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Eleazar wrote:Can you describe the pain?
gone2bed2day wrote:Wow. I just read through your last few posts. Wow. Today I'm at day 40, my record, and like you never had a WD. I have to say, your experience of pain during orgasm after a 40 day stretch has me a bit freaked out. Like you, I've proven to myself that I have more self-control than I first thought. I have been able to resist porn for a week at a time. But my sole purpose for all of this was just to experience a WD. Going 40 days wasn't the easiest thing to do. But if there's also the possibility of pain once I start to MB again, then I don't know if its worth continuing for me. Hmmnn. In the meantime, Ill start plenty of fluids today. Thanks for sharing everything you experienced.
Darkblade wrote:I might have a lot to say about this if I can organize my thoughts properly. I should be very familiar with the kind of worry that potential pain during orgasm can cause, from past experience. In my case, a minor medical procedure solved most of my problem, and the rest should be solved by a 90-day reboot to free myself completely from porn.
So, I think it sounds like your body wasn't used to having to go for 44 days and then dealing with that big of a load.
I also think, based on what I read here and elsewhere, that two 44-day streaks should be about as good for you as one 90 day streak, and will give your body time to get used to it and prepare it to have WDs.
My current 37-ish day record would have been impossible without having gone 19 and then 22 days before, to get used to it.
LuvsCurvy wrote:Darkblade wrote:My current 37-ish day record would have been impossible without having gone 19 and then 22 days before, to get used to it.
I believe this is due to mental fitness, more than anything else. I think that you learn a) to tough it out through the urges and b) learn ways of converting the arousal into something productive.
LuvsCurvy wrote:Darkblade wrote:I also think, based on what I read here and elsewhere, that two 44-day streaks should be about as good for you as one 90 day streak, and will give your body time to get used to it and prepare it to have WDs.
I've seen this suggested before. Are you implying that perhaps the body has a 'mode' it gets itself into when we obtain frequent release? With this mode comes constant cravings for release, reduction of 'real' sex drive, reduction of WDs (to zero in many cases), unusual pelvic floor muscle response to Orgasm stimuli etc? I have attached a timeline showing my MB since I started properly ABing. It's not totally accurate during the periods I was MBing, but I have filled it out so you can see when I was and was not ABing. I had thought that I had reduced my MB since december. I have, but if you look on the graph you can see there has still been a lot of MB, and in close succession. The 44 day period does kind of stand out.
LuvsCurvy wrote:Darkblade wrote:So, I think it sounds like your body wasn't used to having to go for 44 days and then dealing with that big of a load.
Pause it right there. This is a really interesting point. I get what you're saying, but I'm curious about the physiological side of it. If we haven't done any exercise for a long time, then we go for a long walk, the next day we will have muscle pain. That's because our muscles don't have the endurance to cope with being used for long periods. So, if we exercise more then walk the same distance, we won't feel it the next day. To suggest that this same phenomenon (PC muscle pain after not having been exercised for so long due to no ejaculation) could be remedied by going even longer without release does seem to defy this logic.
Now, I'm not suggesting you are wrong at all. Hey, there was a period in my life when I had never had an O in my life, and suddenly i had one. That one didn't hurt one bit. There are also cultures who don't masturbate, and get their only release from sex. Again, you can't tell me they all have painful ejaculations, nor do they necessarily get frequent sex. So there has to be more at play than simple physiological muscle use. It's this that I want to understand.
LuvsCurvy wrote:This post I have some big questions over.Darkblade wrote:I might have a lot to say about this if I can organize my thoughts properly. I should be very familiar with the kind of worry that potential pain during orgasm can cause, from past experience. In my case, a minor medical procedure solved most of my problem, and the rest should be solved by a 90-day reboot to free myself completely from porn.
This is an argument I've read in a few places before. That those who experience pain after breaking a run of AB 'cure' themselves by having a 90-day reboot. I'm never sure what is meant by it. The condition is only present after ABing for long periods of time, and resolves itself after a few days of normal ejaculation, so would take a long time to test (and even longer to be able to say it with any certainty). So, how people can say "I cured my condition (of having painful ejaculations after breaking a long run of abstinence) by going 90 days without ejaculating" is something I'm curious about. How do they test it? 45 day AB, pain, 90 day AB, no pain = cured? I could argue that I cured my pain by ejaculating regularly - which seems to be all that the medical resources you read online advise you to do. Now, I know that's not helpful to people like us who want to AB, which is why I'm trying to understand this better.
gone2bed2day wrote:Ha! Day 1 for me too, maybe.... After 42 days, I received a BJ. I would suppose that resets things. Day 40 was especially weird, I woke up around 4am and the thing had a mind of it's own. I pre-cummed for about 3 hours straight, and I did everything in the world to keep my mind off it. (It seemed to be a purely physical thing). I fell back to sleep, and for the rest of day 40 and day 41 it "felt" like I had a release. I lost all signs of a t-buzz or horniness. So on day 42, when I was given the opportunity for release, I figured I really had "nothing to loose". The good news was that it didn't hurt. (I kind of thought it might based on your post). Anyway, so I'm feeling like you are. After 42 days and no WD, I doubt I'm the kind of guy that will get one (since I never have). Aiming for a WD is a good goal, but frankly, I'm doubting it's worth it. We'll see. Best of luck to you either way!
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