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 Post subject: politics
PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 4:39 am 
I am posting this in response to something someone said in another post.
There was an assertion made that "all parties are the same" and "Democracy is a sham".

Here in the US Democracy is not a sham, while it is true that you can rig elections and it does happen it is not as easy as people think and you can only do that when the votes are so close as to a difference of a hundred or so votes. But even this is rare. In fact when voter participation was 90%(the actual voter participation) was during the gilded era of the 1920's and voter fraud was more prevalent. because even then you could not cause landslide victories without raising at least one or two heads.

as to saying all parties are the same and Hitlery is going to win the election. She may win the democratic nomination due to the super delegates but that does not mean she is going to win the national election. The Democratic party has fixed the presidential bid so that if the people don't vote the way that those in charge think they should vote then those in charge will simply over rule them. The republican party has no such device in place. Not only that but the two parties are not the same at all. The democratic party is anti-constitution, big government, pro-illegal immigration, Pro-socialized health care, pro-high taxes, anti-troop, anti-free trade, and anti- allowing America to drill for its own oil. The Republican party tends to be Pro-America first, anti-socialized health care, anti-big governemnt, pro-low taxes, anti-illegal immigration, pro-free trade, pro- drilling for our own oil, pro-troop, pro-constitution.

The parties are nothing alike in terms of values. while it is true that there are Rino's and a few blue dog democrats they make up a very small part of the parties.

it is in large part due to the push by the democratic party for "bi-patricianship" that many people have come to believe that it doesn't matter what party you vote for but this is untrue. and no matter what side your on bi-particianship is a bad thing. you vote for a certain party because it reflects your values(this means you think). If those people you vote for don't for the most part hold to your values you vote for someone else or you run for office yourself(you cant always agree with everyone). To not be registered with a party is not intelligent nor is it demonstrating a "spark of independence" its simply showing foolishness as you cant vote in the primaries. to hold that just because you are registered to a party that you are a zombie drone who follows orders blindly is ignorant. You are creating a political union.

Now from everything I have written it sounds like I am a Republican, well I am not, while i am registered Nationally as a Republican so i can vote in the primaries. The party I am registered with I wont mention because i don't feel like writing an essay at the moment though perhaps in the future.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:37 am 
The 'differences' are a smokescreen - the two parties are sides of the same coin, anyone genuine has no hope of getting elected. Billary is a child raping, cocaine abusing psychopath who's been chosen to 'win,' and will 'win' .. let's see if I'm right. The USA is a Zionist-controlled fascist state.

Please see the book 'Trance Formation of America' by Cathy O'Brien:

http://www.amazon.com/Trance-Formation- ... 901&sr=8-1


About the book:


 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 6:56 am 
Wow someone is anti-Semitic.

and fascist?
If you think we are fascist i hate to see what you think of the rest of the world. While it is true that thanks to groups like the ACLU we are heading down the road to fascism we are not their. And as long as Americans have their guns we wont be there(which is why the liberals hate the second amendment). Next thing you know your going to be saying that we are imperialist. Imperialist nations don't conquer a country to turn around and give it right back to them. Or that the only reason we are in Iraq is because of the Oil (which by the way we have not take one drop of and according ot international law its ALL ours).

Who ever has been teaching you your politics has not done a good job. Israel does not pull the strings of the United States.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:24 am 
302 wrote:
Wow someone is anti-Semitic.

and fascist?
If you think we are fascist i hate to see what you think of the rest of the world. While it is true that thanks to groups like the ACLU we are heading down the road to fascism we are not their. And as long as Americans have their guns we wont be there(which is why the liberals hate the second amendment). Next thing you know your going to be saying that we are imperialist. Imperialist nations don't conquer a country to turn around and give it right back to them. Or that the only reason we are in Iraq is because of the Oil (which by the way we have not take one drop of and according ot international law its ALL ours).

