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PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 5:47 pm 

Joined: Thu Aug 07, 2014 5:38 pm
Posts: 2
Age: 19
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 4
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxers
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 4-5 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 07 Aug 2014
Sex: Male
Alright, so the same day, earlier in the evening, I had mb'd and ejaculated, that's not the point.
Later the same night, before I went to bed, I had gotten really aroused and had a massive erection, to the point, later 4-6 hours into my sleep I had the wettest dream of my life.
I would go into extreme detail but it might get a bit graphic so I'm just gonna post what is above.
Eitherway, it was amazing.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:52 pm 

Joined: Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:03 am
Posts: 585
Location: Australia
Age: 65
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 100
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 15
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 05 Mar 2015
Sex: Male
prima123 wrote:
Alright, so the same day, earlier in the evening, I had mb'd and ejaculated, that's not the point.
Later the same night, before I went to bed, I had gotten really aroused and had a massive erection, to the point, later 4-6 hours into my sleep I had the wettest dream of my life.
I would go into extreme detail but it might get a bit graphic so I'm just gonna post what is above.
Eitherway, it was amazing.

Graphic is OK, just no nudity in this area of the forum.



PostPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 11:25 am 
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Joined: Tue May 09, 2006 5:15 am
Posts: 420
Age: 17
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 100
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 1
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxer briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 3-4 hours
Sex: Male
Yea, I think we've heard just about everything. Only photos of wet dreamed underwear are allowed (though I notice people have started posting them with them still wearing them). There is a separate section for other stuff.

To me the plot of the wet dream is just one part of it. I am much more interested in the specific sensations that are felt and described in detail. Maybe because a wet dream without that is just an erotic dream with wet underwear. or because my best wet dreams are more about what I am feeling than any specific activity or plot in the dream.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 09, 2014 7:53 am 
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Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:42 am
Posts: 216
Age: 24
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 12
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Other
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 3-4 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 20 Apr 2015
Sex: Male
Well congrats Prima 123

I think the earliest wet dream after I mb was 2 days later....

and like other have said don't feel embarrassed or worried about describing the wet dream in detail too much.....I also agree the CONTENT of the wet dream is the best part.....and hearing the descriptive detail of it ESPECIALLY when you ejaculated in the dream, or what caused you to ejac in the dream causing you to ejac in real life....

when was your last wet dream before this one?? what age was your first wet dream?? do you normally wear boxers to bed and only boxers during the day too?

I definitely hope to hear about this wet dream soon as others want to hear it too....

WD #12.....First Wet Dream in over 7 months...and WHAT A BIG LOAD IT WAS....wish me luck on getting to my next and 150 days of not mb....

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