I wanted to go by bus somewhere, so when I arrived at the bus stop I asked this ticket dude/conductor standing there for a ticket. I handed him a five-denomination note. He gave me the ticket and rummaged around for my change. He then smiled apologetically and said, “Sorry, I seem to be completely out of change. No worries though, here,” and handed me my money back.
But it was not my fiver. It was a 500 denomination note.
“Dude, I gave you five bucks. This is a five hundred.” I laughed and handed it back.
“That’s alright, you can keep it.” He said, “I’m all out of small change and I really need it. You don’t mind do you?”
I gaped at him. A 500 in exchange for a 5?!
“Go on, please?” He smiled up at me charmingly.
He’s coming on to me, I realized, amused and turned on. The little shit!
I’m considered good-looking by a lot of people and many times I get free stuff without asking for it or even wanting it, but come on! A free ticket plus extra cash??
I looked him over. He was young and had a pretty face with a nice smile. He was also lean and well-proportioned with a swimmer’s physique.
On impulse, I pulled him to me and hugged him. No sooner than I did however, whether due to my long sexual abstinence or the fit physique in my arms, my cock went from zero to sixty in like five seconds.
I groaned into his neck.
He seemed flattered and gratified and hugged me back. Grabbing him around his slim waist, I began to grind my hips into his. There was no one around at the stop and I had a handsome, willing fella in my arms. Taking full advantage of the situation, I slipped a hand down and palmed his tight ass.
And then, before I knew it, it happened.
My loins began to pump from deep within and my cock pulsed like a live thing. My vision whited out and I had a moment to think Aw shit, before I came like a fire hose.
My cock pulsed once, twice, thrice, four times, five… I lost count in the mindless pleasure of it as I came and came and came. I clutched at him hard enough to leave bruises and grunted my pleasure into his neck.
And then I woke up.

Man! Not even a full month and a WD already. I’m chuffed.
Some notes on this experience:
a) I had gone to bed at a late hour (around 4 am).
b) I went to bed horny (I also watched some porn before going to sleep).
c) The dream happened in late morning – around 11 am.
d) After the dream, I dozed for another hour or so and during that time had more sex dreams, (making out with a couple of drunk chicks in a cab) but there was no cumming.
e) After waking up properly, I looked down at myself in bed. My shorts were dry. Usually when I have a WD, I ejaculate so much that both my briefs and my shorts get absolutely drenched in front. So I thought I must have had one of those dreams where I cum in the dream, but not in real.
f) But when I went to the bathroom, I saw that I had come. Just not in huge quantities.
g) Usually the dreams I have tend to last for (seemingly) hours with lots of sexual tension, thrill of conquest, foreplay, etc, etc with full body feelings. But in terms of duration and extent of sexual pleasure, my dream today was a ‘quickie’.
Nevertheless, I enjoyed it and am committed to no MB so I can have more.