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Re: Ant's Journal

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 7:25 pm
by Anthemic
Hope so, Mikey.

Day 122 - No WD

Today was about the same. Woke up dry but horny. I've been dealing with blue balls for a good part of the morning, haha. Dreamless again, but I did want to mention something I saw in my footage this past night. Slept with no underwear, for context. I either went to sleep with precum or very quickly had a drop of pre soon after I fell asleep. Plus, I was throbbing pretty hard, though I had no covers. Perhaps the lack of any stimulation didn't help a WD along, but it was cool to see it in action. Wonder what I was dreaming about. After that, I quickly put on a blanket and it was pretty boring the rest of the night.

Today, feeling good! Hoping the increase in arousal will mean the WD comes soon like Mikey said. Getting closer and closer to the 67 days I had to wait for the first time. The journey continues.

Re: Ant's Journal

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 1:20 am
by Texanguy
Sounds like a combination of determination and progress. Good luck in getting anotherWD soon!

Re: Ant's Journal

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 9:39 pm
by Anthemic
Thanks, Texanguy!

Day 123 - No WD

Dreamless. I remember one single non-sexual scene, haha. I'll spare the details, but anyway. Woke up dry again. I did want to say though, that upon looking at the past night's footage, there was a moment where my dick was twitching hard. It almost looked like it was pumping, like a wet dream but there was no cum. No pleasure either, since I was asleep, but watching the footage was so interesting. It lasted two minutes, and shortly after, I awoke on the last twitch. Guess dick twitching really can wake someone up, huh? Other than the lack of a WD, I've been having a good day in terms of energy levels and arousal.

As I'm writing this, my briefs do have a bunch of precum stains, and I did deal with some more blue balls. Really, just enjoying the lingering buzz the whole day, and hopefully will continue to ride it for the rest of the day.

Re: Ant's Journal

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 10:25 pm
by marbles428
Your footage always seems to be filled with very interesting experiences and you’re bound to have a WD soon. It makes me wonder what crazy things I would see if I were to record myself during the night lol.

Re: Ant's Journal

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:27 pm
by Anthemic
marbles428 wrote: Wed Oct 04, 2023 10:25 pm Your footage always seems to be filled with very interesting experiences and you’re bound to have a WD soon. It makes me wonder what crazy things I would see if I were to record myself during the night lol.
Interesting for sure. I'd post but they're nsfw sometimes haha. But I think whoever can record should record! At least once, anyway. It's pretty weird (cool?) to see yourself doing stuff you don't remember at all lol. Plus, I'm curious if other people are the same way as me.

Re: Ant's Journal

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2023 2:33 pm
by marbles428
Anthemic wrote: Wed Oct 04, 2023 11:27 pm
Interesting for sure. I'd post but they're nsfw sometimes haha. But I think whoever can record should record! At least once, anyway. It's pretty weird (cool?) to see yourself doing stuff you don't remember at all lol. Plus, I'm curious if other people are the same way as me.
Yeah, that’s understandable. I’d love to record myself but I don’t have the privacy to do it unfortunately, otherwise I would’ve started a long time ago lol.

Re: Ant's Journal

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 4:32 am
by Anthemic
Ah, yeah that makes sense. Maybe one day though.

Day 124 - No WD

Dreamless and dry when I woke, though still fairly horny. Been quite a week of feeling horny, so I'm liking it! Otherwise, not much to update really except a bit of pre leakage. Still going strong.

Re: Ant's Journal

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 6:09 am
by Anthemic
Day 125 - No WD

I distinctly remember having a dream haha, and then I proceeded to not write it down today, so that's just on me lol. Felt decently aroused today, though not as much as the other days. Still, it is a pretty strong feeling, and I'm still looking forward to the next WD.

One thought I guess I'll write here is that for the past week, I felt so sure every night that a WD was going to come. I was feeling like... energy radiating from my groin area as I drifted asleep. But every time, I would wake up without one. Maybe I'm wanting it too hard lol. But I do try to tell myself "I will have a WD tonight" as often as I remember to just to try and imprint it into my subconscious. I mean, eventually it'll work.

Aside from that, I'm also really liking how often I'm finding pre on my underwear. I used to never leak, and now I can count on at least a few drops over the course of the day. Really happy about that.

Re: Ant's Journal

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 1:54 am
by Texanguy
MBers seem to get erect easily when aroused, while AB leads to some arousal accompanied by pre rather than erection. Seems like the pre must be normal, which indicates that AB must be normal.

Good luck in getting your next WD soon!

Re: Ant's Journal

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2023 1:36 am
by Anthemic
Seems about right, though I should mention I do also get erect pretty easily too haha, so idk what that means then. But I won't complain.

Missed a day, but:
Day 126 + 127:

Honestly, not much of an update here except that I am still decently energized. Definitely not as aroused as I was last week, but I'm not feeling bad either. I keep not remembering my dreams, so I have to try way more intently starting now in trying to remember.

And WD stuff aside, my week has been pretty busy! Got a lot of stuff I'm working on which is good, but also I've been slacking on other things because of that. Room getting a bit messy and chores I've been putting off haha, so I gotta fix that this week.