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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:39 pm 
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(9/5/03 12:20 pm)

That all seems reasonable to me. But I think there may be a difference between how 'vivid' a dream really is and how well it is remembered. It may be that 'vividness' is just waking up and remembering dreams that are otherwise no different from the ones we don't remember. In that case, stress may simply make a person wake up more easily after REM sleep. I don't know for sure.

But studies have shown that there is indeed a correlation between what we experience during the day and what we dream. That's one reason I was so interested in any differences in erections, arousal, thoughts, and experiences that Mike and Hoban had just before their wet dreams. But if anything, for Mike it was relief from stress on the job, and for Hoban it may have been just after perhaps an unusual amount of time spent studying calculus. We could theorize that Hoban also felt some stress relief at having completed his calculus studies, but I'm not sure we could reliably conclude that at this point.

So erotic arousal during the day may help stimulate wet dreams, but I don't think all of it does. I still see a connection between waking erotic arousal and the brain continuing to look for 'release' while awake instead of asleep, especially for people who are having only waking orgasms.

So does more waking stimulation keep the brain focused on waking orgasms, or does it help refocus them towards dreams? Dickenson has been almost a 'walking erection' for almost 4 months now, so if there was a direct correlation, he should already be in 'wet dream city'.

Nobody has yet commented on my belief that waking suppression of orgasms in the quest for wet dreams may result in suppression of orgasms while asleep as well. Something we may have to get beyond before we can have wet dreams.

Take your dream about an aerosol air freshener that needs to have a new cartridge as an example. What if while you were awake you told yourself that you absolutely would NOT replace the cartridge no matter how bad the smell got? What if every time you walked into your bathroom that you noticed it, and said again 'absolutely not'? I would tend to think that your dreams about it would more likely involve NOT replacing it, than dreaming you are doing what you adamantly refuse to do while awake.

So if your brain 'connects' orgasms to masturbation, and you refuse to masturbate while awake, your brain may refuse to have orgasms in your sleep as well. To get wet dreams, you'd have to do the equivalent of reaching the point where replacing the cartridge while awake is still a 'no-no', but it's a good and perfectly OK thing to do while you are asleep.

The way to do that appears to be to get your brain to 'disconnect' orgasms from the only way you ever have them, forbid that way, and then learn to have them another way.

Mike became a fountain. Hoban had sex with a girl, even though he never has in real life. I'm not sure I ever heard of a person having a wet dream about masturbating.

So I think we want our brains to feel 'I love orgasms. I want as many as I can have. I can have them whenever I want in dreams' But at the same time, not connect orgasms to masturbation at all. I could be wrong, but I think reaching that point would make us all into frequent wet dreamers, and we'd probably also have no conscious inclination to masturbate.

As far as inducing more dreams, there may be some things that do. But if they are too 'mind altering' they may 'alter' you right out of orgasms.


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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:40 pm 
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(9/5/03 12:57 pm)

Wow - that's a lot of stuff there to think about.


So if your brain 'connects' orgasms to masturbation, and you refuse to masturbate while awake, your brain may refuse to have orgasms in your sleep as well.

I know this is one of your main theories, but I don't know what to think of it. I can't really agree with it or disagree with it.

I will comment on one thing though - you refer to having orgasms in your sleep, in a wet dream. I don't know about you guys, but my wet dream was more of an ejaculation than an orgasm. As you know, they are two distinct things that you could have one without the other.

I don't know, in my dream, I kindda felt like I was building to an orgasm, and I remember feeling the release, then the uncontrollable contractions and spurting sensation in my penis. But I don't really remember feeling the orgasm itself, and I question if there ever was one. It could be that I did have an orgasm and I don't remember it because it was during my dream state and hadn't awoken yet. But I think it was more of just an ejaculation, and that there was no orgasm. It felt REALLY good, but not like an orgasm. It was different - not like anything I had felt before. I remember the contractions in my penis seeming to last a long time - much longer than in a normal ejaculation while awake. It could have been just an illusion while asleep, who knows. And each contraction and spurting sensation felt incredibly good. Again, not an orgasm with like a wave crashing over me with pleasure, but just very good sensations with each contraction.