Who ever has been teaching you your politics has not done a good job. Israel does not pull the strings of the United States.


eternal_spirit wrote:
Anti-Semitism: Here is the definition of Anti-Semitism from the lips of a Jew: “Anti-Semitism does NOT signify opposition to Semitism. THERE IS NO SUCH THING. It is an expression we use effectively as a SMEARWORD, used to brand anyone who brings criticism against us.” Harold W. Rosenthal (Jewish), administrative assistant for then-U.S. Senator Jacob K. Javits (Jewish) of New York, in an interview with American Christian magazine editor, Walter White.
“A man is considered an anti-Semite if he calls a Jew a Jew.” Hillaire Belloc, quoted in Culture Wars (Sept 2000).
“My unpardonable crime,” said Boris Lunachev, a former leader of the Communist Youth in Russia, “was to call a Jew a Jew.”

Anti-Christianity: A term that is all but absent from the vocabulary of the population even though it is being practiced daily all over the world, including in America. Why? Because the Anti-Christian barrage comes from the media, virtually ALL of which is controlled by the Jews – who HATE Christianity. The media and all the Jewish organizations, including the Jewish ACLU and Jewish Hollywood, spew hatred continually against Christianity yet they scream “Anti-Semitism” when anyone says something that “offends” the Jews, even when that “something” can be proved in a Court of Law to be TRUE!

Eighty to ninety percent of all the “Jews” in the world have NO Semitic ancestry, they are Khazars - - of “Gentile” origin, barbarian Mongol Turks, from the area of Khazaria (now the Caucasus portion of Western Russia), people who, in about 740 A.D., accepted the religion and/or culture of Judaism. Very few, if any, “Jews” in the world today, have any Semitic blood (Semite, from the word Shemite. Shem was one of the sons of Noah). See The Thirteenth Tribe, by Jewish author, Arthur Koestler.

This term, anti-Semitism, is often incorrectly used by “Jews” to smear and discredit non-Jews who are looking for truth in history.
If one tells the truth about the Jews, such as “The Jews own Hollywood” (something they admit to each other), or “The Jews own the media” (something they brag about among themselves), one is considered an “anti-Semite.”
This is a clever subterfuge to eliminate any criticism of any Jew for any thing. If any Jews happen to be involved in any under-handed or even illegal activities, and someone exposes that activity, that person is branded an “anti-Semite.”

It is a convenient way for them to avoid dealing directly with the truth of the issues. So instead, they viciously attack the messenger.
The most anti-Semitic group of people on earth are the Jews, themselves. Arabs are of Semitic origin and the majority of Jews appear to hate the Arabs, at least in Israel. The Israeli government’s plan is to annihilate all Arabs in the same way they are “genociding” the Palestinians.

In addition, the BIG Jews, the leaders of International Jewry, are extremely anti-Semitic because they hate the rank and file Jews who are not in their own “club.”
Iraqi Jews who have immigrated to Israel have been the object of bigotry and prejudice by the eastern European Jews in Israel. Encouraged to relocate in Israel because of their experience as farmers, work that the eastern European Jews feel is beneath them, the Iraqi Jews are treated as second class citizens because they work with their hands.

The rank and file Jews have no idea how expendable they are considered by their own leaders. They are encouraged to live in dangerous war zones, such as Israel and the territories to “secure the land” for their masters, while their leaders live in safety, comfort and luxury in other countries. The rank and file Jews are being used by their Jewish leaders as throw-away pawns in a big-stakes game for control of the world.

When will they wake up?
“Anti-Zionist” Jews? There’s NO SUCH THING! Some Jews claim to be Anti-Zionism, including a group of Orthodox Jews known as the Neturei Karta. The Neturei Karta rabbis have infiltrated non-Zionist Christian organizations and have totally deceived supposedly non-Zionist talk show hosts both on radio and on the internet into believing that they, the Neturei Karta, are, indeed, against Zionism. They also were invited to the recent Iranian Holocaust Revisionist Conference, thereby revealing that they also have deceived the President of Iran.

However, the Neturei Karta is an organization of Jewish Rabbis whose “holiest” book is the Talmud – a book that is the absolute origin of Zionism, Communism, Anti-Christianity, Anti-Gentile hate propaganda, and the total control of the entire world! If anyone believes in the Talmud, they are, by definition, a Zionist, no matter what they pretend to be!
Judaism is a “chameleon” culture/religion. It “becomes” whatever is necessary in order to deceive and trick non-Jews

Source: http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthre ... i-Semitism


You're naïve if you believe that the people who are against the genocide being committed in Iraq simply believe the war is 'about oil.' There is a lot more to it than that.


