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 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:57 am 
Advanced Member

Joined: Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:53 am
Posts: 66
Location: UK
Age: 37
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 10
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Little Precum (1-2 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 5
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 3-4 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 14 Mar 2012
Sex: Male

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.

Q Height.

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
Gay single

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?

Q What is your pubic hair colour?

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
Chest, pubes, legs, a bit on shoulders

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
I keep it trimmed but not overly shaved

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
Thick and wirey

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
Can get bushey

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?

Q How much chest hair do you have?

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
average - wish it was thicker

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A lot

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
Left hangs low, right hangs tight

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
Yes - but their penis wasn't erect. Penis was bigger than mine (but I was a kid at the time)


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
Very fine hair on my pubic area - I tried to wank myself off but all I could do was shoot piss (and it stung!)

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
Fine pubes, growth spurt, spots, thicker pubes, voice breaking, cum

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
All the time. I even kept a secret graph plotting my cock size from day to day!

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
Not at all - and cos I was a late developer I knew from my school mates what was in store

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
Can't remember. I guess when I was around 16

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
Can't remember. I guess when I was around 16

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
About 18

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
Hard to tell. I guess by the time I was 16 all the key stuff was done - but I didn't grow any chest hair until I was 22

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
SLOWLY! I wanted pubes by the time I was 13 latest


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
More often than not, it rolls back

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
Depends. If I am aroused with a new partner or having cam sex, very fast

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
It grows to about 8 inches

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
Much fatter (but not fat enough!)

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
c 75 degrees

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
No. I love it - it's my right. And I love being wanked off even more!!

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
2 months before my 15th birthday

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
2 months before my 15th birthday (first wank)

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
I had this really bizarre sensation which went in to my stomach - and then WOW!

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
Friends who were talking about it kinda showed me the ropes

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
It took AGES and my cock became red and sore (and started to bleed) - but my body was telling me to carry on. Kept thinking about boys in my class, naked and full of pubes. When I shot my load I wasn't sure just how amazing an orgasm would feel. I collected it all on to a tissue and then smelt it, tasted it and touched it and then felt I was a true man!

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
4-6 times a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
Depends. Sometimes it's 2 strokes and I'm gone. Other times it seems to take forever. As a rule, I take longer when I'm being wanked off

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
About 3 times a week (if I haven't been wanked off in the gym)

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
Mornings or just before bed

Q When did you last masturbate?
Last night - I couldn't resist even though I was desperate for a follow up from Sunday's wet dream

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
Wanted a wet dream, body told me I'd have a wet dream but couldn't sleep - so had to wank myself off to get some kip. It was very quick!

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
Depends if I wet dream tonight

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
About 3 minutes

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
Once or twice

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
About 2 weeks - to give myself a wet dream

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
It took a long time and my cum was amazingly thick

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
Off - and I like to do it on cam!

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
In front of my computer or in the gym sauna

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
Full hand. What other techniques are there?

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
Loads! It turns me on

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
No - but sometimes other people have done it to me

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
In the gym, in a park, even in a nightclub

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
I like it.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
No - but wish I had done. Although on a school trip when I was 16, we were all secretly wanking in our beds in our shared room - but everyone said they heard me

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
Lots of times

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
99% of the time

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
Depends. Often I point it straight on to a tissue

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
Scrunched up face

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
i feel a tingling sensation

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
Unless I'm super horned up - or the anticipation is going on forever, then no

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
Yes. I like it!
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes. I was quite proud to taste my own cum

Q Are you right or left-handed?

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
I have used everything from shaving gel to fairy liquid to sex lube - oh and my own spit. But I usually just tug lubeless

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
Didn't use to - but now I love to cam with other guys or play Manroulette

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
Not sure

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
Palm cupping cock and then a quick and steady tug

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
I wish :(

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
Loads of times. It's amazing

Q Have you returned the compliment?
Yes. I love wanking a guy off and seeing him shoot his load

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
In front of computer, guy tugging off on cam, I join in, shoot over myself - lots of mess!

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
Partner doesnt know

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
I pant guys names out - even if I've just met them online!! I also like to wank over the thought of my friends too

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2012 2:27 pm 

Joined: Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:34 am
Posts: 19
Age: 23
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 5
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 17 Mar 2012
Sex: Male

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 23

Q Height.
A 183cm

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single

Q What country are you from?
A australia

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A german

Q What is your head hair colour?
A brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A . black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A pubic and legs

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A lots

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A average

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A about 6 cm

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A yes, but only trim now

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A a little

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A un-circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 3.5in

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 6inc

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A a lot bigger

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A a pinky colour

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A its a little lighter

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A just above average

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A depends, sometimes they hang low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . yes, erect.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . around 13

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A underarm hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A underarm hair, pubes and facial hair, with pubes getting thicker over time and chest hair starting.

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A yes

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A no

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A around 16

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A around the same time

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A around 18ish

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A around 18ish

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A gradually


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A covers half of the head.

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A pretty hard

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A about a minute

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A about double the length

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A about double the width

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A slightly upwards

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A a slight curve upwards


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A i would really like to. Just sex and and WD if my body needs to.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 13

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 13

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A sort of.

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A just started touching my penis and didn't stop until I was rubbing it.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A it was not very pleasurable but it as enough to make me not stop jerking and then I came a few minutes after picking up the speed.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A around 15-18

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A it started off about 2-3 times a day and then down to once per day.

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A if i focus on pleasure around 10-15 minutes. if i go fast and just wack it, around 2-3 minutes.

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A once per day if not too busy otherwise every second day. AB now!

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A . night time.

Q When did you last masturbate?
A yesterday.

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A I was 7 days into my AB when I got really hard around 2am and was pretty horny, my balls were sore and I just pretty much touched my head and I cummed. was pretty amazing that it took such a short time to produce such a large amount of semen, luckily I had my boxers on!

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A hopefully in a few months, we will see how I go with letting my body manage the ejaculations the natural way.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A around 5-10 minutes

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A no, but I have come pretty close A number of times, I just start masturbating because the feeling gets too overwhelming.

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 7 days. it really did increase my energy levels but it frustrated me sexually.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I just had to touch my self a few times and a few short strokes before cum started coming out into my boxers. I cummed for abotu 10 seconds, so holding off really does make it go longer.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A usually just throw my pants down and go for it.

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A yes

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A my bed or shower.

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A full handed.

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A yes

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. yes, didn't really like it.

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A yes, at a beach once when I was younger - too horny!

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A thinking about sex and porn.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A yes

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A yes

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A ill just go into a toilet somewhere and have a very quick session.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A almost, parents walking in.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A yes, walked in on brother.

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A very very hard.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A yes

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A shoots up to my neck line.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . around 6-7 shots

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A around 10

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A my arms go limp and my breathing increases. no sounds just lots of tension around my body.

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A that amazing feeling you get when your brain makes you rub faster and your penis starts getting really hard.

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A if I am very horny, lots of precum to the point where it becomes messy.

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A yes, didnt really like it at all.
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes, it was pretty gross.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . right handed.

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A no, i have lots of precum.

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A yes, i love porn but trying to quit it along with the MB.

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A just before I come and shortly after they retract.

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A na

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A full hand which in turn pulls and rubs the skin against the shaft.

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . no

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A i used a fleshliht once, that was pretty good.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A sometimes ill be really tired so ill just rub against the bed or pillow and cum in my boxers.

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A by hand a mouth to completion.

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A no

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A watching porn and jacking off.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A yes, sex and masturbation go hand in hand.

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A nope, just that its amazing and im going to miss it!d

AB current: 3
AB challenge: 50
AB highest record: 7
WD: 0 SE: 0
MB's: 1 total since starting my AB challenge
Quiting porn and masturbation!

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:35 am 
Advanced Member

Joined: Sat Mar 10, 2012 8:18 am
Posts: 57
Age: 15
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 1
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 7
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Other
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 3-4 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 24 Mar 2012
Sex: Male

Q Age.
A 15

Q Height.
A 5 feet 7.5 inches

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Single

Q What country are you from?
A India

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Indian (?)

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A jackinworld.com ; advancedmasturbation.com

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Black

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A Black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Pubes, chest, arms, buttocks, legs.

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A A lot.

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Very thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A Very high and wide (?)

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Yes, a lot of times

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A Not much.

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A Uncircumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 4.2 inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 6.5 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 4.2 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5.2 inches

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A A little bigged

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A Red

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A Yes, it's darker

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A Medium ?

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A Mostly tight up against my body. I like them that way.

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A I haven't.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A 13

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A Pubic hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A I don't remember

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A Yes

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A Aware

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A It's still growing

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A Still growing

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A I don't think they stop growing

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A I haven't finished yet, or so I think.

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A Still going through it.


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A It rolls back mostly, sometimes I have to roll it back.

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A Rock hard

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A Takes a little time.

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 2.3 inches longer

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A An inch

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A It points to the left

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A Yes, it curves to the left


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I don't I think I will ever give up fully and I do it because of the ecstatic feeling it gives.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 14

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 14

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A Yes.

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A Porn

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I was in the bathroom, using soap on my penis and touching it felt pleasurable so I started stroking it really fast and suddenly I shot a big, warm load. It was awesome

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 14

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A Twice a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 10 minutes?

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A Four times a week

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A Night

Q When did you last masturbate?
A March 6, 2012

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A I just got into the bathroom with pornography on my mobile and jacked off.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A April 26, 2012 if I fail to get a wet dream by then.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A Sometimes only 5 minutes but if no one's home, I can go for hours.

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A Not really, would like to see how it feels.

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 16 days currently, because I want to get a wet dream

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I haven't done it yet.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A Off.

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A Depends

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A In the bathroom.

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A Simple full handed.

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A Yes, it turns me on.

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A.Not using a finger, but I used a thick plastic stick. It felt great.

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A I tried to, once, in school but there's too much risk of being caught so I dropped it.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A Sexual arousal.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A Not always.

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A No.

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A I try to find somewhere to do it. Once, I was really horny but my family was at home so I convinced them to go shopping and then I lay on the sofa masturbating for an hour.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A No. And I will make sure I never get caught.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A Yes, on the internet.

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A Rock hard.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Virtually always unless waiting to produce a greater volume a short time in the future.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A It doesn't shoot it just leaks out.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A A little less than a handful?

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A Never counted.

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A Moaning, waves of pleasure, light headedness.

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A An overwhelming sensation.

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A Yes, a little.

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes, it is delicious.
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A Right handed

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Mostly right.

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A Spit and precum. Sometimes vaseline or water.

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A Porn.

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A A little.

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A Simple full handed.

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A I wish ! I am not flexible though.

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A No, they are illegal here. I am planning to make one on my own though.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A I have tried socks, but they don't feel so good.

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A I wish...

Q Have you returned the compliment?

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A I turn on porn, lay back and slowly use the up and down technique while caressing my nipples and ass with the other hand. I also like to pretend there is someone on top of my and kiss in the air. It feels kinda real.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A I am not in a realtionship.

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A Not really.

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:46 pm 

Joined: Mon Dec 12, 2011 8:19 am
Posts: 22
Location: western NY
Age: 28
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 5
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 5
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxers
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - Had a wet dream, but never woke up to see the time.
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 29 May 2012
Sex: Male

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.

Q Height.

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
Single. It's complicated...

Q What country are you from?
United States

Q What is your ethnic origin?
Italian, German, American

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?

Q What is your pubic hair colour?

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
chest, pubic, legs

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
a good amount

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
Normal I guess

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
1 maybe 1.5 cm

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?

Q How much chest hair do you have?
a decent amount

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
3 to 4 inches long

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
8 inches long

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
1 to 2 inces (guess)

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
5 to 6 inches

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
2 or 3 times bigger than when limp

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
usually pinkish brownish color. Same color as when limp.

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
it's brownish/pinkish and my skin color is white.

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
No idea

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
maybe 12 oe 13

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
probly voice becoming scratchy and needing to shave

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
No idea

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
not really

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
no idea

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
17 or 18

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
17 or 18

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
17 or 18

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
no idea

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
no idea


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
No lose skin, fairly tight I guess

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
Very quickly

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
3 to 4 inches longer

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
3 or 4 inches thicker

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
it poinst slightly to the right

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
yes, to the right


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
With God, all things are possible and addictions can be broken if your willing to let Him work in your life. It isn't necessary, but I've done it for years out of habit.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
12 or 13

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
12 or 13

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
I thought I peed myself

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
just rubbed my penis in between my legs until I started to cum, or grinded against the bed until I would cum.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
Same as above

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
Now, between 25 and 28

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
Normally 2 or 3+ times a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
I can cum anywhere from 5 (or less) to 20 minutes into masturbating

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
2 or 3+ times a day

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
In the morning in bed, or at the computer/in bed at night

Q When did you last masturbate?