I guess my point is, there is a very good chance that wet dreams don't have orgasms with them, at least not in the traditional sense of what an orgasm is when we are awake.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:40 pm 
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(9/5/03 3:12 pm)
The Master has come

Well, I have to say, boy am I surprised to see this. But Before I post I need to preface by saying, I never have masturbated, it's a religous thing, so I can't compair wet dreams to masturbation. But I have had a strange obsession with wet dreams, as I have NEVER in my entire life found anyone who has wet dreams at my frequency. I average about one every 4 or 5 days. It is ridiculous. I honestly wish I could just reduce the frequency of them, they get very annoying them, having to clean myself up so often. And they are not the little damp ones, they are explosions. I saw someone say wet dreams do not take you away from the "horniness", and while they don't completely take it away, for me they do seem to infact reduce it. Any questions? Bigrusslds@hotmail.com Honestly, i'm in the opposite bus, i want less.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:40 pm 
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(9/5/03 3:17 pm)

I'll underscore my point with ** **:

"The dream felt tremendous. Much better than masturbation... Definitely the **orgasm** is more prolonged."

"Comparing to masturbation, wet dreams are extraordinary! They?re more ?real life? and it?s **the best orgasms you can get** (apart from sex? May be? I don?t know.) In terms of feelings, intensity, I think wet dreams provide the BEST ejaculations for me, personally."

They seem to think that wet dreams are clearly better, **including** the orgasms.

There's plenty of other 'anecdotal evidence' to indicate that wet dreams give more intense and longer lasting orgasms. Perhaps Mike, Ronald, and/or Hoban can offer their opinions here.

So your one wet dream may not be typical. I would guess that when you had it that you were pretty addicted and used to masturbating. Just as someone who masturbates regularly may have trouble fully enjoying or even having an orgasm during sex, it's not unreasonable to think that it's harder to have a 'full intensity' wet dream if you've been recently masturbating.

It is also beginning to seem that wet dreams are just plain physiologically 'different' from masturbating. Maybe the brain can't experience their fullest intensity in only one wet dream when it's quite habituated to masturbation.

I'd be interested in hearing about Mike's and Hoban's next wet dreams. They might even be more intense.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:41 pm 
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(9/5/03 4:26 pm)
Welcome, Magic

Thanks for posting here, even if you are not sharing our goals.

First of all, it's not unusual for someone who has never masturbated to have such frequent wet dreams. I have found several posts by people who average 2 or 3 a week, and one guy claimed to average 6 (he seemed to rather enjoy them, by the way).

So I wouldn't worry about your frequent wet dreams, you are completely normal. Relax. If anything, consider yourself more 'masculine' because of it.

About the only thing you can do to reduce the frequency of wet dreams you have would be to force some kind of orgasms while you are awake. If you don't believe in doing that, or don't want to, I'd say just enjoy your wet dreams as natural and normal, and don't worry about being 'weird'. You're not! Just find a better way to deal with the mess and relax.

Would you mind answering a few questions? We'd appreciate it. Don't answer any that you don't want to.
Keep in mind that we are all anonymous here, and that you are also 100% anonymous and will remain so.

1. How old are you?

2. What age did you start having wet dreams?

3. Have you ever been tempted to masturbate and had to resist, or is it more like never having tasted chocolate rum cake, for example, and so don't miss it?

4. How often do you get erections during the day? (There is nothing wrong or abnormal with anywhere from very many to virtually none, just be honest.)

