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focus wrote:The primary difference between a WD and SE is a WD is an ejaculation occurs while you sleep, while an SE occurs while you are awake. Now if you wake up during the ejaculation or immediately before, it's still considered a WD.
If you have arousal that leads to ejaculation without any physical stimulation while you are completely awake, then that is an SE, not a WD. In general SE's are more rare than WD's.
Muz wrote:For me, I've only had one SE and many WD's, so for me a WD seems to come first.
When I had the SE I was arroused a lot in the day, and it felt kinda like I needed to pee really badly, then what came out was very cloudy urine/semen mix.
When I have WD's it's a proper orgasm, semen only! And feels far more pleasurable compared to my SE.
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