Noople Bear Unregistered User (9/12/03 10:18 pm) Reply bring on the wet dreams! I'll try to do this from memory and save space by avoiding quotes. It seems the wet-dream-yearning mind is a thorough and analytical one that lends itself to long posts - it is nice to find myself in sympathetic company! (Well, I can manage in-depth discussions with certain friends on art, aesthetics, sociology, economy, philosophy, astronomy and physics, but not wet dreams!)
The achy-oozing feeling I get - makes me think of retrograde ejaculation. I don't know if I ever got that. Would you feel that? I assumed that semen just "went the wrong way" when I didn't masturbate to orgasm and it came back to haunt me when I urinated. Perhaps ONCE a drop of semen emerged after such an incident when I urinated and I got that feeling - so I imagined it would ooze out again but it never did. It just FELT wrong - unhealthy somehow.
I'm glad to hear that after the first new wet dream the subsequent ones happen faster - that would be encouraging.
As for my "quickie" wet dreams - I recall a couple. In one I'm overlooking a large rolling field that is somehow a playground for my high-school. I am standing by a shed in which I believe weapons are being stored. There is an air raid siren and people in huge numbers are pouring out of the building into the fields like a drill and getting into formation at ridiculously inhuman speeds. There is a group of people near me just out of gym class and in slightly "revealing" tight clothes. Despite the tension of the situation I find myself staring at a few body parts and almost immediately I feel a surge swell my groin to a bulge and there is a single untra powerful burst of release that wakes me up as soon as it happens but does not continue with further contractions. Not very romantic, sexy or fully enjoyable - more of a fascinating curiosity. But as I said my first one seemed to take a couple minutes and was very gentle, and most of the others seemed to be true to real time but differed only in the way they felt.
I might as well that this moment to tell my last "memorable" wet dream, around age 16, which might not be a wet dream at all! It was summer, I was hot and on my back, and uncharacteristically naked (actually I think my briefs were pulled down to "air out" a bit but the sheet JUST barely covered me) and I lay there with my arms over my head, the light of the room still visible through my eyelids. Suddenly I went into some sort of trance where I got numb and tingly and my heart and breathing suddenly sped up FOR NO REASON. I swore I was still awake, but if I was sleeping my only dream was of my bodily predicament - I was lucid so I did not move lest I'd break the "spell." Then came the erection and subsequent auto-pilot orgasm. I opened my eyes and beheld, for the 1st time, my own semen NOT drenched into my briefs or on a shirt I had lain on my bed to protect while I humped it. What had happened? A spontaneous orgasm? Devoid of sexual imagery? My only theory was that I slipped into a REM state and had a lucid dream, so it would qualify as a wet dream. I tried to recreate that so many times but always failed at the threshhold of orgasm.
After that whenever I had a wet dream I would write it down in a journal of sorts, but since there was typically no dream to recall all I could do is remember as best I could what I did prior to bed and the last time I orgasmed and what I did and felt immediately upon awakening. There was no pattern, except for the novelty of the situation. In one the dream was inexplicably of viewing some guy on a stretcher in sweat pants and seeing the bulge which I somehow felt - and it turned out the feeling in my hand was my own hand resting on my penis feeling it get hard - the feeling feeding the dream image (thus not a fantasy). A few were when I wore odd clothing to bed for the 1st time, like silk briefs or boxers, so it was the novelty of the situation (one of these was in Italy, the other at home, in which I even drew a map of the stain, recalling the anecdote of Louis XIV of France as a teen was observed to "draw a map of France on his sheets" by his nosy attendants, escept in my case the shape was LAOS! - the silk briefs were burgandy and "bled" through to the sheets - so the pattern was there too! Luckily the sheets were were flannel with red designs already!) - there was one in which I half-masturbated half-awake at night then had a wet dream an hour later (which probably got me into the habit of that practice) an done in which I correctly anticipated the sexual activity of the succeeding evening with my then-new girlfriend.
Nothing I could wear or do that worked for these situations ever happened a second time. Conclusion: novelty!
Novelty is what sex is to young teens, so ANYTHING sexual is bound to stir the imagination, and with that ever-ready erection, a multitude of wet dreams.
Of course, raging hormones are to blame as well, which is why I'm looking into testosterone injections, if needed.