5. Do you wake up with an erection? How often?

6. Do you get an erection when you first go to bed and fall asleep at night?

7. What do you wear to bed?

8. Do you enjoy the feelings of your wet dreams? Can you describe them?

9. The content of wet dreams are beyond our conscious control. They don't have to be 'sexual' in the sense that they involve sexual activity with another person. But they can indeed be quite sexual, even for a person who does not entertain such thoughts or fantasies while awake for religious or other reasons. With all of that in mind, could you give us an idea of the content of your wet dreams? Be general if you have to be, but be as specific as you are comfortable in being.

10. You said wet dreams help control your 'horniness'. Again, don't feel pressured to be too specific if you don't want to be, but could you describe what 'turns you on'?
Be general, if you prefer.

11. How often do you feel 'horny'? What do you feel like doing when that happens? A lot of guys will masturbate, or at least fantasize about pursuing some kind of sexual activity, so we'd be curious.

12. Do see any correlation with anything in the daytime that causes, predicts, or is any way connected to getting a wet dream that night?

13. You said you'd like less wet dreams, but you did not say none. Would you feel more comfortable having as many as you do if you knew you were normal? (And believe me, you are.)

Do you have any other comments?

Thanks for your answers, and feel free to post here as often as you'd like. Again, relax. You're normal.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:41 pm 
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brahms 28
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(9/5/03 5:12 pm)
I'm back

hey guys.

I'm back, and standing still.
I had two terrible days of uncontrollable erections. But now I'm ok.
Today, I survived an attempt to have sex. I did not refuse to it, but I did not show too much interest. That was awesome!. My underwear was wet with precum, and my erection was more than evident. I guess she now thinks I just don’t want to get involved with her. That’s kind of true, but in another circumstances, I wouldn’t think twice to spend the night with such a beauty.

I've been reading all your posts. They are very interesting. There are some things that I would like to clarify and give my opinion.

The dilemma if wet dreams produce orgasm or just ejaculations: I would say… Who knows? How can one differentiate an orgasm, from a very intense ejaculation that makes you tremble and even remember the vivid feelings the next day?
All I know, is that they are very different, and that for me, wet dreams are more intense. And I think we have many types of orgasm, like women do, but perhaps, this has not been explored yet because many men are afraid of their sexuality/masculinity being tested.

With regards to the dreams, I recall about 40% of them. And I don’t have sleep disorders. I’m like focus… a storm next to me wouldn’t wake me up.
So, I kind of disagree with the fact that if you are awoken during your REM cycle, then you remember your dream. I think it has to do with the connection it has with the reality. When the link with the reality is strong (like in w.d.), then the dream passes to the conscious mind. Sometimes, or brain incorporates things happening in the reality with dreams: a full bladder, a phone ringing, the alarm, noises, the room temperature, the lack of oxygen, ….or an ejaculation.

I’m not a scientist. I wish I were. So, that is my opinion, based on my personal experience.

Did anyone send me an email? If so, please resend it. Brahms_28@hotmail.com was temporarily unavailable due to inactivity. Thanks!

I think I have to say hello to the two new participants. Unix, and Magic. Welcome!
I’m sure you’ll enjoy this forum. We’ve said many times that it is unique. And it really is.
Who know at what extent this forum will become a real manual for people wanting/not wanting to have wet dreams…?

In any case, here we have wonderful people, like Focus, Texanguy… excellent writers and analyst (I admire them!). My little brother Hoban very fresh and funny, and Dickenson, who is our busy man. And of course, our former wet-dreams mentor… Ronald.

Have a great weekend folks!


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:46 pm 
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(9/5/03 5:53 pm)

Thanks for the input, Mike. Glad you're still with us! I was wondering if you were going to make it the last time you posted

So you're in the same boat as me and MrUnix too with regards to the sex opportunities. Its pretty incredible that we are declining sex in pursuit of wet dreams. That speaks a lot for how good wet dreams can feel, and how badly we want them.

