WD Sleep Position poll

Post your wet dream experiences and questions here.
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When you've had a WD, what position were you typically sleeping in?

on my back
on my left side
on my right side
on my stomach
in a pretzel
Total votes: 34

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WDF Veteran
WDF Veteran
Posts: 19
Joined: Sat Nov 25, 2023 4:45 pm
Location: Oklahoma
Number of wet dreams youʹve experienced: 10
Foreskin status: Restoring
Underwear worn when going to sleep: Boxers
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 6+ hours
Date of last voluntary orgasm/ejaculation: 30 Oct 2023

WD Sleep Position poll

Post by Squeeze2 »

There have been many ponderings here over the years if one's position while sleeping affects the likelihood of getting a WD. Some assume that sleeping on your stomach may provide some friction against your penis, increasing the chances. (And a lot of anti-masturbation advice from the Victorian era recommended against that). In my personal experience, almost all of mine have been while sleeping on my back, which is not my normal way to sleep.

Let's take a poll of WDF user's experiences to see if we can find a pattern! Feel free to provide additional info in the comments.
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