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PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 8:08 am 
Would that be the Pure Life by any chance?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 09, 2008 8:38 pm 
That's great.

If thy eye offend thee, pluck it out. We are counseled that its important to remove from our lives those things that draw us toward evil. Television is not inherently bad, but if I were to see things on TV that would get me interested in masturbating, it might be a good idea to git rid of that appliance.

I heard a story once that was similar. A kid walks home from school and walks by the same store each day. Tempted to look at these odd magazines that were a bit of a novelty to him, he takes a peek. They are, of course, pornographic. And he knew it. But everyday, it's so easy to just stop by real quick and indulge sinfully in some smutty, garbage magazines. With help from a religious authority, he decides to change his route to a longer one that avoids that store.
Now, the original route wasn't sinful, but it had to be let go nonetheless if sin was to be forsaken and repented of.

Masturbation is sin, and I believe more so the more you "put into it". Masturbating on impulse when in the shower when you've gone weeks abstaining isn't so bad compared to sitting down to a big ol' dose of mind-altering pornography and then slowly "self-abusing" yourself while thinking the dirtiest thoughts you can. But the idea, religiously, is to get completely off of it. Doesn't it say somewhere in scripture not to lust after a woman "nor anything like unto it" ?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:32 am 
If you want to avoid any opportunities for sin then leave modern society and go live in the country alone or something. Im abstaining, now on day 24 and its totally nuts. I mean is just stupid, you can't go around your uni surrounded by sexy 20 year old girl friends all day pretending to preserve your head out of sex. And just wait till summer hits. Its totally pointless and not healthy. you'll end insane and everyone will think there is something wrong with you because you'll eventually start avoiding contact with girls to avoid ejaculation. I mean right now I could cum just by giving this girl a hug. It almost happened me yesterday. I had one of these random erections that you get when you abstain for a while and she hugged me and kissed me just to salute me, and when she pressed her belly on my raging boner I almost fucking came. she laught cos we are good friends, she told me whats wrong with you dude? and we laught. I just told her the truth, im on a bet to abstain till november and im about to win! lol

I mean unless you dont have female friends (or female friends that are sexually attractive...) you are fucked and you know it.

whatever dude, good luck.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:54 pm 
Ishmael's line sprung a man, Muhammad (570-632), who initially founded Islam as a religion for the Arab people. Later he tried to universalize it and impose it on all mankind. In Islam, Jesus is reduced to a mere prophet; and by making himself equal to Jesus and ultimately superior to Him, Muhammad perpetuated the spirit of rivalry, not reconciliation. The roots of this present-day alienation go back to the tragedy of events that led to the breakup of Abraham's family. Islam became the venue for the aggrieved and alienated members of this family to redress the shame of that early expulsion from the tents of Abraham. Even more than that, Islam is committed to the attempt to dominate the world.

Muhammad was a true descendant of Ishmael. While trying desperately to tie into the genealogical tree of Biblical prophets, he fiercely maintained his independence as an "Arab prophet" with an "Arabic Qu’ran. He stoutly maintained that he was neither of the Jews nor the Christians but of the "Religion of Abraham". In taking this position, Muhammad, attempting to establish his own identity as a legitimate prophet, borrowed from the traditions of each, as well as separated himself from both. The final voice of God to the human race.

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