I have very little experience in this area.....only ever tried a finger. I have read about Aneros in the past and it has intrigued me, but I never really acted upon anything. I found this thread and it renewed my interest. I noticed that the Progasm is on sale at half price, but I read that the Progasm is more for "advanced" users who have experience with prostate massaging/anal stuff. I read that the Helix is the most popular in the Aneros line for beginners, and I found it on Amazon for about the same price. I had some Amazon credit, so I though "What the hell, why not try it to see what all the fuss is about" and ordered one. I guess I can go from there...... I noticed that Aneros offers a full money back guarantee on their website if ordered from them, but I'm pretty caution about ordering the Progasm without having any experience in that area first. Maybe later on if I am happy with the Helix.
I haven't decided if i'll try it out right away yet since I just started ABing again and not sure how it will effect me....but for those who have tried it..... how typical are results? I mean did you feel anything first time around, or did it take some "practice"? I have read mixed reactions online with some people saying it took them years to achieve satisfaction.