Danny's Log

If you wish to post your diaries, logs, or journal of your wet dream quest or experiences, please post them here.
Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Aug 28, 2024 8:06 am
Number of wet dreams youʹve experienced: 2
Foreskin status: Circumcised
Underwear worn when going to sleep: Boxer-briefs
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 4-6 hours
Date of last voluntary orgasm/ejaculation: 28 Aug 2024
Age: 25

Re: Danny's Log

Post by Dannykyro »

Peel wrote: Thu Aug 29, 2024 9:16 pm Hey Danny!

First couple of days can be really though but then it will go easier. At least experiences of many of us tell that. Try to take AB-ing as part of lifestyle, not as something which will ultimately lead to WD. This part of lifestyle can be also gym and (my beloved) running, restricting of porn, more active social life, etc. You can evaluate what was good or bad in the past but better is to concentrate on the future.

Good luck!
Hey Peel, thanks man for the support. I would say that gays why I'm doing it. That's been my goal from the beginning of trying to stop a couple years ago when I tried and also last year. I already go the gym and run a lot. (Is it every day, no but that anither goal of mine.) One of my friends who stopped said what helped him was just going in a short walk everytime you feel like you wanna mb. So I'm definitely gonna try that. The wet dream thing is only a plus.
Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Aug 28, 2024 8:06 am
Number of wet dreams youʹve experienced: 2
Foreskin status: Circumcised
Underwear worn when going to sleep: Boxer-briefs
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 4-6 hours
Date of last voluntary orgasm/ejaculation: 28 Aug 2024
Age: 25

Re: Danny's Log

Post by Dannykyro »

dkj87 wrote: Thu Aug 29, 2024 9:25 pm Hey Danny. I'm not sure I'd go that far, and I hope you don't worry about it too much. There are probably multiple definitions of sexual addiction, but in my opinion unless you can't function in your normal life without getting off, I don't think you actually have an addiction to MB. If you can't get through the work day without slipping to the bathroom to JO, or you're doing it so often you're getting blisters or friction burns, then maybe it's a bit closer to an addiction. From what you've described though, I'd disagree. Especially describing being able to stop on a family vacation. Someone who was addicted wouldn't have that level of control!

There's nothing wrong with trying to cut back, but I worry a bit hearing someone that may be down on themselves or thinking they're out of control when they're perfectly normal. Our bodies produce the drive to get off naturally for thousands of years. Sometimes it gets overwhelming and you need to get one out, don't be too down on yourself about it. I'd reframe it less as a failure and more as the pressure got too intense and you needed a release. Good luck and hope to get to know you better in the chat.
Hey man thanks for the reply. I totally get where you are coming from and what you are saying. I personally think that if you struggle to stop (which I know I have in the past) then to me that's an addiction. Has it gotten to a bad addiction like you described no, and I'm greatful for that and I hope it never gets to that point but abiet still an addiction. Also thanks for thinking about my mental health, I wouldn't necessarily say that I'm down on myself, I just know that after this many years I just gotta muster up the courage to actually stop. I've had a history of my mind saying one thing and my lazy self doing another. (Don't try to convince me I'm not, I am.. I was lazy.. but I'm really working on it.) Also like I said somewhat before in another reply after my friend stopped completely. I decided that if he can do it and succeed then I definitely can and now here I am.
Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Aug 28, 2024 8:06 am
Number of wet dreams youʹve experienced: 2
Foreskin status: Circumcised
Underwear worn when going to sleep: Boxer-briefs
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 4-6 hours
Date of last voluntary orgasm/ejaculation: 28 Aug 2024
Age: 25

Re: Danny's Log

Post by Dannykyro »

Days Abstaining: 2
Last Wet Dream: when I was 15
No Porn: 2
5:07PM: Just got home from work and grocery shopping. Kind of tired and was feeling a little on edge but I didn't give in. I am strong. I also know that I have a thing I'm going to tonight with some friends so that's keeping me distracted and my spirits up

7:00PM: Out at a thing with friends which is good. Getting out has really been good for me.

11:15PM: Going to bed. Day two was great. I literally got no urges and I'm doing great. Obviously since it's only day two there isn't any changes. But I'm looking up!
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