Day 2? 6/2/2011.
It's been crazy lately. Thou I hope to last one whole month. I can't begin on how and why I'm abstaining. (long new events). Any ways its day two. I am kinda dating one of my guy friends to keep another guy friend, for hitting on me. Yesterday was fun. It felt like a date as simple and cheap as it was. It was nice to hang out with old friends and my 'big brother'. None the less I have contemplated on 'going back' to females. I feel that my sacrifice was in vain, for I haven't receive the same respect back. Why waste my life any further when there are guys willing to do so for me? IDK. Thou one thing is know, know I DON'T FEEL that emotion any more, not since 'big sister' broke it. However time heals all wounds, I just have to stop picking these scars. To distract myself from temptation I am going to take a summer class. It's a start, and I like humble beginnings. So we'll see how this plays out. Fate is ready do deal my next hand, I just need to choose how to play and call it. Good luck to any one who's in their own struggles.