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PostPosted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 12:58 pm 
Here it goes. Ive been on this forum for a while and have been shy to intro myself. this survey is the ice breaker i guess. LOL
My name is brad and Im 15 from the states. Rest of me is below.. :)


Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Age 15

Height 6.0

Q Status Single, questioning, but almost sure I'm gay (def not feminine).

Q What country are you from? USA

Q What is your ethnic origin? White

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime. http://www.jakinworld.com

Q What is your head hair colour? blondish brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour? black

Q Where do you have body hair? some around pubic portions.

Q How much pubic hair do you have? Not a whole lot

Q How thick is your pubic hair? Thin

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
An inch above and two inches sideways

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair? No

Q How much chest hair do you have? None

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised? Circumsised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)? 1.5 inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)? 5 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)? 1 inch

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)? 1.5 inch

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection? Somewhat bigger

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect? Purple-red

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour? A little darker brown

Q What size are your testicles (balls)? My doctor just said Tanner stage 4, which I guess means around 3 cm or just over an inch?

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body? Up tight usually, especially after swimming.

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
Yes, my brother who is a year younger. He was erect and was just a bit smaller than me.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
voice cracked, fuzz under my arm and around my penis, my penis got larger.

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
First it was hair in my pits which I was embarrased about, but since I'm a late bloomer I guess I shouldn't have been. Then my voice started to crack and then I noticed
things about my penis, like getting erections more and more.

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
I knew what was going on

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
I think it is still growing...I hope. :)

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
Same as above.

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
Same as above

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
I hope I'm not done.

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
Slowly, and a late bloomer, which I guess runs in my family.


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
I'm cut.

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
I'm cut.

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
I'm cut.

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
Very fast.

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
From like 1 1/2 inches to 5 1/2 inches.

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
I've gotta thin dick so far.

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
Straight up against my stomach area.

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
I don't masturbate to much, cause I share a room with my brother and my parents are asses and are always in my business. They
are pretty hard up about not masturbating (abstinence) because of my strict Catholic religion. My mom is always making sure my
brother and me aren't jackin and there are no locks on the doors or the bathroom. But, i do masturbate, just maybe 1-2 times
a week. I don't think it is necessary, but I'm hella horny all the friggin time.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
Kinda. Scared me at first since it was a wet dream. It was about a week later I
first masturbated to ejaculateion.

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
Instinct and a friend.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
After my first wet dream (which was a freak ass dream...nothing sexual at all), I was afraid my mom
would find my stained boxer briefs in the laundry. Then my friend told me about masturbation and how
it would prevent wet dreams. Sharing a room with my brother sucks and I have no time alone, but before he
got home from baseball one day, I got horny and started to stroke my hard dick with my boxer briefs on. It felt
really good and after 2 or 3 minutes, I thought I was gonna pee, so I stopped. Then, I noticed sticky
clear stuff on my underwear. I then started again and kept going to the point that a lot of sticky stuff
came out all over the place. This was like 3 minutes before my brother got back home and I was afraid
he would smell the cum. He never mentioned it. Whew!

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
I dunno, prolly now...even though it still isnt' like my friends who do it 3-4 times a day.

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
Maybe 1-2 times a week.

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
Like 2-3 mintues.

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
1-2 times a week, sometimes more if my parents and brother aren't home.

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
after school.

Q When did you last masturbate?

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
My brother and parents were school shopping and I got on wetdreamsforum.com and got horny.
I wanted to try the start-stop method as long as i could. I went on for like 15 minutes and couldn't
hold it back any longer.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
I dunno. It has been two weeks, maybe soon. I just haven't had the privacy and I've been under
a lot of stress in school.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
Longest was like 15-20 minutes, usually 2-5 minute quickies.

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
Yep, just the other day, I was mega-horny and the way my dick was rubbing my underwear, i just
started cumming without doing anything. It wasn't a big cum, but it was definately there.

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
about two weeks...family vacation this past summer.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
I cummed in about 15 seconds, shooting a load over my head and hitting the wall behind
my bed.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
at least my underwear is around my ankles, in case i gotta get up real fast.

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
I'm hard almost always.

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
in my bed...i have masturbated in my brothers bed before to--i don't know why....just made me more horny.

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
sometimes rubbing agains the bed, but most of the time, with my fingers and hand.

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
in the pool stalls one time after getting horny after swim practice.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
Seeing cute guys. I have an underwear fetish to, so underwear makes me horny. Is that weird or what!

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
not usually...i have to wait until i can.

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
only that one time in the pool stalls. it was nothing really, just really horny and went to use the restroom...got hard and jerked. It was all over
in like 2 minutes.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
really freakin hard...almost hurts sometimes.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
almost always on my chest or chin, but sometimes over my head and onto my head...got shot in the
eye once. It really does burn!

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
I dunno...maybe 2 spoon fuls.

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
6 or 7 times...i think.

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
I tense up and got a cramp in my foot one time.

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
my balls get really tight and my dick raises off my stomach.

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
lots of pre-cum!

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
Yes, and I don't really like it. Tastes bland.

Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
Some, but not a whole lot.

Q Are you right or left-handed?

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
not usually...maybe spit sometimes.

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
i have some pictures of guys, but not really porn.

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
the hand up and down, or gently stroking my shaft with my thumb/first two fingers.

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
i'm cut.

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth.
No, but that would be soo cool.

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
ummm...not really, i tried to use a vacuum cleaner one time, but it didn't do anything. :)

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
i almost cummed in a hotel hot tub one time...i was almost there and my parents came into the tub.

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
no, but want to be.

Q Have you returned the compliment?
no, but want to.

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
i get horny, am hard, make sure no one is around. If they are, a dont' do it, if they are not around, then I lay on my bed and
jack until i cum--boring really.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
no relationship.

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
ummm...it really would exite me more if i could make my underwear fetish come true while jackin. I think about that alot and
i get really horny thinking about it. I guess it is a fetish.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 2:05 pm 
User avatar

Joined: Sat Dec 31, 2005 10:29 am
Posts: 1
Location: Oregon
Age: 24
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: No Precum
Average time to ejaculation normally: 3
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxers
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 26 Jul 2014
Sex: Male
I've been here for a while too and haven't posted yet, so I guess this is a good place to begin and introduce myself.

Q Age.
A 16

Q Height.
A 6'4"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A partner

Q What country are you from?
A United States

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A white

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A jackinworld.com

Q What is your head hair colour?
A naturally brown, but usually dyed blonde

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A arms, legs, armpits, pubic area, a little on the chest

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A enough

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A About two inches high and about two inches to the side in both directions

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A no

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A a little

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A don't know

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A Again, I don't know, and I'm too lazy to find out right now. :P

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A don't know

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A don't know

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A don't know

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A purple-ish

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A no

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A don't know

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A Depends on how hot out it is.

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A My dad once. He wasn't erect. He definately was bigger than I was (I was 5 at the time).


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A 12 or 13

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A pubic hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A pubic hair, began to ejaculate, facial hair, armpit hair, chest hair

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A yes

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A aware

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A hopefully still growing

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A hopefully still growing

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A hopefully still growing

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A not finished yet (I hope)

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A slowly so far


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A -

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A -

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A -

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A within a few seconds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A quite a bit

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A a bit

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A a little to my right

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A no


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I don't think that it's necessary to do it, but I don't know if I could ever give masturbation up completely

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 11

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 13

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A yes

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A instinct :D

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I humped one of my pillows, rubbing my penis between the pillow and the bed until I orgasmed.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A probably around 15

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 2-3 times per day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 2-3 minutes

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A About once a day, but less often since I've been trying to abstain

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A At night, once every one else has gone to bed

Q When did you last masturbate?
A Friday night

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A The typical fist around the penis rubbing up and down

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A don't know

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A Depending on how much of a hurry I'm in, anywhere from under a minute to an hour.

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A no

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A Five days, I was on a camping trip, although I'll pass that record tomorrow if I don't slip up tonight

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I didn't notice anything different

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A I prefer to masturbate with my clothes off, but I'll leave them on if I'm in a hurry

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A It's never consistant :)

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A I prefer to do it in my bed, but I usually end up doing it in the shower since it's more convenient.

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A Humping a pillow

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A Yes, but I deleted them right away

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A I tried once, but I didn't have any success

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A Once, when I was really horny, I did it in a stall in the restroom at school.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A Nothing in particular, but most of the time reading erotic stories, or simply being alone naked with a few minutes to spare

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A Usually, but not always

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A When I'm not trying to abstain

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A no

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no *knocks on wood*

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A no

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A Slightly harder than before

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Almost always

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A I don't really know, since I usually have my eyes closed when I orgasm

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A never measured

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 3-5 where semen actually comes out, and then another few dry ones

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A My arms and legs tense up, my back arches, and I close my eyes

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A It starts feeling _really_ good so I'll unconciously start to speed up

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A Sometimes. When it happens, it's only one drop though

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A Once. It tasted kind of salty. I didn't like it, and I won't do it again
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A no

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A Soap when I'm in the shower. Otherwise none, or spit on occasion

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A Sometimes erotic stories, but usually just my own imagination

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A I've never checked

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A Wrapping my fist around my penis and pumping up and down

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A -

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A No, but I wish I could

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A no

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A Humping my pillow.

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A no

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A no

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A I'm usually in a hurry, so I'll pump it as fast as I can until I orgasm

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A I still masturbate on my own, since my gf and I don't have sex (I'm a virgin). I've never told her that I do it, but I guess it's sort of an unspoken fact that almost all guys do it.

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A probably not

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 12:24 pm 
Advanced Member
User avatar

Joined: Wed Aug 22, 2007 1:02 pm
Posts: 50
Age: 20
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 2
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Sex: Male
Q Age.
A 16

Q Height.
A 5'7"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single, straight

Q What country are you from?
A Canada

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A white

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A none

Q What is your head hair colour?
A dark brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A dark brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A arms, legs, armpits, pubic area, chest, ass

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A lots

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A don't know

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A fair amount

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A don't know

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A don't know

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A don't know

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A don't know

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A big and intense

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A purpleish when super hard

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A slightly darker, testes even more darker

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A don't know

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A tight up against body

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A my dad - not erect. Bigger.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A late 11, early 12

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A pubic hair, hair on legs, height growth spurt

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A pubic hair, hair on legs and arms, height spurt, zits, wet dreams, erections, cracking voice, facial hair, armpit hair, chest hair

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A not really

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A aware

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 16

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A 16

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 16

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 16

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A slow


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A - n/a

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A - n/a

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A - no

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A within a few seconds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A more than double

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A at least .5 more

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A straight unless lots of MB recently, then slightly to the right

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A no


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A trying to, and man can live by WDs alone, but does he want to?

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 15

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 12, wet dream

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A no, totally confused

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A instinct

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I was watching Married with Children when Bud got caught masturbating in the library then I thought, ya, rubbing my penis feels good and I wonder what happens if I keep doing it for a while. I felt a downward pressure like I needed to go pee but I had a feeling it wouldn't be urine so I continued until the pressure took over and I ejaculated all over my briefs. I realized this was the same liquid that accompanied wet dreams.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 16

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 1-2 times per day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 2-3 minutes

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A 2-3 days a week

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A At night, once every one else has gone to bed

Q When did you last masturbate?
A 08/24/2007 after trying to abstain and caving in and masturbated twice

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A Wore boxers in bed and rubbed my nipples to make myself super hard and then forced myself to ejaculate without touching my penis. Then I followed up with rubbing my penis up and down with my right hand to ejaculate into a tissue.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A hopefully not for a long time, if ever.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A anywhere from 1 minute to 45 minutes depending on how I want to stimulate myself.

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A yes

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 5-7 days which is typical if I'm too occupied during the week to think about masturbation.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A n/a

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A sometimes on and sometimes off

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A yes

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A bedroom, basement or bathroom.

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A rubbing my nipples or one finger up and down the head of my penis.

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A no.

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A no.

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A at school in a washroom stall.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A just thinking of masturbation or looking at porn.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A usually, but not always.