I've got the photo album running now on my web server. So send me your picture, and I'll post it. So far its just me and Ron on it. I thought more people were interested in posting their pics?? Send 'em in people!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:47 pm 
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(9/5/03 7:30 pm)

Thanks for posting your ideas. I definitely appreciate your input about dreams, both wet and non-wet. I was theorizing that you might have to wake up from REM sleep in order to remember a dream, but it sounds like you are a good example of that not necessarily being true. You sleep soundly, but still remember dreams.

Nevertheless, I still wonder about waking up from REM sleep. I too have had dreams that incorporate reality, such as a phone ringing or other sound into a dream. But might that not be because the phone started ringing and woke us up during REM sleep?

When you said you remember about 40% of your dreams, do you mean you remember having a dream overnight about 4 out of 10 of mornings? Also, in the morning, do you wake up with a dream in your mind, or do you remember one from earlier in the night?

It may be that a person who remembers their dreams more easily also has wet dreams more easily as well, but I'm still not sure.

About orgasms vs ejaculations in wet dreams, I think to some extent we just need to define our terms. Strictly speaking, I think an ejaculation is just the expelling of semen, and not related to the feelings involved. An orgasm is an intense feeling at the peak of sexual arousal, and is usually accompanied by an ejaculation. But quite often, people use the terms interchangeably.

I think the question came up because Focus was wondering whether a wet dream gives a real orgasm like masturbation does, or if the 'orgasm part' of a wet dream is not as intense as in masturbation.

Quote: "How can one differentiate an orgasm, from a very intense ejaculation that makes you tremble and even remember the vivid feelings the next day?"

I think what you described qualifies as a real orgasm, one more intense than you can get from masturbating.

Might I make another observation? I offered the theory that wet dreams are a better and thus more natural substitute for sex than is masturbation. (Pretty extreme, I know). But having wet dreams, or even the prospect for them, has made it easier for some of you guys to resist opportunities for sex. Yet, I would submit, if you found someone you truly cared for and 'fell in love' with, you wouldn't care about the wet dreams. In other words, wet dreams may help guys 'save it' for a real relationship with a strong emotional connection first, and otherwise be content not to get involved with 'one night stands'.

Maybe that is a natural and beneficial function they serve?

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:47 pm 
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Ronald WDM
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(9/6/03 10:05 am)
Welcome, Magic!

Welcome to our forum, Magic! It looks like I have some competition here now. But it's nice to kow you.

Yes wet dreams have more intense orgasms than masturbation. I hope you can all exerpience them.

Well I hope everyone has a nice weekend, and I'll check here later.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:47 pm 
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(9/6/03 2:52 pm)
Hi again

I must say that we are just a bunch of mature incredible guys. It goes very well here with my new girl friend who i will start dating, she´s such a understanding person and perfectly understands me wanting a Wet Dream and also said with a shy way that even she would want one and asked me if girls can have one. I bet you think that im bullshitting with you but the thing is that me and her are unnormal open to each other.

I have not been anymore so horny, im allready feeling that i am getting used to not masturbating but when im talking to the girl i phone so if we are like starting to talk about sex then i very easy have precum. I even told her that which i had very hard to tell not to feel my self like a clown!

Im just reading here youre texts and im continuing the hunt of having a Wet Dream. Right now im little bit stressed before the big math test which is on Tuesday next week. Good way of training my shitty English writing here by the way =)

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:47 pm 
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(9/6/03 3:37 pm)
OK...answers to questions

Alright, I'll try to answer your questions now Texanguy.

1. How old are you? 19

2. What age did you start having wet dreams? First at age 13, a lot of them at age 15, but not as many as I have now till about age 17

3. Have you ever been tempted to masturbate and had to resist, or is it more like never having tasted chocolate rum cake, for example, and so don't miss it? it's probably more of the, since I've never done it, It's not such a temptation thing, The temptation to me more so is just to get rid of the horniness, not for the pleasure I'd feel, but like I said, I've never tried it.