Another theory would be "orgasmic threshhold" - when we are younger we ejaculate much faster - someone who ejaculates prematurely is more bound to do so with little stimulation, and such a person would have more wet dreams. As we age we loose sensitivity and gain ejaculatory control while awake, and unfortunately also while asleep. We are tuned into imminent orgasm and might awaken before it happens (in my case if I do the orgasm promptly stops) just as, when babies, we learn the feeling of imminent urination, and thus can awaken before wetting the bed. In this sense, guys with wet dreams are simply going through an infancy of "sexual bedwetting" before they "gain control" or their ejaculations. Someone who masturbates a lot might be akin to voiding the bladder before bedtime to avoid an accident. But in either case they don't necessarily prevent it. In fact I read a couple accounts where wet dreams are brought on by RECENT sexual activity!
There was a Dr. Lin on the web who said something about the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system having something to do with wet dreams, and was the difference between ones with contractions that you felt and the ones where semen uneventfully oozed out. He also restated what I thought about low orgasmic threshholds beign extra sensitive and thus more likely to wet dream.
Part of what sets teens dreams on fire sexually are the stories, pictures, and curiosity they have during the day thinking of sex constantly. THAT is why I questioned avoiding sexual material. On one hand it can ignite some dreams, but on the other hand it can lead to masturbatory temptation. Since we are trying to avoid masturbation to HAVE a wet dream, that lack of erotic imagery might make the dream less likely even if we manage to keep our hands off. "Out of sight, out of mind" or "use it or lose it." What do you think?
Similarly, I think wet dreams should SNEAK UP on us, which is hard to do when we are trying so hard to INVITE one to happen! I guess that is why you need to stop for so long that abstinence is a habit (which is a shame). The ideal would be NOT TRYING to abstain, yet being a sex fiend while never succumbing to masturbatory temptation.
You ask if I'm ready to join you and try this out - the truth is I already have for over 10 years! By myself!
I was always amazed that, even with the internet, there is simply not much info on wet dreams, except for the same dopey one-paragraph explanation given in healthbooks to reassure worried teens. Where are the sleep-lab scientific studies? The data? The books on the subject. But guys don't talk about it, and it seems no-one (even doctors) are interested in what we are, which seems such a harmless and innocent endeavor!!! Instead we are bombarded with tampon commercials and volumes of literature on menstruation, that female right of passage...
I mean, not even ONE BOOK or WEBSITE! Actually, I did find one desktop published book called Lucid Wet Dreaming - and when I found MY OWN WET DREAM copied in there from my posting it on the web, I realized what a truly small world it was with this subject!
Then again, I can understand the legal concerns. I mean, if you are going to study wet dreams, you want to get a group that gets them a lot - namely teenage boys - and I suppose strapping on electrodes and gear onto their penises to monitor what happens can be viewed as twisted and not benefitting anyone medically. Butit WOULD give us some insight about what is happening - hormone levels, brain activity and other physiological phenomena. In fact I read of one account where a doctor had himself hooked up and recorded a wet dream (which were notorious for NOT happening in a lab) and found highly elevated cardiovascular and brain activity, almost like was awake exerting sexual energy...
So, what to do?
I CAN'T change these factors that might help wet dreams:
1. Age
2. Genetics
I MIGHT be able to change these, if I knew the result of doing/not doing some of them:
1. Stop masturbating/sex - not to build up semen, but to build up MENTAL sexual energy in need of release, and also as a way to UNTRAIN ourselves to ejaculating manually while awake (diaper lovers, who I have crossed paths with on this subject, have a similar interest in trying to UNTRAIN their potty training - we won't go there).
2. Avoid/Increase erotic imagery and thoughts/activities, even if they don't lead to orgasm.
3. Amount of sleep.
4. Sleeping position.
5. Sleeping attire.
6. Diet/supplements.
7. Health/physical activity and condition.
8. Hormone levels (this only qualifies if I need them and can get a prescription).
Did I forget any? Well, I once considered constucting a timer device that provided VERY gentle rubbing or vibrating stimulation while sleeping. Timed because it would have to go off approximately when you were in REM sleep (an hour before waking up) and gentle so it does not wake you up! But I never made one and so don't know if it works. An obliging partner would possibly be a better way to go, but I haven't found one, at least one who could not be awake at those key moments for my benefit
WHERE IS THE MAGIC WET DREAM PILL? Just take one and be in ecstacy all night! (Perhaps such drugs are out there and, combined with future virtual reality development [porn sector] this might someday happen...)
Okay, that is enough!