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Wet Dream Essays & Research Articles

The following is a collection of essays and research articles on the topic of nocturnal emissions:


What this site can do for you   by Texanguy, posted 9/21/03

The support of others on this site can change your perception of masturbation and wet dreams.

Before this site, you may have been wanting a wet dream. You might have felt unique and 'out in the fringe' for resisting masturbation trying to get a wet dream. You might have felt wierd wanting a wet dream so much that you refused the cravings to masturbate that 'everybody else' gives in to.

You might have felt frustrated at not getting a wet dream, and felt strange, wierd, and alone, wondering if all the things you were experiencing while not masturbating were unique or strange -- and even wondered if you were normal to deny your cravings at all. You might also have wondered if not masturbating was really the best way to get wet dreams.

It was like going down a road in the wilderness, not even sure there was a road, and not even sure that it would lead to the wet dreams you desired.

With this site, it's like finding that the road has been successfully traveled by others. You can see and converse with people who are further down the same road, and even some who have reached the destination. They are encouraging you to continue, and telling you how great the destination is.

Now, with the help of this site, the idea of not masturbating at all and having wet dreams seems more real, practical, and attainable. It doesn't seem so alien or wierd to not masturbate at all any more -- you can regularly converse with people who have quit and tell you how great it is. You realize that your desire for wet dreams is shared by many others, and that if anything, wet dreams are even more superior to masturbation than you thought.

In the past, you may have felt a little 'foolish' trying not to masturbate in order to get a wet dream, not even sure it would work, and thinking you were the only one.

Now, with the support of this site, continuing to masturbate seems to be the more foolish when you really want wet dreams. Kicking the masturbation habit and having frequent wet dreams, like others are doing, seems to make more sense than continuing to masturbate.

Makes it a lot easier to do!


Essay 2  by




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