4. How often do you get erections during the day? This really depends. I went for about a month with very few, 2 months back but STILL averaged about 2 wet dreams a week. When I'm with my girlfriend for example (who lives out of town) I get them A LOT, like too much, but on an average day, I have no idea, maybe 8 or 9?

5. Do you wake up with an erection? How often? Generally not, though occasionally, maybe once a week

6. Do you get an erection when you first go to bed and fall asleep at night? A lot of times before I fall asleep, because things just pop into my head

7. What do you wear to bed? Cotton undershirt and cotton boxers, and shorts, always shorts to keep the ejaculate from getting on my bed

8. Do you enjoy the feelings of your wet dreams? Can you describe them? Sometimes, like it's generally a little painful when I start to go, then am stopped, but generally when they're the REAL strong ones it feels good after, i feel a little more relaxed afterwards.

9. With all of that in mind, could you give us an idea of the content of your wet dreams? It really VARIES, but generally I'd say it involves just my girlfriend and I kissing, however occasionally, it's just something out of left field, that shouldn't be sexual at all, or occasionally with some imaginary woman.

10. You said wet dreams help control your 'horniness'. Again, don't feel pressured to be too specific if you don't want to be, but could you describe what 'turns you on'?
Probably mainly just being intimate with my girlfriend, and by that i don't mean sexually, just like kissing a lot, or being real close, or when I'm by myself probably mainly imagining being intimate with her.

11. How often do you feel 'horny'? What do you feel like doing when that happens? Quite often considering I never look at pornography, or purposely stimulate myself. I just feel like probably what everyone else feels like, wish I was married to my girlfriend, that she was with me, and that I could "relieve" myself.

12. Do see any correlation with anything in the daytime that causes, predicts, or is any way connected to getting a wet dream that night? How often I have erections, but like I said this is by no means a sure indicator, but If I'm really "worked up" or "horny" that day usually, I'd have a better chance of having one, especially if I'm feeling horny right before I go to sleep, or if I've been kissing my girlfriend a lot that day/night.

13. You said you'd like less wet dreams, but you did not say none. Would you feel more comfortable having as many as you do if you knew you were normal? I wouldn't want to completely stop them, mainly just because I'd be a walking erection if I never had them, I mean I get horny pretty easily occasionally, so if I never was able to release, it'd be pretty painful. I just wish I had less. me being normal has a little to do with it, or the perception that I am not I guess, but it's really not the biggest concern by any means, it's just annoying rinsing off my underwear twice a week, wiping off myself, or showering, depending on how bad it is, and changing two times a week at 3 in the morning.

I do have a question though for you all. In anytime you "make-out" or have a lot of body contact (but not purposely sexually, like I don't mean grinding) do you all have some pre-ejaculate, I honestly do occasionally, and I find it pretty sick...just wondering if that's normal or not, with your honest responses...

That's about all, have any more questions feel free to ask or e-mail me (bigrusslds@hotmail.com) as I might not check this site as often as you'd like...but yeah.

Pleasant day and sweet (wet) dreams.


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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:48 pm 
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(9/6/03 8:19 pm)

Thanks for answering Texanguy's questions - that was very informative.


I do have a question though for you all. In anytime you "make-out" or have a lot of body contact (but not purposely sexually, like I don't mean grinding) do you all have some pre-ejaculate, I honestly do occasionally, and I find it pretty sick...just wondering if that's normal or not, with your honest responses...

Yes, I do. But I precum a lot, and it leaks out at even the slightest thing that may be arousing or sexual. I don't have to be hard at all, and I will drip tons of the stuff. And the longer I go between ejaculations, the more precum I produce and leak out. Its almost ridiculous, and it can totally soak the front of my underwear. To give you an idea, if I looked at porn for say an hour, I would leak out enough precum equivalent in amount to a full ejaculation. Sometimes it looks like I cummed in my pants, but its just my precum. Just writing this, I'm getting precum leaking out, but I'm not hard at all.