The USA/Zionism has no intention of giving Iraq to it's people. It will be an illusion. Thankfully, there are a lot of brave people defending themselves from the aggression being committed against them in Iraq - good luck to them. However, they must understand that fire can't be extinguished by fire. George Bush has more blood on his hands than Adolf Hitler did, and YOU have blood on your hands if you're a Republican.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 12:52 pm 
Wow.ummm... okay. unpacking this one. An Anti-Semite in the context in which I am using it is someone who as webster puts it:hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group.

I dont take it to the extreme of calling a jew a jew.

as far as Anti-Christian goes i agree that the media is anti-Christian but the reason they get away with it is not because the media is controlled by the jews but because the media is controlled by the leftist (80% of the media identify themselves as "leftist" with 20% calling themselves communist. only 20% of the media identify themselves as "Conservative"). You should also note that the ACLU is not Jewish. Its founder was ethnically a jew however religiously and politically he is a communist Roger Baldwin the founder wanted to "Use the constitution to destroy the constitution". It is a well known fact to most educated people that groups such as the ACLU are Marxist front groups. It looks like you are not distinguishing between Jews and ethnic jews.

as for your claim that most Jews are not really semetic I would suggest that you look at the Genetic study completed some years ago i will have to pull up my notes but i will site them for you.

The Jews do not own Hollywood and the Jews do not own the media there is no global jewish plot. There is however a global Marxist plot. By the way many ethnic jews are Marxist. those who find a jew hater under every rock use the term anti-semite as a term to draw attention away from their marxist connections. Its sort of like the term "Mccarthyite". And yes i think McCarthy was nuts... but i also think he was right.

" The Israeli government’s plan is to annihilate all Arabs in the same way they are “genociding” the Palestinians."
WOAH!!! Are you nuts! you need to do a serious fact check. Last time i checked it was the Palestinians who were talking about annihilating the jews not the other way around. and last time i checked it was the leader of Iraq who was saying things to the effect of "We will kill them, we will kill them all the jews will die". the jews would be perfectly happy if they were just left alone. in fact i dare you to name one hostile action the Jews started. you cant even claim the six day war was a hostile action caused by the Jews as the action was taken in response to Hostilities from the surrounding countries.

dude seriously i am not even going to respond to the rest except to say do some fact checking please. don't believe everything you read or hear.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 2:31 pm 
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I don't know if this is the best site for politics. It is up to Focus, the admin, to determine that.

I'll put in my two cents worth here, but I'm not going to get into long discussions about fundamental reality and massive secret plots. But I consider it quite obvious that Palestinians hate Jews and Israel, and believe in lies, deceit, murder, and tie it all in with their religion to accomplish Israel's destruction. They teach lies to their children from a very young age to hate Jews as subhuman pigs, and tell them that they will attain high status and prestige in the Palestinian culture and will be having sex with virgins in heaven if they become suicide bombers.

The Palestinians have a sick culture whose constant violent acts force Israel to close its borders, just as we would do if the Mexican government kept bombing our borders and kept sending suicide bombers into our country. Since a lot of Palestinians had jobs in Israel, closing the borders caused loss of jobs and a lack of food and other supplies. But the sick Palestinians would rather starve and die in pointless battles than have food and jobs or peace with Israel. It is a fundamental part of their culture and religion to hate, kill, and die gloriously fighting Israel.

You can say all you want about Zionists running the world, etc, but what I'm saying about the Palestinians is quite simply true. They don't want peace with Israel in any way shape, or form. They prefer death and destruction, even if it is their own.

Quite honestly I don't think we'd put up with it as much as Israel has. If we were being bombed from Mexico and had suicide bombers come across the Mexican border killing innocent school children, etc, sponsored by the Mexican government because they want to 'take back' their lands in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas, we would have invaded Mexico and put a stop to it a long time ago. And I would have been all for it.

