Jimmy Buffet's song "Cheeseburger in Paradise is basically about a kind of "culinary wet dream". The guy gives up eating meat and starts having wonderful dreams about cheeseburgers. So following that line of thought, I made up this little parody.
Tried to amend my masturbation habits.
Made it for nearly two weeks,
Such a throb in my clit, just can't help touching it,
Though I'm being careful that I never quite peak.
But at night I'd have these wonderful dreams
Some kind of sensuous treat.
Not zucchini, fettuccini, or bulgur wheat,
But some tight warm buns and a huge hunk of meat.
Hot wet dream in paradise
I may get lucky and even cum twice.
It's hard not to touch but it's well worth the price.
To have a hot wet dream in paradise
When I was a teenager way back when
I'd have the same dreams again and again;
A kiss or two, maybe see someone nude.
And that was all it took to send me off the deep end
But times have changed, in my dreams these days
I hardly ever get what I need;
They still tease me but don't please me, they're oh so mean
Sometimes it's so frustrating I just wanna scream!
For a hot wet dream in paradise, waking up cumming is ever so nice
So horny it hurts, so I've gotta be ripe.
For a hot wet dream in paradise
I am bi so I like girls and boys
Pleasuring me with tongues, fingers or toys
Big meaty "pickle" or a vibe that hums
I don't care as long as I cum
In a hot wet dream in paradise
Reward for giving up the "self-abuse" vice.
Worth every damn bit of sacrifice
To get a hot wet dream in paradise