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
Abstained for 8 days, then started to edge for a long time to pornography. I decided to stop and laydown on my stomach for a nap, but due to the amount of precum that was soaked into my boxers and on my leg, just moving around slightly caused my penis to get over sensitive and I started to cum. The entire right side of my boxers were soaked, and so were the front of the athletic pants that I was wearing.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
Hopefully not for a while.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
5 minutes (or less) to 20 minutes

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
Yes. Once in college I was sitting by myself, started fantasizing about someone in the room I was in while moving my leg back and forth. Eventually I just started to cum in my pants and boxers without touching myself.

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
When I became a Christian I went for an entire month without masturbating.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
I think I was sleeping in boxers or naked with my penis resting on my stomach and woke up cumming all over myself.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
In my underwear, with or without my clothes on

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
Usually by the time I'm naked I am hard.

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
In my bedroom, in bed or at the computer.

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
I like the feeling of grinding against the bed until I cum, or masturbating by rubbing the underside of my penis until I start to cum on my stomach.

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
Yes. Once at night after getting home I went out back and stood behind a tree to pee, then masturbated until I started to cum. I've also cum in my pants in college years ago. Also, in a movie theater on a date, got a hand job inside of my pants while watching the movie, started to cum half way through it.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
When I get hard, or if I'm viewing porn

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
Yes, if I'm home and alone

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
Almost a couple times

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
Yes, many times

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
right before I cum my penis gets very hard.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
Depends on if I decide to edge or not, if so then I prolong it as long as I can or until I just cum without much warning

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
When I cum it can sometimes shoot all the way up to my chest.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
Depending on how turned on I am and how long I've been going or abstaining, I can shoot up to 7 or 8 shots of cum.

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
7 or 8

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
I tense up and sometimes arch my body.

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
I start to precum a lot, I start to feel more sensitive, and my penis start to get very hard.

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
Yes, usually a lot

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
Yes, it was salty.

Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
Yes, I tried to self suck a few times and when my body was up against a wall and my penis pointing over my mouth, I jerked off until I shot into my mouth.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
Right handed

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
Either hand, or I can jerk off with both at the same time

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
Before I started renting with a friend I would use baby oil

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
Porn or anotehr person

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
less thaen an inch

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
rub my penis between both hands (like rubbing 2 sticks together), rub the underside of my penis with my wrist, or grind against the bed.

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
Almost, but I'm a couple inches away.

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
Yes, I've used a vibrator in the past. Also used a pump-like toy that was supposed to feel like a mouth

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
grind against the bed, use a pillow, in the past another person.

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
Yes, I've had many blowjobs and handjobs in the past, and I almost always would cum.

Q Have you returned the compliment?

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
Masturbate to porn or use my imagination.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
I have masturbated while in past relationships and they knew. Now I'm single.

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
Sometimes I can masturbate without lusting after anyone/thing or without pornography.

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:27 am 
Active Member
User avatar

Joined: Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:10 am
Posts: 315
Age: 22
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: No Precum
Average time to ejaculation normally: 4
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 31 Mar 2014
Sex: Male

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 21

Q Height.
A 5'11''

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single

Q What country are you from?
A Philippines

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Filipino/Asian

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A .black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
Alegs, thighs, pubic area, a little on the pits

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A normal

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A normal

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A Do I have to?

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A virtually none

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 3 inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5 and a half

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 1 inch

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 1 and a half

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A bigger

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A pinkish

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A same

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A normal

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A tight

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A .


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A .12 or 13? I was growing a litlte pubic hair back then

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
Apubic hair, growth spurts

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A pubic hair, height, ejaculation, voice deepened, leg hair

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A nah

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A kinda shocking, since I had no close mentor to guide me through those years

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A I dunno, I hope it continues to grow more

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A ?

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Didn't take notice

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A I'm not yet done I guess, 'coz I still have very little armpit hair

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A I have A LOT of loose skin even though I'm cut, and it doesn't tighten up either when I'm hard

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A about 9-10 sec

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 2 inches

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A ?

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A It doesn't have an angle, from what I notice

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I think I can

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A At a very early age actually, maybe about 10?

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 12 or 13

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A yes, I read in books before

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A instinct

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A can't remember

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 18-21

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A average......2 a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 3-4 min

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A varies sometimes extreme like 5x a day, sometimes once a day, and lately no the first time no MB in one week

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .[b]night[/b]

Q When did you last masturbate?
A bed

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A well, just out of the blue

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A I don't know, I hope never

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 3-4 mins

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A I ejaculated w/out touching my shaft, just the loose foreskin left after my circumcision, well it has a lot of nerve endings so I stimulated it and I came

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
Aone week, "religious" reasons

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A Iwow, it was amazing, I came like crazy, It shot so high and a lot of semen came out. phew...

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A on, but sometimes I remove my pants

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A bed

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A the normal one

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A a lot of times actually and twice I was caught...

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A almost anything sexual

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A not necessarily

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A most of the times

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
Ayes, like on the beach

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A yes, a lot of times...

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A yes...

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A rock hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A not always but most of the times yes

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
Asince I masturbate almost everyday, it doesn't shoot.. but after sometime it shoots high, like 4-5 inches into the air...

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A .it depends

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A what's that?

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A toes, sometimes I groan

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A point of no return

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A virtually none

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A yes....hmmm. it has a bitter aftertaste
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A I dont think I have

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A .left

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A no

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A porn

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
AFI don't take notice

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A up down up down

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A .I wish

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A my ass

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A a shampoo container

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A yes, by hand

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A yes

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A just the normal

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
Ai dont think there's any

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2012 5:25 pm 

Joined: Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:18 am
Posts: 2
Age: 28
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 5
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 15
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 19 Nov 2011
Sex: Male
teenboy wrote:

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
Q Height.

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
Q What country are you from?
Q What is your ethnic origin?
Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?
Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A .
Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
legs, chest, legs, pubic.
Q How much pubic hair do you have?
Fair amount.
Q How thick is your pubic hair?
Thick and curly
Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
about 5cm up and 15cm across
Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
Q How much chest hair do you have?
covering at top
Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
un circumcised.
Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
10 cm
Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
Don't know
Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
don't know
Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
Bigger than shaft
Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
Depends on temperature
Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A .

Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A .
Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
Pubic hair
Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
Hair, broader, height
Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
Can't remember
Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
No shock
Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
don't know
Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
don't know
Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
Rolls back to show head normally
Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
15 seconds
Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
fatter and longer
Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?

Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
friend and hearing about it
Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
Friend and I only had dry orgasms then I ejaculated !
Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
Q At this age, approx how often did u masturbate?
Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
depends 2 mins to 2 hours
Q How often do you normally masturbate?
2 times a week
Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .
Don't know
Q When did you last masturbate?
Last night
Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
In bed before sleep.
Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
Don't know
Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
Family holiday 1 week

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
Lots of semen
Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
Q Where do you normally masturbate?
Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
Full handed
Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
girlfriend getting turned on
Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
hard, and very hard and heavy fealing when cunning
Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Virtually always unless waiting to produce a greater volume a short time in the future.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A .
5 shots
Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
Tense up

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
Balls rise up and penis throbs
Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
.yes salty
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A no
Q Are you right or left-handed?
A .
Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
Pre cum or none
Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A a fair bit

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
Up and down or pull foreskin right back
Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A .
Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
Q Have you returned the compliment?
Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
Mutual masturbation with girlfriend or watching porn
Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?


 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 3:42 pm 

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 11

Q Height.
A 4’5”

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single

Q What country are you from?
A usa

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A american

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?
A blond

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A .none

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A head

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A none

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A none

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A it dont

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A none

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A none

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A cut

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A inch and a half

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A two and a half inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A ¾ inchwide

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A about same

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A not much

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A redish

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A darker kind of brown

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A like dice I think

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A kind of low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . yes, it was soft and smaller once it was erect and was still smaller


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A .9

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A lots of boners

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A so far just lots of boners

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A yes any time I pee

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A I was aware

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
Its still small I hope it grows more soon

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A same as last answer

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A I don’t have any yet

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A im still in it

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A so far kind of fast I think


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A I don’t have any loose really its kind of loose when im soft but it gets tight when im hard

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A a couple of minutes sometimes faster

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A an inch

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A not much

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A kind of up at an angle

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A little curve back


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I love it

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 9

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 10
Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A not really
Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A self tought

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I was playing with one of my boners and it felt good. I kept doing it until it really felt good up my back

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A I do it most now

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A every day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 15 or 20 minutes

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A once a day some times 2

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A . weekends

Q When did you last masturbate?
A today about 4 oclock

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A I got home from school and before I did my homework I went to my room.I got naked and I began rubbing it to get It hard. I stroked it and I squirted on my belly.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A tomorow

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A once I did it for an hour

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A yes

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A a couple of days. Io didn’t wantg to do it at a family reunion

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A it was about same as my last time.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A OFF naked is best

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A sometimes I have to give myself one after im naked. Aome time I haveone already

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A bedroom

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).i squeeze it kind of with my fingers

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A no. lol. I might do that with my webcam

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A.prostate? I need to google that

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A no but now I want to

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A I like the feeling

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A not really sometimes I have an erecton and I don’t do it at all even if im alone. Sometimes I like just having an erection

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A nothing like that yet

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A yes. My dad cought me. He said sorry and he would knock for now on.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A just my friend

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
it stays just as hard as before ejaculaton and gets soft a coulple of minutes later
Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Is climax same as ejaculaton. If so then yes

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A it just kind of squirts out to my belly button

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A .i don’t measure it. Mabey about a half a teaspoon at most

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 2 or 3

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A I feel my lower back arch and then I go limp all over

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A I feel like I have to pee

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A sometimes a little

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A yes I like it . It tastes different sometimes.
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . left

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A left

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A spit at first then my dad got me some ky stuff

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A I have pictures I get on line of naked ladies

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A they pull up sometimes. Sometimes they dont

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A finger stroking

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A .lol. I tried once and cant do it.

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A I tried using my pillow before but I rather masturbate

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A that’s an idea. Im going to try a vacyum cleaner to suck it.the big one in the garage might work

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A no

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A no

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A I usually get naked and after I get hard I stroke it with my fingers and when I squirt I eat it.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A if I had a GF I would do it with her. We would masturbate together

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A I don’t think so

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 4:23 am 
Regular Member

Joined: Fri May 11, 2012 12:44 pm
Posts: 26
Age: 19
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 5
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 10 May 2012
Sex: Male

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 18

Q Height.
A 6'2

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A White

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?
A blonde

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A . Brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A head face armpits pubs legs arms

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A normal amount

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A normal

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A it goes all the way to where the crease of my leg and abdomen

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A ya

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A none

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A cut

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 2.5-3

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A n/a

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 4.5

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A pretty big

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A redish purple

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A it turns red

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A normal

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A 50/50

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . Yes and same


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 11
Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A penis size

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A n/a

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A ya

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A no

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 16

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A 16

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 17

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 16-17

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A pretty quick


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A it's tight

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A quick

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 2-2.5 in

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A a good bit

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A straight out

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A no


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I could give it up

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 11

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 11

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A heck no

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A my brother

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 12-14

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 1 a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A under 5 min

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A 1 a day

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A . Morning and nights

Q When did you last masturbate?
A last night

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A tonight

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 5 min

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A no

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 2 weeks

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A on

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?

Q Where do you normally masturbate?

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A full hand

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A yeah

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. No

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A yea

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A bored

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A yea

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A ya

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A ya

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A really hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A really far. Chest over my shoulder

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A .4-7 shots

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 7-10

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A toes curl body tenses

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A ya

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A ya
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A .right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A occasionally lotion

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A ya

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A Tight

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A full hand

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . No

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A no

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A ya

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A ya

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?


 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Sat Jun 09, 2012 8:01 pm 
Active Member
User avatar

Joined: Wed May 30, 2012 2:10 am
Posts: 386
Location: Asia
Age: 23
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Little Precum (1-2 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 2
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 15 Mar 2013
Sex: Male

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 22

Q Height.
A 5'7''

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Single Straight

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A advancedmasturbation and jackintheworld

Q What is your head hair colour?
A black

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Pubic, Legs, Armpits, Some still growing on my chest.

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A I trim every once in a while removing it all except the inverted triangle that i keep as a continuation to the hair coming from my bellybutton

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A I can grow it as thick as a thick moustache but eventually shave.

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A I also have hair on my balss. Some at the start of my penis and the pubic area.

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Yes.

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A A little. Those which are noticeable can be counted like around 30 maybe.

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A Circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 3.2in

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 4.5

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A approx. 5in

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A 3 times as big is the biggest that I had.

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A Dark Pink to Red

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A Yes. Darker when flaccid. Just about the same when erect.

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A around 2in in height i guess.

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A Low.

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A Yes. Smaller cause he's flaccid that time.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A 12y/o

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A Pubic hair starts to grow.

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A Growing pubic hair. Started to produce semen. Deeper voice. Increase in height and bone mass

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A Yes

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A Aware. Feels uncomfortable at first but felt cool later on.

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Maybe 18. I'm still 22. I hope it would still grow.

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A Same as above. I'm okay with the size already.

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A HUH?! It does not stop.

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A I hope I'm still in it right now.

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A Slowly. I'm also like a late bloomer


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A Never knew. Was cut before had erection

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A I have. It's not that tight.