Most wars have an ending, and the victor writes history. We took the border states from Mexico in a war. Of course, Mexico took it from Indians, who no doubt took it from other Indians, and so on back into ancient history. The same applies to virtually every other part of the world. Most countries existing today took their land from other peoples in wars back in history. I would say that Israel has more historic claim to its land than many other countries throughout the world do, including the USA. I think problem with Israel is that bigger powers have prevented an all out war, which would have decided the issue once and for all.

As said, I'm not going to be dragged into a discussion here about fundamental reality, Zionists or alien reptiles ruling the world, or plots by Illuminati to foist killer vaccines on the world, etc. I just said what I wanted to say about the Palestinians and will no longer post in this topic.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Mon Mar 31, 2008 1:57 am 
We are all one. We're all God.

I love all parts of 'myself' - Jews, Muslims, black-skinned and white-skinned people.

I hope this is clear.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:38 pm 
Well I think the US is a state controlled by Zionist Israel. Us needs to be truly independent of Israel and let her sink or swim by herself. The Israeli quagmire is only tainting America's image in the world which is not good anyway. At the rate of US bumbling Us is a threat to the world and itself. Hopefully China can rise and replace the US monopoly on power.

Democracy is working in the US but in a flawed system I think. Ho welse can you have a President who lost the overall vote in the elctions. but then again there are hardly any perfect democratic systems. Here in Malaysia the Govt got 50% of the vote but 60% of Parliamentary seats...

Democracy is relative I think. If you win you say it's working if you are a sore loser you say it's not. I used to think that democracy i flawed in Malaysia. We have the Printing Presses Act, and Internal Security act which is used against political opponents. But after the recent elections in which the ruling coalition suffered it's worst defeat in it's entire history(it lost 5 states and it's two thirds majority in Parliament) I think that democracy may exist although drastically flawed in Malaysia...

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:41 am 
^^ Sadly the USA is lost to Zionism.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:12 am 
ken53300 wrote:
Well I think the US is a state controlled by Zionist Israel. Us needs to be truly independent of Israel and let her sink or swim by herself. The Israeli quagmire is only tainting America's image in the world which is not good anyway. At the rate of US bumbling Us is a threat to the world and itself. Hopefully China can rise and replace the US monopoly on power.

Contrary to what Thursday believes the US is not controlled by Israel, if anything we are controlled by the Saudi's. Israel is a common ally with the united states against the muslims. I am beginning to wonder if Thursday would deny the what happened in WWII. The Jews do not own all the banks, and there is no global conspiracy other than the Communist conspiracy.

ken53300 wrote:
Democracy is working in the US but in a flawed system I think. Ho welse can you have a President who lost the overall vote in the elctions. but then again there are hardly any perfect democratic systems. Here in Malaysia the Govt got 50% of the vote but 60% of Parliamentary seats...
The answer to how you can have a president who looses the over all vote is a simple one and the answer is rather fair. The US does not operate on overall votes for a very good reason. The President is suppose to be the President of These United States, there for sovereign states with smaller populations are not over powered by larger sovereign states with huge populations. Its to put all the states on a level playing field so that the federal government is not controlled by a minority of states with a majority of the population. The problem is that you think of the US as 1 country when in fact the US is 50 countries with the states voting who they want to represent them. The Governor of a state is actually more powerful than the president

ken53300 wrote:
Democracy is relative I think. If you win you say it's working if you are a sore loser you say it's not. I used to think that democracy i flawed in Malaysia. We have the Printing Presses Act, and Internal Security act which is used against political opponents. But after the recent elections in which the ruling coalition suffered it's worst defeat in it's entire history(it lost 5 states and it's two thirds majority in Parliament) I think that democracy may exist although drastically flawed in Malaysia...

Democracy only works in small doses. No democratic government in history has ever lasted more than 300 years. Here in the states people think we have a Democracy and we dont and were never intended to have. We are suppose to have a representative Democratic-Republic. Originally only those with land could vote (which is what we need to return to), which is a rather smart thing when you think about it. everyone who is a citizen should be able to buy land there for giving everyone the opportunity to vote, however voting is not a Right as some people have come to believe it is a privilege. If you have democracy on a local level it works and works well, anything else and it fails.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 2:17 am 
I didn't say Israel controls the USA, 302, Israel is controlled by Zionists, as is the USA and yes Saudi Arabia is also an Illuminati controlled state.

