Jamie wrote:Well there must be something going on here. I guess I should ask you a few questions:
1. Are you sure it is a wet dream and not PEE?
2. Does this work if you do it every night, in other words, will you get a wet dream every night if you drink before bed?
3. Does the amount of the wet dream change depending on how much you drink? If it is a sip, do you ejaculate a teaspoon? So what if you drink a whole glass of water?
It would be interesting to see exactly how much you ejaculate from one of these unusual (for us) water-triggered wet dreams. There is a forum where we post photos to see how much we have ejaculated.
Thanks for the feedback guys. To answer your questions, Jamie.
1.) 100% sure it's not pee
2.) I haven't run a test but yes, it seems 90% likely I'll WD if I drink water before bed
3.) I've noticed not correlation between amount of water I drink and ejaculate amount
harry17 wrote:I am with Jamie on this one. Are you sure you are not just "wetting the bed"?
Does it happen if you MB before going to sleep?
It would be a good idea to run some experiments and take some pictures of the results. These could be posted in the private forum as Jamie suggests.
I'd assume it's less likely to happen if I MB before bed, I haven't tested though.
The reason I started this thread was because I thought it might be a common occurrence. Now I know it's not I'll just have to stop drinking water before bed