So, I'm probably not a good reference as to what is normal for precum. But what you describe sounds normal to me, and its certainly not sick! Precum is just the body's way of preparing the urethra for ejaculation. So on a subliminal level, its a signal that you are at least slightly aroused, even though it may or may not show in the form of an erection.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:48 pm 
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(9/6/03 11:31 pm)

Magic, thanks a lot for answering my questions. I think they are useful in our 'research'. I have some questions to clarify some of your answers and some comments, but first to answer your question:

Pre-ejaculate (or precum) is a normal part of sexual arousal. People get it when they become sexually aroused. Staying in a state of sexual arousal for quite a while can result in larger amounts. One of my observations about what you've said is that you seem to tie arousal with being with your girlfriend virtually 100%, while people here have more 'generalized' arousal. They have indicated being aroused and making precum just reading and writing these posts, for example. So yes, people get precum when they do erotic things, think erotic thoughts, or react to things erotically in their surroundings.

Your previous answers and my followups:
6. Do you get an erection when you first go to bed and fall asleep at night? A lot of times before I fall asleep, because things just pop into my head.
-What kind of things pop into your head? Are they typically intimate thoughts about your girlfriend?
-Do you drift off to sleep with such thoughts, kind like 'pre-dreaming' before falling asleep? In other words, do you fall asleep with thoughts and feeling similar to the ones you have during a wet dream?

8. Do you enjoy the feelings of your wet dreams? Can you describe them? Sometimes, like it's generally a little painful when I start to go, then am stopped, but generally when they're the REAL strong ones it feels good after, i feel a little more relaxed afterwards.
-I'm not sure what you mean by "start to go, then am stopped."
-You said when you had REAL strong ones, it feels good and a little relaxed afterwards. What about DURING the dream?
-How would you compare your feelings to those of Mike's and Hoban's wet dreams that you've read here?

I have comments below the following two:
11. How often do you feel 'horny'? What do you feel like doing when that happens? Quite often considering I never look at pornography, or purposely stimulate myself. I just feel like probably what everyone else feels like, wish I was married to my girlfriend, that she was with me, and that I could "relieve" myself.

13. You said you'd like less wet dreams, but you did not say none. Would you feel more comfortable having as many as you do if you knew you were normal? I wouldn't want to completely stop them, mainly just because I'd be a walking erection if I never had them, I mean I get horny pretty easily occasionally, so if I never was able to release, it'd be pretty painful.

These two answers lead me to some observations. Please don't take offense, and please remember that I have my own viewpoint and may misunderstand yours. Also understand that sometimes putting down thoughts and 'thinking out loud' in a written from can seem excessively cold and blunt. It's not intended to be. I'm just bringing up my thoughts about where I see you MAY be coming from, and welcome you to take the chance to 'straighten me out', hopefully without anger or resentment.

Wishing you were married... and that you could "relieve" yourself. That's really not a good reason for marriage, is it? You seem to describe 'horniness' in such a way that you want 'relief' from it, yet at the same time bring it on by being with your girlfriend. I may be a little weird myself, but you can from read posts here that 'horniness' in a lot of people is a lot more generalized. You seem to focus yours closely to your girlfriend, and at the same time associate them more with 'relief' than 'enjoyment'. It does not seem to be a happy situation.

An example of what I'm getting at would be going out to your favorite restaurant and spending an evening with friends or family (whichever you'd prefer), eating a long dinner. Do you go out to enjoy the experience, or just to seek 'release' from hunger?

Answer #13 also lends support to this. You seek 'release' from horniness in a few wet dreams. Horniness is painful. This does not seem a happy position to be in. I'd ask you to consider for yourself how much your girlfriend represents the 'release' you are seeking. In other words, how do you really feel about her as a person and human being? From a religious perspective, I'm sure you'd agree that being with a person mainly to seek ultimate 'release' is neither moral nor sensible. It's also a risky basis for a marriage.