302 wrote:
Israel is a common ally with the united states against the muslims.

Yes Israel is against Muslims and is committing genocide against them.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 8:57 am 
What is an Illuminati controlled state?

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 9:32 am 
http://www.mikepiperreport.com/Articles ... erica.html

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340 ... 59,00.html


http://www.cloakanddagger.de/media/JESU ... update.htm



 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:26 pm 
Thursday wrote:
I didn't say Israel controls the USA, 302, Israel is controlled by Zionists, as is the USA and yes Saudi Arabia is also an Illuminati controlled state.
Thursday sometimes i really wonder about you... Illuminati??? come on look and I am very serious and i mean this the nicest way possible, either Stop doing or Start doing drugs.
302 wrote:
Israel is a common ally with the united states against the muslims.

Yes Israel is against Muslims and is committing genocide against them.

Ummmm... I think you need to check your facts, I understand you hate jews but it doesn't mean you don't have an obligation to get your facts strait. Last time i check it was Machmood amadinijahd (or however you spell his name) who was talking about "Whipeing Israel off the face of the map" and "slaughtering those jewish pigs". you need to stop believing everything you read online and start doing a little investigating. The Jews retaliate against the muslims who are trying to kill them all, not the other way around. read a book called Terror in its own words.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 10:45 pm 

302, I don't hate Jews and respect the late Albert Einstein greatly - he was a Jew. The President of Iran has been demonised and misrepresented. It would be better if Israel was disbanded.

You're under the spell of Zionism and your Reptilian church.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 12:28 am 
Thursday, I sorta agree with you. The best thing for world peace is to dissolve the Sate of Israel. Israel to me is built on stolen land and is an illegal country. They are acting like an immature teenager trying to rebel against nothing and cause as much havoc as possible...

Though they are killing all the Muslims which personally I don't give a shit. I don't sympathise to the Muslim cause either. I think Israel should not kill civilians... Innocent civilians

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:14 am 
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ken53300 wrote:
Thursday, I sorta agree with you. The best thing for world peace is to dissolve the Sate of Israel. Israel to me is built on stolen land and is an illegal country. They are acting like an immature teenager trying to rebel against nothing and cause as much havoc as possible...
Then we need to condemn ALL countries that are built on 'stolen land'. That includes lands stolen from Indians, so we must condemn the existence of the US, Canada, Mexico, and all other countries in Central and South America. We must also condemn the existence of Spain, France, England, and basically ALL Europen countries, since at one time they did not exist and were 'stolen', usually by war and violence, from the preceding inhabitants. I am sure that Malaysia was also taken from tribes and other older civilizations back in history. So we must also condemn the existence of Malaysia.

It is a fact, by the way, that Israel existed as a country BEFORE every one of the countries I listed. So logically, Israel would have MORE of a right to exist than most other countries in the world today. I am simply asking for consistency here. Don't apply one set of rules to Israel and another to every other country. Unless you want to apply the same standards to all countries, you are confusing emotion and logic.

If you are not prepared to condemn the existence of ALL countries, perhaps what you should condemn is the murder of innocent civilians, such as children on schoolbuses and mothers in marketplaces, in the name of religion and Jihad. Maybe you should condemn teaching children to hate Jews as pigs and subhumans based on lies. Maybe you should condemn the claim that becoming a suicide bomber and killing innocent civilans is the key to heaven, where they can screw their brains out with 72 virgins as Allah watches approvingly. Maybe you should condemn the practice by ANY religion to spread itself through violence and murder. Doesn't that seem like a more rational and sensible approach than selectively condemning the existence of one country?

NO country, including the US and Malaysia, would tolerate bombs and suicide bombers coming across their borders to kill innocent civilians. They would close their borders and fight back. I'm sure that the US would send troops into Mexico if the Mexican government kept sending bombs across the border and arming suicide bombers to kill innocent civilians in attempt to 'take back their lands'. Israel is behaving exactly as the US or any other country would under such attacks. Why is it so difficult for you to understand that?

Why is it so difficult to instead condemn religious hatred and fanaticism, and the murdering innocent people in the name of religion -- even if they happen to be Jews?