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A unless I'm in a hurry.

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A yes but no experience to note.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A no

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A penis tenses up right before ejaculation and it gets the hardest it can.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A always.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A unaware as I try to avoid shooting to create a mess.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A never measured

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 3-5

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A pelvic area tension

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A usually get a feeling that semen is being pumped to get ready for ejaculation and that I'm past the point of no return.

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A sometimes, depends how I masturbate. If I'm rubbing and getting it done quickly, then none. But if I masturbate by not touching, I usually get lots.

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A a little bit sometimes. Usually right before I would want to taste but after I ejaculate the desire is completely gone.
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A no

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A soap if in bathroom but mostly spit or precum.

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A own imagination or porn

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A usually completely right before ejaculation.

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A wrapping my fist around my penis and pumping up and down or one finger up and down head.

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A n/a

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A no

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A no

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A none

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A no

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A n/a

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A I'm usually in a hurry, so I'll pump it as fast as I can until I orgasm

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A n/a

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A no

last updated Feb/04/2010
last WD = none*
longest abstinence (no MB, no SE, no WD) = 43 days
abstinence from masturbation = 83 days

Last edited by jessieboy on Sun Jul 18, 2010 3:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 2:01 pm 

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 15

Q Height.
A 5'10"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Single

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A White

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A Jackinworld.com

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Blonde

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A Black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Legs, thighs, pubic area, armpits

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A Several inches above, below, and around the base of my penis

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A See above

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A no, thought about it once

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A none

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A cut but sometimes wish I wasn't

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 4-4.5 inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 6-6.25 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 4 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5-6 inches

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A fairly bigger

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A tannish-purple

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A yes, darker than other areas of my body

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A 1 in thick, two inches long

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A hang low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . yes, penis was erect and was bigger


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 13

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A Pubic hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A Pubic hair, armpit hair, penis and testicle growth, thigh hair, hairy buttocks, widening of pubic hair, facial hair, start of "happy trail", ???

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A Yes and still do... I love to see how my body is changing

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A It was a shock at first. I remember looking down and thinking, "When did I get all that hair!?"

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A It still is growing

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A still growing

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Still growing

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A still going through it

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A medium-speed


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A n/a

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A n/a

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A some loose skin ; no

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A Anywhere from three to ten seconds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A somewhat grows

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A much fatter

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A 70-80 degrees

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A a natural bend


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A Yes; no, I miss it sometimes; yes

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 14

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 14

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A no, i was so shocked by the pleasure of the orgasm

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A I was humping my bed and orgasmed

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I was humping a body pillow that I had (I don't know why) I experienced this tingling sensation so I sped up my thrust into the pillow till I blew a load

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 15

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A Every day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 2-3 min. What can I say, I'm quick

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A Last time was 4 days ago. Before that was 15.

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A . When I am super horny!

Q When did you last masturbate?
A 4 days ago

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A I was edging and I thought go for it. I pumped my penis vigorously and tried to hold back the ejaculation to make it more pleasurable when I came. It felt so good. I had no regrets like I usually have.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A When I slip up (if ever).

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A Depends. Sometimes I go for a double orgasm.

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A No, I want that to happen sometime in my life

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 15 day. I was abstaining unsuccessfully

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I was in my bed naked and I was edging against my body pillow. I had a small squirt because I stopped. Then I thought, "well, you blew it" so I masturbated again and blew a huge load everywhere.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A Off (if my parents are not near)

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A Both. usually it's while I'm undressing, but sometimes I like to lay in bed nude and I'll get one and masturbate

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A Bedroom and shower

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A Pillow or hand

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A I should...

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. Once :eek:

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A I masturbated in a public bathroom in a stall. It was erotic because I knew I might get caught :P

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A Horniness and the general excitement of it

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A No, sometimes I'll thrust when flaccid and then I become erect

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A It used to.

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A One time at school, I was SOOOOOO horny. So, I went into the bathroom and blew a load. It was cool.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A My dad walked in on me once but I passed it off like I was doing something else (he fell for it) He doesn't approve of masturbation but my mom, who remains in the dark too, has a more understanding view.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A No, I want to masturbate with someone if I get the chance

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A very hard (rock hard if I'm really horny.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A usually, I'll do the stop and go method when I want a huge one

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A When I masturbated daily, several inches. After the 15 day no masturbation streak, half a foot.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . When masturbating daily, a teaspoon. After the fifteen day streak, two teaspoons

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 10-20

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A mouth open in ecstacy, moaning, shudders, head nods, aching, and relief with EXTREME pleasure

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A Rushing feeling in penis followed by penis contraction before ejaculation

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A Yes

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes, love it
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes, love it

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A .Right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Right, left if I want a rough session

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A No, if yes, water

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A no

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A Really far

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A pillow or hand

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . Yes, I can get my mouth over the head, it's really cool. I'm working on being an autofellatioist

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A No

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A Pillow. I've always wanted to get one of those gel tubes you can get at souvenier shops and use that

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A No, I want to masturbate with my one friend, but I don't know how to approach him

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A No, never had a compliment

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A I undress and I get a boner. If I use the pillow, I pull my bed sheets up and thrust, letting the sheet slowly slip off until my bare buttocks is arched in the air. Before I release, I catch my wad in my hand. If by hand, I lay in bed in sight of my mirror and watch myself masturbate. I usually let myself cum over by stomach

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A Not in a relationship

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A One time, I had my feet up against the wall so I could catch my ejaculate in my mouth.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 9:27 pm 

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 15

Q Height.
A 5'10"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Divorced

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Black/White

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A Jackinworld.com

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Black/Brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A Black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Legs, thighs, pubic area, armpits

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A Several inches above, below, and around the base of my penis

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A See above

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A Some

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A uncut

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 4-4.5 inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 7.5inchDragon!!

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 4 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5-6 inches

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A fairly bigger

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A yes, darker than other areas of my body

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A 1 in thick, two inches long

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A hang low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . LOL,no


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 13

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A Pubic hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A Pubic hair, armpit hair, thigh hair, hairy buttocks, facial hair, start of "happy trail"

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A Yes and still do...

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A It was a shock at first

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A It still is growing

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A still growing

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Still growing

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A still going through it

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A medium-speed


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A n/a

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A Anywhere from 2 to 12 seconds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A slightly grows

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A much fatter

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A 75 degrees

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A a natural bend


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A Yes; no, yes

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 13

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 11(wd)

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A no, i was so shocked by the pleasure of the orgasm

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A Porn...

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I was humping mybed until I had I experienced this good sensation so I sped up my thrust into the pillow till I blew a load

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 15

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A Every day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 20-30 min.

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A Last time was 1 day ago. Before that was 15.

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A . When I amhorny!

Q When did you last masturbate?
A 1 day ago

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A I was edging and.... :lurk:

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Never

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 20-30mins.

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A Yes(magical)

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 49 days.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I was in my bed and I was edging
Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A Depends

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A Both.
Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A Bedroom and shower

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A hand

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A Nope

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A I masturbated in a supermakret

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A Horniness and the general excitement of it

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A Nope

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A It used to.

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A Nope.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A HAHA!!Not,yet.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A No

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A very hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A No, I'll do the stop and start method when I want a huge one

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A When I masturbated daily, several inches.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . When masturbating daily, a teaspoon.

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 10-20

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A moaning, shudders,eye-rolling ,and relief with EXTREME pleasure

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A Rushing feeling in penis followed by penis contraction before ejaculation

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A Yes

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A ewwww,no
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A ewwww,hellno

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A .Right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Both

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A Lotion
Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A Porn

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A far

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A Hands

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . Nope

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A Nope

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A Bed
Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A Yes.A)

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A Yes.

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A I undress and I get a boner. and,start,slowly,then,fast,then,slow,again,until,im,at,the,edge,then,repeat,about,5,times.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A Divorced

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A Nope

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:54 pm 

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 19

Q Height.
A 170 cm

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single, bi i think

Q What country are you from?
A Malaysia

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Chinese and proud of it

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?
A dark brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A . dark brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A only pubes

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A not that much

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A medium

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A 5 by 5 cm triangle?

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A no

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A none

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A uncut

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 5 cm

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 13 cm

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 3cm?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 7cm

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A not xure

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A red

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A yes, darker brwon

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A medium

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A hang low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . no


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 12

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A voice breaking

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A voice breaking, penis growth, pubic hair..

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A not really

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A couldn't be bothered, lol. In my culture it's a tabopo ask anyway. too conservative

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 17/18?

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A 17/18?

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 17

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A still completing

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A slow


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A yes

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A not sure

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A less than 1 minute

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 8 cm

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A not sure

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A not sure

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A yes to the left


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A no and not necessary to give up

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 12

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 12

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A no... thought i hard to pee

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A self discovery

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A watched porn and got horny. started rubbing and it felt good and the rest is history

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A now!

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 2/3 times a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A less than 5 minutes buit I like to streatch it

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A 2/3 times daily

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .

Q When did you last masturbate?
A end of march...

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A watched porn

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A after i get my first WD

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 10-15 minutes?

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A no

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 1 month plus. National Service no privacy

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A cummed a lot

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A off

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A depends

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A Room

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A full handed

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A yes

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. yes

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A yes... in the aeroplane

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A anything....

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A yes

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A no

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A no want to

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A virtually all the time unless got interrupted eg for dinner

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A not sure...

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . 2 tbs?

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 6-7

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A clench my fist

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A the feeling?

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A yes

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A yes.... nothing kinda salty
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes. nothing...

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A .right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A no

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A yes... who doesnt

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A almost in

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A play with foreskin

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . no..

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A no

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A no

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A no. dont mind.

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A no. want to
Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A no

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:35 pm 

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 16

Q Height.
A 5' 10"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Single, straight

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A White

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A Jackinworld.com just search

Q What is your head hair colour?
A brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A .dark brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A pubic, armpits, dark on lower leg and lower arm but light hair on thighs and biceps, little by nipples and chest not to noticable

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A none currently, shaved (bad idea), usually 1- inch

Q How thick is your pubic hair?

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A 1 and a half to two inches high and two to three inches wide

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A yes, once, recently, never again

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A little

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 2-3 inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A never checked i think 3-4 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A never checked i think 4-5 inches

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A medium

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A skin color (same)

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A same except a darker ring in the middle

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A average i think, maybe smaller but that could be just me thinking it

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A .yes, dad's, too young to remeber but it was non erect


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 12 - 13

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A armpit hair, then pubic hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A armpit hair, pubic hair, the parts got bigger, taller, deeper voice,

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A everyday but just cause i have a mirror in the bathroom where i shower

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A too slow to notice

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A i hope its not done

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A hope their not done

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 15-16 happy trail is now growing and chest hair

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A not done i hope

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A slowly


Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A no always pretty tight, no saging

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A quick

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A an inch

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A not much

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A horizontal or a little more verticle

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A no, eventually i will break

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 14 I know late

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 14

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A yes

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A bits and peices from friends and expirimenting

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A watching a movie in my room on my couch, i became erect, nothing erotic in the movie, touched myself a little, liked it, i had heard about ejaculating and wanted to see it happen and so i started stroking, didn't want a mess so i did it on some dirty boxers on the floor and kept stroking till i orgasmed

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 15-16 so far

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 2-3 times a week

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 5 minutes, i wish longer

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A 2-3 times a week till now

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A . nights when i'm going to take a shower

Q When did you last masturbate?
A the 29th i think

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A can't even remeber, not too enjoyable

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A a week or a week and a half, i'm not sure i can make it much longer

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 5 min

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A no

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A two weeks, family trip and i was never seperate from them and didn't want to do it in the bathroom with them right there, i wouldn't have minded if it were other people but they were family

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A short very quick

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A off

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A sometimes depends how long it takes me to get situated

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A nights before hopping in the shower

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A fist with right hand ( near tip of penis ), left hand i have my pointer and thumb in a circle around my penis and the rest of my left hand fingers cupping my balls and rubbing them, when i'm erect my balls tighten up and my fingers on all the tight rinkles feels amazing

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A yes but deleted before i did anything else

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. a little but i didn't do it for more than thirty seconds

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A no? i don't think so

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A urge

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A yes, then by the time i get to masturbating it has softened a little and have to help out with my hand

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A no

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A no

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A no

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A hard, its hard to describe without someone touching it

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A yes

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A 1 cm, drips down my penis, i usually masturbate lying down

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . average

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 5-6

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A muscles tighten and i kind of convulse, seizure kind of

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A really sensitive and i speed up

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A yes before if i make it a long session and kind of squeeze it up a little

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A yes, very salty
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A no

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A both

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A regulary, ky, lotion, PJ

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A look up erotic images like sex positions but try to stay away from like full on porn

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A alot

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A look above

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . no otherwise this is the only technique i would use

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A no

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A i've tried water bottles and inbetweeen the cushions of my couch

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A no, i can't wait

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A no

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A masturbate

Q Is there anyting about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A no

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 12:13 pm 
Q Age.
A 23

Q Height.
A 5'8"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Single, straight

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Mostly German, with some Scottish

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A No

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A Dark Brown/Black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Legs (waist down), pubic, stomach (trail), pits, nipples, head

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A Average to hairy

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Medium thick/Thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A Wide - to legs. High - Main "bush" is about 2.5" above

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Yes. Just around penis/sack.

