by J0SH » Tue Jan 29, 2013 10:44 pm
Hey, Focus.
Long time no see.
Yeah. Sometimes it can take a while. Especially the first time. I found that subsequent periods of abstinence didn't have to be so long before a WD occured.
I have had a few periods over the past year whereby I have gone a couple of weeks without MB and this has resulted in a WD.. Has been 17 days since I last ejaculated, but this was from just enjoying an erection for 10 minutes... Have tried this a few times since then, but it hasn't worked... Perhaps my brain is trying to work on WDs instead? Shouldn't be too far from a WD, though...
13/01/12: came without touching after being hard for ten minutes.
06/02/12: Orgasm through physical stimulation
11/02/12: Wet dream!! :-)
16/02/12: Wet Dream!! :-)
19/02/12: Wet Dream!! :-)
24/02/12: Hands-free orgasm/ejaculation :-)