It was quite unexpected because I had only AB'd for 5 days previously (it happened during the morning of day 6) and on the day before I started ABing I had actually MB'd three times!

Like a few other posts on here, it happened for me in the morning after having got up and gone back to bed. I had had quite a late night (about 3am) and then slept through till about 7.40am when I had to pee. Then I went back to bed but was awake for maybe 30 minutes or so before I went back to sleep. The ejaculation happened about 10.15am and I woke up just after it. Also I slept naked that night which I don't normally do.
It was an erotic (although very weird) dream, whereby I had been driving my cat home from a boarding place in my car, he was in his box (weird I know, but fortunately that's the extent of his involvement in the situation!

I can't really explain the feeling other than as above, like a prolonged feeling of the 'just before you blow it' feeling and then a kind of relief feeling like you get after peeing when you really need to go. It didn't feel the same as the feeling you get when you MB and get an orgasm and ejaculate and I didn't get a feeling of anything flowing out of my penis.
I woke up after I had finished ejaculating and threw the cover back to see there was just a drop of semen leaking out of my penis (which was still hard…and actually even though I had ejaculated I still didn't feel like I had had an orgasm, there was no feeling like after MB that you are no longer horny, and I felt aroused still). Initially I thought that was all there was, just a little drip of semen but then I realized what had actually happened was that I had been lying on my back and obviously squirted it onto my body and it had run off to the side and there was quite a large patch of semen staining the sheet. There was also some residual stuff on my body. So it really had been a full ejaculation with a lot of semen.
As you can see from the pic it was kind of a lumpy ejaculation (does anyone else get that if they haven't MB for a while??) and there must have been a fair amount of fluid too. The pic with my hand is just to give some sort of approximate scale (the other pic is literally while I was still in bed, I had just scooted sideways a little) and the last pic is later in the evening after it had dried.
I hope I get some more!