Hello. This thread is about wet dreams in the prison system. I have done serious time in the past.
Oftentimes, prisoners are trapped in a crowded, cramped bare cell with many other prisoners.
In a normal cell, there is often 1 or 2 other prisoners inside. There are not many single cells. Even so, drug tests at 4-5 am see prisoners often taken from sleeping in cells to a small and bare holding cell, with 15 or more prisoners.
I personally have wet dreams around once a week at home, but up to 3 times a night in prison. I average four times a week in many prisons. The cell-mate is trapped in the stinking concrete cell, and the neighbors get stunk out via the vents. One is not made popular by WDs in prison. It also leaves one weakened for the gym, and makes one less mentally alert. There is no medical or staff interest in the problem. There is little one can do. The situation is inflamed by other problems, such as sexual abuse, teasing, smoking, and other concerns.
Complainers and those who use violence or verbal abuse are often taken to a solitary cell, and given a tremendous hiding by ex-large prison officers. I remember one such hiding, which I dub "the day of the great hiding" that was just brutal. This prisoner had minor self-harmed. The bashing just went on for ages, the slamming, the screaming, and hitting. He was handcuffed. I think that dildos were also involved, as he called out "what the hell are you doing to me...wtf are you touching me there for?" etc. Certain officers are always on about objects being inserted into the anus. Obviously trying to force the prison to take care is not an option.
So what is one to do? One needs a way to reduce or prevent such emissions.