What I want to know is, if I never masturbate again, regardless of having wet dreams, will my WD's occur more frequently, or will they eventually just cease.
And I'm hoping that keeping a daily journal online and having feedback will help me to achieve my goal.
So DAY 1:
Last week I went a full 9 days w/o masturbating, and had a wet dream during a midday nap! I couldn't believe it! I was so happy the day before, I mean like ELATED! because I had met this receptionist at this law firm, and her beauty just hit me like a tractor trailer. And the thing was, I FELT CONFIDENT, like I'd never felt before. And I knew it had to do with my abstinence, but I also knew I was on the verge of having a WD, because they always seem to happen when I'm happiest.

Possible explanation: I like to drink heavy amounts of water after I give in to Masturbation, and it seems to help with exhaustion and with production of semen, or maybe its just my imagination. Anyway what I think happens is that I end up peeing so much (like once every 10 minutes for an hour) that my muscles get so relaxed and used to releasing fluids that semen ends up being released when my muscles are the most relaxed (ie during sleep).
The reason I want to quit masturbating is that when I dont masturbate for long periods of time, I become a more creative thinker, my memory is better, I have more energy, and the thing that I like the most is that I become unconditionally happy. It's weird. I dont know why that is, but no matter what happens to me, I feel sanguine.
Anyway Day one is over and its time for bed. Update tomorrow with any temptations or close calls.
P.S. Do you think its a good idea to look at porn sans masturbation so that you raise your tolerance level, hence making it less likely you'll be aroused without the visual stimulus.