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PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 6:20 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:45 am
Posts: 24
Age: 28
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 15 Feb 2015
Sex: Male
New member here and cant say im starting out im actually on day 29 today and all is quiet. I was a heavy PMO user so I have some recovering to do still. Never had a wet dream before so we shall see what happens. I have noticed in the last few days after reading peoples posts I have been precumming randomly, which is good I suppose as I was never a heavy precummer. I still don't have strong errections thanks to my PMO addiction but I feel it getting better.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 8:52 am 
Regular Member

Joined: Sat Mar 15, 2014 2:49 pm
Posts: 31
Age: 24
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Restored (was circumcised, now uncut)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 15
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 09 Mar 2015
Sex: Male
Djnrg787 wrote:
I still don't have strong errections thanks to my PMO addiction...

for stronger erections and better orgasm control I'd recommend kegel exercises. Other than that, good job and good luck with staying away from PMO. :)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:06 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:45 am
Posts: 24
Age: 28
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 15 Feb 2015
Sex: Male
Let me rephrase it I can't get strong erections with thought alone but if I use my hand they get very hard still some brain retraining to go.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 12:07 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:45 am
Posts: 24
Age: 28
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 15 Feb 2015
Sex: Male
Woke up hard today and realized I can barley touch it before thinking I'm going to explode, been leaking a lot as well. Day 31

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 5:25 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 13, 2015 4:25 am
Posts: 17
Age: 21
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Shorts or pajamas with no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 17 Mar 2015
Sex: Male
Djnrg787 wrote:
Woke up hard today and realized I can barley touch it before thinking I'm going to explode, been leaking a lot as well. Day 31

Wow! Awesome you've been going 31 days! Hang in there.

Also, nice pic! Looks like a good sized bulge goin there.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 6:32 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:45 am
Posts: 24
Age: 28
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 15 Feb 2015
Sex: Male
I'm in the 40s for how long it's been, I've edged some but no cumming. Today I peed and towards the end o squeezed and cum came out. Must be a lot in there lol some kept driping after as well

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 6:33 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:45 am
Posts: 24
Age: 28
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 15 Feb 2015
Sex: Male
And before you ask I have multiple of the same underwear lol there's also a inside view in the private area

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 6:17 am 

Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2015 6:45 am
Posts: 24
Age: 28
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 15 Feb 2015
Sex: Male
And... I'm out I had an assisted se last night at least that's what I'm calling it, I was edging but had stopped for about a minute and all of a sudden I had the strongest feeling I've ever felt and then i failed. I tried to hold it back but it didn't work. :/ kinda a depressing feeling.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 10:05 am 
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Joined: Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:03 pm
Posts: 297
Age: 30
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 1
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: No Precum
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 1-2 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 17 Feb 2015
Sex: Male
Right behind ya. On day 40 calling it quits if no WD by day 45 and that's probably not too likely so cheers to a good run :obscene-drinkingcheers:


PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 4:51 pm 
Active Member

Joined: Tue Nov 27, 2007 11:45 am
Posts: 1033
Location: Oklahoma
Age: 38
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 8
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 5
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxers
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 6-7 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 20 Oct 2014
Sex: Male
@SuckerPunch -- with me, Most of my adult WDs happened right around day 45, so if you don't get one by then, I strongly encourage you to give it a few more days, jic. Like maybe 50 days total. Bec seriously, I almost Always got them right around day 45. It would suck to go so far and just barely miss out on one! But hopefully you'll get yours before then!!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:49 am 
Active Member
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Joined: Fri Sep 23, 2011 4:03 pm
Posts: 297
Age: 30
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 1
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: No Precum
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 1-2 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 17 Feb 2015
Sex: Male
I'm out I just had the best sex of my life with my ex gf! It's going to have severe consequences but holy shit it was amazing I couldn't say no!


PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:31 pm 
Active Member

Joined: Sun Mar 31, 2013 1:18 pm
Posts: 337
Age: 27
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 26
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 3-4 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 27 Mar 2013
Sex: Male

PostPosted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 5:19 pm 

Joined: Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:37 pm
Posts: 20
Age: 24
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 100
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxer briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - Had a wet dream, but never woke up to see the time.
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 16 Apr 2015
Sex: Male
Djnrg787 wrote:
And before you ask I have multiple of the same underwear lol there's also a inside view in the private area

Lol, good you said it. Before reading I thought you reused underwear hehehe

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