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A Only some around nipples

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A Cut

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 2-3"

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5-13/16"

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 2-3"

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5"

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A About 2x bigger

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A Same as flaccid

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A Slightly more pink

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A Medium/Small Medium

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A Slightly loose

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A .Yes. Smaller. (He's only 13 though, lol)


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A 11-12

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A Pubic hair/penis lengthening

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A Pubic hair, genital growth, height growth, voice change, body hair

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A Fairly often

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A I was aware. My parents talked me through it.

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 17-18

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A 16-17

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 19-20

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 18-19

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A Average


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A Slightly loose (CI-2)

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A 15-20 seconds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A about 2x as long

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A about 2x thicker

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A slightly above horizontal

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A Slight curve up


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A Already have given it up. Yes it was a habit.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 13

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 13

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A I wasn't quite sure

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A Experimentation

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A Don't remember it (!)

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 15-19

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A Every 2-3 days

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 4-5 minutes

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A How often did I MB? About every 3-4 days

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A Just before showering

Q When did you last masturbate?
A Sept. 7, 2008

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A Quick, in my bedroom at night, just before bed

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Never!

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A Typically 5-10 mins; up to 30 if I had the time

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A No

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 56 days; to quit, of course!

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A Felt let down; drained; was not pleasant

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A Off

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A Get one while removing clothes

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A Bedroom or bathroom

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A Full handed

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A Yes; always deleted them afterward

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A Yes; in the woods on my property

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A The internal "drive"

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A No

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A Yes, it usually did

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A Yes, I did. I tried to get to the bathroom.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A No

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A Only online

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A Fully erect

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A 99% of the time.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A It doesn't; it sort of "dribbles out"

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A About a teaspoon or two

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 5-6

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A All muscles tighten, face contorts, body convulses

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A "Tingling" down below

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A Maybe a single drip if I'm excited

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A No

Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A No

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A Right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Right; left to stimulate balls/stomach/chest

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A I used hand lotion and mineral oil

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A Mostly no; I used porn occasionally

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A They usually hung lower during MB

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A One handed shaft pump

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A Only the tip of the glans

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A No

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A Between pillows, couch cushions, TP tubes

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A No

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A No

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A Strip down; get lube; start pumping; finish off

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A Not in relationship

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A No; pretty typical

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:04 pm 
Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 29

Q Height.
A 5'9"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single gay

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A white

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A .brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Pubic, arms, legs, chest (treasure trail), thick beard

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A more than avg

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A very thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A inch or so tall and spreads all around penis

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A avg amt w treasure trail

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A about 3 inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A about 5.5 to 6 inches

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A becomes a throbbin buldging mushroom

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A pink

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A yes pink

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A avg

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A low hangers

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . yes...brothers and dad. Dad and one brother were soft and dad was bigger than me and i was bigger than brother. Other brother i saw hard (caught him JO) and my cock is bigger hard.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 11

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A lots of erections

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A lots of erections
underarm hair
pubic hair
boy moustache

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A all the time

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A aware

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A around 16 yes basically sam

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A about 16 and same

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A around 19 and im more fuller and bushie now and have more chest hair and facial hair

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 16ish

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A avg pace


Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A yes loose skin, when hard its not too tight and has some loose skin to play with...i can pull it partly over my head

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A totally hard in 15-20 secs

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 5.5ish hard. 3 soft

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A much fatter....im a thick boy

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A points forward

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A bends to the right


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A not permanently

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 12

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 12

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A yes

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A heard friends at school talking baout rubbing vaseline on their dicks for pleasure.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A i was boned on the toilet and i started to gently run my penis...then i couldn't stop, felt all weird like my legs were moving around and i felt like i had to piss...and then i shot some clear juice out my dick

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 22

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 2-3 times a day minimum

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 5 mins

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A 4 times a week

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .when im exicted or just horny

Q When did you last masturbate?
A 10 days ago

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A woke up at night with a boner and was having an erotic dream (i dreamt i was docking with a hot man) and i just rubbed my dick into a pillow and shot a load in it

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A tonight

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 20-25 mins

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A yes

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 20 days for religious reasons

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A varies...sometimes i like to masturbate w my undeerwear on...

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A sometimes i get hard removing my clothes or changin gunderwear

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A bedroom

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A jerking with my left hand, using lube....also like creaming in my undies

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A no

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A yes on a bike trail at night and in a public bathroom at walmart

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A just want to pleasure my dick

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A usually

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A yes lots of times

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A very hard...hard as it ever gets

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A No

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A to my chin or face if im laying down

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . about a table spoon or 2

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 6 or 7

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A stretches my legs, arches my back, shakes my head as i cum

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A my legs start shaking and moving around

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A oh yes lots of precum

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A yes...not into it again
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes. gross.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A .right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A left

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A yes Astroglide

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A porn, poppers.

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A gets pretty tight

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A lubing up my penis and jerking it with my left hand or sometimes in a rubber for fun

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A .no

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A yes dildo for anal/prostate stimulation

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A love rubbing it through tight undies like boxerbriefs and sometimes boxers

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A yes by hand and by oral

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A yep

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A i start getting horny and start massaging my package (rubbin it with my clothes on)...i get hard, go to my room, watch porn, take off clotes, get the lube or rub myself in my undies...till i cum

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A single and id still masturbate if i were in a relationsip

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 9:31 am 

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 19

Q Height.
A 6'0

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single, still not sure

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Latin

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
None that has already been metioned

Q What is your head hair colour?
A brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A . brown light

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A legs, arms, pubic, underarms

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A not alot but I guess small medium

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A medium

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A idk

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A yea

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A none

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A uncut

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 3

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 4

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A idk

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A idk

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A sort of big

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A I dont know i am uncut

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A nope

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A Idk

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A tight up

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . nope


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 17

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A Pubic hair, mb, and then leg hair etc.

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A everyday

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A I was aware

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A It hasent stopped

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A hasent stopped (late bloomer)

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A still the same

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A still not

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A slowly very


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A still covers gthe head

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A 2min

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A an inch

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A not at all

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A straight

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A bends left


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I gave it up a day ago. Its ok

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 17

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 17

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A no

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A I just started rubbing one day

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I was laying face down on my bed naked and I started to move my hips and then I released it

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 17

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A everyday

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 20 min

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A everyday

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .after school

Q When did you last masturbate?
A 2 days ago

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A I was in my bed and I just got naked and started to rub

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Never hopefully if this wd thing works

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 20 min

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A no

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 40 days gave up for lent

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A notning really just alot of vaseline

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A sometimes

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A I get one both ways

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A My room

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A rubbing myself or just regular up and down

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A no

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A no I dont think so. Unless camping and mbing in my tent alone?

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A Idk just feel like it

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no not really

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A no

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A yea

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A yea

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A it doesnt it just drips out

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . a spoon ful

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 5

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A I moan and move around

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A I breath hard

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A yea

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A no
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A no

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A left

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A both

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A yes, spit, vaseline

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A sometimes

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A all they way up, very tough

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A rubbing the head

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . no

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A no
Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A no

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A no

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A no

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A i am not in a relationship

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A nothing really

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:12 am 
Q Age.
A 35

Q Height.
A 6'

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Married

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Caucasian

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Blond

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A Black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Pubic/Chest/Legs/Arms

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A I guess a lot.

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A one inch from base and to thighs

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Once - itched like hell!

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A some

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A Circumsized

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 3.5"

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 7"

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 4.5"

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5.5"

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A 6"

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A flesh

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A n/a

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A 2" oval

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . yes, not erect


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 11

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A Voice/body hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A Voice/body hair/WD/

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A All the time

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A aware

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 18?

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A 18?

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 18

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 18

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A average


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A some loose skin. when erect tight

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A depends on stimulus

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 2.5"

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A inch

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A up

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A curves upward


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I could give it up

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 12-13

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 12

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A nope it was a wet dream

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A in the shower

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A in the shower - I held the shower head right at the base of my glans and came pretty quickly - it was awesome

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 17

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 3x day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 10 minutes

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A daily

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A . morning

Q When did you last masturbate?
A three days ago

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A looking at porn online

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A today

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A depends

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A yes

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A two years - will power

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I came like a hose! It shot all over the place

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A on

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A already hard

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A office

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A full handed

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A yes

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. no

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A Yes. Car parking lot and outside camping.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A horny

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A not always

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A no

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A sometimes. At work usually

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A yes. At a urinal in an airport. I came, and the dude who caught me was standing next to me. I didn't notice him come in the toilet

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A yes

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A hard as a rock

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A no

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A Varies - sometimes feet, sometimes ooze

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . tablespoon

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A .

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A .

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?

Q Have you returned the compliment?

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 6:47 am 

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 27

Q Height.
A 6

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single straight

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A German

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A Jackinworld

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Blonde

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A .Blonde

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A chest legs under arms

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A Average

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Average

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A None around base of penis

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A no

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A average

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 3

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5.5

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 1

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 2.5

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A much bigger

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A reddish

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A same

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A 2

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A tight up against body

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . Yes my penis is much bigger


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A .12

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A 12

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A hair growing erections wet dreams mbing

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A often

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A I was aware asked my dad

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 17

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A 17

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 16

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 17

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A quickly


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A loose skin erection still loose skin

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A less then one minute

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 2.5 inches

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A 2 inches

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A straight

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A no


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A had surgery so had to give it up. I think it is necessary if my boys swell up and have to relieve myself

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 13

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 13

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A no

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A started playing with myself and exploded

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A Was in bed kept playing with cpt weenie until exploded

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 16

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A everyday

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 15

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A no much anymore switched over to wet dreams after surgery

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A . before falling asleep

Q When did you last masturbate?
A month ago

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A Couldn’t sleep one night got excited lubed myself up and went to 20 minutes

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A not sure don’t schedule sessions

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 15 to 20 minutes

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A yes when I was younger

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 5 weeks after hernia surgery could mb because of surgery

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A It was over in 2 seconds and very aggressive went everywhere was a real mess

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A both usually sleep in briefs just pull underware down

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A usually get one when I take my underware off

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A in bed or laying down in the shower

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A full handed or both hands

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A no

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. no that’s kind of gross

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A Not way to shy for that would be afraid someone would see me

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A horny or have erection

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A yes

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A no most of the time its no convenient just think about baseball and it goes away

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A No like I said just think about baseball

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A yes my dad busted me a couple times when teenager he said its normal and few months ago he busted me in the shower and said cleaning your pipes out huh LOL

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A Busted my dad couple times too

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A becomes harder right before ejaculation and depends how excited I am

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A yeah why wouldn’t you go until the end?