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A Like more than 5 seconds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 4.5-3.2= 1.3in

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A Twice

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A To the left. Wish its perfectly straight

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A On the rightside of the shaft.


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A Im proving that I can stop it right now. I MB by habit daily before. MBing can be used to relieve us from stress or pressure and other anxieties.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 10

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 14

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A I squirt some cum. Lucky I was in the bathroom that time.

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A By playing with my glans and foreskin.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A It was intense. Like my cock became more sensitive and hardens too much. So relieving

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A during those times when i discovered about it. around 10.

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A daily. ABing recently

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A around 2minutes minimum.

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A Daily

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A On mornings during showers

Q When did you last masturbate?
A June 1, 2012

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A It was with anal stimulation and cum tasting. I spew my goo in socks.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A After a WD. Or never if I enjoyed it too much.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A Maybe around 10minutes.

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A No.

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 7days. Busy with school.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A Look above. same.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A Off. Shower

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A Maybe

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A Shower

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A The most common one but rubbing my well lubed head makes me cum intensely.

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A Picture while erect. Masturbation no.

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A Yes. But I dont know if I have found it already or not.

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A In a shower of a public resort.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A Horniness.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A Yes.

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A No.

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A I guess not.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A No.

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A Rock hard.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Yes.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A around 2 ft or more.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A around 1 to 2 teaspoon

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 5 or more.

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A I try not to moan cause I usually MB in the shower. Leg tension and facial expression. ARCHING

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A A tingling feeling at the tip of my penis

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A Just precum a drop or fewer

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes. Salty and fishy. Didnt like it.

Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Taste but not swallowed

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A Right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A No. Occasionally lotion

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A Sometimes

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A 1/2 than when it hangs

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A Full hand

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A No. Wish I can

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A No.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A Tried some tubes once or twice I guess.

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A No.

Q Have you returned the compliment?

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A I touch/rub the head of my penis after ejaculation and arch so much due to a sensation like an electric shock.

Longest AB: 17 Days
SEs Experienced: 0
WDs Experienced: 0
Day of Last MB of AB with Infrequent MB: December 1, 2012

Last edited by ellboy642 on Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Wed Jun 13, 2012 1:25 am 

Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2012 9:15 pm
Posts: 20
Location: Australia
Age: 23
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 14
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Little Precum (1-2 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 3
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 2-3 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 16 May 2012
Sex: Male
Q Age.
A 23

Q Height.
A 5'10

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single

Q What country are you from?
A australia

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A chinese

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A jackintheworld

Q What is your head hair colour?
A black

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A pubic, armpits, not much in terms of arms or legs

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A i let it grow

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A normal?

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A mostly just the pubic hair with some on the balls

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A none

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A un-circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 2.5

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A muvh?

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A redish

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A nope

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A 2"?

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A dont normally hang very low, medium?

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . yes, penis not erect, theirs bigger.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 13

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A itchyness around pubic hair as it was coming out

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A pubic hair, bigger apetite, erections, semen,

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A yes

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A had no idea

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 19

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A 20

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 20

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 16?

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A slowly


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A it doenst roll back on its own

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A 5 seconds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 5- 2.5 = 2.5?

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A 2x

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A straight up

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A yes left


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A might be able to give it up

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 12

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 13

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A no

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A rubbed myself against the bed

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A i had no idea what was going on it just felt good and then some stuff dribbled out.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 15

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A once or twice a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 3-4 minutes

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A once a few weeks

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A . stressful times? at night

Q When did you last masturbate?
A 3 weeks ago

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A edged whilst watching micro bikini dancers

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A another stressful period or a couple of months

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A depends. i normally like it slow so 15-20 minutes?

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A does wet dreams count?

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 6 months, was dating a girl, thought it would help to be all testosterone'd up :P

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A just frustrated release, wasnt that good

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A off.

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A sometimes

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A in my room?

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A humping against a pillow

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A yes

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. yes

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A no

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A just an urge

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A yes

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A sometimes

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A no

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A no

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A pretty?

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A no. sometimes i like edging, sometimes it gets rid fo the urge, and i stop

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A cant see if im humping a pillow

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . 2 tsp?

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 6 or more

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A tense up , go still silent :P

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A throbbing in base of penis and feels like pressure building up at tip of penis

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A yes

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A yes , interesting
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A sometimes

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A yes

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A depends on weather

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A depends? i do enjoy pulling the foreskin back and forwards

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . No way....

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A yes, doc johnson pussy/mouse/arse, tenga , vibrator(prostate), aneros

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A yes

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A no

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A no

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A normal?

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A not applicable

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A Nup

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:51 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:12 pm
Posts: 8
Age: 16
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Little Precum (1-2 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 5
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 22 Jun 2012
Sex: Male

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 18

Q Height.
A 175?

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single

Q What country are you from?
A indonesia

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A asian

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A none

Q What is your head hair colour?
A black

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A pubic, legs, armpits

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A few / normal asian

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A not so thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A 3 cm high and wide

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A none

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 2-3 cm

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 14-17 cm

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 3-5 cm

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 3-5 cm

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A not much

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A same

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A it's quite darker

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A normal?

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A hang low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A yes, flaccid, bigger they were much older


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A 11

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A pubic hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A pubic hair, voice change, penis growth, mustache

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A yes

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A I am aware

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A it recently grew

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A it recently grew

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A it is still growing

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A I don't know.

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A normal?


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A circumcised

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A circumcised

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A it's tight

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A normal?

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 3x or 4x normal length

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A 2x normal diameter

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A 105 degrees from the testis

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A no


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A its becoming a habit

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 10

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 11

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A i don't remember

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A wikipedia

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A it feels really good. My penis is like itching, so i keep rubbing it until i reached dry orgasm.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A now.

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A almost everyday

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 2-4 mins

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A very often

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A I don't know.

Q When did you last masturbate?
A Today

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A it was okay

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A trying not to

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 5 min

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A no

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A I don't know.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I don't know.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A Clothes off in bath

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A no

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A In shower

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A full handed

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A yes

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A yes

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A no

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A boredom

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A maybe

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A no, i can hold it

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A yes

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A It was hard.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A yes

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A 10ish cm

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A 3 table spoon?

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A I don't know.

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A I don't know.

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A Feel like peeing

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A yes

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A yes. Its salty
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes. Its really thick

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A water

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A yes

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A I don't know.

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A Full handed

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A circumcised

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A no, but want to

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A no

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A no

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A yes. By hand and with lips, but never completed.

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A yes, but to another person whilst sleeping

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A it was normal?

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A masturbate on my own

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A no

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:33 am 

Joined: Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:23 am
Posts: 2
Age: 28
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 3
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Little Precum (1-2 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 35
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxers
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 2-3 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 02 Oct 2011
Sex: Male

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 27

Q Height.
A 180 cm

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single

Q What country are you from?
A Italy

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A European

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A Brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Everywhere except for the back

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A Some

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Medium

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A 1 time

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A much

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A semi-circumcised (got health problem when I was young, so at the hospital the cut some bot not all of my foreskin

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A same as skin

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A both, depend from vary factor, such as temperature, or fatigue

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . no


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A .11 yo

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A erection

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A no remember

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A no

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A no

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Don't know

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A Don't know

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Don't know

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A Don't know

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A Don't know


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A No, but cover only half of the head

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A left

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A 1


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I think It's natural

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 12 yo

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 12 yo

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A no

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A by my self

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 20

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 3-4 time week

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 30 minutes

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A vary, from twice a week to 2 a month

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .night

Q When did you last masturbate?
A 2 days ago

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A after finish this survey

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 30 min, sometimes more, sometimes less

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A no

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 2 month, tring to have a wet dream

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I've cum in 2 minutes

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A off

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A no, I have to stimulate my penis for an erection

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A at my desk in front of PC

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A simple

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A no

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. no

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A in an hotel room

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A nothing in particular

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A no

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A no

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A yes

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A very hard during ejaculation, not so hard before

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A yes.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A .

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 4-5

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A moans and leg tension

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A leg tension

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A sometimes

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A never
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A no

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A both

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A both

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A no

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A porn

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A much

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A never tryed

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A no

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A no

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A no

Q Have you returned the compliment?

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A yes

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A no

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 9:20 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:01 am
Posts: 7
Age: 30
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 5
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Little Precum (1-2 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 5
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 12 Aug 2014
Sex: Male
Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 28

Q Height.
A 5' 11"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Partner - Gay

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A White

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A Jackinworld

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A Brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Pubic, chest, legs, armpits, butt hole.

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A Full

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Full

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A Up to my waistline, and out to my legs

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A a small amount in the center of my chest

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 2-3 inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 6 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 1.5 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 2 inches

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A twice its flacid size

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A red

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A tan

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A large - approx. 2 inches

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A hang in the middle of low and high, and it varies.

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . Yes. Bigger.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 14

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A many erections and I was horny

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A pubic hair, cock started growing, growing taller.

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A daily

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A I knew what what happening

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 18

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A 18

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 25

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 25

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A Normally


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A Yes. It is not tight when I am erect.

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A within 10 - 20 seconds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 3-4 inches.

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A twice its flaccid width.

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A Directly upward

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A no.


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I could give it up. I think it a normal necessity, and I do it through habit.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 13

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 14 or 15

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A Yes

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A I just did it on my own.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I was laying on my left side humping my left hand.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 16-20

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 2-3 times a day.

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 5-10 mins

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A twice a week or so.

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A when watching porn

Q When did you last masturbate?
A June 23, 2012

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A I was watching porn in a hotel on a computer.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Unknown

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 5 minutes

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A no

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A a month. I did it on purpose.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I ejaculated quickly. The orgasm was very intense, and there was a lot of cum and it was very thick.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A Off.

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A I already have an erection. If not, I get one soon after.

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A In the chair infront of the computer.

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A full handed.

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A yes

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. yes

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A Yes. I jerked off in the woods.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A Horniness

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A No.

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A Sometimes.

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A No.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A Yes. My sister walked in on me. And my roommate in college caught me.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A Yes.

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A It is usually its harded just before and during.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A 99% of the time

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A Up to my chest.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A about a tsp.

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A about 10-20

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A Moaning, leg tension

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A I can feel a tingling feeling deep inside

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A Rarly

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes. I like it.
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes. I like it.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A .Right handed

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Both

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A Yes, spunklube or silicone lube.

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A porn, or another person

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A They pull up with I squeeze my PC muscles. Then they pull up as I orgasm.

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A Full handed with lube. Or a fleshlight.

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A No.

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A Yes, I have used dildos, and fleshlights.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A Fleshlights or a condom

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A Yes, with the hands, lips and yes to completion.

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A Yes.

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A I will find a video online that makes me very horny, I will jerk off to the best parts.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A I do jerk off when he is not around, and he knows it.

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A No.

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:35 pm 
User avatar

Joined: Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:41 am
Posts: 17
Location: iowa
Age: 20
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: No Precum
Average time to ejaculation normally: 3
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 29 Aug 2012
Sex: Male
Q Age.
A 20

Q Height.
A 5ft 9

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single strait

Q What country are you from?
A usa

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A white

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?
Adark brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A .ark brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
Apubic chest legs face

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A alot

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A very

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A 2 inch

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A little

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 5 in

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 7 in

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 3in

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5in

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A pink

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
Alittle brown

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A golf bll

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A .no


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A .12

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
Ahair growing voice changing

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 14

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 16

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 16

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A econds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 3in

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A 2in

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A 45

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A no

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 10

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 12

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A yes

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A cousen showed me

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 16

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 5 a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 3 min

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A 3 day

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .morning

Q When did you last masturbate?
A moning

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 5 min

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A no

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A7 days tring t get wd

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A cumalot

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A both

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A yes

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A bedroom

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
Af ull ahnd

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A yes

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A no

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A hot pics of girls

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A yes

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A yes nohing

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A no

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Virtually always unless waiting to produce a greater volume a short time in the future.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A far

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A .3 ctbs

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 3

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A no

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A no
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A no

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A .right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A no

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A porn facebook

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A .o

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A no

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A no

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A no

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A never had relationship

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?

want a girlfrend

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 28, 2012 11:17 am 
Advanced Member

Joined: Fri Apr 29, 2011 1:11 pm
Posts: 68
Age: 15
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 100
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Little Precum (1-2 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 5
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxers
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 25 Mar 2011
Sex: Male
teenboy wrote:

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.

Q Height.
5' 11"
Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
Single and straight

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
North African and European.

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?

Q What is your pubic hair colour?

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
Pubic, legs, arms and face. Chest hair has started to grow in.

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A good ammount.

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
Thicker than the hair on my head.

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?

Q How much chest hair do you have?
It's growing in.

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A bit bigger.

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
Stays the same color.

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
It's a bit darker. (I'm white)

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
Not sure how to answer.

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
Hang low.

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
Height and pubic hair.

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
Height, hair, voice, feelings, WD.

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
Not done with puberty yet.

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A couple seconds.

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
It's pretty much parallel to the ground, but it points up a bit.

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
I have.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
12. (WD)

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
It took a minute for me to figure it out, but I had had some basic sex-ed in school.

