This is the new poll, the old thread is locked. If you voted in the last one, can you please vote again in this one.
If you would like to know why I voted as I did, my explanation is on the old thread;
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3008Thursday wrote:I chose NEs, WDs, and VOS. I enjoy having emissions during the night whether or not they're accompanied by erotic dreams that I recall in the morning. It feels natural to me to wake up having had an NE, but not recalling any erotic dream from that night. But of course, as I'm sure a lot of members here would agree with, WDs are very enjoyable! So my ideal forms of emission are NEs and WDs - I don't mind having SEs but would generally prefer to have my emissions during the night, because these feel more natural and WDs are more enjoyable, in general, than SEs. When I say 'feels more natural,' I mean that intuitively it feels like the 'perfect' way for my body to keep its reproductive system healthy is through NEs. I don't think having an erotic dream (or remembering having had one,) every time is necessary to stay healthy. When I get into a sexual relationship with a woman, I'd like to practice VOS and continue to have NEs as my form of fluid-release to keep my reproductive system healthy. An erotic dream would be a bonus. Therefore IMO, the three forms of sexual expression that I've chosen complement each other.
Generally I feel that MB, POS, PEs, and NEOs are negative because they create a dopamine surge and prolactin level increase - apart from when a person doesn't MB until peak orgasm and ejaculation (they edge,) which is negative too IMO because a person is focusing their sexual energy inwardly rather than outwardly towards the other sex and putting it into productive activities, such as study or work. MB is a way to squander your sexual energy IMO. The other choices - E and O - are attractive to me, but less so than +E and +O. If I wasn't having any forms of fluid release, I'd consider having my prostate massaged if I needed to for health reasons. I could also happily go for some time without any orgasm or emission (O,) but I'd prefer to have valley orgasms or some form of emissions. This is because I feel it's healthier, and more enjoyable, to have emissions than none at all, and in a sexual relationship valley orgasms would strengthen our bond.
The trend I've noticed in my results is that I prefer +s - positive emissions or non-emissions. Since I'm not in a relationship, I'm not experiencing valley orgasms right now, however I do feel a high level of sexual energy ('T-buzz' - high testosterone) and harmonious (undisturbed and balanced hormone levels and neurochemistry.) If I'm not having +s, my next favourite form of sexual expression is 'neutral' - Es and Os. I've never had an E - perhaps if I was in a sexual relationship and +Es stopped, I'd ask my wife to give me PMs. Also, when not having VOS, I'd be happy to have non-orgasmic, non-ejaculatory sexual contact such as holding hands, kissing, etc. I'm not sure how being in a sexual relationship would affect my +Es. Os remain secondary to +Os though. -Es are least attractive for the reasons I've mentioned above, and I don't see a need for -Es except in specific circumstances, such as when trying to create a pregnancy. In that scenario, having POS would be the ideal choice. Or perhaps at some point I may have to MB for health reasons - when PM is precluded or not as helpful as MB for health reasons too. My order of preference, from best to worst, therefore, is +s, 'neutral' Es and Os, and -s.
Spirotot wrote:Could you define for me in a little more detail what "peak orgasms" (with or without ejaculation) and "valley orgasms" (again, with or without ejaculation) are?
Thursday wrote:Peak orgasm is a 'goal-orientated' orgasm where the person builds up their sexual energy to a peak point, has a peak orgasm and expends their sexual energy. The peak orgasm causes a dopamine surge, followed by a dopamine crash and prolactin increase. The person will have this peak orgasm as the end point of their sexual encounter. After that, the sex may be over, or may be extended. The peak orgasm therefore causes the person to 'need' to have another peak orgasm later to boost their dopamine again, and their prolactin remains high, or increases again. This cycle of highs and lows, and excess prolactin, damages the relationship - it pushes the lovers apart. It's OK to have a peak orgasm when trying to create a pregnancy, IMO; when this happens the sexual energy is transferred into the sperm or ovum, into new life being created.
A valley orgasm is when the person doesn't reach a peak during the sexual experience; they have a low level of prolactin and a high level of oxytocin, and a healthily high level of dopamine but not a surge. The lovers are bonded together by the sexual encounter, and the sex doesn't have an end goal - it can last until they choose to stop. Rather than reaching a peak, followed by a crash and hormonal disruption, the lovers feel subtle warmth and happiness to begin with. The sexual energy between the two lovers stays at a high level - both lovers are sexually 'charged.' The sexual energy is shared with their lover, and they feel a long lasting intense orgasm during the sex, but not the 'release' orgasm (peak orgasm) a lot of people are accustomed to. There is a sharing of sexual energy, not a discharge of it. After sex the lovers remain sexually excited and happy - the man still has his erection if he chooses, or if his penis is flaccid he doesn't have to wait for a period of time until he can have another erection. The woman can still have the changes to her vulva and breasts that are caused by sexual arousal. The valley orgasm is better than a peak orgasm for regular, non-procreative sexual encounters -- this is because the orgasm is prolonged and only positive, i.e. without a crash afterwards. It feels different to a peak orgasm, and it's something that people have to experience to fully understand how it feels.
If the sexual encounter is divided into ten parts, peak orgasm during sex may look like this:
From a peak orgasm last time the person had an orgasm:
0 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 0 0
Or, if the person has had a valley orgasm as their last orgasm:
3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 0 0
Whereas a valley orgasm may look like this:
3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 3
The number is out of five - this is the highest. Zero is sexually depleted, one equals some sexual energy (a low level,) two equals a medium amount of sexual energy, three is sexually charged - n.b. both two and three can occur in people with the energy from abstaining from MB/POS, or while people are having sex, four is very aroused - such as the plateau phase, and five is an orgasm. Ejaculation may occur with orgasm, peak orgasm in particular, but it doesn't necessarily have to. As you can see, the peak orgasm is short and reached by an increase from zero (no sexual energy,) or three (they begin with a sexual charge,) to a brief orgasm (five.) This orgasm lasts longer, and is more intense if the person already has a reserve of sexual energy. Five is an orgasm, but most people realise that an orgasm from MB or POS, having MB'd or had POS a few times every day long-term, is not as intense as a peak-orgasm after a few weeks of sexual abstinence. This is because the person's sexual energy level has increased - so there is more to discharge: when a person abstains from waking peak orgasms, their sexual energy increases. People who regularly MB or have POS will have no sexual energy - they don't have a 'T-buzz,' or a 'sexually charged-up' feeling. When a person abstains long-term, their sexual energy will increase, so that when they have VOS it will feel more powerful and be more enjoyable. The valley orgasm doesn't have a sudden drop-off after the orgasm, and the couple are always at least at number three - they have a sexual energy charge. This increases during sex into the valley orgasm (number five.)
About the ejaculation part: ejaculation is separate to orgasm. People can ejaculate spontaneously, nocturnally, prematurely, with an orgasm, after having an orgasm, etc. A lot of people will have a peak orgasm and a ejaculation at the same time, but it's possible to have an orgasm without ejaculating. While having a valley orgasm, the person may become so sexually stimulated that they ejaculate. We can learn to control ejaculation, and choose to enjoy the orgasm but not ejaculate. Some people may prefer to ejaculate with their orgasms, or may see it as a negative occurrence, or only like to ejaculate when trying to create a pregnancy.
Once I had an SE and had an erection right away afterwards - unlike after MB where my erection usually goes away pretty quickly after I ejaculate. This shows that ejaculation doesn't cause the body to produce prolactin, and a dopamine surge. There was no crash after my SE, nor is there after my WDs. My view is that it's best to cut out orgasms with ejaculations, apart from when trying to procreate.
Thanks, Thursday.