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PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 12:34 am 
Here im posting some of my views on various encircling topics on this forum. If you disagree feel free to voice it but follow these rules

1. Dont disuade others from a religion
2. Dont create all scale chaos by having a posting brawl
3. This is for fun and intrest

Im going to address a few things here because I have a feeling there is flak being thrown around.

Ok for starters some of these homophobia topic posts single out religous people (Like Christians) as bad by some. Not all this is true. Just because we are not faithless does not mean we are all high and mighty egotistical beings ready to scourge homosexuals off the world. There are people without religion who find homosexuals less than likable and I think that is is not unreasonable to see why they might be unerved (but no reason for hostility). Some of us are accepting of the people we may (may!) see as wayward while others see it as their duty to hate all that is bad to them (including the vector/person). But to nail this coffin.

we all sin and no sin is judged more heavily than the rest (unless thats your religion but for most its not). This means that those who have a pure perspective wont be biased on this and wont be homophobic if their morals are in check. We are here to love thy neighbour, not kill the so called sinner.

Second is the whole Christian perspective of MB. Now some of us agree that its a sin, perhaps because for some it happens to be a form of lust. Others agree it must not be as so many do it (this relating to the fact that why would god make >90% of people uncontrollably sin) and that it incorporates no lusting or adultery or other sins so it must be clean enough to do.

I think it is safe to say that masturbation is a potential sin

Ill lay the cards against it and for it
For: Its not Lust if you dont lust, no direct evidence of sinning, normal to do... Atheist

Against: Lust, Addiction, Written against in Bible.

Now im sure these leave some of you in despair but I will try to level the field for all

"Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

Probably one of the most memorable quotes ive heard against this. Lust is by far the one I hear the most flak on MB for. To set the pieces on the chessboard, I in all my soul hate lust, not its victims but the sin itself as the others. Now many think that MB is a sin because you Lust when you do it. Not entirely true ill say. MB is not a sin in itself but may bring about sin is abused. Lust is essentially seen as desire after one who you are not sacredly bonded to. Voluntry sexual desires towards a woman you may have seen is Lust. Now if you dont lust after somebody, or think about a nonexistant person you made up in your mind is it now a sin? Well mabey not but your not out of the fire yet. :x

Lust in my opinion is not essentially a strong sexual desire with another person you are not in a devoted relationship with. Lust is all about control, it is a lack of control. It is letting your desires and passions dominate and enslave you. This is the biggest reason I think people hate MB in Christianity and others who are vague on the subject. When most people MB they let themselves keep doing it, fueling their desires and that can lead to addiction, which is essentially Lust. Losing contol then relising it does not make a happy experience. I learnt this first hand (mind the pun, unintended). But like I said it is not positive. We turn completely and hate the act because we see ourselves a monstrosities and as such that MB made us corrupt. Well time for a wakeup call, your own passion made you corrupt the moment you let it loose. :angry-cussingblack: . The act if done only as much as needed and exersized with restraint it will not pose a path to lust or addiction.

On the second note, there is evidence via quotes that may encourage the idea that MB is a sin but there is no written evidence in the bible that it is. How to solve it? Make up your own mind on it but dont try to change those of others. only help those in need.

Now then thats my view on steryotypical homophobic opinions pointed at Christians and MB with assosiation to Lust, feel free to attack it if you feel you must but if you have something to say, back your arguement as im not here to hurl pointless words around (such as insults). This is here to be for intelligent conversing.

My next commentary will be tomorrow if im lucky. Hope you liked it.

PostPosted: Tue Oct 05, 2010 10:28 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 31, 2010 10:47 am
Posts: 10
Age: 57
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 4
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 13 Aug 2010
Sex: Male
crawlsinshadows wrote:
Make up your own mind on it but dont try to change those of others. only help those in need.

If your post is not an attempt to change the mind of others, what was it?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 06, 2010 11:10 am 
Id say you have a point were it not for the fact you singled out 1 particular set of words and twisted them to use them out of context to the opinion I placed before you.

I offer clarification for those who would take it, im no domineer or controller of thoughts. Just placing the fact that 1. Not all of us should be categorized because of religion and 2. Bring forth the light as to why people would consider it to be a sin under the lack of evidence of it being a sin.

Its like saying guns are evil. They are not, the person who shot it was the one who decided to use it for evil.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 08, 2010 6:37 am 
Lust in my opinion is not essentially a strong sexual desire with another person you are not in a devoted relationship with. Lust is all about control, ...

On the second note, there is evidence via quotes that may encourage the idea that MB is a sin but there is no written evidence in the bible that it is. How to solve it? Make up your own mind on it but dont try to change those of others. only help those in need.

A couple of thoughts...
There seems to be an assumption that lust is wrong. I believe there are good lusts, lusts, and bad lusts. Paul himself said that he lusted (for something good). Personally, I believe that bad lust is a desirous/envious fixation on something that is, or should be out of our reach, ie another person when we are in a married, etc. I think MB to porn probably falls into this area. - let him that is without sin cast the first stone... :)

Being horny is a natural state for guys. if a guy is married, and sees a good looking woman, he can immediately get a boner and look forward to getting some when he gets home. If he, in his heart, wants to pound what he just saw, there is a problem. So it seems to me, that in itself, lust is not the problem, but it is the thoughts that cause it to swing one way or the other.

I wish telling people that if you think MB is a sin, dont do it - would be good enough. But fundamentally, that is unfair to millions of young men that are looking for some certainty, on a topic that is not even addressed in the bible. I grew up with the guilt of believing it was wrong, but lacking the discipline to stop. There is NO WAY this is a healthy way to live each day. The guilt and stress and just unnatural, and the self condemnation that is brings, in my opinion, results in a lot of guys rejecting their religious upbringing. I will tell you what I told my son and his friends when they were adolescents. Masturbation is NOT a SIN. This eliminates the guilt and condemnation because it came from (me) an authoritative source that should know by now what is and is not a sin. I also told them that they needed to be careful about their thought while they were MBing - because that could be a gateway to the harmful kinds of lust. I suggested that they just focused on what they were feeling and where they were doing it - keeping their thoughts in check. I like what one father told his son, if you need to fantasize on an object while MBing, let it be your future spouse. I still think my approach is better than telling young men dont do it if it makes you feel bad. If our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart - is good for old codgers as well as young studs.

Your mileage may vary... ;)

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