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
I just figured it out on my own.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
It was late at night and I was playing with myself. All of a sudden I came.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
More than once a day.

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
10-15 minutes.

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
Very rarely. (once every other months...?)

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
I masturbate to avoid getting a WD (before a sleep over) or just if I have blue balls.

Q When did you last masturbate?
A few months ago.

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
I just rubbed it in the shower.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A couple months.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
10-15 minutes.

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
8 months, to get a WD.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
I came a lot more and the orgasm was stronger.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
Off. (shower). But if I'm not in the shower I am clothed.

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
Already hard.

Q Where do you normally masturbate?

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
I was with a girl at a movie theater and she gave me a blow job. Does that count?

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
Hot women.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
Virtually always unless waiting to produce a greater volume a short time in the future.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
4-5 feet.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
10 shots. (about) + dribble.

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
My legs shake, my cheeks squeeze. If I'm lying down my hips thrust up.

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A bit.

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?

Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
Q Are you right or left-handed?

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
Water and shampoo.

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
No. (well, my mind).

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
Not a lot.

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
Yes by hand and yes by lips.

Q Have you returned the compliment?
Yes. (I fingered and gave oral to the girls who pleased me).

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
I get really horny. I rub my penis under my clothes. When I get close, I move to the shower and jack off till I explode.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:29 pm 
Regular Member

Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:53 pm
Posts: 44
Location: South Africa
Age: 30
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 1
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 6
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxers
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 02 Jul 2012
Sex: Male

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 30

Q Height.
A 6'2

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single straight

Q What country are you from?
A South Africa

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Caucasian

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Dark Brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A .black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Arms, chest, legs, pubic

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A allot (a bush)

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A pretty thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A it covers the pubic area, I don’t shave

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A I am quite hairy, mostly over pecs and a trail leading down.

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A un-circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 2.9

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5.7

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A not sure

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A not sure

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A Not much bigger

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A red

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A no same shade

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A I don’t know how to measure that, regular size?

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A low, left one a little lower

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . No


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A .13

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A pubic hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
Pubic hair and underarm hair
Growth spurts
Balls and penis growth
Voice breaking

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A yes

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A I knew what was happening thanks to sex ed classes!

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A probably 17/18

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A also probably 17/18

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A I guess that was 18

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 18

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A I think it went quickly


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A Rolls back a little and covers half the head

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A semi hard

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A it all depends on what is arousing me at the time.

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A doubles in size

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A it doubles in size

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A straight up

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A no


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I really do believe I can.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 13

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 13

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A yes

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A Just was fooling around one day and it felt good so kept on doing it.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A Was bored at home and started to fool around with myself, rubbing myself and it felt good. Was outside at the time so got distracted but later I kept thinking about it. Went to the bathroom and started rubbing again and suddenly started shooting. Was amazing!

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 13

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 2 to 3 times a day when I first figured it out, then down to 3-5 times a week

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 5-8 minutes

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A Well now it depends, can be once a week or once a month

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .in the evenings before I go to sleep

Q When did you last masturbate?
A 29 June 2012

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A Had a long week and was feeling horny all day, just decided to treat myself at home.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Want to Abstain for a wet dream so hopefully not before then.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A anything from 5 – 30 min, depending on how long I want to enjoy it

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A Yes

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 40 days, because I wanted a WD.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I woke up very horny from a dream and was sort of half asleep and just let myself enjoy the moment....

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A Mostly naked

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A generally I am horny and hard before the clothes come off

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A Normally on my bed, but sometimes in the bathroom

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A all different ways

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A Yes I have taken videos and pictures of myself

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. Yes

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A Yes on camp when I was younger in the woods

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A Feeling horny and porn

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A most times

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A No – I do have some willpower!

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A Well then I will just ignore the urge

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A No

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A Yes

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A Very hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Yes

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A Most times I shoot far, sometimes over my head

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . A whole lot

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A Never counted

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A heavy breathing and tense everywhere, then blissful relaxation...

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A feel the cum rising

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A not too much

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A yes, gross!
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A No

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . right handed

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A Mostly just spit

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A porn

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A not much

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A stroking, using foreskin to rub on glans

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . No I wish

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A No

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A I have used the mattress before

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A yes by hand, mouth

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A Yes

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A Get horny, usually before bed, start rubbing, explosion, the clean up...

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A Single

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A Guess mine are great, but so are most guys...

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:02 am 

Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:19 pm
Posts: 22
Age: 22
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 4
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 4
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Shorts or pajamas with no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 5-6 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 29 Jun 2012
Sex: Male
Q Age.

Q Height.

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A: jackin world

Q What is your head hair colour?

Q What is your pubic hair colour?

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A:moderate amount

Q How thick is your pubic hair?

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A:low and very wide

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A:very little

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A: un-circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A:2 inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A:7.25 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A:5 inches

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A:a lot

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A:dark brown

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A: yes. Light-skinned but penis is black and gland is a lot lighter

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A:hand low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A: yes. About the same size


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A: voice change

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A: voice change,pubic hair,growth spurt,penis size

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A :yes

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A :15

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A :15

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A:still cover the head of your Penis

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A:20-40 secs

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A:5 inches

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A:slightly up but mostly straight ahead

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A: I've already given up masturbation

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?

Q How did you learn to masturbate?

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A:I was at home just came from school and no one was home so I decided to play with it.At the time the gland was too sensitive so I put some saliva on the gland especially on the underside. I rubbed up and down using the foreskin to glide over the head using two fingers and eventually ejaculated.The fluid had the consistency of precum.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A :twice a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A:5 minutes

Q How often do you normally masturbate?

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .N/A

Q When did you last masturbate?
A:june 30 2012

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A:watched porn and cummed

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A:5 mins

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A:yes;hypnosis (jackpot)

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A:3 weeks unable to due to family arrangements

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A: it was ok semen had a nore yellowish tint to iy

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?

Q Where do you normally masturbate?

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A:full handed

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A:yes. Middle school outside basketball courts.I was there alone and had on a jacket so I tucked my hands in and reached down my pants and jerked off.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A:yes. look up.middle school incident

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A:as a boy. mother walked in.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A:extremely hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Virtually always unless waiting to produce a greater volume a short time in the future.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A:depends on how aroused I am.I shoot if very horny.2 feet.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A .a little above average

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A: leg tension

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A:strong tingling pleasure sensation

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A:yes. I didn't like it.
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A No.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . Right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A :left

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A: very little

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A:use foreskin to glide up/down head and shaft

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . yes

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?

Q Have you returned the compliment?

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A: Always tried to time my ejaculation with the actors in pornos.

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 7:52 pm 
Regular Member
User avatar

Joined: Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:45 am
Posts: 33
Age: 17
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Little Precum (1-2 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 5
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 07 Jul 2012
Sex: Male
Q Age.
A 17

Q Height.
A 5'10"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Single, Gay

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Caucasian / Scandinavian

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A JackinWorld.com -- I think this is a classic resource for most of us here

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Blonde

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A Medium Brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Toes, Legs, Buttocks, Pubic area, Navel, Chest, Armpits, Arms, Face, Head... everywhere really

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A I'd consider it to be an average amount

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Once again, probably average

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A 2" high and 6.5" wide

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Nope

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A Very little

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A Circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 4" to 5", depending on level of arousal

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 7.5"

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A Don't know, maybe 3" to 4"

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 6"

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A Roughly doubles in size

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A Light Pink

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A It's only slightly darker than my normal skin; very light brown / tan

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A Average, roughly 2"

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A They like to hang out most of the time

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A Nope


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A 12

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A Pubic hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A Pubic hair --> Body hair --> Growth of penis / testicles --> Deepened voice. My increase in height was fairly linear during this whole process.

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A Probably every day before or after I'd shower

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A I was aware, though I thought my school had done a horrible job with sexual education

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 13, but very close to 14

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A 13, but very close to 14

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Still growing

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A Still growing

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A Neither. It was a very linear growth, and still is


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A I have a bit of loose skin. When I have an erection, I can cover about half of my glans when I pull up on my skin

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A If I get aroused at school or at home, I'll normally get a large semi instead of a full-on erection. If I'm constantly stimulating myself, less than a minute.

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A Roughly doubles in size

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A Roughly doubles in size

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A Nearly parallel with the ground, but slightly pointing down

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A Slight curve to the right


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I can successfully abstain for X amount of time. However, I'm sure that MB'ing will always remain a part of my life

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 10 (they were dry orgasms)

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 12

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A Yes! I was so excited that I could finally ejaculate!

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A Not certain. I just managed to pick it up somewhere

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I had just gotten out of the shower and was drying off when I became very erect. I kept playing with myself and within a few minutes I had achieved ejaculation. My semen was slightly yellow for this session as well as my next few ejaculations

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A MB'd nearly everyday since I was 13 or 14

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A Once per day. I'd do it in my bed at night, and for a while I would grab my penis to prevent the semen from spewing out. It didn't hurt, but now that I think about it, it probably wasn't the best of ideas. I hope it hasn't caused any serious damage!

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A Half an hour or more, I like to take my time. I can ejaculate within five minutes or so if I really wanted to

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A Normally, once per day. As I write this, though, I'm abstaining from MB.

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A I think I masturbate just as often as most other people

Q When did you last masturbate?
A One week ago

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A Nothing special. Left hand on my penis, right hand on the mouse ;)

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Once I've achieved at least one WD from this session of AB

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A Roughly half an hour

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A Nope. That would be an interesting skill to acquire, though

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A About two weeks. I was trying to achieve my first WD (I was unsuccessful)

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I went in with the mindset that I was going to MB and ejaculate over and over again for the next several hours (I was nearly dying from horniness), but after one very large and powerful ejaculation I lost interest and went to sleep

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A If I'm viewing pornography on my computer, on. If I'm in my bed, off.

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A Truly depends on the situation -- it varies greatly

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A In my bed or at my desk in front of my computer

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A Full-handed has been a long-time favorite of mine

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A Yes. I quickly deleted them afterwards

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A Yes. Normally it isn't convenient for me to do this, but I greatly enjoy my sessions that involve anal stimulation

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A Nope

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A The desire to ejaculate

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A Not always

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A Most always, yes

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A I virtually always control the urge. Once I have excused myself from watching a movie with some friends to go masturbate in my bathroom, though

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A I've never been caught with my pants down, but I have had some VERY close calls. I like to believe I got away without much suspicion

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A Not in the real world

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A I like to think I have three levels of "hardness." One is just the "normal" hardness, which I have for the majority of the duration of my MB session. Second, there is a hardness that comes right before I'm about to ejaculate -- feels great. Lastly, there is an "oh-my-god-this-is-almost-too-hard" hardness that I can achieve when I am extremely horny and have been having an absolutely fantastic masturbation session

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Yes, unless I am interrupted

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A Normally, no more than one foot. If I'm very horny or haven't MB'd in a while, I can ejaculate into my hair whilst sitting

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A Nearly a tablespoon

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A About 6 or 7

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A My testicles hug my body, arching my back and stretching my legs greatly increases pleasure, and I close my eyes for a few seconds

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A A great tingling sensation arises between my anus and my testicles

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A Just a little -- I wish could produce a lot more precum, though

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes. It's really hot to think about, but after ejaculation I normally lose interest

Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes. Again, I find it incredibly arousing to think about, but I lose interest after ejaculation

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A Right-handed

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Right hand if I'm masturbating without porn, normally my left hand if I am viewing porn (right hand is for the mouse!)

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A Very rarely, I'll use my own spit

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A I regularly use pornography. I'm trying to wean off of it, though

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A They hang low until just before ejaculation, when they retract and hug my body

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A Full-handed. My free hand will normally be used to feel up and stimulate other parts of my body, like my chest and testicles

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A I used to be able to. If I regularly stretched for a few weeks, I'd be able to again

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A I've put a Ziploc baggie filled with vaseline under my mattress and above a pillow and thrusted back and forth into it (amazing)

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A See the above. I virtually always just use my hands

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A No, sadly

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A No, sadly

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A I'll have gotten ready to go to bed, and I'll start to view some pornography on my computer. After half an hour or so, I'll take off my clothes, and get in bed. I'll masturbate for a few more minutes, then press hard on my perineum with my free hand and ejaculate over my stomach and chest. I'll quickly wipe up, and then fall into sleep with a receding feeling of ecstasy.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A Nothing out of the ordinary!

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:05 am 
Regular Member

Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 10:15 am
Posts: 43
Age: 23
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 13
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 5
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxer briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: Over 8 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 03 Jul 2012
Sex: Male
Q Age.

Q Height.

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A .black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A:a good amount

Q How thick is your pubic hair?

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A:somewhat high,wide

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?

Q How much chest hair do you have?

