pretty disoriented for a bit after waking up, and stumbled around for a minute or two getting out of bed. I finally confirmed I had actually had a wet dream and not just a dream of masturbating, cleaned myself up, and caught a few more hours sleep. Today I've still had a pretty notable feeling of post-WD fullness, no let down after. It really almost feels like I could have another one tonight.

I have a pic this time around. Maybe it's just my eyes, but the stain is hard to see against the fabric pattern of my sleep pants. Most of it was towards the waistband, in between the seam of the pocket and the fly.

Re: Blue Journal

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 2:45 am
by goodlife
👍 The wait was worth it

Re: Blue Journal

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 3:15 am
by Texanguy

Re: Blue Journal

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 4:22 am
by Mikey42