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A usually lands on my chest again depends how excited I am shot myself in the eye couple of times wasn’t very cool

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . A lot at least couple table spoons depends on how excited I am

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 10 or 12 depends on how long it takes me to get orgasm

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A my legs are always straight as a board cant cum unless my legs are straight and moaning

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A my legs start to tighten and cpt weenie feels warm sensation

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A before if I do the stop and go stop and go and during

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A no that’s sick
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A no are u kidding me?

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right or both if very excited

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A Yes KY Vas soap or sometime spit

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A no try my best to keep my mind clear

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A tight up against my body

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A fulled handed or both hands have to use some kind of lube or starts to burn

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . No come on now

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A No but read something about a fleshlight in this survey but don’t know where I would get one.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A No but would like to try it

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A by hand

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A yes

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A lay in bed or lay down in shower lube myself up go up and down when get close to org stop wait few seconds go again then stop when I do cum its more pleasure this way and more spasms and more comes out feels better

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A Not in relationship

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A Just my legs tighten up and cant achieve org unless my legs are straight out and tight.

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:47 am 
Regular Member

Joined: Sat Nov 08, 2008 9:11 pm
Posts: 26
Location: Europe
Age: 21
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 2
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: No Precum
Average time to ejaculation normally: 5
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxers
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 19 Dec 2013
Sex: Male

Q Age.
A 16

Q Height.
A 5,9 - 5,10

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A straight and single

Q What country are you from?
A The United Kingdom

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A White British

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A No

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A Brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Pubic, legs, ankles, arms

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A Average?

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Thickish

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A Wide to me thighs and not very high

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A No

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A None

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A Un Circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 3.9 inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 6.8 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A Average

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A Average

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A Increases a little

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A Twice as large than when limp

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A No

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A Golf ball

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A About inbetween

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A No


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A No idea

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A No idea

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A No

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A Aware

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Mine may not have stopped

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A Mine may not have stopped

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Mine may not have stopped

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A Possibly still in it

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A Up to now, slowly


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A Retract

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A Soft

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A A few seconds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A About 3 inches

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A Nearly double

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A Slightly to the left

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A No


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I don't think I can abstain for life

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A Eleven or twelve

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A About eleven or twelve, but I didnt ejaculate through masturbation until a few years after

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A Yes

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A Half by accident

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I spun my erect penis through my middle fingers

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A I have kept a regular once a day for years

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A Once a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A About a minute after I start masturbating

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A Once a day

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A Mornings and Evenings

Q When did you last masturbate?
A Thursday 6th November 2008

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A Knelt down in the bath with my legs farish apart and used a fist around my penis to masturbate

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A When I give in next

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A A few minutes

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A Yes

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 5 day trip to France

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A It was rubbish because my semen expelled quickly with little orgasm

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A Off

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A Varies

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A Bed or bath

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A Fist around the penis (full hand?) or letting the water from the taps in the bath do the work

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A No

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A No

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A No

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A Urge

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A Normally

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A Yes

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A No

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A No

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A No

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A Very hard before ejaculation and only a slight loss in hardness after

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Yes

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A Not very far

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A A palm full

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A Varies a lot, anywhere from one to five

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A May be forced to lean up slightly during ejaculation

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A Tickling feeling in the penis

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A No

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A No
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A No

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A Right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Generally the right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A No

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A Occasionly porn

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A Only begin just before there is no turning back

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A Fist around penis, or bath tap water

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A No

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A Yes, sponges in a cup, with a rubber glove between them

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A Bath tap water beating on the underside of my penis head

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A No

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A No

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A I get in the bath, sit either lying down, or kneeling, and masturbate with my hand.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A No

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:32 pm 
Q Age.
A 18

Q Height.
A 6' 6"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Single and hating every second

Q What country are you from?
A United States of America

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Caucasian

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A None come to mind, sorry

Q What is your head hair colour?
A dark brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A dark brown - black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Arms Legs Some on Chest

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A well honestly, I shave, but before it was pretty thick, an inch deep curly mass of hair

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A about 1/2 mm I'd approximate

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A up about6 cm out about 7 cm

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A already answered that, yes, still do

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A some, not much

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A around 5 cm long
Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 16 cm long

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 7 cm girth

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 14 girth

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A I'd estimate about or slightly more than a 50% increase in size

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A it stays the same pinkish color that it is

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A slightly darker, more mocha color

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A well, roughly a 13 cm diameter front to back give or takes 3 cm due to difficulty measuring

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A closer to my body

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A I haven't seen anyone in my family other than myself


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A I believe I was about 12

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A hair growth in armpits and pubic area

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A hair growth, testicles dropping voice cracking was there something else I forgot? should have put some reminders in the survey for questions like this

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A not really no

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A It wasn't any surprise to me

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 16 I believe

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A I've never actually looked at my testicles, hard to do through the scrotum, but I'd say close to the same time as my penis

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Pubic hair doesn't really stop growing does it? I have to keep shaving after all... I'd say it was around 14 that it reached the greatest dispersion though

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A around 16 or so

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A I believe it was rather slow


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A there is some loose skin

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A it can take anywhere from a couple of seconds (three to five) to more than a minute

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A It a little more than triples in length

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A it about doubles in girth

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A forward horizontally

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A none that are significant enough to notice


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I have not masturbated for 10 days after prior masturbating daily, sometimes twice daily it isn't necessary or I probably would have exploded by now ;) and I did it through a dopamine addiction.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A probably 13

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A same as above

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A well, actually at first when I played with myself I saw precum and thought I had ejaculated but once I had actually ejaculated I knew what it really was

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A we'll just say my dad didn't hide his dirty magazines very well ;)

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I was in the bathroom with a magazine I had taken from my dad's hiding place playing over the toilet to avoid making a detectable mess

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A probably just prior to stopping recently when I used to masturbate daily and often twice daily sometimes even more, things had to change though, I didn't like the way I was spending all my time

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A See above

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A it can be two or three minutes, or if I feel like playing for a while I can drag it out for half an hour or longer, it really depends on my mood

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A I can't say yet for my life currently since I haven't established a new routine

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A well before it would have been midnight through 3 in the morning

Q When did you last masturbate?
A Nov 12 08

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A was looking through one of my favorite sites and found a really nice extreme close up I liked, spent a few minutes thrashing around in pleasure before finally letting go

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A That depends on when I cave in

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A it depends on my mood, but it can be up to half an hour or a little more

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A yes

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A it was 9 (10 if you count the day I stopped) and I quit because I remember the last time I had a wet dream I woke up during orgasm, I didn't feel good during the orgasm but the dream was delicious and I want to do it again

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I haven't masturbated since then

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A usually they're on but when I get into it they come off

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A usually I'm already erect if I masturbate with my clothes off

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A My room, I'll transition to the bathroom to take care of the mess it'll make though

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A "full handed turtle necking" gripping the skin of the shaft and pulling it up over the glans repeatedly, mainly because it doesn't require lotion or lube

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A I'm a little embarrassed just doing this, so no

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. yes, it felt weird, I can't get to it very well, if I could get a better position I'd try it again, I think it might like it

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A I was in a forest hunting with my dad, came on a mushroom.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A an erection, or talking to my friend, we share our dreams sometimes, she has some of the hottest sex dreams I've ever heard

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A not anymore

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A if it isn't convenient I wait until later and just go full bore, until I orgasm, or at least I used to

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A I'm too good to get caught ;) I keep the door closed and pay attention so I have time to conceal what I'm doing

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A no, I think that's icky honestly, I don't want to see other people playing with themselves, though I can understand why they do it

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A it can be flaccid during ejaculation when I'm masturbating, but it does get very firm sometimes

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Not always, I used to think that climax was the only reason to do it though, and now I don't masturbate at all, so no for the present

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A the first pump can cover several feet but the successive ones usually ooze out

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A I'd say about 8 pumps or a couple mL

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A about 8

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A my knees feel weak and my neck tingles

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A I feel tension in my loins

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A a couple mL, sometimes more than the actual ejaculation

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A it's salty
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A once it hits your tongue it doesn't like to come back out XD same as above really, it dissolved into my saliva so there's no different texture

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A Left

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Left

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A occasionally I use a random lube sample if it's available, but usually if I want lube I work up extra precum and use that

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A yeah quite frequently, my friend that I share dreams with does a good job giving me an erection (with her dreams) too

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A they move only slightly

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A Turtle necking like I described before

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A Nope

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A I haven't tried anything other than my hands

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A No I'm the only one who's touched me other than the doctor

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A No, not until I have someone who will enjoy being with me

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A porn, stroking, ejaculation, there isn't anything special to it really, sometimes I'll do it while doing other stuff too, to make it last longer

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A the fact that occasionally I'll multitask so it takes longer to ejaculate

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 5:34 pm 

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 29

Q Height.
A 5'9"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A married

Q What country are you from?
A Canada

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Caucasian

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
Most people have reference jackinworld.com, I recently found and liked advancedmasterbation.com

Q What is your head hair colour?
A light brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A light brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A most places, chest, legs, arms, shoulders, back, butt.

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A full pubic triangle, but not dense.

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A dense right around the base of my penis, then sparse further out.

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A roughly 2.5 inches by 5 inches

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A no

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A full coverage, but you can easily see through it.

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A uncut

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 7 cm (2.5 inches)

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 15 cm (5 7/8")

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 8 cm

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 13.5 cm

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A 75% or more

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A burgundy

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A same

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A 6 cm diameter each

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A sort of in between

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A yes, father at the time I was about 6 so it seemed huge, now probably about the same. Cousin, about the same size as we are close in age. Brother he is a bit smaller though older.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 11

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A small WD, peach fuzz on balls.

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A peach fuzz, WD, more body hair, etc., penis growing

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A Not as often as I should have.

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A Knew from some school magazines / older brother.

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A about 17 or 18

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A about 19

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A about 19

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A I'd say 19

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A Slowly


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A Still covers majority of the head

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A rarely happens, have to be super stimulated in cold temp

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A Used to be seconds, now about a minute.

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A more than twice the length - increases 8 cm.

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A almost double - 7 cm more.

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A about 30 degrees off straight out.

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A slight up curvature, I have always blamed this on wearing my penis pointed up in briefs until I was 14.


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A Probably never for good, but for long periods. Not really necissary, but helps mindset at times and really more of an addiction.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A just over 14

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A small WD at 11, first spasms around 12 with pre-cum, but really 13 or 14 for true cum.

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A From school yard talk, I had a friend who obsessed over wanting to have his first ejaculate and talked about it a lot.

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A came sort of natural, developed over time.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I was sitting on my bedroom floor next to my bed in late summer, noticed some old briefs with pictures on them my mother had taken out of my drawers to make room for new school clothes, started playing with them and wondered what it would be like to pee through the fly front as I had never been taught to do that. Next thing I know I unzipped my jeans and pulled them down while I kneeled and folded the briefs so I could pass my dick through the fly, it felt good as I rubbed through it moving my foreskin back and forth. Needless to say I couldn't stop and finally spasmed into ejaculation grabbing the briefs in my fist around the end of my penis as I did. I loved the feeling and did this a number of more times in the following days before finally just using my hand. It goes without saying I kept those old briefs and still have them in an old suitcase to this day though they have been washed many times and I haven't used them in years... it also took me another 8 years before I could pee through the fly of briefs without an SE.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 15

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 1-2 times a day, sometimes more.

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A Could do a quickie in 30 seconds, but usually 3 minutes, could be much longer if I have a session going.

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A Last few years about once a week on average.

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A . Early on it was morning, now I'd say just before bed.

Q When did you last masturbate?
A Two nights ago.

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A Wife was away, kids in bed fast asleep. Found some porn while surfing, got very hard and a fair amount of pre-cum started flowing. Was sitting at computer only in Y-fronts, so easy access, whipped it out and started classic fist MB, then shot into an old DQ paper cup that was near the computer (I had kept it handy just in case).

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Hopefully not tonight, trying hard to abstain to get WDs going again.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A Most are 10 minutes or less, some could be 45 minutes.

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A Yes, many times.