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A:2-3 inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A:8 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A: Don't know

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A:a lot bigger

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A:deep purplish color

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A :Yes. About the same size.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A: acne,voice change,bigger penis

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A :no

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A:somewhat aware

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A:still cover the head of your Penis. It doesn't retract on it's own.My foreskin a little long

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A:very fast

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A:4 inches..depends also

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A:a lot fatter

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A:straight ahead

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A:not really


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A:possibly.hmm I guess I do do it through habit now that I think of it

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A:not really but it felt damn good

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A: self exploration

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A:i don't remember

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A:2x a day. 5 hour edging sessions during summer breaks

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A : depends

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A:every other day

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?

Q When did you last masturbate?
A: 2 weeks ago

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A:Watched porn...stroked,cummed

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A:after a few WD

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A: 3 weeks.Tried to get a WD

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A:The load had yellowish streaks in it..average orgasm/ejac

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A:full feeling in groin

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A:extra hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Virtually always unless waiting to produce a greater volume a short time in the future.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A:depends on how turned on I am

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A:depends on how turned on I am

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A:do know

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A:small contraction then stops and tingling before

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A:yes ...a lot

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A no

Q Are you right or left-handed?

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A:firm grip and move up & down and let the foreskin slide on the head

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A.I don't think so

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?

Q Have you returned the compliment?

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 10:38 am 
Regular Member
User avatar

Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 6:40 pm
Posts: 32
Age: 20
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 4
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 30
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxer briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 4-5 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 30 Jan 2013
Sex: Male

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A: 19

Q Height.
A: 5'10"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A: single, straight

Q What country are you from?
A: usa

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A: white

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
everyone knows jackinworld. thats all i know

Q What is your head hair colour?
A: brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A : dark brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A: happy trail, arm pits, pubic, legs, arms, face

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A: i havent trimmed or shaved in weeks so quite a bit at the moment

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A : pretty thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A : only about an inch and a half up (from the base, not counting the happy trail) and wide enough to go onto my inner thighs

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A : yes several times

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A : a little bit but barely visible

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A : circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A : about 3 inches, maybe more

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A : about 6 inches, maybe a little more

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A : idk

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A : idk

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A : maybe half the size bigger

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A : a little bit redder

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A: a little darker

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A : idk.

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A : they are pretty tight usually because i wear boxer briefs a lot. they hang low when i where boxers

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . yes and no they were not erect


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 11 or 12

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A pubic hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A : pubic hair, penis and testicle growth, voice change, height, and just filling out more, facial hair

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A : yepp

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A : i was never shocked

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A : about 17 i think. the glans are a little bigger than they used to be

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A : probably 15 or so? they are hairier now but seem pretty much the same

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A : my pubic hair hasnt stopped growing

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A : i dont think im all the way through but the changes have definitely slowed down when i was 18

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A: probably somewhere in the middle. it felt slow for some things and quick for others


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A: n/a

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A : n/a

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A : i dont have exact skin erect but it doesnt feel tight

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A : idk like ten seconds?

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A : 3ish inches

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A : twice as thick

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A : it just curves slightly upward.

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A: a bit of a curve upward. basically straight tho


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A : maybe not completely but i could go a while between sessions. i do it to get rid of horniness every so often

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A : 12

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A : 12

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A : no but i found out shortly afterwards haha

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A : self discovery

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A : i just got naked in my bedroom and humped my pillow, pretending it was a woman

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A : 14 or 15

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A : every day or every other day.

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A : about half an hour

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A : i do it for longer now, because i do it less often. maybe for an hour. sometimes 40 minutes

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .: i always do it at night. i have only done it in the day a few times and only in the morning once or twice

Q When did you last masturbate?
A : thursday i think (5-6 days ago)

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A : just jerked to porn to three 20ish minutes. it was pretty great lol

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A : tonight or tomorrow

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A : 20-60 minutes

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A : no

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A: aprox 14 days because i wanted to have a wet dream

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A : i have no idea

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A : yes

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A : sometimes already have one sometimes not

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A : my bedroom

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A : full handed

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A : yes i have. mostly when i was younger and deleted them after i came haha

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A.: yes

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A : yes. i did it in a bathroom and in parked car.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A : porn and sometimes just horny for no reason

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A : usually yes

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A : no

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A: i wait until it is convenient

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A: no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A : no

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A : pretty hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A : yes

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A: between my nipples. sometimes farther and sometimes not as far

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . : it depends on how long i jerk for and the time inbetween jerking. at least a spoonful and a half. sometimes multiple spoonfuls (5? idk)

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A : no idea. maybe ten?

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A : i squeeze my legs mostly. not much else

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A : a drop or two or pre

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A : yes

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A : yes. i didnt like it
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A : yes

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A .: right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A :right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A : olive oil

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A : yes

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A : not too much

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A : regular?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A : n/a

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A .: i have in the past. not any more

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A :i have made home made toys out of socks and vegatables or fruit. and ive used at a bracelet has a cock ring too

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A : nope

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A : nope

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A : nope

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A : butt naked, sitting on edge of my bed, laptop next to me.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A : yes. partner does not know

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A: olive oil as lube seems unique haha

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:05 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:27 am
Posts: 14
Age: 24
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 100
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 7
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxers
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 4-5 hours
Sex: Male
teenboy wrote:

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 24

Q Height.
A 6ft 2in

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Single

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Black

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A .Black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A. Pubic, chest, legs, arms

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A. Average amount

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A. Thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A. Clean shaven

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A. Always

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A. Average amount

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A Circumsised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 4 inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 7 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 1.5in

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 3in

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A 4-5 times its size

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A normal

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A. slighlty darker tan

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A. medium

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A hang low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A . Seen dads, it was limp and same size as mine


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 11

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A. Wet dreams, hair

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A . Voice broke, hair started growing in pubic region and body, penis started getting bigger

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A. no

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A. Initial shock but got used to it

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Still seems to be growing

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A Still growing

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Still growing

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 21

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A quickly


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A No loose skin, nice and tight

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A. 10 seconds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 3 times as long

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A 3 times

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A 150

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A no


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A given up

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 12

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 12

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A no, a little bleeding

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A in the shower

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A. I was taking a shower and was rubbing soap on my body, when I soaped my penis it started feeling really good, I carried on massaging it until I orgasmed and a little bloody semen came out and I crapped myself

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 18

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 3 times a week

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 7-8 minutes

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A don;t anymore

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .

Q When did you last masturbate?
A over a year ago

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A masturbated to porn

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A never

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 15minutes

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A yes

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A a year,m don't want to

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A off

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A yes

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A Bedroom

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A not touching penis

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A no

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. no

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A no

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A sex

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A yes

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A no

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A n/a

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A no

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A very, almost explosive

Q Do you always masturbate to climax? yes
A Virtually always unless waiting to produce a greater volume a short time in the future.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A a metre

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . bucket load

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 10

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A everything above

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A start feeling cold and sweaty

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A yes

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A yes, it was sweet
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A no

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A left

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A no

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A porn

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A fair bit

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . no

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A no

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A no

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A yes once by best friend, by lips

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A yes

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Fri Aug 24, 2012 2:14 am 
Regular Member

Joined: Wed Aug 22, 2012 8:01 pm
Posts: 42
Age: 26
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 1
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 8
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - Had a wet dream, but never woke up to see the time.
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 26 Jun 2013
Sex: Male

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 25

Q Height.
A 5' 10"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single, bisexual

Q What country are you from?
A United States, currently residing in Norway

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Euro-American, some Native American

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A jackinworld.com is the best

Q What is your head hair colour?
A dirty blond

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A A bit darker

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Pubic, armpits, arms, legs, some on chest

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A If I let it grow out, a full bush

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Fairly thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A Three inches up from the shaft of my cock fading to a happy trail. Five inches wide at the widest

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Yes, a couple times

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A not much

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A cut

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 2-5 inches at the extremes, usually about 3

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 7 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A probably 3 or 4 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5 I think

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A somewhat - proportionate to the rest

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A it can change color?

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A I think my penis is maybe a couple shades darker

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A normal size

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A pretty close to my body

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A Yes - my father, flacid


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A 12 or 13

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A most noticeable/annoying was voice cracking. I remember purposely being quiet on a few occasions so it wouldn't happen

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A well, I was always getting taller. I remember getting some pubic hair in grade 5 or 6, then armpit hair, voice cracking around grade 6 or 7. My penis probably started growing also around grade 5 or 6. Small amounts of chest hair not until late high school.

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A I looked at myself a lot - not necessary for that purpose though.

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were, or was it a shock to you?
A I was aware of it

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A I think probably 16 or so. Yes, I think it's unchanged since then.

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A I never really monitored testicle changes...

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Pubic hair stops growing?

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A Probably about 16

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A 11-16... is that fast or slow?


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection or does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A n/a

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A n/a

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A It's a bit loose. Not too tight. If I force it to, I can completely cover the head of my penis with loose skin while erect.

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A Depends on many factors. Anywhere from 20ish seconds to a couple minutes.

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A from flacid? 2-5 inches...

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A commensurate with length, a couple inches in circumference probably

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A Probably 30 degrees upwards from horizontal

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A straight as an arrow


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A I hope so. That's why I joined this site. I don't think it's necessary, but I think the logistics of stopping are very complicated. I was definitely a habitual masturbator. I think people should do whatever they want. I'll be the first person to admit that I love to masturbate.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 11 I think

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A Must have been about 12

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A nope

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A When I first started masturbating it was actually by humping my bed - I didn't figure out to use my hand until some time later.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A Haha. Like I said. I remember laying in my bed on my stomach. My cock must have been hard and I just started moving back and forth with my cock pressing into my sheet. I thought it felt good and kept going, then I got a really strange feeling and thought I had to piss really bad. I'm pretty sure I grabbed my cock rather tightly and ran to the bathroom at that point. I was too young to produce cum though at age 11, and nothing came out. I was rather bewildered at the sensation, but continued to do it in that fashion for a long time - a year or more. I was definitely cumming before I figured out I could use my hand.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 15 probably

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A At least once a day, usually twice

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A I actually like to take my time when I masturbate. Settle in and put on some porn and go at it for 1/2 hour or so. I did time myself though when I was younger and was able to cum in less than 1 minute. If I'm laying in bed in the morning and feel like masturbating sans porn, it's usually 5-8 minutes.

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A I like to masturbate daily

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A If I'm busy. When I was sexually active I masturbated less.

Q When did you last masturbate?
A Aug 7, 2012 - 16 days ago now.

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A Typical morning masturbation. I woke up with wood and wanted to jerk off. I laid on my back and jerked off with the typical open hand method.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Hard to say, trying to abstain right now in hopes of a wet dream. Otherwise I would be masturbating daily probably

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 5 minutes to 1 hour

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A no

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A prior to this, I think 10 or 12 days. It wasn't something that I documented all that well at the time. It was just kind of a half-hearted effort to see how long I could go.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A Don't recall - it was too long ago.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A Generally I will have my underwear on, but the waistband tucked under my balls, or I will be completely naked.

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A Yes, I usually already have an erection. Usually as a result of morning wood.

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A Bed, or computer chair

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A I have tried several methods from jackinworld, but my preferred method is the full hand.

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A Yes, I have taken various pictures of myself erect. I have webcam'd with people while masturbating, but I've never recorded video of it.

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. Yes, I've also used a dildo, and will bottom occasionally for other guys.

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A Yes. I've masturbated in the study carrels in the library. I've also masturbated in the car a few times. Once my parents were in the car, and I thought for sure they would smell the cum... A couple times while driving in rural areas also. Oh, also, I once masturbated on the school bus. That was a horrible idea. I hadn't given any thought to clean up, and again I thought for sure everyone would be able to smell the cum.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A Being horny, thinking about sex, etc.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A sometimes I will start jerking off with a flaccid cock.

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A no - trust me. I'd love to be rubbing one out right now ;)

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A sometimes. When I was in the dorms in college, I used to watch porn on my laptop, then go into the bathroom to jerk off.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A mmm, I don't think so

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A Yes

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A very hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A No, I like to edge sometimes.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A Max is 1 foot. Usually it just dribbles out, or goes an inch or two.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A I've never measured. I would imagine around 1-2 teaspoons

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 5 or 6

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A legs are stiff and toes are pointed. If I'm on top of someone, my back is somewhat arched and my head is thrown back. Eyes rolled back.

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A The way it feels in my cock.

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A oh yes

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes, I actually like the taste of cum. I regularly eat my cum to clean up. Either that or I was it off in the sink.
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes. I actually like the taste of cum.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A Right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A I can masturbate with either, and will sometimes use the left to prolong the session (and be able to use the mouse), but usually I use the right.

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A occasionally I will. I have used a few kinds. ID glide is a good standby. Especially if I am using my left hand to masturbate I will use lube.

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A often

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A not all that much

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A open hand

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A n/a

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A Ha! not anymore. When I was much younger, like 13 or 14 I could get the head in my mouth, but now I can't even get close. I much more limber back then.

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A I have not.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A not really actually. I tried various methods of sticking my dick between my mattress and box spring, but was never a huge fan. As stated much earlier, I used to hump my bed when I was just starting to masturbate.

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A A complicated question for me. I have received many hand jobs and blow jobs, but I have never cum from a blowjob, and a handjob made me cum only 1 time.

