Hello again, i joined quite some time ago but never really posted, tried abstaining for a bit and it never worked but now a good 4 years later i was just woken up by a wet dream so I figured it would make sense to see if you guys still existed and you do!
So i was snoozing after my alarm woke me up this morning however it was the alarm i set to go to college but i'm off so i no longer had to be up at 7:30. I'm off because i had to have surgery on my neck for this random eye twitch thing its pretty gross but its relevant because i had it a week ago and since then i've been on pretty heavy pain relief at night to get to sleep which totally killed my sex drive i just never even thought horny for the whole week, last night was my first night not taking them and getting a good nights sleep and i was super tired when i woke up so i snoozed through a good 4-5 hours and i always tend to dream more, or remember more dreams when im sleeping lightly for example today it was sunny and bright in my room and i was just kinda drifting in and outta sleep and i recall i was having a super intense erotic dream that i wont go into in too much detail but for some reason in my brain was telling me i needed to pee and throughout this dream i remember that becoming more urgent and as the dream got more and more intense as did this urgency and its kinda weird i seem to have cum (bearing in mind i was sleeping on my back with both hands by my side) had a wet dream in which i was peeing as i came. I guess its the kinda weird intensity/urgency mixture stuff brains create when you have wet dreams.
Anyway im not sure of the protocol here if that should have been more or less detailed i didnt want anyone grossed out by it and i attached a photo below woo might try having another go at this it was fantastic.