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A About 35 days, for religious reasons trying to stop.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A Couldn't resists any longer, after a WD wanted more and pumped myself hard and fast. A lot of very think cum.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A Quite often just in underwear or sport shorts.

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A Usually yes.

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A Bedroom or bathroom (for easy clean-up, mirror and privacy), computer desk starting to get popular - need to stop that.

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A Full handed, milking my fist up and down to rub the foreskin over my glans with a squeeze at the top of the stroke.

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A Tried a few times, but didn't want them found.

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. No. But once in a hotel there was a dish in the bathroom with a small round bulb on the lid that I lubed up and stuck in there while a masterbated in a crouch and it was great, but I later thought better of trying that again as it was a glass dish and that could have turned out real bad.

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A Many times, but almost always alone. Most often has been in the woods along a trail in the heat of summer, I love to see the cum land on the green leaves. Often it may be while pissing in the woods. Once in a hotel hot-tub about 8 years ago I sat down and there was a jet that was pushing air up a leg opening of my shorts and right on the end of my penis, I liked it and was a little intrigued by this new sensation that I stayed sitting there too long, unfortunately just as I was climaxing a boy of about 12 came into the room and immediately got into the tub with me so I had to hold all my visible emotions in then try to exit the tub as soon as I was able to move facing away from him in case cum was showing on my shorts. I saw him the next day as I was leaving the hotle and was too embarassed to look at him. Other times in various washroom stalls. A couple of times in a beach side change house as a late teen where many others had done the same thing. Once about 5 years ago in a parking garage remote stairway in a large city, I was walking up and spotted an area with some used condoms on the floor, got the urge and figured it must be remote if people had sex there so I did a quickie, heard a door two flights down open as I was enjoying the last after orgasms and quickly tried to walk up a flight of stairs with my dick still out and dripping to get to a door to exit the area and clean myself up.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A Often fantasy or pictures, but sometimes smells will set me off.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A Usually it comes first.

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A It used to always.

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A Sometimes. Too many stories to tell, usually find a washroom stall if I can before the urge passes.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A Not really. The parking garage story was pretty close, my brother almost caught me once when I was first starting out as I was MB with my dick in my hand through unzipped jeans while walking through the house and caught a glimpse of him getting off a couch in time to divert my path to another room and get zipped up and doing something else before he came in and started talking to me. It taught me a lesson to always do it in one spot after that close call.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A No. But a couple of years ago while on a vacation trip in England, we were having lunch in a pub and I went up to the very small washroom, as a entered the room a teen quickly retracted from the urinal and pushed past me to get out - in the urinal there were the remains of his mess.

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A Usually very hard if MB, can be quite soft if SE.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Virtually always unless trying to edge and get some pleasure without a mess.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A Normally if I let it shoot it would travel out about 8-10 inches, but I usually catch it in something. However, after reading a book once I learned a technique of using a finger of my other hand to close off the urethra at the base of the penis and then when you finally let that go it can hit the ceiling.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A 2 tablespoons.

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 7 or 8, but only the first three have the main flow.

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A Eyes narrow down, face scrunches, butt tenses, breathing stops and heart pounds.

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)? Butt clenching.

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A Yes. Often many drops just getting the idea, a few during. Have produced a vast amount trying to get through this survey as I rethink all these experiences.

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A I have tried to do it many times, but despite my best intensions have never actually been able to go through with it.
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A No.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A Right.

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Right.

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A Usually nothing as I have a foreskin and pre-cum. However, I have recently discovered baby oil gel and if I skin back then rub that with my finger tips into the exposed head of my penis I get a very deep orgasm, it also helps the foreskin not stick for a couple of days afterwards as it is hard to wash off.

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A Often just a mirror. But sometimes porn, there was a lot of that in the early years and a bit is coming back.

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A They come up tight usually.

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A The standard full fist as described earlier.

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A Unfortunately not, tried hard as a teen, but never flexible enough.

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A No many toys lately, over my teens years have tried various things from the usual humping between pillows and mattresses, to adding in bags filled with hot water to thrust between. In a pinch looking for something different have peed into a towel or old shorts then beat off in them while warm and moist. Plus see below.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A In the very early years got a few orgasms using a flashlight tube filled with tissues (recently saw an ad for a fleshlight and it brought back old memories), have also tried tubes from toilet tissue, paper towel, ceramics and bottles with the right sized smooth opening. Found a bench in a pool change room that had boards slotted apart just the right width to hold my foreskin back and let me thrust into it while laying face down on it and visited this bench many times. Also, tight underwear or shorts etc.

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A By my wife both ways. Missed the stage of circle jerks with other boys as a kid.

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A No.

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A Get the urge, look for what I am going to catch the cum in, often old briefs, start rubbing erection from out side of pants, get pants out of the way and rub hands over underwear preferably while looking in a large mirror, expose penis and skin head back a bit, assume hand position and start pumping, start squeezing harder as orgasm approaches, use left hand to move in catcher, then hold breath and ride out the orgasm. Finish up by going somewhere near and peeing a bit to clear the urethra then re-dress and veg out.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A Yes. I'm sure all partners expect you do it, but we never discuss it.

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A I am often stimulated by rubbing my penis over a warm pee spot on my underwear.

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:46 am 
Q Age.
A 29

Q Height.
A 5 foot 7

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Partner

Q What country are you from?
A England

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A White British

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Naturally blonde, dyed brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A Mousy brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Pubic & wherever I can't be bothered to shave this week ;)

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A Not much really

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Not thick at all

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A n/a

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A n/a

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A n/a

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A n/a

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A n/a

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A n/a

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A n/a

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A n/a

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A n/a

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A n/a

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A n/a

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A n/a

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A n/a


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A 9

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A Breasts budded & pubic hair grew

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A As above..

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A Yes

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A I was very aware (being 9 yrs old) & it was shocking!

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A n/a

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A n/a

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A n/a

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A Can't remember at all!

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A Quickly


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A n/a

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A n/a

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A n/a

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A n/a

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A n/a

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A n/a

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A n/a

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A n/a


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I couldn't give it up but don't think its necessary, its just a pleasurable habit..

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 14

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 14

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A I thought I was dying... it was SO intense! I felt like I needed to vomit (as strange as it sounds) I couldn't control myself... so nice..

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A Through trial & error on my own in bed & in the bath.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I used a rounded hairbrush handle, inserted it into my ladyparts & moved it backwards & forwards, not up & down & gently moved my hips till I found the best spot & then went for it...

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 22

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 3-4 times a day!

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A As little as 3 mins or as long as 30 mins, depending on how quick it needs to be..

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A Not often enough now I have children..

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A Round about the time of my period. Major horny week then ;)

Q When did you last masturbate?
A 20th Nov 2008

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A It was after a sex session that I didn't climax with..

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Whenever I get some alone time.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A Depends how long i've got..

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A n/a

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A n/a

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A n/a

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A Depends what time of day it is..

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A n/a

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A Bed..

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A Sex toy preferably but if i'm manual I press & rub the clit with my right hand & use my left to insert slightly into my lovehole..

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A Wet & masturbating, yes..

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. n/a

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A n/a

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A This may seem strange coming from a woman but I like to watch porn where men are mutually masturbating. That is guaranteed to make me tingle down below straight away..

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A I'm not always wet beforehand..

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A n/a

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A n/a

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A n/a

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A I'll change it to female... & no, not in the flesh, only in films..

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A n/a

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Yes, makes me quite frustrated & cranky if I don't..

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A n/a

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A n/a

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A Maybe 9 or 10..

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A My breathing gets deeper, my eyes close & I arch my back slightly... & sigh pleasurably...

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A The tingling warmth I get in my ladyparts...

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A Only wetness ;)

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A Non descript really...
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Nope...

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A Right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A The right hand for most pressure but can use left if right gets tired..

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A Don't need it.

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A Yes, porn & erotic fiction.

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A n/a

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A n/a

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A n/a

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A n/a

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A I own 5 sex toys. 2 5" 'pocket pleasers', 1 10" popsicle vibrator, love eggs & a pulsatron set with lots of different sized plugins..

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A n/a

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A a & b..

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A Yes.

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A Get some filthy thoughts in my head, get laid down & get playing..

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A Yep, I still go solo & so does he. I think its essential to keep up with solo acts ;)

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A Not really. Nothing unique I can think of..

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 1:03 am 

Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:30 pm
Posts: 1
Age: 18
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Little Precum (1-2 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 15
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Sex: Male

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 18

Q Height.
A 178 cm

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Single, Bisexual

Q What country are you from?
A Hong Kong

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Asian

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A http://www.jackinworld.com ; http://advancedmasturbation.com/

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Black

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A Black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Public, Arms, Legs, Ass, Armpits etc.

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A Good amount

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Public: Quite thick ; Other areas: Normal(

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A Spread around the penis, ~ 2-3"

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Few years before for wearing swim brief

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A A little

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A Uncircumcised (Uncut)

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 7.5 cm

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 15 cm

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 8 cm

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 13 cm

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A Much bigger

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A More Reddish

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A Darker

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A Normal size

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A Usually tight up

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A Yes, Dad: non-erect, bigger


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A 11

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A Public hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A Growth of public hair => Ejaculation => Growth of penis/ball => Voice => . . .

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A Seldom

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A No, already learnt it from textbooks and expected

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A em... I think it is still growing

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A Still growing

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A More or less the same at around 18

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A Slowly


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A roll back on its own

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A Mid-hard

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A 30 s - 2 mins for fully erect

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 7.5 cm longer

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A 5 cm thicker

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A 120°-135°

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A slight upward and leftward bend


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A Not really, but trying. ; At this moment, yes. ; Yes cuz feeling horny

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A About 12

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A About 12

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A No, I thought I was bedwetting when having handjob through my brief

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A Instinct

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A Pull down my shorts and start fondling through my brief & finally creaming in my brief

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A Late primary school until now

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A At least once a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A Depends on mood. [(After)Watching pornography: 30 s - 5 mins ; Imagining: 10-15 mins]

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A A couple of times a week , 3~10

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A (After)Watching pornography / Morning

Q When did you last masturbate?
A Today: 3rd Jan 2009

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A All my clothes off, except boxer => start fondling => pull down boxer and having a normal up and down motion until cumming

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Still horny

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 10-15 mins

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A Yes, watching pornography (Sexy girls having sex w/ hunks)

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 2 weeks, wanna have wet-dream but not succeed :(

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A Shoot a big thick load

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A Mostly, clothes off

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A No specific pattern

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A My room (lying on bed or in front of a mirror) / bathroom

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A The full fist grip method (wanna try Fleshlight :D)

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A Yes, but it is quite strange.

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A No, feeling very gay & a bit disgusting if doing it yourself.

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A Done that once in a mall toilet stall

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A Things that turn me on. Feeling horny, watching porno, internet porn, host of things

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A Yes, mostly

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A It is not relevant

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A Mostly not, cuz you need to take your own risk to it.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A Hopefully, no :lol:

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A For real, no. But common to see it in some Japanese porno & gay porno

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A Throbbing hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Yes

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A Normally: abdomen (lying)/ 2-5" far (standing) ; Excited: chest, neck, head (lying)/ 5" up (standing)

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A Never measured, but likely 2-4 teaspoons

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A Haven't count, about 5-10

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A Face contorts a bit, like a grimace ; moan when cumming

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A Stiffen & quiver

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A Yes, but a little

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes, a bit salty. Just unguarded and cum a little in my mouth. ; After you cummed, you don't want to taste it.

Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A No, swallowing your own cum, ridiculous.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A Right-handed

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Always right, but sometimes both

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A Occasionally, Durex Play Pleasure Enhancing Lubricant / Spit

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A Porno (video, pic), easy to find from the internet :twisted:

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A Pull up real tight

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A The Basic Fist Method (full-fist)

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A I wish but i can't, it is difficult and only my tongue can reach the glans

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A Sadly, no.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A Yes, humping pillow/blanket. Toilet roll => can't put my cock in. :lol:

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A Get wanked & sucked off by 2 girls and a guy

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A Yes, For girls: Say "thanks"/ Fuck her (take her virginity) ; Guy: Wank/ Suck him back

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A Huh!?...need not to say it

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A Yes, but she don't know :wink:

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A No

Last edited by yehoi on Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:39 pm 

Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:16 pm
Posts: 3
Age: 18
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 100
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 1
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxer briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - Had a wet dream, but never woke up to see the time.
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 02 Jan 2009
Sex: Male

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 16

Q Height.
A 5'10

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single, maybe gay

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Italian

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?
A brown but lighter in the summer

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A brown. heh.

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A my pubes. pits. legs. little bit on my arms. head!!! ummm, i actually have two hairs on each big toes. idk why.

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A a small bush.

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A its ok so far

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A the whole witdth is 3 inches from the left to the right

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A no

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A none

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A circumsized

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 3 and a 1/4

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 7 and a 1/3

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A i dont know what that is

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A same

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A ???

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A its the same color always

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A about the same unless i have a tan

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A small i guess. :-(

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A tight

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A yea, my dads. it was soft and looked bigger. im not sure though


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A 14

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A pubic hairs

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A pubes, armpits, voice got deep and cumming

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A yea, i guess. it bothered me that i didnt have pubic hair til i was 14

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A i knew what was going on. my best friend is two years older then me

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A im not sure im done growing. we'll see

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A same as the above

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A same as above

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 15

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A i guess slow


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A i am circumsized

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A tight

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A a second or so

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A a lot. like more than doubles :-)

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A ummm, it gets fatter but its still long and skinny

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A mostly up. i guess 75 degrees if 45 was halway and 100 was full way.

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I would never give it up

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 15

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 14

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A it took a while when i woke up.

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A my best friend showed me

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A he was excited to show me and i thought he was crazy because i was 11 and nothing happened. even though i saw what it did to him, it didnt make much sense. oh, to orgasm. after i had a wet dream i started mastubaring.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A the same since i started

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 3 x a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A about a minute or so

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A 3 x a day at least. usually.

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .when i wake up, get home from school and right before bed

Q When did you last masturbate?
A after school today

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A i was talking to someone i like online and he showed me a picture and i came

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A tonight

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A a minute or two

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A yes

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A about three days. i was in the hospital

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A it actually was worse. it was like the cum was too thick and backed up and didnt shoot like it normally does

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A i usually do it with my underwear on

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A im usually hard before i start

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A at the computer

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A morning. i hump the bed. after school i rub it. at night i either hump the bed or rub it.

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A erect yes. not mastubating

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A.i tried

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A ive done it in school and in the back of the car

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A everything

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A yah

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A eventually

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A i was in line at circuit city and i was so bored and ended up cumming in my pants watching this person. long story and i think this survey is TOO LONG!

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A once. my parents put the computer in the dining room

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A yes. my best friend

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A very very very hard. to the point my nuts ache

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A yes

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A if im sitting it goes all over the floor. if im on my back its hit my wall (mr clean eraser takes that off if u dont want to use soap and water)

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A a lot

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A maybe 8 - 10

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A my stomach tightens up and my legs turn to jelly. someone said i sound like a puppy that wants to go out but usually i have to be quiet so no noise

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A my bladder squeezes like if your about to lose it

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A yes

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A YESSSS it tastes excellent! like sweet clorox
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes. YES see above. i love it

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A left

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A no

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A yea. sometimes i fantasize about something

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A a lot. they almost go inside

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A ??

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A not un circumsized. sorry

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A heh. yes. thats personal but u dont know who i am so im being honest. heh

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A no

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A i sometimes pull the back of my undewear down so my whole penis can slide around the front of my underwear. i also sometimes pour shampoo down the front of them in the shower. it feels very silky...

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A no

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A no

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A i hump, i cum. i touch it i cum. nothing weird about it.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A im single

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A just the underwear stuff

IM DONE!!! :-)

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:40 pm 

Joined: Sat Jan 03, 2009 3:16 pm
Posts: 3
Age: 18
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 100
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 1
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxer briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - Had a wet dream, but never woke up to see the time.
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 02 Jan 2009
Sex: Male
ugh. im gonna get banned for not being 18 right. this sucks!!!

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 6:39 am 

Q Age.
A 24

Q Height.
A 5'80

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single (hetero)

Q What country are you from?
A Austria

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A European

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A No

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Blond

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A Chestnut-brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Pubic, legs and a few on the chest

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A Quite a few

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Normal

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A 2.5 inches of depth around the testicles and on the base of the penis

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Not shaved but I like to clear a bit

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A Only a few

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A Un-circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 2 1/2 inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 8 and a 1/5

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A 1 1/2 inches wide

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A From dark red to violet

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A quite the same

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A 2 1/4 inches

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A Half/half in normal conditions. Tight up against the body when excited. Sometimes very low in warm conditions.

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A Only my cousin one year younger. His penis in rest was a bit bigger than mine.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A 12 1/2

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A The first pubic hairs and 1 or 2 drops of pre cum after erecting for a while

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A Growing testicles, body shape, pubic hairs, voice, beard

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A Yes, every week I guess

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A Yes, I was waiting for that.

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Around 15

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A not sure... maybe 16

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 15 I guess

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 16

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A slowly


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A My foreskin roll back on it's own and totally free the head of my penis

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A It only retracts totally with a rock hard erection

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A It takes about 15 seconds to go from rest to hard and fully erected

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A My penis is much longer when erected than in rest

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A Much fatter, about 1 1/2 inches

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A Quite high, around 140°

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A Yes, it goes up


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
I would never give totally up. I think it is necessary to give some release at some point. I'm not doing it as a habit but just to release after abstaining for too long.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 13

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 13

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A Yes, but I was surprised

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A By my self

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I was naked in bed and playing with my erected penis. Then I start to rub the head of my penis on the cover of the bed and it felt soo good that I kept doing it. Suddenly, I felt like a warm wave in penis followed by several violent contractions. After that, I stopped rubbing because I could feel something wet on the cover around the head of my penis. When I had a look, I realised it was semen.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A Between 14 and 16

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 5-6 times a week

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A It depends. After abstaining for a while, I can potentially cum after 5 seconds once my penis is hard erected. But normally I try to take my time and I cum only after 30 minutes at least.

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A Once or twice a month

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A at night

Q When did you last masturbate?
A last satuday

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A I was nacked, laying on my bed. I start to slowly massage my balls and my erected penis. Then I calmly start to shake my penis for only a few seconds and had to stopped because I was already about to cum. I've waited a minute and I started again. I did several times like this until I finally couldn't stand the pressure any more. I cummed on my stomach and on my chest.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A I don't know

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A At least 30 minutes

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A Yes, several times

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A Over 4 months when I was 21. I wanted to test my self. I had to masturbate after that time because I was experiencing pain in the prostate area.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A It was not as I excpected. I didn't have more pleasure than for an other session. But the amount of semen was very impressive. This session I have cum twice time in a row.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A With my clothes off

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A My penis is usually erected before I start

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A In my room or in the bathroom

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A full handed

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A Yes I did.

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A.I never tried

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A Yes, I did it once in a forest

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A When It get's really hard to stand the pressure of built up

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A yes

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A No, in this case I would be masturbating 10 times a day !

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A This never happened

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A No

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A No

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A Rock hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A In climax or in the bath.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A If I am on my back, it goes up to my chest even to my head. If I stand the strongest shot goes 2 feets in front of me.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A Once I have measurate over 15ml after 15 days of abstaining

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 6-7

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A I don't make any noise

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A Yes

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes and it's just terrible
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes I did and it was really disgusting

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A Right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A the right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A No

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A No

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A Already answered

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A Already answered

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A No, I can't

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A No

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
No, I use only my hands

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A Yes, by girlfriends and both by hands and lips

Q Have you returned the compliment?

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A I don't masturabate any more when I am in a relationship

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 5:39 am 
Q Age.

Q Height.

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).

Q What country are you from?
czech rep.

Q What is your ethnic origin?
white, possibly slav or germanic

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved

Q What is your head hair colour?

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
eh, something between ginger and brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
legs, wrists, nipples, a bit on chest

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
not much.

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
i'd say below average

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
~1cm up the shaft. cant say how wide, 'cause i trim it a bit

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
just trimmed.

Q How much chest hair do you have?
not much

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
much bigger. my glans is definitely above avarege big.

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
yeah, it's a bit darker. my skin is _very_ pale. almost as white as a snow.

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
~4cm long

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
they hang low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
saw a pic of my erected bro's junk. I think mine is bigger, but he got bigger balls.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
I'd say around 10. early bird i was...

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
white pubic hair, and i had to stop singing in orchestra because my voice became crappy.

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
pubic hair, voice, change in thinking.

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
i think so

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
I know it all.

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
dunno. around 17 maybe

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
~17 again.

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
Honestly? 20

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
Physically- quickly, psychically- very slowly.


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
only when i contract the muscles a lot, it rolls back completely, but I can manage it so it stops in around half the length of glans.

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
very hard

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
few seconds.

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
simple math gives me about twice as much

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
3cm -> ~4cm

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
a bit to the left.

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
it's curved few degrees to the left.


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
Geez, I'm in the middle of trying to get my first WD out of curiosity. Once that happens i might give up MB if WD comes out being better experience. Otherwise i'll just get back to MB as it releaves the tension off my body and i like to touch myself (no, i'm not gay).

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
i realised it once i saw that what came out was white.

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
Funny, it was just a coincidence. I never thought that the muscle move that stops peeing can invoke ejaculation, but one day, i just kept repeating the contractions out of boredom while having erection and i ejaculated. felt good.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
was lying in the bed, couldn't sleep. rest see above.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
14-19. i masturbated all the time until i start attending university....

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
at least once a day. every day. twice or three times a day during weekends

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
If i go just for a cum, it was under a minute at first. now i'd say around 5 minutes, but i tend to enjoy it longer.

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
nowadays? before i started abstining it was 3 times a week i guess.

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
early afternoon when im still not that tired. also i like after taking a shower.

Q When did you last masturbate?
1st of March, 2009

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
quick one before i went to sleep. I didn't know it was my last one for a while back then, heh.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
after first WD, or when i get sick of not having one. (i'll keep abstining at least a month though)

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
half an hour or so.

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
No, even though i tried desperately.

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
just now. i want to get WD out of curiosity.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
n/a yet.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
i keep a t-shirt and socks ;) but naked down there.

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
depends. removing clothes is definitely a turn on though.

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A at my table, while watching pr0n or reading doujins...

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
full hand is superior and i mix it with rubbing tip of the penis with a thumb.

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
um, yeah..

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
um, yeah..

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
um, yeah.. while staying late at school, i came in a bath there.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
just that urge. or fantasizing about sex.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
not always, but mostly, yes.

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
mostly, yes, if i get the urge at home.

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
im doing it just at home these days, so nothing hard to look for.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
i can get hard, or extra-hard depending on the amount of arousal and quality of material i'm fapping to. But ejaculation doesn't get it harder.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
yep, i don't do edging.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
eh, never measured that, but i'd say around 15cm. im not really a shooter.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
average. 4-5 spasms

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
nothing im aware of.

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
i feel it coming up the shaft out of the balls.

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
um, yes. They don't lie when they say it depends on what you ate before. It's usually salty, but recently i ate just fruit salad all afternoon and then it was deliciously sweet. I don't like it, i just did the research.
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?

Q Are you right or left-handed?

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
left one

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
occasionally. and it's only recently that i tried that. Primeros Enjoy it says on the cover. Feels good, almost too good.

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
only a bit

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
full hand..see somewhere above.

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
No, tried that but im missing ~20cm between tip and mouth.

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
vagina out of towel and condom. no rocket science, but it did the trick.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
tried vagina out of towel and condom few times, but nothing regular.

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?

Q Have you returned the compliment?

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
i sit on a chair, watch stuff, fap, go to bathroom and finish myself into basin. end.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
cant think of anything

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:54 am 

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.