 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:04 am 
Thursday wrote:

302, I don't hate Jews and respect the late Albert Einstein greatly - he was a Jew. The President of Iran has been demonised and misrepresented. It would be better if Israel was disbanded.

You're under the spell of Zionism and your Reptilian church.

I am under no ones spell. 10 years as an Atheist i dont just believe what people tell me. You are obviously very ignorant when it comes to the fact of Israel. And no the President of Iran has not been demonized if anything he has been loved by everyone but FOXNEWS being invited to speak at American Universities, denying the Holocaust, and repeatedly speaking about killing all the jews. the "Zionist world" you so badly want to believe in does not exist, and it is an escapeism from reality. its alot easier to blame someone else for whatever is going wrong in your life.

ken53300 wrote:
Thursday, I sorta agree with you. The best thing for world peace is to dissolve the Sate of Israel. Israel to me is built on stolen land and is an illegal country. They are acting like an immature teenager trying to rebel against nothing and cause as much havoc as possible...

Though they are killing all the Muslims which personally I don't give a shit. I don't sympathise to the Muslim cause either. I think Israel should not kill civilians... Innocent civilians

Actually Israel cannot be an illegal country, when one country is conquered by another anything they want can be done with the conquered country's land, this is how Israel was created. And if you look at all the attacks they suffer from the muslims they are not acting immature in fact they should lay waste to the whole lot burn cities to the ground and be like every time we are attacked we are going to burn a city to the ground. you dont attack us we wont level a city. in fact they should level the cities and salt the earth

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:10 pm 
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And if you look at all the attacks they suffer from the muslims they are not acting immature in fact they should lay waste to the whole lot burn cities to the ground and be like every time we are attacked we are going to burn a city to the ground.
I agree, that's what Israel should do. The southern US states used to be under the domination of Mexico, until a war between Mexico and the US that ended in 1848. Now that land is part of the US. Yet if the US were endlessley attacked by bombs and suicide bombers today from across the Mexican border because the Mexican government was in a Jihad to 'take back their land', we would take much more action to put a final end to it than Israel has.

Much of the world is against Israel, so they look the other way when crazed fanatical Muslims blow themselves up and kill Israeli civilians. Then they criticize Israel if they do anything to retaliate in any way whatsoever. But it is 100% clear that these same critics of Israel would not feel that way if their own country was attacked the same way, or if members of their own family were murdered by fanatical suicide bombers convinced they'll be having sex with virgins in heaven because they died killing innocent women and children.

If someone wants to refute this other than by simple denial and/or name calling, feel free.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 7:33 pm 
Lolz. Malaysia was built by the agreement of all the tribes in the area well most of them anyway. We have 11 Sultans here, I don't see a point of having them but hey they are still there and rule their respective states.

Well if you want consistency, I think that we should level one Israeli city for every Palestinian city they level. Since Jerusalem is so sacred. We can always start from Tel Aviv. The UN is one hypocritical body. The have two sets of rules one for US and her allies one for their enemies. The Western world preach democracy. But they are hypocrites. The support veto for the Security Council, how democratic is the veto power? I am not anti-West but I think they should practise what they preach. If they can't shut their mouths!

I don't men to insult anybody btw. It's just that I feel strongly about this.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 10:03 pm 
Suicide bombings are carried out because this is the best way the Palestinians can resist the Zionist apartheid and genocide being inflicted upon them by their fascist totalitarian slavemasters. The Zionist state should have never been created and is a cancer on the face of the world. The problems in the Middle East are all created intentionally by Zionist Israel and the USA, and their Zionist-controlled allies. The problems in Nazi Germany for Jews were engineered by Zionists willing to allow Jews to be 'sacrificed' (also see Jewish Ritual Murder) so serve their agenda to create the Zionist state through murder and terrorism. This wound in the Middle East is there to act as a tinderbox to aid in the planned World War Three, which the Zionists are doing their best to bring about.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 1:28 am 
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Well if you want consistency, I think that we should level one Israeli city for every Palestinian city they level.
That's fine, and every time a suicide bomber kills Israelis, Israel should kill an equal number of innocent Palestinians. Name one city, by the way, that Israel has 'leveled'. What they do is send in tanks and missles to specific targets such as weapon caches and terrorist headquarters, and destroy them. Why else would Israeli tanks drive across a Palestinian town and destroy one specific building? And yes, Palestinians commit virtual sucide by putting themsleves in the way of the tanks and in refusing to leave buildings that the Israeli tanks are destroying. It is their way to be seen as heroes and to be having sex with virgins in heaven.

