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What is it that makes you masturbate and the reason you have to break your abstinence.
Poll ended at Fri Mar 07, 2014 10:14 pm
a girls bum 18%  18%  [ 3 ]
her boobs 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
reading erotic stuff 29%  29%  [ 5 ]
watching porn 29%  29%  [ 5 ]
watching hot girls in the streets / class 18%  18%  [ 3 ]
others [specify] 6%  6%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 17
Author Message
PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:14 pm 
Regular Member

Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:56 am
Posts: 32
Age: 40
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 4
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Little Precum (1-2 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 4
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 3-4 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 19 Dec 2013
Sex: Male
This is a question only for straight guys.

What is it that makes you masturbate and the reason you have to break your abstinence.
Please elaborate, is it a girls bum, her boobs, reading erotic stuff, watching porn, watching hot girls in the streets / class. Whatever.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 10:59 pm 
Active Member
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Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:02 am
Posts: 1208
Location: Istanbul, Turkey
Age: 20
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 13
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 12
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxers
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 4-5 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 29 Jan 2014
Sex: Male
Watching porn, mostly. I can control myself when I'm looking at a girl, but porn breaks my guard.

Sorry if I made grammar or expression mistakes.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 07, 2014 6:53 am 
Regular Member
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Joined: Wed Dec 19, 2007 4:05 am
Posts: 45
Age: 51
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 100
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 3
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 4-5 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 31 Jan 2008
Sex: Male
I'm a leg/thigh man so neither boobs nor bums would arouse me. My first SE was in response to admiring the shapely pair of thighs sitting opposite on the bus.

I also find freckles on a pretty girl (usually) make her even prettier.

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