by rogns008 » Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:46 pm
I haven't jerked for almost a week now, mainly because of how crazy things were over Christmas, but I also pushed it off because I knew it would be better if I gave it some time. I met a guy online a while ago while I was learning about restoring my foreskin who was also really into other natural stuff like having wet dreams, so I figured I should look into it since I gave it so much time already. I usually beat it at least three times a week and I wake up with constant boners. Somehow, I'm more ready down there now than I was a few years ago at puberty. I guess, I have to owe part of this to restoration. At any rate, does anyone have tips to have a good wet dream. I looked at a few stories on here as well and saw a post about spontaneous ejaculations... I've never had one personally, but I really wouldn't mind having one. Seriously, that sounds crazy awesome, how does that happen?