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A Absolutely!

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A I feel like I've already answered this.. I actually like to take my time when I masturbate. Settle in and put on some porn and go at it for 1/2 hour or so. If I'm laying in bed with morning wood and feel like masturbating sans porn, it's about a 5-8 minute affair. I'll lie on my back a pump my cock with my fist until I cum on my stomach.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A Yes, I still masturbate, but less. And yes, partners have always known about it.

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A Not really, I'm pretty vanilla in that regard. I suppose the most unique thing I do is anal stimulation...


 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:43 am 

69.5 in/176.5 cm

Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
straight single

What country are you from?

What is your ethnic origin?

Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.

What is your head hair colour?

What is your pubic hair colour?

Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
groin, legs, forearms

How much pubic hair do you have?
a lot

How thick is your pubic hair?
fairly thick

Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
to my thighs

Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
yes (monthly)

How much chest hair do you have?

Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?

What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
4-5 inches

What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
8-9 inches

What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
3 inches

What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
6-7 inches

How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
It's proportionated but the corona flares out

What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?

Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
slightly darker

What size are your testicles (balls)?
small eggs

Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?

Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
yes, their flacid size was similar to mine

What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?

What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
pubic hair

Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
10-11 Pubic Hair
11 Ejaculation
12-14 Voice changes /squeaks
12-16 Penis/testicle growth
13-16 Leg Hair
17-18 Facial Hair

Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
daily (at my penis)

Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
It wasn't shocking

What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
16/17 I think, it looks the same now

What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?

What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?

What age were you when you finished puberty?

Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
quickly save for facial hair

If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
The foreskin covers the head unless I pull it back

If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
It depends and can be almost instant or take a minute or two

When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
It doubles in length

When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
It doubles in girth

At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
slightly down

Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
yes, to the left and a curve down

Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
At the moment, I'm addicted to it. I'd like to give it up for a little while and get into a more health habit (like once every 2 days or so).

How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
6 or 7 without ejaculation, 11 with ejaculation

How old were you when you first ejaculated?

Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?

How did you learn to masturbate?
Just figured it out

Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
Was watching something sexy on TV and got a hardon, so I stuck my hand in my shorts and started rubbing like I usually did and I orgasmsed and jizzed in my shorts.

At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
13-15 though, I've always masturbated a lot

At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
2-3 times a day

How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
< 5 minutes if I'm looking at porn

How often do you normally masturbate?

At what time do you masturbate more than others?
Night time before bed

When did you last masturbate?
This morning when I woke up

Please give details of your last masturbation session?
I'm always super horny on saturdays, cause I wake up early, so I just chill in my bed, get naked if I'm not already and just leisurely stroke my penis and dose in and out of sleep until I orgasm

When are you likely to masturbate again?
Tonight, if I don't abstain

How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
30 minutes

Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?

What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
14 days, trying to abstain to get some control

When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
Had a large, slightly painful orgasm

Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?

If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
I generally have an erection when I start

Where do you normally masturbate?
My room or the shower

What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple full handed, rubbing against the bed, etc.).
Simple full handed or both hands with or without lube

Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?

Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
Yes, doesn't feel that great

Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.

What normally makes you want to masturbate?

Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
75% of the time

If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?

If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
No, I'll generally wait until later

Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?

Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
Not in person

How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
Quite hard

Do you always masturbate to climax?
Most of the time

When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
It can dribble or shoot upto 2 feet

How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A tablespoon

How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
6-8 spasms

When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
Probably a really funny face, some moans and grunts, lots of leg tension

What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A feeling in my brain and tension in my legs

Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
Sometimes, depends on how much I edge and how long I've been jerking off

Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
Yes, depends kind of like snot, numbs the tongue

Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
Yes, see above.

Are you right or left-handed?

If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?

Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
Sometimes, WET Platinum Silicone Lube

Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
Porn, which I'm not happy about using. Working on getting rid of it.

How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
They fully retract as I get more and more aroused.

If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
Stroking my hand up and down, lubing my hand and rolling over the glans (Rosy Palm), squeezing the shaft

Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
Not any more

Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of toy while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
Sometimes, Super Head Honcho

Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
Masturbation sleeve or a small bullet vibrator around my penis (hands free MB)

Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?

Have you returned the compliment?

Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
See above

If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?

Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
Not really

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:39 am 
Advanced Member
User avatar

Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2012 1:45 am
Posts: 85
Location: New York State
Age: 21
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Restored (was circumcised, now uncut)
Precum Production: Some Precum (2-4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 6
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 0- 0-2013
Sex: Male
Q Age.
A 21

Q Height.
A 6’

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Single more straight than bi

Q What country are you from?
A Hated USA

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Caucasian

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A none that I know

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Dark Brow

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A Dark Brown to black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A a lot in pubic area, some on my chest, lot on legs and arms

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A A lot but shaved down due to road cycleing

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A very thick when grown out

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A from base up to my navel and about 4 inches wide

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A yes for road cycling

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A a little bit. Most is from my navel up to my pecs in a line

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A circumcised but restoring my foreskin

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A Flacid I am about 4inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A erect I am 7inches or a little more

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A not sure never measured

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A hmmm… maybe about 4 inches in diameter

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A not very. It stays about the same size of my erect shaft

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A it is a dull pink to not having it covered due to my circumcision

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A It is darker than the rest of my skin tone. I think it is from being Sicilian

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A left is smaller than my right.

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A it depends on the day. They can either be practically inside of me or really hanging low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A both my father and brother. Both cut and both were flaccid. I am bigger than them both when flaccid 


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A 13

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A arm pit hair and stubble in the pubic area

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A arm pit hair, pubic hair, deeper voice

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A yes I did

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A I was aware of the changes since in the US we had to take health classes that covered puberty

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A hmmm. Maybe when I was 16

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A about 13 or 14

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A well shaved down and growing back now. They stopped growing when I was about 15

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 17

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A It was somewhat tight before I started to restore. Now I have a lot of play

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A about 30 seconds

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A it goes from 4inches flaccid to a little over 7 inches

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A it becomes 4 inches in diameters. Not sure how much bigger that is

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A it is at about a 45 degree angle

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A bends up a little when erect


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A Never thought I would give it up but I am now 13 days of giving it up lol

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 13

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 13

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A watched the movie called Miracle of Life in science class. Showed a man ejaculating into his wife

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A I just found out myself to stroke my shaft

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A watching TV at home in the basement. Got an erection pulled my penis out and started to stoke. Went faster and faster and all of a sudden I ejaculated and it felt good

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 13-15

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A went from 3 times a day to 2 to 1 as I aged

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A about 5 minutes

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A I used to do it every few days. At college it was once a week or so

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A at night when I had nothing else to do

Q When did you last masturbate?
A August 20th 2012

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A was kind of boring… just ended up stroking and came.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A I hope not for a while

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A about 5-8 minutes

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A no

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A13 days and because I am aiming for a WD and to control my sex drive

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A can be on or off

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A already have one and just take my clothes off.

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A my room

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A rubbing against the bed so my fren gets all the action. 

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A yes I have

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A yes I have

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A Outside at home in our woods.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A my sex drive is so high that I need to release

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A not always

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A no not always

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A no not really

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A I have not been caught

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A yes I have

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A before it is still a little soft. While masturbating it is very hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Virtually always unless waiting to produce a greater volume a short time in the future.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A if I am laying down I can get it up to my face

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A hmmm… I get about a teaspoon maybe

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 3-4 times

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A I twitch a lot

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A I start to twitch and I can feel it

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A since starting restoring I have been producing more and more pre-cum

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A I have quite a few times. I really like it
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes. I really like it

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . I am ambidextrous

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right mainly

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A I don’t use any

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A sometimes porn but not usually.

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A like can go right inside of my

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A just right hand and stroking

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A I wish. I have tried…

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A I have. A wooden toy I made to work my prostate

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A nope just hands

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A never

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A haven’t had to

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A get and erection, start stroking till I cum.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A When I had my gf I did masturbate a few times but sex was kind of better

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A no not really…

Restoring my Foreskin. Going well so far :D

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:11 am 
Active Member
User avatar

Joined: Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:13 pm
Posts: 467
Age: 23
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 2
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: No Precum
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Shorts or pajamas with no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 2-3 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 23 Nov 2012
Sex: Male

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 20

Q Height.
A 5’7,5” (176 cm)

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Straight and single (not yet available hahah)

Q What country are you from?
A The Philippines

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Hispanic/Filipino

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A advancedmasturbation.com

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Dark Brown to black

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A . black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Pubic, chest, thighs, legs , armpits

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A medium

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A thin

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A below waist line and really wide

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A thin

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A I used to be uncut until 12

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 2 inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 4.5 -5 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 2 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 4 inches

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A twice bigger

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A pink to red

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A my penis is darker

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A 1,5 inches

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A hang low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A My dad. He sleeps naked and it wasn’t erect and mine is bigger :P


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . 13

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A Pimples

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A 12 Pimples
13 Pubic hair
15 Leg hair and stache
17 under arm hair and goatee
18 more facial hair
19 balls bigger, nipples hurt and had nipple boner, increased height, bigger penis, more facial (almost beard) Balls stopped to hurt, muscle tones, body hair are now thicker

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A yes

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A shocked

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A I don’t know

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A still in development

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 18

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A probably when I leave 19

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A Veeeeeeeeeeery slow


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A when I was a kid, I can retract it fully

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A rock hard

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A I have a loose skin and I can retract it back and forth and can make it look like uncut

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A 30 secs

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 3-4 inches longer

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A twice fatter

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A to the left

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A upward


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A Not a habit at all, I just do it when I’m bored or can’t sleep. Same when I’m horny.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 12

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 12

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A No idea at all, almost freaked out what was the white stuff came out

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A eeek. NO comment

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A it was four months after healing from circumcision, I went to the toilet and peed and sit down for a while and my penis rubbed in the seat and it felt good and started stroking it, after of forever stroking, it felt itchy and there’s something building up and kept stroking then boom. Almost freaking out with the white stuff came out.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 13

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A almost everyday hahahah

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 20 minutes

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A Now, before I started AB I MB for about four times a month

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A just when I’m bored or can’t sleep

Q When did you last masturbate?
A 26 July 2012

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A ha??? Can’t remember!

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Not until I get my first WD

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A it depends if I’m comfortable with the place I’m MB

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A Yes

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A currently 36 day because I’m AB

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A ---------

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A both

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A I needed imagination lol

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A in my room

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A full handed

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A no

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A yes

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A Yes. I tried MB in a bus, public toilet :P

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A when I’m fantasizing about my crush

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A no

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A no

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A yes

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A rock hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A no

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A about 3 feet away from me

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A 3 – 4 table spoon

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 6 -10

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A my body shakes, I also get headache and dizzy (that’s why MB only four times a month) and my throat becomes dry

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A my fingers stiffen

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A not at all

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A yes. It tastes like pineapple
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A yes. :P eww, it’s sticky.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A both (ambidextrous)

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A always right hand

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A no

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A no

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A really tight

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A just full hand

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A -----

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A yes

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A no

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A no

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A ----

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A ------

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A they know it

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?


Patience is Virtue

 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:11 am 
Regular Member

Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:39 pm
Posts: 35
Age: 18
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 1
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Little Precum (1-2 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxers
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - Had a wet dream, but never woke up to see the time.
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 25 Aug 2012
Sex: Male
Q Age.
A 18

Q Height.
A 5'7'

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Single, straight

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A Asian

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A No

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Black

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A Black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A Pubes, Armpit, Ass-crack, legs

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A A lot, though I trim it

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A Very thick I think

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A It extends all the way out to (and sometimes past) the crease to the thigh area, and about a third way up from the base of my penis to the naval

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Yes

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A Very little

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A Uncircumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A Varies, at the smallest shrinkage when in like freezing water maybe like 2" but usually around 3"

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5.5"

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A Not sure

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 5.1"

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A A good amount? I don't know haha

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A A duller shade of pink

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A Yes, it's darker

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A Somewhere between small and normal I think, they usually don't hang either

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A tight up

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A No


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A I believe I was 12

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A I found armpit hairs (peachfuzz) and kept checking until they finally turned black

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A Honestly I have no idea, I didn't pay attention. Starting puberty is all I cared about

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A No

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A Yes

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A Probably around 15-16

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A No idea

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 16ish

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 16-17ish

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A Slowly? My voice actually still cracks sometimes but I'm not sure why


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A Yes it retracts but no it doesn't cover the head of the penis unless I constantly force it to. My foreskin is too short to stay put on its own

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A Not very. a light semi will do it

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A It depends on why I'm having an erection

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 3 inches or so

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A not sure

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A just a little higher than straight out

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A No


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A No. I haven't had sex and I'm not sure when I'm going to. I do want to stop masturbating as often as I used to though

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A Probably 12 or 13

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A Maybe 13

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A I can't remember actually. Probably, I was well-educated

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A Grinding against a pillow when I was young

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A I don't remember

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 17

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 2-3 times a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 30mins-1hr

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A I try not to masturbate anymore, now

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A ?

