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Caged wrote:Day 5: 5/5/13
Ended up edging to porn yesterday. I had too much free time and one thing led to another. As soon as I reached the edge I was like "What the fuck am I doing!?" and put it away. It was way to close for comfort.
I've been horny since I woke up today. I really need to resist the urge to look at porn, if I can do that the rest should be easy.
Viktor wrote:It's so strange how our experiences seem to mirror each-other somewhat. I also had the feeling that I was going to lose it with just thoughts, and there was a single night when I didn't sleep at all because of that (although the next day I was surging with energy somehow). I think it was around day 7ish or something.
Anyhow doesn't it feel amazing to overcome? I mean seriously just to muster up that much willpower and fight through it like a boss. It sucks in the moment because of the difficulty but afterwards in reflection did it make me feel strong.
One last thing I hope that you destroyed your exams!!!
Caged wrote:Day 7: 5/7/13 - Wet Dream Achieved!
I did it! First I'll give an explanation of the dream and the orgasm, if you're not interested and just want to know what I did that may have helped me achieve wetdream then skip to the next paragraph. The dream itself was pretty out there, and unfortunately was not very sexual, just very strange. I was next to a knocked out enemy spy from the video game Team Fortress 2, which I have not played in years. Suddenly these time traveling nazis came out of a portal and went and picked up the spy and were carrying him between them, bringing him back to the portal. My thought in the dream was that I could not let the nazis get the spy's information so I decided to... ejaculate at them... Good one subconscious. Anyway I intercepted them and fired my 'missile', which went incredibly far and felt like I was actually coming. That dream suddenly ended and I had a dream of masturbating that lasted maybe 2 seconds before I woke up at the beginning of an orgasm. I think my first impulse was that I was pissing myself and to hold it back but it was already uncontrollable at that point and it only took me a fraction of a second to realize what was going on. I convulsed for the duration of the orgasm, my hips where pushing up and down. Afterwards I sat on my bed for a minute or two not sure if it really had happened. I could not feel any moisture in my boxers until I checked with my hand and found quite a lot of moisture. The orgasm was quite long and powerful, maybe two or three times the length of a normal orgasm and a little bit stronger. Still it felt somehow incomplete, and I suspect that is because I tried to hold it back at the very beginning but it's hard to say.
Here is what I did that I think may have helped me have an the WD. For the past two nights I have been drinking a huge amount of water during the day and especially before bed. Yesterday I ate a bunch of celery with my lunch which may have also contributed since that supposedly increases production. I should also note that in the week or so between this AB streak and the previous one I masturbated a lot. At least once a day and sometimes more, I think it probably got my body into full on semen production or something. I've been watching a lot of porn this last week but I should note that yesterday the only porn I watched was really early in the morning, like 5 or 6, when I was getting distracted from studying for my finals. Take what you will from that. I've been trying to get myself to fall asleep with either a bundle of sheet between my legs or facing down to increase stimulation. I can't seem to fall asleep on my stomach but I may have had the bundle between my legs when I fell asleep yesterday, though by the time I had the orgasm it had fallen out. It may have been there during the actual dream part though. One last thing is stress, I was quite stressed the day before and that may have had an impact.
While everything else is inconclusive, and I am of a scientific disposition, I can say that what I take form my anecdote is water is key. Don't underestimate it, I believe the level of hydration effects production and having a full bladder can help force a wetdream as well. Also, celery can't hurt, it's delicious.Viktor wrote:It's so strange how our experiences seem to mirror each-other somewhat. I also had the feeling that I was going to lose it with just thoughts, and there was a single night when I didn't sleep at all because of that (although the next day I was surging with energy somehow). I think it was around day 7ish or something.
Anyhow doesn't it feel amazing to overcome? I mean seriously just to muster up that much willpower and fight through it like a boss. It sucks in the moment because of the difficulty but afterwards in reflection did it make me feel strong.
One last thing I hope that you destroyed your exams!!!
Well it appears our experiences don't quite mirror each others here, unfortunately. I was glad I overcame the urge but had a lot of other things on my mind at the time and did not think about it much. Looking back on it now it's just like "Wow, i could have lost it that night without even knowing I was just one day away from W" which is pretty incredible. And I did pretty well on my exams, thanks.
Caged wrote: I'm going to try one of those erotic hypnosis files today just for kicks.
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