Does the type of uw you wear (or dont wear) prevent yourself from masturbating or increase the likelihood of wet dreams?
also does what you wear (or not wear) when sleeping increase the likelihood of wet dreams?
as some of you may know I am an AVID freeballer and have told most of you
I havent worn uw in over 5 years
which is mostly true....until early july 0f 2012 I didnt wear any uw since late may 2007
then I tried wearing briefs again and HATED them but over time I somewhat got used to the support and LOVED the drastic difference between the tightness and support of briefs to none at all
I ONLY can wear low rise briefs....regular briefs are too big and long....
for about 25 or 26 days I wore briefs ALMOST 24/7 give or take a few days here and there I freeballed) and even when I slept, where I slept naked before
though I didnt start the non masturbating record and thing until about 15 days ago ( I am now back to day 1)
I think wearing briefs and constricting my balls and penis and also sleeping in them helped me not be as horny and made me not want to masturbate or think about masturbating.....
I also wonder if me sleeping in them will increase the chances of me having a wet dream.....
do you guys also agree that tight underwear limits or stops you from masturbating??
does sleeping in briefs produce more wet dreams for you?