So, let's try to get the UN to set up rules. Every Palestinian city that Israel levels entitles the Palestinians to level an Israeli city. But also, every time a Palestinian kills innocent Israelis, Israel has the right to klll an equal number of innocent Palestinians. At the top of the list should be the relatives of the suicide bomber -- parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, cousins, etc. Every time a missle or bomb stikes Israeli territory, they have the right to send an equal number of bombs back. This could be all supervised by the UN. I think Israel comes out ahead in that deal, and I am in favor of it. I'm sure that Israel would agree to it, and the Palestinians would oppose it. The Palestinians wnat to kill Israelis and be immune from the consequences.

Who wants peace and who wants war in the Middle East? Israel would love to have peaceful neighbors. The Palestinians and their sick, twisted culture want death violence, and destruction. The only 'peace' they can imagine is without Israel, and they are willing to live the way they do until that happens. They would also gleefully and happily rape, torture, and kill all Israelis, from soldiers to young babies if they had the chance.

The arguments given in defense of the Palestinian Jihad has parallels. The US Took Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California from Mexico in a violent war where many valiant and patriotic Mexicans died trying to protect their lands. The Mexican goverment has little recourse to getting their land back from the US oppressors.

So Mexico should take note of the brave and dedicated Palestinians who fight the only way they can to get their lands back that were stolen from them. Mexico should start sending bombs and missles across the border into schools, shopping centers and government buildings in an attempt to kill American civilians. They should arm and send suicide bombers to blow up themselves while killing Americans in restaurants and other public places. But getting volunteers to be suicide bombers is difficult. So they should start teaching young children in schools to hate Americans. The children should be taught that all Americans are subhuman, evil, and worth nothing but dying horrible deaths. The children should be taught that the ultimate heroic act is to die by sneaking into an American city and killing Americans by blowing themsleves up in a public place. But to add to their incentive to die murdering others, the Mexican government should tie it to religion. God hates Americans and wants them dead. God wants you to dedicate your life to killing Americans. God will automatically give you the ultimate reward in heaven if you die killing Americans. And we all know the the absolute, most spiritual and holy of activities is to be having sex with virgin after virgin after virgin in heaven, as God watches approvingly.

But wait! Just as the Mexicans have this 'right' to get back their lands, a look back in history will show that the Mexicans took it from Indian tribes. So true to the 'Heroic Palestinian Model' the Indians ought to be conducting the same kind of Jihad against the Mexicans that the Mexicans should be conducting against the US. But wait again! Those Indian tribes took that land from OTHER Indians, so the older owners should be engaging in Jihad against the newer Indians, who should be conducting Jihad against the Mexicans, who should be conducting Jihad against the US.

But the US and Mexico aren't the only countries who took land from others. England, France, Germany, Italy, Greece, South Africa, Australia, and Persia also did to name a few. All of these countries should be subject attack by missles and suicide bombers by the previous occupiers of that land. When you look at history, there is virtually no country existing in the world today that did not violently take their land and establish their borders by war.

So the answer is obvious. We should all follow the 'Palestinian model' and have Universal Jihad. We should not have peace with our neigbors, we should kill them, since sometime and somewhere in history they did indeed take land from some unknown ancestors of ours.

So rather than single out one situation and set different standards and criteria for Palestinians than for aggrieved Mexicans or Indians, I insist that the same standards should apply everywhere. The Mexicans have equal rights to Jihad as do the Palestinians, and that's just scratching the surface. Jihad should be everywhere. Death and violence in the Palestininan fashion should be universal

There is a side effect to endless Jihad. It causes lack of jobs, lack of food, poor living conditions, short and violent lives, and perpetuates hatred, lies, and propaganda. But if you follow the example of the Palestinians, it's worth it. EVERY aggrieved country, EVERY citizen should should study up on history and start their own Jihad to get the land back that was taken from some distant ancestor.