Q When did you last masturbate?
A 11 days ago

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A Masturbating to porn

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A A while from now hopefully

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 30mins-1hr, longer if I have nothing else to do

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A No

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A 18 days, I attempted to go as long as I can.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I was grinding against my bed sheets and tried to hold it in, but came

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A Off with exception of boxers, they're usually on

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A My room

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A Full handed

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A Yes

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. Yes

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A Yes in a parked car, next to my house (mostly covered), in a bathroom stall

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A boredom, insomnia

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A No

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A No

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A No

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A Yes, my eyes were closed and I didn't know I was caught until they said something and just carried about normally. I wasn't even sure if they knew what I was doing because nothing was said about it, ever.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A No

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A Normally hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Yes but I also edged sometimes

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A It usually shoots just a couple inches but I usually don't let it shoot rancid. It has reached my face before but I usually catch it in a tissue

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A I don't know

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 4-5

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A My legs and butt tense up a lot, and feet

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A I can feel the sensitivity of my penis increase.

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A Yes

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes for a few seconds, it was salty, I spat it out and I won't be trying it again
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A no

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A Right

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Right, left too sometimes

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A Sometimes KY

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A 95% porn

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A not much

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A just one handed up and down, normal

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A Just the head

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A No

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A No

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A No

Q Have you returned the compliment?

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A Turn on porn, start wanking, continue to look for good clips until I find the one and bam

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A Haven't been in one, but probably

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A I don't think so

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 12:15 pm 

Joined: Tue Sep 11, 2012 2:56 am
Posts: 20
Age: 32
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 100
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 60
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxer briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 2-3 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 16 Sep 2012
Sex: Male
Q Age.

Q Height.

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).

Q What country are you from?
Canada, but born in Germany

Q What is your ethnic origin?

Q What is your head hair colour?

Q What is your pubic hair colour?

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
Pubic, Legs

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
Average amount

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
Not overly thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
Across the width of my groin (i.e. from leg to leg), height is about 2 to 2-1/2"

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?

Q How much chest hair do you have?
Minimal, a few hairs

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
About 3-1/2"

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
About 4-1/2"

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
About 5-1/2"

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
At least double in size

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
Slightly darker

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
Yes, my brother, he was bigger, but I was also a lot younger and just starting puberty.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
Balls dropping, sexy dreams, dry orgasms

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
Balls dropped, penis getting longer, dry orgasms, pubic hair, wet orgams

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
Yes, all the time

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
I wouldn't say it was a shock, it just seemed natural and initially I didn't give it much thought until I talked to friends about it.

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
Somewhere between 17 and 18, yes it looks the same.

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
I think around 16, I think they hang a bit lower now.

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
Same as testicles, around 16.

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
There seemed to be a lot of initial, quick growth for the first 2 or 3 years and then slower after that.


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
Still covers the head mostly.

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
Typically very quickly.

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
Nearly double in length.

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
About 25% fatter.

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
Straight out.

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
Yes, curve down.


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
I think I could, it would be difficult initially. I'm not sure if I would say it's necessary, but I don't believe there's anything wrong with using it as a form of sexual release and enjoyment. I'm sure there have been instances where it was habit, but typically I do it when I feel sexually aroused enough to want to do it.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
No, initially I wasn't even aware of the ejaculation as the dry orgasms I'd been experiencing were quite intense. Also, the first ejaculation was not through hand masturbation, but through pillow-humping.

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
Partly self-discovery, partly sharing experience with a friend.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
I honestly can't remember that detail.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
Between 12 and 14.

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
Typically once every day, as I got a bit older it dropped to 3 or 4 times a week.

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
When I was younger it was usually within minutes, as I got older I learned to hold off and edge. Now I can edge for several hours.

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
On average probably 3 times a week.

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
Typically in the evening.

Q When did you last masturbate?
2 days ago.

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
Watching others masturbate on cam.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
Within the next day.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
2 hours.

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
Approximately 2 weeks when I was sick.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
I had a large quantity of cum, and I ejaculated within a few minutes although the orgasm itself wasn't as intense as I would normally like.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
Depends on the situation, typically partly dressed.

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
It happens both ways sometimes.

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
Bedroom or den.

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
Typically full handed.

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
Yes, through finger and toys.

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
Yes, outside, while camping and on a fishing trip. I found private places in the bushes and masturbated standing up. I have also at times masturbated in public toilets (for example the mall, or at school when I was younger).

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
Sexual energy, or having seen someone I find sexually arousing.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
It depends on how strong the urge is to do it. The most urgent time made me take the biggest risk. I was younger (around 15) and traveling with a friend and his parents. I was in the 3rd row of their van, my friend and his brother were in the 2nd row seats and his parents were up front. Although it hadn't been particularly long since I had previously masturbated I simply could not stop thinking about a situation where I had seen another boy masturbating. For a good portion of the ride I was erect and felt that I simply couldn't wait. I put a blanket across my lap and as quietly as I could, opened my shorts and masturbated. As I was reaching my climax I realized that I need to have something to catch my cum, but I did not want to risk bringing attention to what I was doing so I continued and ejaculated into my hand (mostly, although some of it did run into my shorts). As quietly as I could I brought my hand out from under the blanket and ended up eating my ejaculate.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
Yes, I was caught a few times. My mother caught me once, but she was very good about it and simply left my room and told me to come down for breakfast when I was done. My brother caught me once and teased me about it for a while. And I was caught by a friend and we ended up masturbating together.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
There is some increase in hardness just before and during ejaculation.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
Typically, unless I'm interrupted for some reason.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
It depends on how long I take to masturbate and how long it's been since I last did it; typically 18 to 24 inches, although it has been further at times.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
I would say an average to above average amount, but I haven't specifically measured how much it is.

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
On average around 6 to 7.

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
Moaning, body and face tense depending on intensity of orgasm.

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
Penis becomes harder, there is a feeling that semen is rising within my penis.

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
Yes, before and during.

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
Yes, I have no issues with the taste of my cum.
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
Yes, as above.

Q Are you right or left-handed?

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
Typically right, although may switch to left for part of session.

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
Rarely use lubricant.

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
Yes, porn, or watching others on cam.

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
Depends on the intensity of the orgasm, have had them draw up extremely tightly.

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
Full or partial hand grip.

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
Yes, a fleshlight, dildo and prostate toy.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
Have used a fleshlight, and when I was younger would rub against pillow or bed.

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
Yes, both, to completion.

Q Have you returned the compliment?

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 6:35 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2012 4:39 pm
Posts: 7
Age: 19
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 3
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 5
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Boxers
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - Had a wet dream, but never woke up to see the time.
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 14 Sep 2012
Sex: Male
Q Age.
A: 19

Q Height.
A: 6'1"

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A: Single, basically straight

Q What country are you from?

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A: White/Caucasian

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
A: Sorry, no.

Q What is your head hair colour?
A: Brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A: Black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A: Pubes, armpits, lower legs, around my nipples, very light chest hair.

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A: Moderate to high amount

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A: Thick & bushy

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A: Untrimmed: 1" high; all the way to where my legs meet my pelvis on the sides.

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A: Yes, and I regretted it. Ingrowns everywhere.

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A: Practically none.

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A: Circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A: Depends on the day and temperature. Usually 2" or so.

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A: Just over 6" BP

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A: No clue, never measured it.

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A: 4.5" circumference

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A: Not terribly much; stays the same size relative to the shaft

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A: Pink

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A: No, the same

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A: Pecans.

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A: Between my legs.

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A: Yes, but I was far too young for any realistic comparison to be made.


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A: 13

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A: Armpit hair.

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A: Armpit hair > voice changes > pubic hair > penis growth > facial hair

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A: Not really

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A: I knew what was going on.

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A: Probably around 16.

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A: No idea.

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A: 16

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A: No clue. I'm still getting more chest hair, so it depends on what you deem "finished".

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A: Relatively slowly.


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A: N/A

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A: N/A

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A: It's not tight enough to cause pain, but there isn't really any "slack".

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A: Depends on the situation & stimulus. I've gone zero to hard in 15 seconds, and other times it's taken (significantly) longer.

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A: You've got my flaccid & erect numbers already; Delta (e-f) = 4"

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A: No idea.

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A: If straight skyward is 0 degrees, then about 80 (10 degrees off horizontal)

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A: Sliiight upward curve.


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A: I think I could give it up, but I'd need some incentive. It's too enjoyable for me not to do it.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A: 14 (late bloomer, I know)

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A: 14, in the same instance as above.

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A: Yes. I was one of the few that paid attention in sex ed.

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A: I figured it out on my own.

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A: I grabbed some lotion, went into the bathroom and pumped away. The first time I did it, I stopped as I was nearing orgasm (it was a new feeling and took me by surprise), but on the second go I pushed through it and came.

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A: Probably about 15 or 16.

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A: Probably once or twice a day, for long periods at a time. (Lots of alone-time at boarding school)

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A: If I "race for the finish", then about a minute. If I edge, that extends it indefinitely.

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A: Daily or every other day.

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A: When I'm alone and/or exercising a lot.

Q When did you last masturbate?
A: About three days ago.

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A: I cued up some porn on my laptop and masturbated dry.

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A: Monday.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A: As long as I have time for. Generally 30-90 minutes

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A: If wet dreams count, then yes. Otherwise, no.

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A: 10-11 days, seeing if I could abstain for a while.

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A: I don't remember; it was months ago and not particularly remarkable.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A: On.

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A: N/A

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A: In the living room of my house after everyone else has gone to bed, or, if I'm at school, in my dorm room.

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A: The "pencil grip". I usually use it because it allows me to masturbate almost silently, as someone else is usually nearby.

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A: Yes.

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A: Yes.

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A: Outside, yes - in the woods. In a public place, no.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A: General horniness, porn-induced arousal, boredom, etc.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A: No.

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A: If happens to be convenient, yes, though it's not always convenient to masturbate whenever/wherever I get an erection.

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A: No.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A: No. I've become very stealthy over the years.

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A: Yes.

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A: Hard enough to pound nails.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A: "Virtually always unless waiting to produce a greater volume a short time in the future." <-that statement was left in when I pasted it, but it works, so I'll leave it in.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A: If it's a quickie, maybe an inch at best. If I've been edging for quite a while, I can hit my upper chest.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A: Never really measured it, but it definitely depends on how long i've been abstaining and/or edging.

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A: 10-14 spasms, though only the first 5 or so will actually produce ejaculate.

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A: Neck & abd tension, knees get weak, and I put on my "O" face.

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A: Tension in my penis/perineum.

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A: Yes.

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A: Not that I can remember, no.

Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A: See above.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A: I'm of mixed-handedness. That is, I write left handed, but do most other things right-handed.

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A: Used to be my right hand (back when I always used lube), though now I use my left hand regardless of whether or not I'm using lube.

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A: Yes, but only rarely. Lotion, silicone personal lubricant, or baby/olive/canola oil are what I use when I do use lube.

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A: Porn on the laptop these days, though I used to use Esquire magazines for stimulation.

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A: Not terribly much, except when I'm about to orgasm or orgasming. When I do orgasm, they pull up very closely to my body.

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A: "Pencil grip", if masturbating dry (I grab mid-shaft and pull the skin up and over my glans, then back down. Repeat as needed). If masturbating with lube, I go "whole handed".

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A: N/A

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A: Nope.

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A: Not that I can remember.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A: I only use my hands.

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A: Yes.

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A: Yes, but she didn't have a penis (read: cunnilingus)

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A: Fire up my laptop, get an erection, find some good porn, and masturbate. Simple and utilitarian.

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A: I still masturbate when I am in a relationship; no, my partner at the time doesn't know.

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A: I doubt it.

 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:23 pm 
Regular Member

Joined: Wed Sep 19, 2012 11:08 pm
Posts: 40
Location: UK Midlands
Age: 52
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 100
Circumcised or Uncut?: Uncut (Intact)
Precum Production: Lots of Precum (more than 4 drops before ejaculation)
Average time to ejaculation normally: 10
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Briefs
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: yes
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: 2-3 hours
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 23 Dec 2012
Sex: Male

Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 52

Q Height.
A 6 ft

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A Widowed (Now single again) Now also Bi

Q What country are you from?
A England

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A White English

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
No sorry never bothered looking for any!

Q What is your head hair colour?
A Dark Brown

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A .Brown

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.
A All over. To much!

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A lots very thick

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A very thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A Grows in a huge thick messy bush as long as I let it!

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A Yes have to shave it off 2 or 3 + times a year just to keep it clean and neat as grows so much

Q How much chest hair do you have?
A Lots

Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A Uncut

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 2 inches

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 6 inches

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A quite thick

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A Seems very thick Never measured this!

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?
A A fair bit

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A Dark cherry red

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A No

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
A Just very average

Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A Up to badly

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A Yes Father smaller .


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A . late15

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A hairs growing every where! My voice deeper! My willy getting more excited as having loads more erections wet dreams started!

