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Maverick's 2012 Log

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Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:30 am

My log update at the end of August. It was'nt mb free but its now back in control and eventually will bring me back to wd territory.
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Age: 26
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby traveling guy » Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:36 pm


Like the way you have charted the wd's and mb's. It is great to see a visual representation of what is going on.

Hope you start getting WD's agian soon. Good luck!

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Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Sun Sep 16, 2012 2:43 am

Well today i really feel the t-buzz after 3 weeks and still no WD. I just read an article on abstinence and they said that men abstaining can expect one WD about every month. Other articles i read said 2 to 3 monthly. From my experience, being a compulsive mb trying to quit, i believe i can expect the minimum of one per month. Of course someone who abstained for years may have more i guess. By the way, my only wd this year happened after 37 days, reinforcing my expectation of one a month.
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Tue Sep 18, 2012 2:07 am


Had a sexual dream last night, but no wd. Don't remember much of the dream. I was naked on a table and then somebody (don't even know if it was male or female) started oral sex on me and that's when i woke up around 3 am. I went back to sleep and woke up at 8 am dry as a bone.
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:20 am

Had a WD last night but don't rembember the dream. This was day 27. :banana-dance:
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby Rey92 » Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:51 am

maverick wrote:Had a WD last night but don't rembember the dream. This was day 27. :banana-dance:

Congrats, Maverick!!!! :banana-dance: :banana-dance: :banana-dance:

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Age: 23
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 2
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: No Precum
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Shorts or pajamas with no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 2-3 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 23 Nov 2012
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby Eleazar » Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:52 am

:clap: :clap: :text-bravo: :clap: :clap:

Congrats, Maverick.
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 100
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: No Precum
Average time to ejaculation normally: 15
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby Barkin » Fri Sep 21, 2012 1:31 am

Awesome! Congrats!
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Age: 29
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 15
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 6-7 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 17 Oct 2012
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:43 am

Day 35 (8 days since last wd which happened on day 27)

I had a hard time AB last night and woke up with a super woody. So much so that my gland is irritated from touching my blankets. I find it very hard to have two consecutive wd and i have a feeling it might just be coming. But i am so horny i dont know if i will be able to control myself tonite. I feel a heaviness and some kind of an itch in my groin.
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Age: 26
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Tue Oct 02, 2012 12:47 am

September update.
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Last edited by maverick on Fri Oct 12, 2012 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Age: 26
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:15 am

Failed at day 40 last night. :confusion-shrug:
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby wtdra » Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:52 am

maverick wrote:Failed at day 40 last night. :confusion-shrug:

How have it happened? :/
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 3
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Little Precum (1-2 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxer briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 1-2 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 18 Jun 2012
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby Overload » Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:31 am

You can do better this time, trust me. Don't give up, try again! I'll be supporting ya! :handgestures-thumbup:
Sorry if I made grammar or expression mistakes.
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 13
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 12
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxers
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 4-5 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 02 Mar 2013
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Fri Oct 05, 2012 8:24 am

Thanks overload... i will try to do better. Day 2 today, it will be a long wait to see if i can exceed the 40 days mark.
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Fri Oct 12, 2012 2:09 am

The95Percent wrote:Sorry to hear that Maverick. Good luck getting going with AB again! We need to see some more purple on your chart. ;)

I agree. I need more purple on my chart. I only have 2 WD for 2012...this will turn out to be a lousy year but i am determined to finish strong and have a great 2013. Today is day 9.
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby Rey92 » Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:14 pm

Yes yes, we can do better next time! Next time is not a good motivation though! Let's say, I can always do better right now!

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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 2
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Precum Production: No Precum
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Shorts or pajamas with no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 2-3 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 23 Nov 2012
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Sat Oct 13, 2012 11:09 am

Rey92 wrote:Yes yes, we can do better next time! Next time is not a good motivation though! Let's say, I can always do better right now!


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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Mon Oct 15, 2012 4:54 am

DAY 12

I am so horny right now, sex is always on my mind. Almost lost it last night but proud to say i resisted the urge. Tonite will be challenging for sure but i must remain commited to get to the WD mode. It seems we need to go over this very horny cycle before getting a wd.
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Fri Oct 19, 2012 4:37 am

DAY 16

Still very horny, have trouble sleeping and am tired in the morning (sometimes with a woody sometimes not). Still hanging on. My shortest wait for a wd in 2012 was 27 days so i might be far away. Obviously did not make the transition to wd mode because they would be more frequent and the wait in the range of 6 to 17 days. Thats all folks.
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Sun Oct 21, 2012 2:07 am

