I'm new to the site. I've been reading everyone else's logs and journals and it got me wanting to keep track as well. A little history: I'm 27 and and been MBing on average once a day since I was a teen. I never had a WD until last month when I tried AB for a few days. I wasn't expecting a WD because I never had one before so it took me by surprise in the middle of the night. I'm really trying to not MB to much because I've noticed that when I stop my mood is better, I have more energy, I feel more confident and sociable. I would also like to experience a lot more WDs and enjoy the full experience instead of it catching me off guard. So here I go. It's my second day of AB and in starting my log. Wish me luck!
Day 2
Today is the second day without MB. I realize that this is going to take time and commitment and so I figured I can align being AB with my weight loss goals as well. Staying away from porn shouldn't be too much of an issue bc right now I don't have much access to the internet even though xtube and I go waaaay back lol. I can't wait until I start feeling the effect of AB in the next few days and weeks.