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A Hairs voice more erections wet dreams

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A No not a lot we were still just treated as boys in my day! In the UK

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A Was quite well clued up for a boy of that age! Mind no sex education at UK schools in those days but my mum told me all about it! Which in those days was rare mum was very liberal and open and I could talk to her even about sex! And growing up pains etc.
Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 17 to 18

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A 17 to 18

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 17 /18

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A 17 or even 18

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?
A No idea! Was quite a late starter I think! Was not painful in fact hardly noticed anything to busy playing all sorts of sports to bother then.


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?
A No not all the time but if I have a huge stiffy yes goes back on its own then!

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?
A Like a brick or rock!

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?
A No

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A Totally depends what's getting me excited even at my age he can still go up fast if something does it for me!

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A Just under 4 inches

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?
A About average

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A upright

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?
A Yes slight curve to my tummy


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A No could never give it up now I'm single again! And find I get stressed out if I don't masturbate! Don't do it out of habit but to me its a great release of sexual tension and feeling which I need I have no problems with it in a balanced life style in fact it does you good I think.

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A a few days of my 16 birthday told you I was a late one.

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A I had a few night wet dreams when I was 15

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A Yes as this was / had been talked about at the all boys Grammar school I went to plus as I say my mum had filled me in what might happen. I was one of the last boys of my age to masturbate I think just never felt like doing it but I had been having wet dreams. But being at night the first wet dream I had I remember I awoke with this lovely feeling deep inside and a huge stiffy ! I thought I was going to do a wee in the bed but it felt more lovely than that and I could not stop it coming anyway I shot my first load on my fingers it felt fantastic just drifted back off to sleep only in the morning did I realise what had taken place! I felt a warm glow all over and a big boy at last told my close mates at school most were jealous as not had a wet dream most were masturbating hard by this time mind..

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A My mum brought me some silky nylon briefs very fashionable at the time in the 1970's very silky just felt good rubbing my self through these. The start of my masturbation!

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A In silky pants did not intend or start out as a masturbation session I was in my bedroom looking at one of my dads old 60's porn mags looking at a a couple of pages of a topless very big tits young blonde in very tight 60's red nylon ski pants shot my first load in those lovely pants.. Looking back I was quite surprise how quick it all happened.
Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 17 18 19!!!!!

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A at least once or more a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A Depends if I want a quickie just a few short min's then but sometimes I can go on a real long time starting and stopping etc.

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A Now 2 times a week about.

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A Just as I get in to bed or evening .

Q When did you last masturbate?
A Sunday night just gone 16/09/2012

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A A quickie in bed having a lovely fantasie about a big titted girl I know!

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A Could not say when I next feel like it.

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A As I say I can make an evening of it or it can all be over in about 4 min's depends how I feel

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A Yes had many wet dreams! Now still if I don't masturbate say for a couple of weeks I will almost certainly have a wet dream sooner or later sometimes I don't rub my self of so as just to have one again.

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A when my wife was very ill and dying went months it was all to stress full and so sad just did not feel like it or could not get an erection anyway to upset did not even wet dream only little bits of pre cum in this time..

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A I had never seen so much cum shoot out my willy plus I had 3 or 4 cums in about an hour! I then slept solid for about 15 hours after that right through.

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A Both sometimes I dress up in sports kit to masturbate these days love tight Lycra!

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?
A No not all the time.

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A In the privacy of my own home these days.

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (e.g. simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A I have tried the lot in all my years! But for a quickie its full hand job

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A Yes often still do did with my late wife even before digital using old 35mm film used to develop those myself then.Tis very sexy!

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?
A. No hate anything anal

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A Did it many times as a late teen on the beach in the sand dunes as lived by the sea and a deserted very remote beach also done it in the sea in my Speedos as a teenager.

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A Lovely sexy thoughts.

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A God No. Not when you get to 52 come on.

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A No way. Still have to many

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?
A No only do it when I happily relaxed at home these days that's it.

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A Yes by my mum as a teenager standing in the bath I had my Speedos on which I had also peed in She was great about it! No fuss was made at all in fact I think she kind of like seeing me like that called me her little man after that!

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A Yes.

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A Just before I cum these days just goes less hard.

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A Yes can't seem to help doing any other.

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A For an oldie still a good few inches 6 to 8 maybe.use to shoot out a long way in my youth.

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . 3 or 4 good shoots

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A lots still!

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A Think my face goes like Mr Bean these days and I give an odd whimper or O yes at the point of know return is hit. And I know my cum is on the way and can't stop it.

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A Just that wonderful full on lovely feeling all over! Come on you know it surly.

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
A Yes you have a bucket I often need one! Loads

Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes did nothing for me! But love the smell mind like a fresh cut hay field I think.
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes.Did nothing for me again not my thing

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A . Can use both hands

Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A Mainly my right but can do it with left as well.

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A No never have pre cum to much!

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A Some times! I love to see girls weeing there knickers or big tits that gets me going still
Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A Quite a lot.

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A uncut so does not apply

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A hand job foreskin gliding over glans wicked feeling no one should ever lose there foreskin they don't know what they have missed!

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A . God No why would I want to do that. pray!

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A I do now I'm single again have a Tenga which is lovely sometimes the closest I have found to a reall pussy but still miles off but good.

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A I'm sure as a teen I tried it all from bog roll tubes to blow up water wings

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A Yes my late wife she had a wonderful hand technique also use to give me the most mind blowing tit wanks ever between her 34DD tits! Boys you have never lived if you have never shot you load of cum on a bit pair of girly mountains! That was mind blowing for me.

Q Have you returned the compliment?
A Yes.

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A Sorry that's still very private!

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner knows or not?
A was married for many years but still MB at odd times but now widowed back to more again my only sex at moment

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?
A No always just thought I was petty normal! Mind with sex what is normal!

Best wishes


 Post subject: Re: A LONG SURVEY
PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2012 2:57 am 
User avatar

Joined: Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:22 am
Posts: 20
Age: 20
Number of wet dreams you've experienced: 0
Circumcised or Uncut?: Circumcised (Cut)
Precum Production: No Precum
Average time to ejaculation normally: 4
Underwear worn when going to sleep.: Nude - no underwear
Have you ever had a spontaneous ejaculation?: no
If you've had a wet dream before, when did it occur after falling asleep?: N/A - never had a wet dream before
Date that you last had an ejaculation: 21 Sep 2012
Sex: Male
Please give as much detail as possible and where necessary expand on related topics.

Q Age.
A 20

Q Height.
A 5' 9

Q Status(single, married, partner, gay, straight, bisexual).
A single straight

Q What country are you from?
A usa

Q What is your ethnic origin?
A white

Q Can you recommend any masturbation sites that give techniques and stories about this loved pastime.
lush stories

Q What is your head hair colour?
A black

Q What is your pubic hair colour?
A .black

Q Where do you have body hair? (Pubic/Chest/Back/Legs etc.

Q How much pubic hair do you have?
A trimed

Q How thick is your pubic hair?
A not thick

Q Describe how high and wide your pubic hair grows from the base of your Penis?
A 3 inc

Q Have you ever shaved your pubic hair?
A once

Q How much chest hair do you have?
Q Are you circumcised/un-circumcised?
A circumcised

Q What size is your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 4 in

Q What size is your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 7 in

Q What is the girth of your Penis when non erect (limp)?
A 4

Q What is the girth of your Penis when erect (hard)?
A 6

Q How much bigger does the head (glans) of your Penis turn during an erection?

Q What colour does the head (glans) of your Penis turn when it becomes erect?
A pink

Q Is the colour of your Penis different to your normal skin colour and if so what colour?
A darker skined

Q What size are your testicles (balls)?
Q Normally do your Testicles (balls) hang low between your legs or tight up against your body?
A low

Q Have you ever seen another male member of your family naked. If yes was their Penis erect and was it bigger/smaller than yours?
A .yes same


Q What age were you when you first saw signs you were reaching puberty?
A .11

Q What were the first signs you saw that you were reaching puberty?
A voice

Q Please give details as to the order in which the changes at puberty happened to you?
A idk

Q Did you often look at yourself during puberty to see how you were changing?
A no

Q Were you aware what the changes in your body were , or was it a shock to you?
A yes

Q What age were you when your Penis stopped growing and and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 18

Q What age were you when your Testicles stopped growing and had they the same appearance as they so now?
A 18

Q What age were you when your pubic hair stopped growing and had it the same appearance as it does now?
A 18

Q What age were you when you finished puberty?
A idk

Q Did you go through puberty quickly or slowly?


Q If you are not circumcised, does your foreskin retract (roll back) on it's own when you have an erection and does it still cover the head of your Penis?

Q If your foreskin retracts during erection, how hard is your erection before this happens?

Q If you are circumcised do you have any loose skin on the shaft of your Penis, when you have an erection and is it tight from the head of your Penis down the shaft?

Q When you have an erection, normally how fast does your Penis become erect?
A 30 sec

Q When you have an erection how much longer does your Penis become?
A 3 in

Q When you have an erection how much fatter does your Penis become?

Q At what angle does your erect Penis point (this must be when you are standing up)?
A 45

Q Are there any bends or curves in your Penis?


Q Do you think that you could ever give masturbation up, do you think it is necessary to do it, do you do it through habit?
A no need it

Q How old were you when you first masturbated to orgasm?
A 9

Q How old were you when you first ejaculated?
A 11

Q Did you know what happened when you first ejaculated?
A yes

Q How did you learn to masturbate?
A cousin showed me

Q Give details of your first masturbation session to orgasm?
A i dont remember

Q At what age do you think you masturbated the most?
A 16

Q At this age, approx how often did you masturbate?
A 4 a day

Q How long, on average, before you ejaculate (cum)?
A 4 min

Q How often do you normally masturbate?
A 2 times a day

Q At what time do you masturbate more than others?
A .night

Q When did you last masturbate?
A friday 21 2012

Q Please give details of your last masturbation session?
A watching porn in my dorm room

Q When are you likely to masturbate again?
A after my first wet dream

Q How long do your masturbation sessions tend to last?
A 5 min

Q Have you ever ejaculated without touching your Penis?
A no

Q What is the longest time you have gone without masturbating and why was this?
A week i was at scout camp and wanted to see if i can

Q When you masturbated again what happened at this particular masturbation session?
A felt very good and there was a lot of cum

Q Do you normally masturbate with your clothes on or off?
A both

Q If you masturbate with your clothes off have you already got an erection, and if not do you get one whilst you are removing your clothes?

Q Where do you normally masturbate?
A bed or infront of computer

Q What is your preferred masturbation technique (eg simple "full handed", rubbing against the bed, etc.).
A full hand

Q Have you ever taken pictures/videos of yourself while erect and masturbating?
A yes

Q Have you ever stimulated your prostate (by inserting your finger up your anus)?

Q Have you ever masturbated outside or in a public place? Please give details.
A no

Q What normally makes you want to masturbate?
A seeing hot pic

Q Do you always have an erection before you masturbate?
A no

Q If it is convenient does getting an erection always lead to masturbation?
A no

Q If it is not convenient to masturbate when you get the urge, do you try and find somewhere to do it, please tell us one of your experiences?

Q Have you ever been caught masturbating and if so what happened?
A no

Q Have you ever seen another male masturbating?
A yes

Q How hard does your Penis become before and during ejaculation?
A very hard

Q Do you always masturbate to climax?
A no

Q When you orgasm, how far does your semen (cum) normally (shoot)?
A to my face

Q How much semen (cum) do you normally ejaculate (shoot)?
A . alot

Q How many ejaculation spasms do you normally have when you orgasm (cum)?
A 6

Q When you orgasm what happens to your body (face, moans, arching, leg tension)?
A red face tighten muscle

Q What are the first signs that you are getting close to ejaculating (orgasm)?
A fell it in balls

Q Do you have any pre-cum before and/or during masturbation?
Q Have you ever tasted your own cum? What did you think?
.yes it was salty
Q Have you ever swallowed your own cum? What did you think?
A Yes.

Q Are you right or left-handed?
A .
Q If you use a hand to masturbate, which one is it?
A right

Q Do you regularly or occasionally use any kind of lubricant? If yes, which do you use?
A no

Q Do you ever use any kind of stimulus (porn etc.)?
A porn facebook pics

Q How much do your Testicles (balls) retract up against your body during masturbation?
A somewat

Q If you are circumcised, what method of masturbation do you normally use?
A full hand

Q If you are un-circumcised,what method of masturbation do you normally use?

Q Can you put your Penis in your mouth?
A .no

Q Do you, or have you ever, used any kind of "toy" while masturbating? If yes, please describe.
A no

Q Apart from the use of hands, what other methods do you use to masturbate, do you put your Penis into tubes of various sorts?
A nothing

Q Have you been masturbated be another person, a, by hand, b, with lips and /or to completion?
A no but want to

Q Have you returned the compliment?

Q Please give details of a typical masturbation session?
A i look at porn and masturbate to many vids then find one i want to cum to and then cum

Q If you are in a relationship, do you still masturbate on your own or does your partner know or not?
A never had a relationship

Q Is there anything about your masturbation sessions that you think might be unique to you?

have any tips to get a girlfriend? I never had one.

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