DAY 18

God i am so horny. Woke up because i was horny. Between 4 am and 7 am i was lying in bed and felt waves and waves of dry mini-orgasms. I resisted touching and even had to avoid any caress with my blankets ( i was lying on my back and had a woody). Funny thing, it was even better than a regular mb and i never came. This morning i thought i would ejaculate awake and without touching. I must be so close to a wd. But its hard to resist. Its so good i kind of wish i don't mb that sensation away. My last binge (more than 4 mb in a month) was in July and i believe my self control since then is starting to pay off. I will do my best to continue and will keep you informed. To those who are still masturbating on a frequent basis, reduce your habit and feel how good it gets. :D
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
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Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Tue Oct 23, 2012 12:33 am

DAY 20

Woke up around 6 am and was horny like hell until i got up at 8 am. I am so proud of myself not touching even if i feel on the edge most mornings since day 14. I sure hope i will get a wd soon.
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
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Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Thu Oct 25, 2012 12:18 am

DAY 22

Woke up at 5 am because i was hard and horny but resisted. The urge faded away and i got up at 8 am. Sorry to say no WD yet. :bow-blue:
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
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Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby Overload » Thu Oct 25, 2012 9:51 am

Stay strong! Your WD should be close, be patient :handgestures-thumbup:
Sorry if I made grammar or expression mistakes.
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Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 12
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxers
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 4-5 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 02 Mar 2013
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Fri Oct 26, 2012 12:40 am

DAY 23

Had a sexual dream last nite. I was making love to a nice girl in my dream and when i was about to come i said to myself i need to slow down to prolong the loving and thats when i woke up. It was 3 am and i was so close of cumming that i had to avoid any movement in my blankets. In the dream i was on my side or stomach. It took a while before i could sleep again and woke up at 8 am with a nice woody.

This woody is getting to be present almost every morning now. Before abstaining, i would masturbate 10-12 times per month and i would rarely wake up hard. The t-buzz is now kicking in and my body needs to have me hard. Only the last 3 months with an average of one masturbation per month as really kicked in this morning woody routine. Even when i reduced my masturbations to a 3-5 MB per month i did not get this woody routine. Conclusion is obvious to me now. If i limit myself to one or less MB per month i might transition to the WD mode but i will probably need to carry on an average of only one MB per month for many many months (maybe a full year). My best yearly average is closer to 3 MB per month so that means going from 36 MB a year to only 12. Yikes, thats still a big reduction. It will be difficult but i need to consider this goal starting now and into 2013.

Enough said.
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby avers312 » Fri Oct 26, 2012 2:34 am

Wow, 23 days, that's great!!
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Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 28 Oct 2012
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Wed Oct 31, 2012 1:46 am

DAY 28 (4 weeks)

Had a sexual dream last nite, a girl was humping on me and when i was ready to come i woke up... but i never came in reality. I need to go another 2 weeks to outdo my best run of 41 days this year.
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Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:38 am

October update. I failed once on october 2nd. No WD in october. Today is day 30 for me.
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Age: 26
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby maverick » Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:53 am

DAY 32

Almost failed this morning at 4 am. I woke up hard and near a wd and started stroking but stopped after a while thinking what am i doing, waisting all those abstinent days for nothing. God i hope i will have a wd soon. I also want to reach my record of 41 days this year so i need to reach 6 weeks to get to a new record of 42 days in 2012. Boy i am so happy that my journey goes on. I know i would be feeling lousy if i had failed.
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Age: 26
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 17
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby Muz » Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:22 am

maverick wrote:DAY 32

Almost failed this morning at 4 am. I woke up hard and near a wd and started stroking but stopped after a while thinking what am i doing, waisting all those abstinent days for nothing. God i hope i will have a wd soon. I also want to reach my record of 41 days this year so i need to reach 6 weeks to get to a new record of 42 days in 2012. Boy i am so happy that my journey goes on. I know i would be feeling lousy if i had failed.

Good save! Glad you didn't break your AB when your realy not far from your record! Best of luck to you, a WD very soon would be perfect for you!
2013 WD vs. AB(time) : [WD@ day 11. WD@ day 37.] [WD@ day 4.] [WD@ day 18.] [WD@ day 31, WD@ day 38] [WD @ day 6,
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Age: 25
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 12
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 2
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxer briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 3-4 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 13 Sep 2013
Sex: Male

Re: Maverick's 2012log

Postby ColdShower » Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:54 am

Looking at that graph, you should be due for one this month if you can hold off on the MB.

Stay Strong & Good Luck!
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Age: 27
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 21 Oct 2012
Sex: Male


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