To sum it up, Israel exists, just like every other country exists. Accepting that and having peace works better than endless violence and death. My own take on it is that contrary to the US, Australia, Mexico, and almost every other country in the world whose current borders were established by winning wars, Israel has been prevented from completing the job. The only way to really 'finish the job' with Israel is to do it the old fashioned tried and true way -- a war until one side loses so badly that they have to accept peace.

History shows us that this is the way it works.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:43 am 
Thursday wrote:
Suicide bombings are carried out because this is the best way the Palestinians can resist the Zionist apartheid and genocide being inflicted upon them by their fascist totalitarian slavemasters. The Zionist state should have never been created and is a cancer on the face of the world. The problems in the Middle East are all created intentionally by Zionist Israel and the USA, and their Zionist-controlled allies. The problems in Nazi Germany for Jews were engineered by Zionists willing to allow Jews to be 'sacrificed' (also see Jewish Ritual Murder) so serve their agenda to create the Zionist state through murder and terrorism. This wound in the Middle East is there to act as a tinderbox to aid in the planned World War Three, which the Zionists are doing their best to bring about.

Man the delusions people will believe... Thursday i like you and alot of what you say but you really need a reality check

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:03 am 
*Post removed

Last edited by timp on Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:32 am, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:43 am 
timp wrote:
Thursday wrote:
We are all one. We're all God.

I love all parts of 'myself' - Jews, Muslims, black-skinned and white-skinned people.

I hope this is clear.

Thursday, if you really believe this, then you don't have a problem with Israel, the US, Palestine, the Illuminati, Osama bin Laden, Hitler, or Jesus—they are all part of your wonderful, perfect whole.

La la la. Peace, love and harmony.

Yes I believe this. We are all one. Not all of us is loving and pure. There's a menevolent Reptilian conspiracy at work.


 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:01 am 
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Thursday - let me ask you this: do you believe that the universal God (and thus humanity) is inherently good? If yes, then what causes parts of it to be bad? And if no, aren't the problems caused by current situations caused by all people, not just a specific group?

"Every addition to human knowledge is an addition to human power."
- Anonymous

"90% of everything is crap."
- Theodor Sturgeon

I've often wondered if life has a purpose, and I've often looked for it as well. Having little success in either, I conclude there is one, and Someone is hiding it very well - or not at all. I also like cigar pretzels, coffee and tea.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:08 am 
Nomad wrote:
Thursday - let me ask you this: do you believe that the universal God (and thus humanity) is inherently good? If yes, then what causes parts of it to be bad? And if no, aren't the problems caused by current situations caused by all people, not just a specific group?

All of us (God) have free will and can chose to be good (love) or or bad (hate.) It's just a choice.


 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 9:46 am 
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Date that you last had an ejaculation: 10 Oct 2007
Sex: Male
Thursday wrote:
All of us (God) have free will and can chose to be good (love) or or bad (hate.) It's just a choice.

So you are saying that God, made up of all of us, is sometimes genereally good, or generally evil? Or does what we do define good? Because, if God does it, it must be good, since this God defines such standards, if they exist.

"Every addition to human knowledge is an addition to human power."
- Anonymous

"90% of everything is crap."
- Theodor Sturgeon

I've often wondered if life has a purpose, and I've often looked for it as well. Having little success in either, I conclude there is one, and Someone is hiding it very well - or not at all. I also like cigar pretzels, coffee and tea.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 10:33 am 
Nomad wrote:
Thursday wrote:
All of us (God) have free will and can chose to be good (love) or or bad (hate.) It's just a choice.

So you are saying that God, made up of all of us, is sometimes genereally good, or generally evil? Or does what we do define good? Because, if God does it, it must be good, since this God defines such standards, if they exist.

I'm saying we are all part of God. We can all choose to be good, loving, sincere etc. or not. You can only choose what you do. There is no 'generally,' we can all choose at this moment to be love.

 Post subject: Re: politics
PostPosted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:07 am 
*Post removed

Last edited by timp on Thu Aug 07, 2008 12:32 am, edited 1 time in total.

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