Q Height.
A 5'1

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single

Q What country are you from?
AU SA/philippines

Q What is your ethnic origin?

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A .black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
Apubic armpit face

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A average

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
Aalmost very thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A2 in

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?

Q How much chest hair do you have?

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
Aa little

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A .no


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A .9

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
Ahair. voice. odor

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A every day

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A yes

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A it's still growing

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
Ait's still growing

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
Ait's still growing

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
Anot done

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
Adon't understand the question

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A5 seconds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A2 in

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A not much

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A idk

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A maybe. no yes

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 10

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 10

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A no

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A accident

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 11

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 1 a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 10 min

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A 1 a day

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A . idk

Q When did you last masturbate?
A today

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A in the shower

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A yes

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 15 min

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 9 years. not knowing about it

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A took longer

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A off

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A dont understand the question

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A shower

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A idk

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A no

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. no

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A no

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A sexy pictures of girls. prefferably naked

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A yes

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A yes

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A no

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A no

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A idk

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A yes

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A idk

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . 5 mL

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A idk

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A penis becomes sensitive

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A panis becoming sensitive

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A no

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A sometimes. vasiline

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A sometimes porn

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A idk

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A idk

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A .no

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A no

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A no

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A no

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A no

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A in the shower?

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:22 pm 

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 14

Q Height.
A 163 cm

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single

Q What country are you from?
A New Zealand

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A NZ European

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?
A blonde

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A . Dark blonde

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A genitals, arms, legs

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A Not much on scrotum, but quite a lot on the base of my penis.

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Quite thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A It grows quite wide, and it keeps getting longer.

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A No

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A Pretty much none.

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A Un-circumsised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A Rather not answer that...

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A Okay...it's small.

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A Not much bigger.

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A None

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A Not really.

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A Never measured.

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A Low-ish

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . No


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . About 12

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A Pubic hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A Extra horniness, pubic hair, more defined muscle.

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A I do a little bit now, but at the start I didn't.

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A The early changes weren't that dramatic, and I knew what was happening anyway.

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A It's still growing (got some catching up to do, lol)

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A Still growing

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Still growing

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A Haven't finished

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A I haven't finished yet, but the current changes are taking a little while.


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A It rolls back about half way over my glans.

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A Full hardness

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A On average, about 8-10 seconds. Depends on how horny I am.

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A About twice as much I think.

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A Not much

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A I'd say roughly 45 degrees maybe.

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A A slight upwards curve.


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I'm hoping I can give it up. I don't really think it's extremely necessary to give up, unless it is a serious addiction (6 times a day, perhaps). Yes, I do it through habit.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A Late 12-early 13.

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 12, I believe.

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A I knew exactly what it was, and I was trying to acheive it.

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A I learned the 'fist' method around 10-11, not sure how I learned it. I think a friend might of joked about it and done the motion with his hand. I could be wrong though.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I was nude and I had a magazine with a few pages of porn. Nuff said.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 13

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A Once a day on average.

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A Not long. If I'm horny, maybe 2 minutes.

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A I used to do it once a day.

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .No particular time

Q When did you last masturbate?
A 17th of April

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A I was on the couch watching TV in the morning, and a hot lady was on an informercial. So, I dropped my pants and started pitching. THAT was the day I decided enough was enough, and I had to stop MB'ing.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Hopefully never again, but I've said that before.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 2-3 minutes. I can't really be bothered with the 'stop and go' sort of techniques.

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A No (apart from a wet dream)

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 60 days, which was my first real attempt at abstinence.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I was frustrated with not getting any wet dreams, and my impatience got the better of me. I ejaculated in only 20 seconds.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A If no one is home, I usually masturbate nude.

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A I will have a full boner by the time my clothes are off.

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A In my room or the shower (preferably my room).

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A Just the good old full handed method.

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A No

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. No

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A I masturbated at school once for fun.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A I know a few hot teachers at my school and seeing them usually makes me horny.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A Usually

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A No. I get a lot of random hard-ons when I'm not horny at all.

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A I just wait until I get home.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A My mum nearly caught me once, but I pulled my pants up just before she walked in. It's because she NEVER KNOCKS ON THE DAMN DOOR.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A My friend at school once was being a rude little bugger and masturbated in front of me and some other mates. It was a place behind the library where no one could see.

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A Quite hard.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A About 80% of the time I do.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A If I'm very aroused it will shoot onto my chest (I lie down when I MB), but usually just a bit of a weak spurt.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A I'm not very old so only about 3/4 of a teaspoon maybe? I'm not too sure.

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 8

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A I make a cringy face and breath faster and louder. Not too loud though, for obvious reasons.

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A A wave of pleausure through my loins and a warm feeling down there.

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A No

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A I have. It tasted rather salty.
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes. I haven't done it since.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . Right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A No lubricant.

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A I used to use porn but I stopped.

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A Very close

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A The fist method

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . No

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A No

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A I just stick to the traditional way.

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A No

Q Have you returned the compliment?

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A I will first of all put something heavy against the door so my mum can't barge in. Then I do my buisness, clean up and come out of my room like nothing happened. Quite boring really.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A Nothing aside from the fact that I can come pretty quickly.

Woah, That was one big ass survey!

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:39 pm 

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 20

Q Height.
A 1.70m

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single

Q What country are you from?
A singapore

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A chinese

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A www.mastechnique.blogspot.com

Q What is your head hair colour?
A black

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A legs only

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A average, not covering the penis

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A average

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A 2in high, 5in wide

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A no

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A none

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A uncircumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 4in

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 7in

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 4in

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5in

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A 1.5times when not erect

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A pink

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A no. same.

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A ??? don't know how to describe. maybe around the size of 2 ping pong balls

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A normally hang low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A no


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A 12

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A pubic hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A pubic hair, growing taller faster, testicles become bigger, wet dream, erections

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A yes

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A i was aware

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 17

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A 16

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 15

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 15

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A slowly


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A sometimes retract, sometimes cover half the head.

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A hard

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A -NA-

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A around a minute or so.

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 3in longer

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A 1in fatter

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A 45 degrees to the left

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A curve to the left


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A yes, it is necessary.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 12

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 12

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A no.

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A after i had my 1st wet dream, i started stroking my penis, to the point of orgasm and ejaculation.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A i was stroking my penis, and after some time, i felt a strong sensation in my groin area, and then i ejaculated.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 19

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 2-3 times a week.

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 5-10 minutes

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A 2-3 times a week

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .??? do not understand....

Q When did you last masturbate?
A 30 apr 09 (thurs)

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A i was on my way to quitting masturbation, so i decided to have a good one. Slowly stroking my dick, moving fast at times, then back to slow, until i reach orgasm and ejaculated.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A No way!!!

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 5-10 minutes

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A no.

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 2 weeks. i was hoping i can get a wet dream, but succumbed to temptation and masturbated again ever since.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A just stroked my penis as fast as i can until i ejaculated.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A off

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A no, have not got an erection yet.

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A bathroom

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A one hand grabbing the shaft, and stroking it up and down

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A no

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A.no, but I have inserted my finger up my anus, did not know which one was the prostate.

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A no

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A after watching porn, my balls feel tingly, makes me want to masturbate.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A no

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A no, I will only masturbate when at home

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A no

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A very hard, becomes soft after ejaculation

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A yes

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A more than 10 inches far

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . 3-4 tablespoons full

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 7-8

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A leg tension

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A balls are pulled tighter to the thighs

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A yes

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A no
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A no.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . right-handed

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A no

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A porn, but I masturbate without anything.

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A all the way

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A –NA-

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A one hand stroking

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A .no

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A no

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A no

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A no

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A no

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A stroking my penis, till I ejaculated

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A not in a relationship

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A no

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Tue May 26, 2009 1:24 pm 

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 20

Q Height.
A 6'6

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single, gay

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Caucasion

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A Nothing that hasn't already been mentioned :)

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Brown/Dark ash blonde

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A . A little darker than the hair on my head

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A pubic, a little on stomach/chest, lightly on legs

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A About average, I guess

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Hair width is thicker than the hair on my head

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A From the base of the penis to about 5' wide at top of groin

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Trimmed

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A a little, with more on the stomach

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A circumsized

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 3-4"

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 6-7"

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 4.5" circumference

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 6"? Not sure

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A A bit wider than the shaft

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A Pinkish Purpleish color

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A A little bit darker, it matches my skin tone when I'm tan

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A Average?

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A Usually lower, but they get tight up against my body when I swim

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . no


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 12?

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A erections/pubic hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A pubic hair, erections, wet dream, ejaculation, facial hair, body hair

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A Not really

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A It was kind of a shock (ejaculations)

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 15 or 16

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A 15 or 16? (Not sure)

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 17 or 18

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 18ish

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A Started fast, but tapered off


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A When I have an erection, it's tight all the way down

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A Varies on how turned on I am

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 2-4 inches

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A 1-3 inches difference in circumference (not entirely sure)

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A straight out, sometimes a little up or down depending on arousal level

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A a little bit to the left


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I'm trying to give it up, starting today.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 12

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 12

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A No, it was a wet dream and I thought I had wet the bed.

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A By accident

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I was hard and in bed, on my stomach. I started humping the bed, and it felt good. I kept doing it, and it just kept feeling better and better, and then all of a sudden, I felt like I had to pee, I started freaking out, and I ejaculated, I didn't know what had happened. I was confused because it was thick.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 15-16

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A Usually at least 1-3 times a day, sometimes more

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A I can come in about 2 minutes, but I usually make it last for awhile, 20 minutes of edging at least.

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A Usually daily, but I'm going to try to stop

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A . At night, and if I'm bored.

Q When did you last masturbate?
A Yesterady

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A I was going to give up masturbation, so I was watching porn and edging on and off pretty much all day. I thought somebody was coming into my room, and I panicked and came on accident >_<

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Hopefully not for awhile

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 20 minutes-an hour

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A Only by grinding into a mattress/pillow

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 2 weeks, I wanted to try to get a wet dream

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I was trying for a wet dream, I woke up after a sex dream reallllllly hard, and couldn't get back to bed because I was so turned on, I jacked off while I was half asleep

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A On in the daytime, naked at night.

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A I usually already have one before I remove my clothes, from watching porn.

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A In my bedroom, at the computer

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A Full handed, sometimes backhand

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A Yes

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. Yes

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A. Once in my car, possibly outside before, I can't remember...I've always wanted to do it outside where nobody could see me, but I've never had the balls

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A Being horny, usually after watching porn.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A. Usually, I watch porn with the intention of masturbating

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A Usually, but sometimes I just ignore morning wood.

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A. Yes, I'll usually find a bathroom somewhere (friend's houses, places like that. Never at a public place)

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A. Almost, but not quite, I've always covered up in time.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A. Not accidentally ;)

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A Pretty hard, but not as hard as some guys I've seen. Sometimes I have to get a little harder to put on a condom.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Yes.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A If I'm sitting up, usually to about my belly button (but I aim it in so it doesn't go far. If I'm laying down, usually about the same, but the first few spurts will be up to my chest/neck

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . A few teaspoons? I've never measured.

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A. 5-10, plus some spasms without cum

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A I usually brace my legs out, and breathe heavier. With more powerful climaxes, I've panted or made faces, but not always.

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A. I can feel it building up, and my cock gets harder

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A If I'm edging, there might be a drop or two, but usually just a tiny bit at the tip.

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A. Yes, it was sweet and tasted a tiny bit chemically, but not salty or unpleasant. When it dries, it smells like pineapple.
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes. Not unpleasant, it's a very easy way to clean it up

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Usually left, but I'll use the right hand if I go backhanded

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A About half the time, I'll use lotion.

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A Porn

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A They tighten up as I get turned on

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A closed fist, or I'll rub the bottom of the head with my thumb in little circles

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . I used to be able to, after at least half an hour of stretching...not really worth the effort, I'm more distracted by the neck strain...but there is something very strange about feeling your own tongue on your penis.