The other thing I'd say is that you may have 'idealized' that 'release'. But you've been reading here about guys who are deliberately holding back on 'release' and enjoying it. What if you get married and find that the 'release' isn't all it's cracked up to be? What if it turns out that it's really not a good reason to get married? The point I'm making is that you should factor into your thinking that some people don't even want the release in orgasms that you seem to idealize so much. They'd prefer what you are already getting -- and enjoying it! Perhaps that should cause you to re-examine your thinking about your own pursuit of 'release', and how it factors into your relationships. There is a lot more to life than 'suffering' from horniness and seeking 'release'.

From a different angle: Look at Mike's and Hoban's enjoyment of their wet dreams. Yet you seem to consider your wet dreams as being messy, inconvenient, and at best a partial release from 'painful horniness'. What if you got married and ended up feeling the same way about the 'release' you get from your wife that you feel about the 'release' you get from wet dreams now? When you compare Mike's and Hoban's feelings about wet dreams to yours, that might just happen!

Relax, and enjoy LIFE more!

When I read this, it seems pushy and blunt, and it's not intended to be either one. I suggest that you came to this site, posted, answered my questions, and gave your email address for a reason. There is no malice or ill will here. Maybe you've already seen a different and interesting perspective here about things you are concerned about. Nobody is telling you to masturbate, have sex, or in any way violate your moral code, just to perhaps continue this dialog, if you want. We might even want to make a different topic, if it seems appropriate.

No hard feelings, and thanks for the answers you already gave.

I wish you happiness and good luck, whether you choose to continue to interact here or not.


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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:48 pm 
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(9/7/03 1:18 am)
Ok Ok Ok

Ok Ok Ok, I realize some of my answers were a bit too pessimistic, I guess you could say, but here are a few things to clarify.

I COMPLETELY agree with you on the marriage more than release thing. That was just a way to say it without getting so into it. Not that I get offended by specifics, just a way to be brief. Now I won't say that these rules of no real sexual relations before marriage doesn't at times encourage people to get married for this 'release' a bit more than, maybe at times is healthy, but that's more of a flaw of the people, not the rule. I'm not completely impervious to this, but it's not at all to the extreme you meant.

What i meant about it can hurt when I stop then hurt is, i guess more like, if my pre-ejaculate comes, I'm about to have a wet dream, then i wake up, so kinda like the whole 'blue balls' thing more or less.

About the enjoying wet dreams thing, you are probably right on this, but it is just annoying going through the hassle of cleaning and stuff. You all are just experiencing this maybe 2 times a month, and it's relatively new for you, but I've been having this once or twice a week for 6 years, it gets routine

Yes, before I go to sleep my "hornyness" or whatever is usually images of either me with my girlfriend, or sometimes for no reason I get erect, or occasionally just some random image into my mind. My problem with hornyness, and why I don't enjoy it as much as you probably derives from the fact that in my religion, we are to try and avoid just sitting there and thinking about things, as much as is possible anyways. I mean it doesn't really HURT, except for in extreme circumstances, and that's very rare, i meant more with just the whole "blue balls" thing with hurting.

Ok, so I guess what i mean is, you do have some legitimacy behind what you're saying, but I didn't mean it quite to the extent it was taken either, but that's how life is I'm not offended or anythng...

Well, yeah that's pretty much it.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:49 pm 
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(9/7/03 7:10 am)
Very sick....

Guys, I can't make a long reply to you. I'm very, very sick these days. Focus, I got trouble sending the pic to you. It's already in my diskette. Please help me.

I got a high fever actually, and my balls are sooo tender and loose. I'm also very sleepy.

I got some dry dreams on Friday ans Thursday.

Good Luck. I'll come back once I'm ok. Sorry.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:49 pm 
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(9/7/03 10:22 am)

Hoban - sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Try to get as much rest as possible.

