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 Post subject: thanks!
PostPosted: Sat May 28, 2011 5:15 am 

Joined: Fri May 27, 2011 10:06 pm
Posts: 5
Age: 37
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 30
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 25
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Other
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 3-4 hours
Sex: Male
thank you everyone for well-intentioned posts.
I'm totally new to this forum. Get that out of the way.
As a male, I am not new to MB though, or AB.
I had the profound revelation, which is not really religious but more spiritual,
that the secular term 'wet dream' is telling us something, yes?

okay so maybe that's not religious, however, there is clearly a religion operating in 'the background' which in the foreground has words like 'secular' used by it's operators to describe it. The religion is a 'third hand' if you will, or a 'hidden hand', except it's right out in the open. Out in the open every day, being born at a public hospital (ANY licensed establishment is public, whether the term private or public is used), having parents that work as public employees (see prior, licensed corporations), go to public school (again see prior), and so-on, watch public TV and movies (all produced as products of licensed subcorporations of the Country corporation, further run by bankers (8). Out in the open, with key issues never questioned, intentionally, so they sink deep into the mind when there is no awareness (through NLP for instance).

the operators of the public introduce a 'new' idea at some time, claiming it to be 'secular' (without religion) in fact it is a religion (belief system based on???) and the biggest single religion in the world.

little preface:
what we have running things,
i guess in an inability to run things fully ourselves (ah but witness the egyptian nationals who shook off their citizen status and took that stuff over! lol) (3)
are priests. These priests put on different robes, sometimes banking (this is a major and key one),(2)
religion of course, that's an easy one,
propaganda (modern 'P.R.', the term PR chosen as only a new name for 'propaganda'(1))
entertainment (holy wood, hollywood, lots of references)(4)
medicine (5)
government (6)
education (7)

did leave out any categories? the (#) is for later reference.

so what do all these priests do?
they tell us a uniform message through various agents who work like 'altar boys' (temple 'employees', a nice way of saying servants) for them.
so collectively their realm is the public, a kind of synonym at at basic level, for the fiction realm.
again called 'secular', however, with the caution above.

back to 'wet dream', where the man/masculine, meets with the feminine (water/wet) in union (yoga, 'prayer' is a similar term derivative). The profound transformation of the limited male through the unlimited female.

The priests of the secular realm (described above) tell us right up front the truth (the sunna - the self-proving knowing of what is, a kind of deep honesty, the substance). If we were to approach 'wet dream' with only a secular one-sided public instruction, it can easily be brushed off as some kind of mechanical (secular) event with no profound intention, on the surface with it's deeper intention hidden from the public (un)conscious mind.

And then listen we listen to the word (which word? from where?), and get distracted by the word (or the mind does), while ignoring the sunna (substance, what is self-proving, what the heart knows ir-regardless). Deeply moved by the phrase of what the Prophet (out of respect to the muslim brothers and sisters) left, 'Sunna' and 'the Qur'an'. One is substance: self-evident, self-proving. And the other is left for the state of being when one is is more word-oriented, that at least if it could not be known, the profound truth of the sunna, there is a book to keep near the path. Or another way is the book is for the wandering mind, and the sunna is the heart-consciousness. It is direct knowledge.

Such a beautiful term then is 'wet' and 'dream'. the masculine combining with the feminine.

start the thread off with that. too much in a post is too much.

thanks for having me on your forum, man!
when it's a struggle, what helps me is the 10-second pause.

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