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A. Yes, a silicone masturbator with soft ribbing on the inside.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A. No tubes, but I used to always hump the bed

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A. With hands, and with lips. To completion almost every time.

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A Yes

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A. I start watching porn, get horny, get nude, finish off. Not particularly interesting :P

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A. I've never been in a solid sexual relationship

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A Not really :roll:

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 3:25 pm 

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 16

Q Height.
A 5'9"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single - straight

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A idk..

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
jacking world has a lot of awesome stuff

Q What is your head hair colour?
A dark brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A . dark brown/ black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Pubic, Legs like crazy, A little on my chest (@ nips), Belly, Butt and facial hair

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A A ton

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Extremely!

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A from leg to leg and about 2 inches up from the base of my penis

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A very little

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A depends on the day. i'd say maybe 3.5 inches normally?

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 6"

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 2" maybe not sure

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 4.5"

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A doubles in size

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A stays the same

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A No

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A decently sized about 2 inches long and half an inch wide each

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A both

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . yes and no they were limp but a lil bit bigger


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 12

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A cummed

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A balls & dick got bigger and my voice started sqweeking

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A yeah

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A kinda both

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A it still growing but slowly

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A probably last year - 15

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 14

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A still going through it

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A not quickly or slowly


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A im circumsized

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A dont got foreskin

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A no, and yes

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A depends, normally between 5-20 seconds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A bout 2 inches

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A bout 2-3 inches

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A straight out

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A no.


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A yes, no, yes

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 11

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 11

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A yes

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A picked it up by accident/curiosity

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A was working out with a friend and my legs rubbed my penis and felt good. later in the shower did it until i cummed. still remember what it looked like

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 14

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A twice everyday

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 2 minutes

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A weekly

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A . afternoon

Q When did you last masturbate?
A may 25th

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A was horny and in the shower. washed my dick got a boner so i started rubbing it and used my shower head to finish myself off.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A maybe next week.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 30 min

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A yes

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A10 months. religion

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A just a normally mb session in the shower

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A off

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A before im nude

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A bathroom

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A a few fingers and just beating the shaft

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A yes

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A yes, did it at school in a urinal

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A precumming

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A no

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A no

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A yes

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A very, pulsing hard and gets bigger too

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A yes.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A about 2-3 feet

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . 5 spurts

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 5

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A legs get weak

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A lots of precum

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A yes

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A yes, its salty and think
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes. dont want to do it again

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A no

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A yes

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A as if theyre cold

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A hand/fisting

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . no

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A no

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A humping walls, mattress, pillows

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A no

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A no

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A get hard, pull my pants down, let a lot of precum run over my dick then mb until i cum

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A yes and she doesnt kno

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:01 pm 
Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.

Q Height.
5' 5"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).

Q What country are you from?
United States

Q What is your ethnic origin?

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?
Light Brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
Dark Brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
Legs, Pubic, Above Lips, Chin.

Q How much pubic hair do you have?

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
Kind of thick.

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
From base to my thighs, up to about quarter of a way to belly button.

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?

Q How much chest hair do you have?

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
Not much

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
same color as when flaccid.

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
No, it's lighter.

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
between legs.

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
Yes, Same Size.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
"Peach Fuzz"

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
Pubic hair, body hair, bigger testicles, mustache, bigger penis, lower voice.

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
I was aware.

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
Still growing.

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
still growing.

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
still growing.

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
still in it.

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
pretty quick.


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
i'm circumsied.

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
Pretty quick.

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
about an in

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
it goes digonaly up.

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
yeahh. I don't think it's necessary, but i could.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
About, 10

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
Not really.

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
Someone taught me.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
I kept jerking, and then I had an orgasm, but nothing came out.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
about everyday.

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
Depends if i'm horny or not.

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
about everyday, every other.

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?

Q When did you last masturbate?

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
I was in the shower, I used my sisters shaving gel.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
About 5min in the shower, about 10 if im by myself.

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
about 10min
i didnt wanna shoot so quick

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
Nothing much.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?

Q Where do you normally masturbate?

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
full handed

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
yes, at school.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
things that turn me on.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
No, I let the erection pass.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
No, i haven't.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
Depends, sometimes it's semi-hard, sometime it's real hard.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
I can make it go about 5in away?

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
Not much.

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
I dont know?

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
Leg tension, sometimes moan.

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
I can feel it

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
not all the time.

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
Yes, it was kind of salty.
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?

Q Are you right or left-handed?

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
Conditioner, Lotion

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
THey go like normaly,

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
Regular, Head rubbing

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?

Q Have you returned the compliment?

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
Just jerk normaly.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
Not really.

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:32 pm 

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 48

Q Height.
A 188 cm - 6'3"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single asexual

Q What country are you from?
A Canada

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A French Canadian

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A No

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Brown with some gray

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A .Brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A All these options

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A Average

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A 10 cm above 10-15 cm wide

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A light

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A uncut

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 10 cm

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 16 cm

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A ?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A ?

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A Slighly larger

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A Red

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A Darker

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A Larger than average

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A Hang

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . My brother when I have changed his diaper


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 12

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A Mastubation started to produce semen

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A semen, pubic hair, voice pitch change and facial hair

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A No

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A Yes, however pain in my legs

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 15

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A 20

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 20

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 18

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A slowly


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A still cover - tight opening - light phimosis

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A n/a

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A n/a

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A 60-120 seconds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A see above

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A double

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A Pointing down 45 degrees

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A no


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A it's an habit. I suppose it's like quiting smoking. Why would it be needed

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 2-3 years old with orgasm but no semen, with semen 13-14 years old

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 13-14 yearsold

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A yes

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A too young to remember

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A too young to remember

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 40-45 years old

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 2-3 times per day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 10-15 minutes

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A Abstinent - locked in a CB

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .morning

Q When did you last masturbate?
A May 17th. 2009 - 36 days ago.

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A A good shot before starting a 6 month chastity drive

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Not before November 18th.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 10-15 minutes

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A No

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 36 days. Locked in a chastity device by my keyholder

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A will see in November maybe later

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A off or with a brief half way down

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A Maybe

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A Bedroom

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A full handed

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A no

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. no

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A in a swiming pool, at 3 am

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A just wake up

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A no

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A yes

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A erection reach its max, glans becomes much more sensitive

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Virtually always

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A It used to touch the ceiling but not anymore

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . almost nothing now (overmasturbating)

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 3-5

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A ?

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A spyncter starts pumping

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A 2 or 3 drops

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A no
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A no.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . Left handed for everythin EXCEPT for masturbation

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Right hand

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A Yes, occasionaly, when I roll back the foreskin to simulate circumcision.

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A No

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A ?

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A Foreskin moving, sometimes foresking back with lube,

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . No, such a thing is possible?

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A Yes, the chastity device just before puting it in.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A Not recently.

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A Yes or No. I have tried to have an intercourse with a man but that has not worked. So, he tried mutual masturbation, he ejaculated and I had to finish the job on myself.

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A Yes

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A No, I am single. I am now fully abstinent, locked in a chastity device.

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A Never had human (male or female) images. I am essentialy a "mechanical" masturbator.

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Thu Jun 25, 2009 4:46 am 
Regular Member

Joined: Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:32 am
Posts: 39
Age: 31
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 5
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 5
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 6-7 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 10 Jan 2011
Sex: Male
Q Age.
A 30

Q Height.
A about 6ft (180cm)

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A married

Q What country are you from?
A Holland

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Caucasian

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A Not any already mentioned

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Dark blond

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A Dark brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Pubic area, some on my legs

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A Haven't count them, but there's a gap between the few hairs under my belly button and my pubic area.

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Average I guess...

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A Moment...getting a ruler here: from base towards belly button 6.5cm (about 2.5 inches), and width: 16cm (about 6.5 inches)

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A A few nipplehairs, that's it

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A Uncircumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 11 cm (about 4.5 inches)

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A Darn...have to make it erect first...about 16cm (about 6.5 inches i guess)

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 13cm (about 5 inches)

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A Ehmm...somewhat

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A Red/blueish

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A It looks a bit tanned, although I don't put it out in the sun

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A About 3 cm (1.2 inch)

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A Hm...depends on the weather...but they do not hang very low or so

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . Yes, when I was very young, my dad and uncle's, both flaccid, but then they looked big.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 11

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A few light hairs at the base of my penis/growth of my penis

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A few light hairs at the base of my penis/growth of my penis, then some under my armpits, then my voice broke, then the wet dreams started

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A Oh you bet!

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A Well, I saw I grew some hair, wasn't really a shock, but felt kinda embaressed.

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A I think around 14/15

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A I think around 12 orso

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 15/16

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 16

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A Average I guess, but was quick to start


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A No it rolls back

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A It rolls back in the process

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A Depends, can be matter of 5-10 sec

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 16cm-11cm = 5cm (2 inches)

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A calculate that urself, lol

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A from stomach about 45 degree i guess

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A Yes, a curve and yes a bend towards the left (for me)


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A Dunno, no, yes

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 13

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 12

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A No, I was having a WD during my first ejaculations. My first MB was with ejaculation and I was surprised and kinda embarassed.

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A Just by accident, was doing boring homework, played a bit, when suddenly...oops.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A see above

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A Lol kinda do it daily since

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A daily

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A depends on my mood: can do it within 2 minutes if I want, but sometimes I wank for a few hours

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A daily, except I'm abstaining now

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A . evenings

Q When did you last masturbate?
A Last friday, 5 (FIVE!) days ago

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A It was very pleasant, watched some porn and tried to get a handsfree orgasm by just pure horny thoughts.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Don't want to think about that (like talking about food when your hungry)

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A See above

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A yes

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A About 14 days, when I was on holiday

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A Lots of thick cum came out.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A pants down way

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A Depends

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A Bed, in front of PC, shower

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A full-hand I guess

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A yes

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. yes

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A yes, once in a public transport (a bus), was sitting half way, bus mostly empty, and I was so horny...

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A Dunno, horny thoughts

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A no

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A yes, when doing my job and get really the urge i jump towards the toilets and wank off there

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no, although when i was around 11 my mom caught me with a hard one.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A yes

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A very hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A yes

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A depends how long i was masturbating but I'm known to have reached my shoulders when just sitting straight.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A Depends on how long I've been MB.

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A About 4-6 I think

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A I kinda wince, contract my ass

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A breathing increases, feeling some tension at the base of my cock

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A yes

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A yes, kinda bitter/salty
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes, it was ok

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A left

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A left

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A no, or my own saliva

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A yes

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A sometimes quiet a bit

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A full-hand

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A I wish

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A between pillows

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A Yes, by hand (lips, that's no longer masturbation is it?) and yes to completion

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A Yes, was quite fun

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A I watch porn, I wank, I cum (sort of veni vidi vici)

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A Yes, Yes

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A No

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 10:13 am 

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 16

Q Heights
A 5'10''

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single, staight

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A White

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Brown/black

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A . Black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A pubic, stomach, legs, arms

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A a lot

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A 1" untrimmed

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A 1"

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A little-none

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A yes

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 2-3"

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 4 1/2"

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 3/4"

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 1"

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A 1/2" in diameter

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A purple

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A half at base yellower, other half pinker

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A 2" long, 1 1/4" wide

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A when hot hang down, when cold very tight

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A .


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 12

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A pubic hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A testes bigger, pubic hair

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A yes

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A aware

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A hasnt stopped

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A havent stopped

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A hasnt stopped

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A n/a

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A quick


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A circumcized

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A circumcized

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A yes halfway along

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A 2-3 seconds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A twice as long 2"

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A much

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A about 20 degrees

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A no


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A dont ever masturbate, i cant

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A never

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 13

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A yes

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A figured it out

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A didnt ejaculate or orgasm

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A dont know

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A stopped after 2 mins

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A barely ever

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A in bed

Q When did you last masturbate?
A long time

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?

Q Where do you normally masturbate?

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A yes

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A no

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A thoughts

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A no

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?

Q Have you eve

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A cant ejaculate

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