I don't mean to make light of the situation, but trying to put a positive spin on it: I've heard of people getting wet dreams while they were sick with a fever, etc. Its like the fever or illness causes a deeper sleep that induces the mind to go into wet dream mode (if there is such a thing) easier.

As for your pic - I'm not sure what the trouble is?? I haven't received anything from you. So if you did try to send it, it didn't go through. Are you having troubles attaching the file to your e-mail? Are you sure you have my e-mail address right? Again, its focus880@hotmail.com

Send me an e-mail with what problems you are having, and I can walk you through it.

Hope you feel better!

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:49 pm 
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(9/7/03 11:04 am)

Magic, thanks for your responses again. We both seem to understand that communication is not always 100% complete the 'first time around', and that it may take some 'back and forth' conversations to get a better understanding.

So on to the next 'iteration':

-From what you've said, I think we can conclude that the frequency of erections while awake may have a small effect on the rate of wet dreams, but not that much.

-You may get erect when you go to bed at night, and sometimes fantasize about things you may have wet dreams about while falling asleep, but it's still not clear whether you see any correlation with what's on your mind at night and the probability of a wet dream by morning.

-Just like anything else in life, familiarity, such as having lots of wet dreams for a long time, may take away from their novelty, and reinforce the inconveniences of such things as the 'cleanup'.

-Hopefully, you can now feel a little more reassured that you are not that abnormal in your rate of wet dreams, and not be so worried about 'precum'. You also can see things from a different perspective from the people here, and get viewpoints perhaps different from those of people you know in your religion.

Also, you seem to be quite a good writer and rather intelligent. Hopefully, you find it intellectually stimulating to interact here on these topics perhaps on a different level than you otherwise might do in 'real life' with people you know. Are you attending college?

Now some comments on your comments for you to further comment on.

"About the enjoying wet dreams thing, you are probably right on this, but it is just annoying going through the hassle of cleaning and stuff."
Perhaps your religion and views about all of this may prevent you from enjoying your wet dreams as much as you might, or at least feel comfortable in admitting that you do? I suggest that you may as well feel more free to enjoy your wet dreams, the contents of which are involuntary and beyond your control, anyway.

"My problem with hornyness, and why I don't enjoy it as much as you probably derives from the fact that in my religion, we are to try and avoid just sitting there and thinking about things, as much as is possible anyways."
I think you'd have to admit that getting lots of erections while making out with your girlfriend may be going against your religious views. I'm not saying it's equivalent in severity to intercourse, or that if you do one you should do the other, I'm just saying you are 'pushing it' a little. Could that lead to guilt feelings? Might that guilt add to a sense of 'obligation' to get married? Just as 'release' is not a good reason to get married, neither is guilt.

I've already made the observation that your erotic feelings seem more focused on your girlfriend, and less generalized than those of the people here. You may in fact be more 'normal' in that regard than the rest of us here. But at the same time, I can't help but wonder if that, too, is based to some extent on the expectations and restrictions of your religion. What erotic feelings you allow yourself 'must' be along 'stereotypical' and 'acceptable' lines, even though you seem quite bright. I guess what I'm saying is that you may be more out of touch with your feelings in that area than most people are. I would also have to admit that I may be completely wrong, and that you may be more 'normal' than the rest of us here. I'm just suggesting that you are better off knowing yourself better in this area, especially before you get married, and that your religious upbringing may have affected how much self examination you have allowed yourself.

Again, thanks for your response. You are a good writer, informative, and a good sport! Keep posting here, if you are so inclined.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:49 pm 
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(9/7/03 11:09 am)

Your symptoms sound like you may be running a fever. Perhaps it's the flu or a bad cold?

I hope you feel better soon. Perhaps another wet dream will cheer you up!

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 20, 2003 7:49 pm 
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(9/7/03 11:20 am)
Time for a new topic!

Let's go on to 'Wet Dreams VII'.

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